My Suffering, Your Thrill

Etoile Lefevre

Well-Known Member
Aspen Wand 13 1/3" Essence of Hippogriff Talon
Etoile Lefevre slowly felt her sweaty back meet the wall behind her and stun her with it's coolness before she sank down to the floor and rested her head on her knees for a moment. Her body was aching and her head felt like a ton of bricks had been placed on top of it. For the past few hours or Etoile had been sicker than a dog and it wasn't until just less than ten minute's or so ago that she actually stopped vomiting up pretty much everything her poor stomach could hold inside of it. What she has done to force herself to become so sick was a mystery but whatever the source was, happened to do a good job at actually making her feel weak and tired. Not even after she had been chained up by Hades for days did she feel this horrible, and that was another one of her worst experiences. Well okay it wasn't the actual worst but she tried to tell herself that to save her thoughts from starting to accept Hades into her life. It was now Mid March and Etoile had been living with him for awhile, much to her dismay. The vow was in tact and no matter how much she tried to tell herself that it wasn't, it was and always would be. Etoile had made a mistake long ago. The mistake of taking an interest in her boogie man. If Hades had never been spotted by her that unfortunate night then she might have never follow him around and took an interest in his being. They never would have met and he never would have taken her to that place where she was revealed to be a fraud in disguise and things got heated between them. If she had better resistance skills she wouldn't have dug her own grave that night, it was all her fault and the suffering she went through was all of fate's way of laughing at her stupidity. This is what she deserved. Though Etoile wasn't sure how she was going to handle living with Hades for an eternity, because as long as she was living that vow bound her to him. There was no way she opted to just choose death eater because there was a lot she still hadn't done yet. But there had to be a way to cope with the feelings she had. If she lived with this hate it would wear her thin. But she didn't want to let herself be comfortable with him either. He was the master at ruining her life. He took her from her home, violated her in so many ways, and forced her to live here with him because he has some sort of sick fascination with her. Etoile felt another lurch in her stomach and prayed that she would not be sick again. But the coolness of the wall and floor allowed her to relax as she tried to gather her bearings. Her body felt weak and tired but she was eager to get up and get herself a bottle of water or something. Etoile did not want to get dehydrated from this. Another few minute's passed and the Nausea seemed to leave her. At least for now anyways. Etoile pushed herself so she was standing back up and bit her lip, that felt so disgusting. Her thin body wandered over to sink were she was able to splash some cold water onto her face. It didn't really help her appearance but it did cool her off a little. A touch up or two and Etoile looked much better and mostly back to normal. Now to get some water and hopefully head back to her bedroom without being bothered so she could crawl into bed and pass out.

Once she left the bathroom she noticed that it wasn't even that late in the evening, dinner might even be soon if she was awake that long. But Etoile didn't want to have to look at Hades. Maybe she'd say hi to his daughter if she saw her lurking about. Etoile had taken quite a liking to the little girl. However, when it came to Hades she just became confused. Her brain told her not to trust him and to keep on hating him with all that she possibly could. But her heart was telling her something different and just wasn't sure what she wanted to follow. He treated her much more kindly than others had, and he was similar to her. But he had ruined so much for her. So how was she supposed to feel for him? 'I'll just keep hating him for now. That bastard has poked far too deep in my life.' Etoile's bare feet carried her down to the kitchen where she glanced around for a moment. She barely registered anything but getting herself a bottle of water. Once she had the chilled bottle in her hand she froze and noticed that there was a women there. Etoile's silvery green eyes narrowed before she shook her head and intended to head back upstairs, before Hades popped up or the woman decided to be annoying too. One could not help but notice how similar she looked to the pale man Etoile had come to hate so passionately. It made her curious but she tried to fight it and kept going. Maybe if she kept up this pace she would make it out of the kitcheb without a problem.​
Valefaria Baronova had very limited access outside of Lukas' home, but she did say a region where Kasura could be located, which was why she was allowed to go to Hades' home when he requested for her to come and see what he had done. She did not really know what he had done at all. Valefaria used the means of flooing into the home of Hades' Lutrov where she was greeted by the lovely Vritra. She hugged her aunt, whom was holding little Warren, his purple eyes shining. Warren was getting up there in age, surpassing the age of one, but Valefaria was attached to her baby boy. He had dark hair, and pale skin. He looked like a handsome mixture of Valefaria and Lukas, and Valefaria was growing more and more attached to him with each passing month. She just did not want to accept it. She missed killing, and she missed doing what she had been doing for the longest time. Valefaria raised her hands up a bit, adjusting Warren on her hips, as he played with her mass of black hair. Her indigo eyes darted as she told Vritra to get Hades for her because she was here, and she did not know what she wanted to do yet, or even why she was here. She knew that Hades was with a woman, but she thought that he had left Anastasia a long time ago. I just hope that we can find something here, for a baby to eat anyway. Oh yeah, Lukas helped me pick some baby food.

The woman glanced from side to side as she conjured a chair for Warren to sit in, and then gave him some baby food, which he was hellbent on trying to feed himself. Which he was good at doing anyway. Warren had yet to show any magic but it was not really concerning her anyway. Warren managed to take the spoon from Valefaria and started feeding himself. Her eyes went down for a moment, before she heard some footsteps. She glanced up to see another woman, and her eyes narrowed. Valefaria stood up, her black robes waving around her, and she wondered who this woman was, as she was definitely not Anastasia. Valefaria had been too far off cut from the world, she barely knew what month it was anymore. Valefaria decided to at least see who she was anyway, with calling out after she started to leave, "Who are you and where is Hades?" Her eyebrow raised slightly, and being part of his blood, she was not really intimidated by much anyway. That and she raised herself to be cold, but she was protective over her son. She was glad that she was not going to be pregnant anytime soon. She would need to have sex for that, and she had not had it in a long time. Even though, she was really starting to crave it now.
Etoile remained standing silently in the kitchen just staring at the woman who seemed to appear out of nowhere, mostly because she didn't trust anyone who showed up around here. Because it meant that unless they were burglars coming here for prized possessions, they were involved with Hades and that could only be trouble for her. Once the women's eyes narrowed Etoile had had enough and figured it would just be best if she left and got away before there was a fight or some major tension forming while she was as sick feeling as she was. A hand went to her head to brush aside some hair but before she could reach the doorway and head back upstairs the women addressed her. It made her stop because she was question about her own identity as well as where Hades was. Etoile figured in the first place that the women was here to see Hades but actually having someone as where he was seemed like a whole different story to her. But she wasn't sure why anyone would want to see him at this time of night to begin with. Casually turning her body around to face the women, whom she now noticed had a baby with her and looked quite beautiful. "It doesn't matter who I am." Etoile replied, her voice cold and icy as she stared at the women with no emotion on her face. Her long black hair cascaded down and around her shoulders as those silvery greens remained locked on the women's form. She would have remained silent and staring at the woman but she started to feel hot and sick to her stomach again. Once again she was left feeling like she was dying from the inside out or something. Not even seconds ticked by before Etoile dropped the water bottle on the kitchen floor and booked it towards the nearest bathroom. Which she barely made it to before she began to throw up violently once again. The nasty bile kept coming too it seemed like because it took around fifteen to ten minute's before she felt alright enough to walk back over to the sink, wash her face and mouth to rid the taste and the warm feeling. That took a couple more minute's and although she was still fighting some nausea, Etoile heading back into the kitchen and picked up the water bottle. Sighing gently she rested her back against the counter and put a hand to her mouth. Feeling sick still she managed to fight it back and breathed out. Her body wanted rest but her stomach and her mind told her to stay up. Especially because now she had grown curious about this woman. Who was she and what was she doing here? Was she someone Etoile needed to be concerned about.

"I don't know where he is, and I don't care. In fact I prefer he stays away until I can stay well long enough to fall asleep." Etoile responded rudely. Although she was beginning to think she might have something in that cold heart of hers for him. But then again whenever she did see him she was filled with a flurry of emotion. Anger was usually the one that ended up being the most powerful. Because of what he did to her she no longer was able to make her own decisions and able to make up whether she could fall in love and make children with a man of her own choosing. Hades made it so that no matter what happens he would be involved in the picture and he would be part of her life. Suddenly a thought came to Etoile, one that made her become just that much angrier about everything that was going on. Was this woman one of Hades' lovers? Because she knew he had one, and she looked like the type of person he would go for, was that his child? "Are you one of Hades' lovers? Because if you are I beg of you...please take him back!!" Actually there was a part of her, the jealous part of her that wanted to crush that woman's windpipe or something violent and cruel. But the jealously didn't last long because Etoile remembered that Hades was at perfect liberty to screw whomever he wanted and when he wanted. The only agreement was that she had to remain solo. Etoile knew she was going to go through the rest of her life lonely and unable to find a soulmate. At least Hades was trying to find this though. Etoile started to feel sick again.​
Valefaria simply thought that Warren was being too smart for his own good when it came to feeding himself. She noticed that the woman that she inquired to whom it was, seemed really cold and icy which did not in the least bit bother the woman. She shrugged and went back to her own business when it came to Warren. She was waiting on her brother anyway. She moved her long, straight black hair from her shoulders before she stood up and cleaned the mess her son made. She had no idea that this woman was the one that had Hades all infatuated with. If she had known, she would have taken more of an interest in her to see how she was with her brother and everything. However, seeing as she did not even know the woman's name, as well as Hades not even bothering to tell her. She was sure that her brother was lurking about somewhere. Valefaria took a notice in how her eyes were colored and never once seen a color like that, and that is the type of response that one would seem to receive from her when she looked at someone in their eyes. Her own - well, she could not call him a boyfriend or anything, had a different sort of eyes and shade. Warren had inherited both of their color, so if they were to have another child, it would be guaranteed that she or he would have purple eyes as well. Valefaria raised an eyebrow when the woman raced off to the bathroom and then, Valefaria could probably guess that she was pregnant. She had seen and lived through the symptoms. Valefaria wondered if the woman even knew that she was pregnant, and she smirked lightly as she thought that her brother must have knocked up yet another. However, there seemed to be less children around, so he must have done away with those horrid twins. Keeping them around would have done the man more harm than good. At least that wretched woman was also out of his life for good as well. The twins would have given her no more hope to live.

"I'll accept that answer," said Valefaria as her eyes wondered to the doorways for a moment, before shifting over to the woman once more. "However, I don't think that you will be able to stay well for a while anyway; assuming that you are pregnant. I would get checked, just so you know." Valefaria walked around for a moment, her robes sweeping around her lean body before she too went to the fridge and got out a bottle of soda, and opened it with ease. She took a sip and she never once took her eyes from the woman. Valefaria too was mis-trusting of just about anyone and everyone. It was how she was raised, to be mis-trusting as that was how she had set herself up for. She drank a little more of her soda before she looked over at her son who seemed to be watching the two women with interest. Those two must be amusing for little Warren. She smiled down at her son, a warming smile that looked like it did not belong on her usually cold face before she glanced over one more at the woman. Her question to Valefaria made her almost gag, but she gave the woman a look as if she had grown a second head; one of pure shock and disgust. Valefaria shook her head and she muttered, "Don't make me sick. Hades is my brother, and that is not his child, that would be his nephew. I'm not really into incest relationships, thanks." Just her tone of voice would indicate that she was telling nothing but the truth on that. Surely one could see that they looked like they had come from the same mother at least. Which was how they were related to begin with. But the way that she said that, it seemed like she was Hades' new lover. "So, you are the one that he is so...charmed for. A nice change though, all the other women seemed too in love with him, and this is vice versa," mused Valefaria, but she did not see just how far Hades had gone just to keep the woman here.
Etoile was thankful that the woman was going to accept her answer and not press on the question of who she was and everything. It was a pet peeve of the dark haired beauty, to be questioned and have her personal life invaded by someone she barely knew. That was sort of what had happened between her and Hades a long time ago and look at the situation it got her into. Etoile was stuck here with a man she could barely stand and it seemed like he had little to no intention of letting her go anywhere close to being away from him either. Because of him she no longer chose to have people get close to knowing anything about her without her choosing to let them know, which meant that she needed to be more guarded around others since she wasn't even sure how much her actions alone gave alone. Because even though she had told him nothing and tried her best to give away little, Hades managed to find many vital things about her. Like how she loved the scent of blood and Vanilla. That rose petals were a weakness of hers, where she lived, how she became relaxed when people held her close and ran fingers through her hair. No one else had ever been able to figure that out yet she had told him nothing and he knew everything. Was she really that obvious to read or was there something to Hades that made it possible for him to know all of this. Etoile ceased her thoughts about the pale faced man that she hated so and lifted the bottle of water she had in her hands towards her lips. But she paused and immediately narrowed her eyes and lowered the bottle when the woman accused her of being pregnant because of the symptoms she was showing. Was this woman out of her mind or something? Capping the bottle and setting it behind her. If there was one thing in this world she knew she didn't need right now, it was this. There was only one man she had been with during her entire lifetime so if she was then she would easily be able to tell who the father was. "That's impossible, women in my family rarely ever conceive! And I was sure that I-........HADES!" Etoile snarled viciously as she slammed a few objects to the ground. Oh he had better have really done what she think he had. Because if that was the case she was going to rip him apart, limb by limb then set the dirty carcass on fire. She stomped her way over to the stairs and yelled his name again, more loudly this time. He probably wasn't going to come down which was good for him. Of course there was a chance that she wasn't but she figured that Hades might have an idea. He was a dead man though, absolutely fricken dead! Log black hair flowed around her as she returned her place against the counter.

"Your brother, hm? Do I feel sorry for you then. He sleeps around a lot though form what I have heard so I wouldn't know if you were another one or not." Etoile muttered as her small pale hands gripped into tight little fists. So tightly she was sure she would draw blood because of the force behind it. Now that one mentioned it, the woman did look a lot like Hades. But since Etoile wasn't focusing on her looks at first it would be a little difficult to notice. Plus she preferred to try and pretend that she wasn't meeting his family. It meant that she was becoming more involved in his life and she didn't want that to ever be a circumstance for her. "Well no matter, I still think you should take him back. He's highly annoying and doesn't take no for an answer. I am definitely not interested in him either, I'd rather die." Etoile muttered with a roll of her silvery green eyes. Hades didn't give her the freedom she had wanted from the beginning and because she didn't get it, she didn't know if there was ever a way for them to get closer. The unbreakable vow held Etoile there and as far as she was concerned too, it was the only thing that was keeping her there. More nausea washed over Etoile and she started to wonder if there was going to be any way to curve the feeling. Maybe some peppermint or raspberry tea. Or a nice tummy rub from someone she didn't want to strangle.​
After putting Vritra down for a nap, Hades was in his basement, looking at his own copy of the family tree. A smirk was curled across his features handsomely, his dark hair in heavy contrast against his white, smooth skin that curved around his bones and muscles. He noticed another woman on his family tree, connected to his name with two lines extending down meaning that she was pregnant. Only this time, pregnant with twins. The tree could only predict twins and one single child, no more than that. Hades was sure that he could never produce more than that especially with someone that he had worked so hard just to get pregnant. He had never worked so hard and he could say that he was honestly tired. He did not think that he would ever have sexual intercourse for months to come, though the only eyes that he had for was only for Etoile, and he never screwed a pregnant woman. It made him feel all uncomfortable that he is messing around with someone that has his son or daughter inside. Or both depending on if Etoile would really have twins in her case. Hades glanced up when he heard someone enter his home, and he stepped from his family tree and ascended the stairs from his basement that was hidden to most eyes except those that he preferred. The trench coat flowed behind him like a cape in the wind, though the weapons inside were completely silent. The coat itself could be supply an army with many weapons, though none of them were firearms. He preferred something metal to take his victims' lives. To see every ounce of fear that ran through their minds and eyes before they died in his hands. He knew people more like that, because the true personality showed in the hearts when they were an inch from Death. Hades loved that feeling, and seeing the fear from Gabrielle and Colton were enough to keep him from killing them both. Hades did not care who they were as long as he got his way and had some fun with them, he would continue on to do as he pleased.

It was a fact that no one could control Hades except for only two people in the family, and that was his father and his grandfather. He would listen to no one else if they gave him orders. Giving him favors was a little different however because he accepted them. He willed the favors from people half the time, to want to see exactly what they truly needed. They needed something hardcore done if they were asking for Hades' help. Everyone knew that. Hades closed the door to his basement before he watched his sister cross the room and then go into the kitchen. Hades pressed his back against the wall, completely unhidden as he heard the conversation. He smirked lightly when Etoile accused Valefaria of being one of Hades' former lovers, which would be beyond sick. Hades would never do such a thing. Now if they were not related...even then he would not. Besides, she belonged to Lukas, which Hades thought was rather odd considering the fact that neither seemed to be interested into a commitment and yet they had been together longer than Etoile and himself have been - though they were not even a couple. Hades listened as Valefaria pointed out that Etoile was acting as though she were pregnant and was not too surprised by it. Hades knew that it would happen at some point, but it took him long enough to do the job actually. And Etoile seemed to have lost it when she too realized that she was pregnant. Now that was why he was getting her so much in the sheets, as he wanted her to have his kids, name them after his family and all that. He gave her a spawn that she wanted, and well, she got an extra. Hades smirked even more as he stepped from the shadows, emerging and his eyes went straight to Etoile and he countered with a maliciously devious smirk, "Strong words coming from a woman pregnant with my children that was not formed by rape." Hades knew that he would receive something from that, but he did not care. He could overpower a woman easily. He proved it many times in the past. He turned his attention to Valefaria and he greeted his sister, "Hey there, Valefaria, and Warren. How's Lukas keep you? See you met Etoile."
Valefaria raised an eyebrow, and she wondered if the woman would even know. She seemed to have the signs, but there was really very few ways to tell how someone was pregnant. Then there was the woman saying that she could rarely conceive, and then narrowed her indigo eyes when it seemed to have clicked. Warren jumped a little in surprise when the woman yelled, but he just made a soft sound before going back to feeding himself. Valefaria mused, Makes me wonder why Hades would choose such a loud and hateful woman. Then again, it is a nice change from what he normally has. Valefaria shrugged lightly, and waited for the woman to come back to realize that she would not find Hades unless he wanted to be found. Though he was probably itching to come out and see the women now. He had to be around, and she could just feel the presence of another in the room, or just listening in, so he was around here somewhere. She just new that he was. Valefaria glanced up once more to see that the woman was realizing that she was his brother, and that Hades slept around a lot. That was just half true anyway. But she did not want to keep up with his sex life. He was married before, engaged another and now he was moving on to this woman. And that happened in a span of three years. Hades, she guessed, was a desirable man but she also wondered where she heard that bit of information from. "Who told you that he does, just out of curiosity." Valefaria tapped her fingers against the counter, and wondered if the woman just assumed that Hades did, or that someone actually told her about him, which would be likely depending on who associated with her. There was also the number of children that he had to consider as well. Hades the Second, Kaia whom was adopted, Vritra, the twins that he killed, and the two girls that he had from that Anastasia girl.

"Honey, I can't take him back. We aren't close, and this is his house, so he does have every right to be here. Besides, Lukas and Hades in a room together would be insane. Why don't you le-" Valefaria was cut off when Warren decided to throw a spoon across the floor and he started laughing. Valefaria sighed and knew that her son was finished eating by this point, and made the spoon vanish with a lazy flick of her wand. Warren tried to go for that, but she put her wand away too fast. Babies like that were what the woman had to get used to if she was indeed pregnant. Her indigo eyes heard another set of footsteps for a second, before she peered up to see her older brother. Hades just confirmed that she was pregnant, but the way that was said, it was not only something that seemed almost cocky, but it was just confusing. Valefaria was under the impression that the woman hated him, and if she was not forcibly...conceiving with Hades, then why would she be willing to do something with a man that she hated? Valefaria thought that either Hades was really good at seducing her, or there was more than what her eyes could see. And then Hades mentioned Lukas and she narrowed her eyes at him, and knew for a fact that he knew that she was unable to just leave him, but now that she had stayed with him for so long, she did not think that she would actually leave him so willingly now. Valefaria snapped, "Keeping me well, now. Unless I give him the information he needs, I won't be able to kill anymore, which I think I am getting rusty on. Perhaps I should torture you so I won't lose my touch, brother." Valefaria smirked deviously, which was eerily like Hades'.
The woman asked Etoile how she knew and she merely told the woman that just by listening to him talk it was easy to tell that he had slept around at one point. Well to be honest she wasn't sure if he was like that now. He was always here with her and it seemed that before she was imprisoned here that he was always too busy following her around like a lost puppy dog. Perhaps he had changed his ways the moment she came into his life or something all sweet, soppy, and lame like that? It made Etoile's stomach churn and she rolled her eyes at herself. God did she hate that man for all of this. "Well it was wishful thinking." Etoile sighed and lifted her hand to brush it through some of her hair and look down at the floor. Well if she couldn't take him away maybe she could take Etoile away. The midnight haired beauty wasn't picky. Just getting away sounded nice. It sounded kind of wrong too, like she had grow used to this place. But she just convinced herself that it was due to Hades' brainwashing that she was even thinking like that at all. "Well at least take me with you then. I'd love to get away from here, but unfortunately Hades won't let me leave. I'm bound to him through an unbreakable vow that I was forced to go through. I hate it here." Etoile explained to the woman. She didn't know why she bothered to tell anyone about this because they most likely weren't going to be able to help her. Even if they could get her away they could not help her fix her life without her dying in the end. She could not run and she could not move on with another person. Hades had taken it it all away and without any thought of whether she wanted him to or not. He had the right to stay here all he wanted but he did not have the right to trap her here because he liked to mess around with her or something weird like that. When the little boy the woman brought with her threw a spoon across the floor and laughed, Etoile tensed up. Would that be her job to pick the spoon up soon enough. Hades probably knew better that this would happen. Somehow he planned this entire little lifestyle she was being forced to live and Etoile sort of wanted to stab him in the throat repeatedly. If she could curse herself for stupid decisions in her life it would h ave been the one where she started to follow him. God the only thing possibly worse that what he had already done to her thankfully had not happened yet. Etoile would do everything within her power to make sure she never married him. She would rather die a painful death than because his wife, she'd probably get killed if she was in that position anyways.

Soon, Hades himself appeared and Etoile allowed her silvery green orbs to narrow not only at him but the words that left his mouth. He always knew how to get under her skin didn't he? It made Etoile nervous because now that she was pregnant and he had what he seemed to want, would he kill her now? "You seduced me you stupid bastard. God, I hate you." Etoile trudged past Hades making sure she rammed into him with her bony shoulder. Then she stomped her way upstairs to get changed into something that wasn't considered night clothes or that might be free from evidence that she had been sick. She hated feeling dirty. Etoile returned back downstairs dressed in one of her favorite dresses.Oddly enough she figured it might be one of Hades' too. She came back downstairs to grab her water bottle and give Hades one last glare before she weren't back to her room and cleaned like mad. She tried to ignore the fact that he had told the woman her name. "I'll just leave you two to catch up, I'm not really big on family gatherings anyways." She stated with a roll of her eyes. Etoile hadn't been with a family since her brother died when she was sixteen. She had been all alone since then so she wasn't as civilized as she could probably be. Without another word she stepped passed Hades again.​
With a roll of his eyes, and a smirk upon those white lips, Hades could not help but staring down his sister and he murmured dangerously, "We all know good and well who rules at the game of torture, dear sister. I have an army of instruments that I could very well use upon you." Hades watched as his sister moved her head in a sharp motion, obviously a little angry that he even dared to lock Etoile into an Unbreakable Vow. He knew what he wanted, and now he had Etoile firm in his grasps. He wanted no one else but her. Despite the fact that she may hate him, he did not care or mind because she was everything else. Hades watched as Valefaria with his eyes for a moment, seeing as he did not trust her yet because of Lukas Malkov and all. He would not assist her in helping escape, and figured that she would be spiteful and may even see if she could get Etoile to go with her. Hades would not be having that. Etoile and Valefaria could very well team up on him, or she could somehow find a way through and around the Unbreakable Vow. Hades could not risk it, and would not have those two staying together alone for too long. When Etoile pulled that card on him, Hades laughed coldly, and he pointed out with a cool tone, "Yet, I was not the one screaming out my name during those times too. I guess you liked it." Hades turned his attention to Valefaria for a moment, before Etoile went to clean herself off from what he could hear in the house anyway. The brother and sister spoke, and how Valefaria was starting to feel something for Lukas, but did not want to. Hades pointed that out to her that she may be falling in love, but that ended up having something thrown at him, a small decorative vase that smashed on the floor. Everything seemed to be getting broken today, and Hades would have to replace it all. But he also told her how it was weird that Hades had gone to the extremes that he had for the woman named Etoile Lefevre.

Speaking of the devil, Etoile appeared once more in Hades' favorite dress, one that he had actually put on her once. Hades smirked once more before he and Valefaria wrapped it up, and it was not too long until she was gone. For now at least, as she had to take Warren back to Lukas. Hades had something for Etoile Lefevre, something that he had been busy looking for ever since he kind of invaded her privacy. Something that Hades thought would butter her up more but he probably should not tell her that she was pregnant with not just one child, but two. He hoped that there would not be more than that, as he could not handle that. Hades made sure that the silence was all through the home, before he departed from the kitchen and then followed the direct path into Etoile's bedroom, where his onyx eyes worshiped her being sitting down on the bed. She was not facing him, so that was a good thing. Hades had removed his trench coat before he came in here, wearing the black tee shirt and matching black jeans. He reached into his pocket and withdrew a necklace. He hoped that this was the one that she spoke of in her journal. The one that was once her mother's before her brother and his Auror wh*re of a wife took it from her. This better be the necklace because he had to dig through someone's grave just to find it, and remove it from the casket and from the decaying hands. He thought that he could never get the smell of rotten, decaying carcass from the necklace but he had. Slowly, Hades approached Etoile, and with a smooth motion, leaned over her and slipped the necklace around her neck from behind. He snapped it shut and he murmured, "I figured that this would cheer you up just a little bit. I hope I did not destroy someone else's slumber for the wrong necklace." Odd the lengths he would go just to make one single person pleased. Hades smoothed and fixed her ebony hair back into place, and wondered what she would think about the action that he had taken to retrieve what he thought was her dead mother's necklace.
Etoile did and said nothing when Hades commented on her liking it. Even if she did like it she hated him enough to where it wouldn't be hard for her to pretend she didn't like it. She did not like his cocky attitude because she already felt bad enough about everything that had been going on. Silence filled the dark haired beauty's ears as she made her way up the stairs and down the hall. Why did he always insist on pointing out the connections they may have? Did he enjoy the fact that he had forced her to make an unbreakable vow, forced her to live with him, and now impregnated her with his children? He was probably ecstatic that he was getting exactly what he wanted. It seemed like from the moment they first conversed and he found out who she really was, that he had planned in the end for her to end up this way and under his control. But he didn't care what she thought or felt. Not a single bit. Because if he did care then he would have bothered to notice that she was absolute miserable here with him. Etoile didn't know much happiness in her life before this happened but there were moments when she thought she felt happy. At least as happy as she could feel being alone and trying to find her place within the world. She had felt like she was so close to a breakthrough on what she wanted to do but then this happened and now it felt like everything was destroyed. Etoile was being forced to do everything she was entirely against but it seemed that in the end not a single person cared either. The unbreakable vow prevented her from ever having the slight of finding true love. If she did find the one she wanted to be with she could not have him because she would be killed in the process. She could never run off and live in a house she chose all by herself. There was no more freedom in her life and Etoile wished Hades knew how it felt to lose all the freedom in his life. She wished he understood the pure and utter misery she felt. Etoile finally reached her bedroom and turned on the lamp to light her room up a little bit. The red walls greeted her like an old friend and Etoile wiped her face before she breathed out and sat herself down on the bed, her back facing the wall. Her body wanted to cry out, destroy the room, spill some blood, just something so she didn't lose her mind. Why was she suffering like this? Hadn't she paid her dues already? When Etoile heard footsteps she breathed out and clothes her eyes. Please let that be anyone but who she figured it would end up being.

Etoile felt a presence behind her and froze when the same presence leaned over her. But her fright didn't have to last long before she felt something being slipped around her neck and fastened. Then a familiar, haunting voice spoke to her. He wanted to cheer her up? Etoile didn't even bother to turn around before her hand drifted down her neck and rested on the necklace. Silvery green eyes widened and Etoile's mouth opened as she gazed down at her mother's necklace. The one that had been given to Etoile before her brother and his ugly fiancée stole it from her and left without another sight of the precious necklace. It was so shiny and gold. It only looked brand new so Etoile wondered if Hades had cleaned it or something before giving it to her. "Hades...why would you bother?" Etoile's voice held only a little bit of bitterness in it this time and it was obvious that giving her this had affected her just a little bit. Easily she noted that Hades had taken off his trench coat and was wearing his usual black tee shirt and matching black jeans. Etoile's eyes were fixed on the floor after a moment and she rolled her eyes. Was this an attempt to make her want to kill him less for knocking her up? She really hoped it hadn't come down to that. The necklace was still drifting between her fingertips until she decided that she had better stop before she broke it. It made her happier though. To have her mother's most prized possession. It made her feel closer to the woman that she missed so dearly. Now what was Hades' game and why did he bother to go find that for her. Etoile got up form the bed and approached Hades slowly, until she was standing less than a foot away from him. "You're making it really hard to hate you, y'know. But thank you anyways." Etoile stated truthfully. She thanked him but she also pointed out that he was making it easier for himself to get to her and harder for her to put up the harshness act. He read her journal though, and that suddenly raised some embarrassment. Had he read everything?​
Hades blinked his eyes for a moment and he wondered what was going on, and why he had bothered. Hades wondered what all he had done all for her. Digging up corpses, and maybe he should tell her what all he did to the former Auror. Hades smirked a bit as he thought about the smell of skin and flesh burning, the bones creaking to turn into ash and dust. Hades crept onto the bed, and he murmured, "I was bored and needed something to do. Besides, with my skills and your desires, see how much we can accomplish together?" Hades snickered for a moment, before falling into a deep silence. He would tell her that he burnt up the body of the Auror, and her husband as well, whom he realized that was Etoile's brother. Let them rest in pieces now. Hades thought with a sneer in his mind. Hades narrowed his eyes and he did not want her around beings like that, and did not want her to be around him. Good thing that he was dead now. Hades ensured that himself. Hades slowly made his way to Etoile, but he did not do anything just yet. He continued on, "Plus, I have not dug up a dead body in a while. And first time I ever set one on fire too. She was an Auror, right?" Hades would love to just see her now, rotting all black and covered in ash. Being like this type of person is not really different, not anymore. Hades was free to be himself and that was what he enjoyed. He enjoyed getting Etoile that necklace and he did not know why he did. How these strong feelings were controlling every aspect of his life, and he was almost doubting that they were real. She rejected everything else that he had to offer her, but perhaps need to focus more on her as well. He needed to do more for her than himself. Hades would have to get a hold of that journal again and seeing what else in her life is missing. Children is taken care of, he knocked her up so that takes care of that part. She was also missing a family, and he was going to give her that once she would warm up to his own first. Getting her to warm up, that would be something else. This necklace was the key, the start to something else deeper. Perhaps she would be open to him more that he got something more than just hot sex for her. He would have to work harder and harder.

Hades slipped his arms around her thin form and pulled her closer to him. He could not help with what he was doing right now. Hades placed his hands on her lower abdomen, and he smirked softly, closing his eyes for just a moment. He was making it hard for her to hate him, and he figured that much. He was trying to make her no longer hate him, because it was a challenge for him. He had never had it before, and the way he was holding her right now was something that he had never done. The killer had such gentle and soft touches, it was almost unreal. Hades whispered, "That was precisely my intention; for now at least." Hades smirked lightly and he could smell her black hair and realize just how good that she smelt to him. She was intoxicating, ravishing. Hades placed his lips onto her skin upon the shoulder, and he kissed her skin so lightly, as if a moth kissed her or a snake's tongue ran across her skin. Hades loved the fact that she was wearing his favorite dress. He could not remember if this was the dress that he had torn right in half and repaired for her. He did not care if she did not want this or not, it was hard to resist his charms. Hades embraced her just a little tighter and he continued, "I will make your stay more promising here, I guarantee this." Hades felt like turning her face toward him and kissing her passionately, but he did not. Instead, he just thought about doing that, and did something else instead. Hades used his hand to trace up her thigh, his soft skin and pushing her dress up, further and further until his hands grasped the dagger she held attached to her at all times. Hades held it in his hand, and he lifted his head up just a bit. Using the dagger, he made just a small incision on her bare shoulder. Hades was hooked to her red liquid of life like an alcoholic to whiskey. Once so much rose from her shoulders, he lowered his lips down to her shoulder, and he drank the sweet, coppery red blood that seeped from her wound. He was hooked to her blood, and he could not help it. Hades loved the taste, and he knew that she would not mind, but then again, she was kind of mad at him for knocking her up. He did not taste a different in her blood. Strange, he imagined that he could taste his own in there but it was solely the sweet nectar of Etoile Lefevre.
Etoile blinked and sat silently as she didn't really know what to think about him telling her that he was bored and he needed something to do. Should she be pleased or annoyed that her family heirloom was able to provide him with some cheap entertainment for awhile? The last part of his sentence made Etoile snort lightly before she quickly rolled her silvery green eyes and let them fall right back onto the dark figure of Hades. "Not really." Etoile made sure to be as sarcastic as possible with her answer to his question. She didn't think that they accomplished anything while they were together except for a really nasty headache for her and amusement for him. It was one-sided obviously because Etoile did not like Hades and she was no stranger to letting him and the rest of the world know that either. From time to time she found herself thinking she might feel something for him. But she was trapped in this little house with him and no other male contact to really go by. Perhaps she was just lonely and looked to Hades for some form of human contact. Although if she could find a way out of here and still be alive, oh she would jump for that faster than she would for a mound of gold and expensive jewelry. Etoile raised an eyebrow when he told her that he dug up a dead body and set it on fire. That was almost funny but did he really have a strong enough stomach to do that? Why would he even want to touch their dirty remains. Hopefully he at least bathed after doing such a thing. To think of him being around her after he touched a dead body. Etoile liked torture, weapons, and other way she could cause some suffering, but a dead body was far out of her comfort zone. "Yes she was an Auror, at least before my brother died, after I have no idea and I don't really care about what happened to that stupid b*tch." Etoile flicked some of her hair over her shoulder. It was obvious that she hated both Aurors and that woman. But Since Hades read her journal he probably knew exactly what she felt for that woman and all like her. She blamed them all for taking her brother away from her and turning them against one another. They were to blame for a majority of her heartbreak in her life. The other half came from males who just didn't take a hint and understood that she didn't care for people in her life. Like Hades. Etoile slowly turned her head away from Hades. He looked like he was deep in thought or something and she wished he would go away now. She was so thankful that he brought her this. But she couldn't really see why other than he was planning something. Plus she didn't want to have his child either so she was still pretty miffed about that too. Etoile did want a child but she was unsure if she ready to be a mom yet and she didn't know if she wanted Hades to be the father, even if he seemed like he was a very good father. It was just all a jumbled mess up there and he was starting to confuse her more than ever. God she needed to get away from him before she lost her mind. Then Hades just had to make the situation more awkward as he slipped his arms around her thin form and pulled her closer to him. Too close for her comfort to be honest yet it almost felt right. She fit there perfectly.

"What the hell-" Etoile tried to protest when he placed his hands on her lower abdomen, plus the touch was light and it surprised her. What in the world did he think he was doing? Making it hard for her to hate him was his intention? He wanted her not to hate him? That was definitely a surprised ti Etoile because she thought that he was trying to encourage her hate for him. Etoile shivered gently and let her arms glide around to Hades' back instinctively when he kissed the skin on her shoulder so lightly. It was so gentle she found it hard to believe that Hades was capable of being so soft. It felt perfect though and Etoile breathed out, actually enjoying his company. Hades embraced her just a little tighter and said he would make her stay here more promising. But Etoile couldn't even answer because when she finally made the words she felt Hades make a cut on her shoulder by stealing her own dagger. She could feel the cold metal leave her skin and become replaced by Hades lips. This was enough to make Etoile lose her sensibility for now and she didn't even hesitate to lower herself down so that she was lying on the bed and pulled Hades down with her so that he was above her. As he licked away her blood she move for a moment so she could take off his shirt and throw it to wherever. The lights were dimmed and it it weren't for the candles lit she probably wouldn't be able to see much. Her lips connected with his collar bone so she could trail kisses up his neck. Biting softly she breathed out against his neck, she was surprised by how warm he was right now, it was comforting. Smooth fingers traced over the tattoo on Hades' back and she bit him again. Her legs rubbed against his in a coaxing manner as she continued to kiss and bite his neck and collar bone. The smell of blood overwhelmed her and without even realizing it she long for his blood too. She retrieved her dagger but decided not to aim for the shoulder and instead went for the neck, more blood flowed there. Once the ruby liquid showed itself Etoile happily consumed it, like a hungry animal. As Etoile drank her hands found their way to his belt that she started to undo. But with the angle she was at it was difficult and she groaned in annoyance and just allowed her fingers to return to his chest were she massaged his stomach ever so gently. The muscles felt good against her fingers. Etoile had finished getting his blood and licked her lips hungrily before she leaned and attacked his own lips passionately softly with hers, she had noticed he had some stray blood on there and got to it before he could. After giving Hades chest a swift kiss, Etoile was getting ready to remove her own dress before it hit her. This was not how she was supposed to be reacting, she was not supposed to enjoy her time with him. She broke their fiery kiss apart and without even thinking a second thought her hand flew up to smack him across the face hard. "There is no way you could ever make being with you promising, I hate it here and I hate you. Get off of me!" Etoile tried to struggle her way out from underneath Hades built body, though she probably just ended up moving around in a more suggestive manner to him. Her hands rose to his shoulders and she pushed violently trying to get him to budge. Etoile wanted affection and love, not lust like he so desired. She was miserable here and she needed to keep remind herself of that. Some of the blood that still escaped the wound Hades made dripped onto the sheets and she knew struggling wasn't going to help it because it was only making it bleed faster. Maybe if she prayed hard enough Hades' sister would come back and save her.​
A snicker rolled from his deep chest, and his throat as well. He thought that the two of them were a good couple and he was going to ensure that they stayed together. Hades was positive that he would even go as far as risking her own life to have her with him. He would much rather have her dead than have her in the arms in another man. He did not want to see that happen, and he was going to keep for as long as he could. Etoile Lefevre was his, from here and forever after. Hades thought about getting her into marriage just to make things finalized, but the Unbreakable Vow was good enough. Hades could not help but cooing, "You need to give us a chance. Imagine what we could accomplish together." He thought that they could have it all if they wanted. They were dark people, murderous impulses ran through their veins, and most of all, they were both pureblooded beings that dwelt in the darkness that Hades and his family provided. Everyone that was blood related was lured and attracted to the darkness, the evil that was just enticing and ravishing every sense in their body. It cradled the Zhefarovich's in a blanket, and anyone that ran across them could easily see it. Hades was one of the worst ones, because he brought it out of people and most others could not handle it. They could not handle killing and torturing. Hades touched other people and forced it out, and at times, it swallowed someone and sent them mad, finally ending up in them dying. Hades did not care how it happened, or why the girls ended up dead, but he did not care in the least bit. Hades just cared about what was produced and the experienced he gained. Now he could use this experience to make Etoile scream his name and curve against his body to make them become one in the act of sexual intercourse. He raised his mind a bit when she mentioned that she was an Auror, and then did not care what happened to her which made his lips curl into a beautiful sneer. He hated Aurors to the point of killing them all without a second thought. Hades thought that it was a beautiful scenery when he figured out that Etoile hated Aurors and that woman. The Aurors seemed to ruin all the fun in life in his mind, and he thought that things were going to be better off without the people to ruin everything. They would not allow people like him have their fun with those that did not deserve to even be alive. Those mudbloods and the muggles really needed to be taught a lesson. They did not have anything to do with the magical world, yet because of their abnormal offspring of mudbloods, they thought that they had a right into the wizarding world though he was just assuming however. Hades thought that the little woman fit into his arms just perfectly, and he was cradling her in his strong arms. He thought that he could get her charmed enough to get her to adore him and everything as soon as possible in a way. He was going to keep on with this facade that he was pulling off, though it seemed real. As if there was something more going on beneath his skin but he chose not to dwell on this. He did not want to think that he was sinking into something emotional when people like him were not supposed to feel anything at all for women other than extreme lust. The Death Eater suppressed a laugh when she seemed to want to protest against him. His touch was soft, gentle and something that one would not be expecting when he had always shown that he was one forceful being, though he was actually. He preferred being rough with the ones that he was going to make love with. He found it much more enjoyable to be forceful and taking what he wanted and the woman eventually giving in. Just by Hades drinking in her blood, that seemed to be one of the keys to having her give in under his touch. Etoile had lowered herself onto the bed, and Hades rested on top of her.

The taste was delicious, better than anything he had ever drank. It was like liquid candy to the Death Eater. He lifted his lips from her skin, seeing that the wound had almost stopped bleeding. Etoile had removed his shirt, and in his mind he knew that this was going just as well as he wanted. The candles gave the room an eerie yet romantic setting if one liked to look at two beings on top of each other, biting and the walls looking like blood was running down the walls for the wallpaper. The shadows were flickering, and danced across his white face, with a light red hue smeared on his lips. He smirked a little when Etoile started to entice him even more with kisses trailing up the collarbone, and to his neck. She even bit him, and he hissed in pleasure. Oh she knew how to please Hades, that was for sure, even though her only experience was with him. He made sure of that when he had taken her virginity. Hades could feel her tracing the Zhefarovich tattoo on his whole back. Hades also could also feel her leg rubbing up against him in a rather seductive manner. She was almost this succubus to him. Almost luring him into a trap, but Hades did not care at all. His hand ran up her left, soaking up her smooth skin. His hand moved her dress up, and caressed her leg in a suggestive manner, something that should not be seen in public at all. Hades preferred his attention given to someone in the privacy of his own home, in his territory. Hades allowed Etoile to take the dagger from him, and slashed his neck just not where any artery was at. She drained the blood from the wound, only making his night and pleasure increase. She even attempted to undo his belt which was not working at the time because of the angle that she was working on, it just did not work. Her hands went to massage his stomach, and then she finished getting the blood yet he could feel it still seeping all over his neck. Hades was then surprised that Etoile passionately kissed him. Hades however gave into that willingly, and he smirked lightly against the kiss, though he allowed the passion to just heat up, and she tried to take off her dress. However, something sharp hit him. It was not reality or a voice, but the palm of Etoile's hand colliding with his face. Hades narrowed his eyes at her, and he smirked cruelly. She had gotten him this far, just to try to get it to stop? No, Hades would not have that. She had kissed him of her own free will so that meant that she felt something for him. Whereas he was on top of her, and moving as if she wanted something, Hades instead swiftly grabbed her wrists. Hades forced them back on the bed, over her head and he murmured, "You know what you want, and to be truthful, it did not have to be like this. I was just relishing in the fact that you were pregnant with my child, holding you. However, somehow I ended up on top, again. So, I know what you want, and it isn't just hot sex. You want affection, adoration and admiration - perhaps even love. Love is not something I can give, but you have to somehow believe that in at some point, I like you as a person, and not just for your body or else I would not have... How did you say it? 'Ruin your life'? You may as well just get over that fear, and do what you really want to do." Hades wondered if she would ever come to terms with the fact that Hades actually felt something for her, but did not know what it was. He wanted her to believe however that he was not just after her for sex. He was not that type of person, even though he was skilled in what he did.
Etoile grit her teeth together to keep from shouting at Hades when a snicker rolled from his throat, how was that funny at all? Or even amusing is that's what it was. Etoile started to play with her hair a little, running her fingers through it as Hades cooed at her words that she truly did not appreciate coming from him. If it were any other man in the world it would be fine but since Hades was forcing his way into her life it made her angry and bitter at him. Then there was secretly a part of her that loved it. Loved the fact that there was actually a man out there that was putting in such an effort to get her attention and affections. Usually this worked to keep them at bay but Hades was just as persistent as ever. It was almost like he actually felt something strong for her and would do anything he could to have her be with him. It was a good thing Etoile knew better than to fall for that trick again, men like him never felt affections for people. She was just a pawn in his game and soon her time would be up. "Give us a chance? Hades there is no 'us' and there will never be an 'us', so there is nothing for us to accomplish. Your starting to bother me by talking like this." Etoile told him truthfully. When he said the word 'us' it was like he was implying that they were together or that they maybe had a thing together. It made her feel uncomfortable and like she was being pushed into a relationship that she wasn't ready for and never would be. Then again the unbreakable vow she was put under was probably enough to say that had a thing for some people. But Etoile would never acknowledge it that way because she was being forced to be here against her will which meant if anything that this was only a one-sided thing. Even if a per of her desired him and desired to be taken care of by him. Feelings wee complicated and knew that her own inner darkness was fighting with Hades'. Trying to keep it separate and un-influenced by his own. Etoile did not know exactly what Hades wanted with her yet but sooner or later she would get it out of him and she would finally have what she wanted to know. A sense of comfort would finally be allowed because she was worried about all of this. It reminded her too much of the past, always being confused and feeling so alone. Etoile noticed his reaction when she mentioned that the woman was an Auror and smirked ever so lightly but enough so that he could see it. So they did have some things in common these days. "You want all the Aurors to die too, right?" Etoile asked with a curve of her head, her silvery green orbs locking on him for a moment. He was a Death Eater too so she figured as much but she wondered if he had a hatred for them as deep as hers. Her brother's wife and her father's mistreatment was enough to set her off and sent her hate spiraling. But it wasn't really her place to describe all of that to someone, she doubted Hades cared about her past anyways. If he wanted to know though, she would tell him. About the Aurors, her brother, her father, and what those people did to her. But he had to discover that something did happen to her first. Etoile could sense that Hades possibly felt the same way she did, that she fit so perfectly into his arms. Then again for all she knew all the other women he had been with could have felt right too. What about the first two he had married? Did they fit here perfectly too. His touch was soft and gentle to her but she realized that they were both treading on dangerous ground there. They didn't want to have affections for one another, well Etoile didn't want any for him but he was pressing his luck with her. What else could she do to keep him away from her?

Being intimate with Hades was something Etoile knew she shouldn't torture herself with. It was like an addictive candy or something, that one time was enough to make her want it again and again. He knew what she liked, and he was good at it too. But there was something missing and she knew it probably wasn't his fault either. Etoile wanted to fall in love with some man, have him snatch her heart and keep it close. She wanted to be with a man that was gentle yet forceful, who cared about her feelings and her happiness and she cared about his. Etoile wanted a romance but she knew that was a lot to ask for. Especially for someone like her. Etoile could feel his hand move her dress up, and caress her leg in a suggestive manner which felt very nice and enticing for her. It only made her deepen the kiss temporarily. At least until she had come to her senses and realized that she was relying too much on instincts and tried to get him off of her. Not even the moment after she slapped him and told him to go away Hades narrowed his eyes at her, and then he smirked cruelly at her. Etoile knew she had pulled the wrong move and shifted uncomfortably, uh oh there was trouble by that smirk alone and she knew that. He swiftly grabbed her wrists. Hades forced them back on the bed, over her head and Etoile knew he was too strong for her to bother fighting against. He spoke to her and this had to be one of the deepest conversations she had ever had with anyone, let alone with Hades. Hades seemed to act like he knew what she wanted and that it did not have to be like this. That he was just relishing in the fact that she was pregnant with his child and that he was just holding her. It confused her for awhile so she just stared at him with a raised eyebrow. How did he know what she really wanted? Then he basically told her that he liked her for her and not just for her body and that she needed to believe that. "What is it going to take for you to understand that were not meant to be together? You can't give me what I want or what I need. Being here makes me miserable...and I know you can see that. Now can you please let me go?" Etoile tried to move her wrists. Her voice actually sound civil and she made no violent moves or gestures, it actually sounded, intimate, and well, lonely. Hades was still really close to her and she could feel his body head, even take in the comforting scent of him. Etoile wanted to kiss him again though, or him kiss her. She felt very alone and it was now fully registering to her that she was actually pregnant with his child. This was turning into a heartache it seemed.​
Hades smirked even though that it was one of the best things he had ever seen from Etoile. She seemed to hate the fact that he was all over her, he was fawning over her, and treating her like a queen that was under constant watch. He could not resist it. He had to enjoy every moment, every touch that he could have from Etoile while he still could. Everything about her set his skin, his cells and his muscles on fire. She was something else, and he did not know what it was. It made him only crave her more. He needed to have her, her blood and her body. Her personality, everything about her he needed. Hades had to remain as persistent as ever before. He could not fall with this charade, he would have to keep it up. He had nothing else to do here except be with her. Hades glanced down at her and he smirked even more. He laughed even more when she said that there would not be any of them, but there was more than that. She was looking at the smaller piece, and there was a bigger picture ahead. There was so much more than what she could see, something that he could see. Hades murmured, and he kept his voice soft and seductive, "Oh Etoile, you have not seen the bigger picture. You think that 'us' means that we would be dating or something more. However, there was something a lot more than that. I don't just date people. We are together, not in the way you think, but we are. You will have to learn that fact, Little Lefevre." Hades knew that they would be together from now until he decided otherwise. He wanted her with her, and would keep with her. She was not losing his interest which was astounding. He did not know what else he wanted to do, but perhaps he was going to keep on with his work with her. He was going to keep her as a vessel, and have her bear the rest of his children so he could reach his goal of thirteen. He was just a few children short. Even those that he had killed, he needed just a few more. He could not count Kaia Lutrova though because he did not make her, he instead adopted her into the family to have more pawns for the darkness that he had. Kids were just little pawns that darkness could use when it was time. They could have it, and they did not even know that they were influenced by it. They would not have an issue, and he did not know if Etoile would have liked that idea much if he knew that he intended to have her make five more after the twins. Then he would have his thirteen. Only then would he work on something else. Hades smirked and he cooed, saying perhaps the most truthful feeling he had about the Aurors, "I want them all to drown in their own blood slowly as I rip apart the ones they love, as they watch." It was one of the darkest things he had ever said about a certain group of people. Hades will be glad to have others sent off and would not dare to kill them off, not just yet anyway. Hades will not lose touch on what he had with her, and would not lose the control he had. He wanted her to appreciate him, adore him and perhaps even fall for his darkness, allow it to intertwine with his. He was going to have it one way or another.

The Death Eater knew that the touches that he had for Etoile were just right, and knew that the grounds were dangerous that he was traveling on but now he was facing all risks and he was just going to have it the way he wanted. Hades did not care though, he was going to have affections and everything in the world with her. He wanted to keep her with him like a trophy. He could never be away from her for so long, and he hated to be apart from her when he had to go out of the house to get some business taken care of. Hades was being intimate with her, and needed to get her to admit that she was addicted to him if she was not already. His blood was enough to entice her enough so maybe she was actually. Hades hoped so, because he wanted to have her so drawn into him that she would have to just give in and stop resisting. He knew that was what she was wanting, he hoped at least. He wanted her to come with him, to the ends and depths of the earth, but somehow in her mind, she thought that he was just another manwhore which was not the type of person he was now. He might have been in the past, but he had grown up and out of that. He was a killer, and he loved killing more than sex. The Death Eater worshipped the man that wanted to set the muggleborns and muggles out of the wizarding world. Hades noticed that Etoile was not even fighting against his grip anymore. His smirk was creepy enough. And then the words that he had, they were the truth and he at first did not want any sort of intimate action with her, but it turned into that when she lowered onto the bed. That was the move that set him off and now he wanted more. He could change his desires, want to not feel it anymore, but he did not want to do just that. He wanted her to stop fighting him, to stop resisting because he would never hurt her intentionally. He would never break her heart when he thought that beings like them did not even have hearts to love. He glanced down at her stomach, and he did not want to apply much pressure to it, as he knew how fragile her body came to when it was pregnant. Her family were like glass when they were pregnant, something that was just amazing. Pregnancy from the family was rare and that was when he knew that their blood mixing was meant to be. Hades told her sternly, "I will never believe that two beings are meant to be together. I just know that there is something in you that calls itself out to me, and I know you feel it too. I can sense it. Granted, you being here is taking you out of your natural habitat so of course you are miserable. You need time to adjust. Now, I won't let you go, not until you stop resisting what you are truly wanting." Hades smirked deviously down at her, taking in the fact that she was underneath him, and he had full control of the situation it seemed. She even seemed defeated, which was amazing and even shocked the Death Eater. Perhaps he was breaking down those walls that she was keeping around her. He needed them to be broken down somewhat, and he needed to get himself past them. He had been working on her, and she was pregnant now, which was a great relief. "Be still, for one moment and take in the feelings this gives you..." purred the Death Eater. Leaning down, he softly pressed his lips to hers, embracing her into a deep, passionate kiss.
Etoile believed that the most annoying things about Hades was his persistence. It was partially attractive to her at first but when Hades told her that he didn't believe in love, or two people belonging to together, she lost that attracted feeling. If he wasn't driven by emotions for her then what in the world was he bothering her so much for? It made Etoile want to slap him. But would slapping him really do anything good for her when every negative or positive little thing she did seemed to egg him on just a little bit more. Was there anything she could do to drive him away other than to end her own life and cease her existence to him completely? Even when she denied hat there was no relationship and there would never be a relationship he seemed amused and eager to either point her wrong or make things far more difficult than they already were. Hades spoke to her again and she easily noticed how soft and seductive his voice was right now. Almost like he was sweet talking or her trying to break into her head with his temptations. Once he was finished all she did was shake her head at him. Denying that there was anything going on between them right now because they were not together. In any way, shape, or form and he needed to understand that before she went absolutely nuts. Where did he get the idea that they were together? "No we are not! Were not together. Not in any way, shape, or form! Where do you keep getting this stupid idea at? The vow does not mean were together! All it means is I cannot leave you, even with as much as I want to." Etoile shook her head again. A part of her felt bad for almost saying it but somehow she knew that Hades would not take it personally and before she knew it he would be bothering her again with his nonsense. Etoile figured that he was probably feeling really proud right now. Because he had knocked her up. Which when she thought about it made sense because he had been very needy lately and she had a hard time telling what his issue was. But since she had little to no proof she couldn't confirm that he had done it on purpose. Why would he even want her children anyways? Etoile was nothing special and her children would be nothing special, if she could even survive childbirth. With her luck she would be killed off and Hades would have nothing to do but laugh at her misfortune. What an ass. Etoile didn't want to die for his cause. Not one bit. This was her life and she wanted to keep living it but he was making it so hard for her to even have the slightest chance of her being happy. Did he want her to be happy? This made Etoile think so much. So much of the past and no matter how much she tried to run it was just going to catch up with her. "Well it's good to see we finally agree on something." Etoile stated with a half-smile of amusement rising to her face. She truly was amused that there was something that her and Hades both highly agreed upon even if she didn't quote realize how much she and Hades were alike to begin with. If anything Etoile tried to pretend that there wasn't any similarities so then she could hate Hades more. It was all really difficult and not really fair to him. But that's what he gets for forcing her into an unbreakable vow then knocking her up. Eventually he might figure that out too, that she was going to keep being mean to him because he deserved to suffer just as much as she did, Etoile just wished there was a way to take lower blows like he had with her.

"If you don't think two beings are meant to be together then why keep me here? Etoile stated with her eyebrows furrowed. If Hades didn't believe that two beings belonged together, then why was he acting as if he did? It confused Etoile because she did not know what was going on in his head nor could she pretend at all that she understood what he meant. He did not believe in this stuff but he was all over her like a lovesick puppy. It seemed that he could barely stand to be apart from her most of the time too, he was always around and it looked like most of the time he wanted to be around her too. Etoile just wasn't sure what this man was up to and it worried her that it might be beyond her control, another human being was out of her control and she was in his care. "Will you leave me alone? There is nothing in me that calls out to you, nothing. Ugh I'm miserable because you and every other stupid bastard out there cannot listen and leave me the f*ck alone! Is that really so hard to understand? Your just as bad and pathetic as the rest of them, trying to get me to open up to you. It's people like you that make me wish I was dead. There does that clear it up for you? I you...." Etoile's stomach was starting to hurt and she turned her head to she wouldn't have to look at Hades right now. He didn't know what it was like. Etoile wanted to be cared about deep inside but she was also very frightened by the thought. Her past was nothing but hard and miserable and no one understood at all. Hades was deep inside the only person who made such an effort to understand her and it bothered her. Why did he care? Why did he want to know and why was she feeling like this? Etoile was stuck in the past but in the present she was here with someone who made her remember the past. Deep down she knew she wanted him, perhaps not as much as he wanted her but enough to where she enjoyed the little game of chase. Hades told Etoile to be still for a moment and she turned her head to look at him. He wanted her to take in the feelings that this gave her. Etoile didn't even have ask what he meant before his lips pressed against hers passionately. The feeling at the pit of her stomach at the loneliness just made her really figure why not try and see if he had a meaning behind this. Why not let herself get hurt again, why not just see if this will convince him to let her go? Etoile leaned up a little and kissed him back just as deep and heated, her eyes closed and she practically melted into that kiss. By this point the last candle faded out and the room grew nearly completely black, yet Hades pale skin could been seen easily, like a ghost. The kiss broke and Etoile's forehead rested barely against Hades' and she breathed out. "I'm don't understand what it is you want from me." Was all she stated before she inhaled a favorite intoxication of hers and brought her lips back down onto Hades neck where he was still bleeding. Chances were that she would never understand what he wanted, maybe that was for the best. But he really seemed to want something, would he ever break that icy shell or will he kill her in the process. Etoile couldn't tell any longer and she wasn't sure if she wanted to.​
There would come a time when the woman in this dark bed would understand that Hades was more complicated than anyone had ever seen before, even the Zhefarovich family and his own family were amazed on how he was driven, how his goals seemed to be so clear and small, yet mean so much to him. The things that Hades found amusing were often more disturbing than anyone could ever imagine in their deepest of nightmares. Etoile's own nightmare seemed to have come true the moment that Hades had taken her off the streets and into one of his lairs. A place where he discovered himself, his true self lurking beneath a coated figure. Hidden by false advertisements, changed by someone he never wanted to see again though at that time, Hades could be compared to be a simple yet insane man at the time. Now, looking at him, he seemed to be so different, not even a fraction of how he was before. Hades smirked when she even denied it more, but she was not seeing things the way he saw them, and she even seemed to prove his point for a moment, and stared deeply, longingly into those silvery green eyes. She cannot leave him, but did not want to be with him. As much as that would have hurt the normal person, Hades was just slightly moved by this comment. Hades leaned up from his position for a moment, and he stared down at her, his expression changed from cocky and confident, into something that even Etoile would not recognize from him. Hades seemed almost affected by this statement. Hades glanced down at the bed, and he shook his head, "Never mind where I get the idea from, because obviously you are too blinded by this hatred to see beyond, what you want." Hades stared down at her stomach and wondered, was this a mistake? Should he have allowed it to come this far? A part of him regretted ever bringing her into this, but he had no other choice. The obsession had consumed him, because there was just something more in her, something that only he could see and no one else could have. He did not want anyone else to have her like he wanted, and like he could see and feel in the future. But he could not make someone feel the same way about the other if they were not exactly alike. To him, Etoile was a lot more special than anyone he had ever crossed in his life, She was almost everything to him. The fact that they were going to be parents filled his chest with a feeling that he could not describe, but it felt right and it felt whole. However what he was feeling, she would not feel until there was something more than what he was seeing would be uncovered. Hades would have to do more research, really get underground and see why she would be fighting as hard as she was. Why did he repulse her so when she was the one that started following him to begin with? The moment that he turned the tables, she seemed to freak out. Hades was trying to connect the dots, but he could not figure it out in his mind. He had no idea what made her tick the way she did. Hades figured that one day, one day though, she would soon understand that he was doing this for the best of them both. The Unbreakable Vow was a little much, but he was not going to change that anytime soon. It was done, and there was nothing he could do about it, even if he wanted to. He needed to keep her around him, she had to be with him all the time. Hades would just never understand why he felt like that.

Her next question perturbed him, because for one, his smirk faltered into an expression that left him utterly blank and confused. He did not know why he kept her here, but he knew that he had to. Hades felt that in his mind, his heart, and the little voice of reason that told him to kill and all told him that he should have her here with him. Hades averted his eyes for a moment, and he answered truthfully, "Because, I want to know what it is about you that draws me so." Hades looked at her with serious, yet cold and eerie eyes. He could not help but wonder this himself, why did he keep her here when she obviously did not want to be here? Hades normally did not do anything from another’s free will, but this one he bound with a ball and chain. He in the end bound himself to her without even realizing it, and he did not care if he did or not. Her next words really made him think, because she mentioned other men out there, and then there was the rest of them. The talk of many made him think, and wonder what happened to her to make her think like this. Hades leaned down and he murmured, "You came to me, there is no point in lying. So, just stop talking and listen to your body." Hades wanted her to listen to her body, and surely there was more than just something small calling out to him. He could feel it when someone was needing him, and Hades thought that Etoile needed it most of all. She could not be alone, he never wanted her to be alone. The kiss was regenerating because it assisted with getting him right back to where he was before, and though she melted into the kiss, something was tugging on the back of Hades' mind. She was pregnant, with twins, and they could very well kill her. What if she died in childbirth? Could he stop the Angel of Death from taking the one that held him within her grasp without her even knowing the power she had upon the man? Could he take away all of her freedom, could he continue on to mess with her mind and with her heart as well? What was he getting in all of this? Hades knew only a few things, and he was going to keep doing what he was doing in order to get some peace of mind. He would never know his purpose in the world if Etoile had not come into his life. Hades was entranced, and he was completely unaware of the darkness that the room was enveloped in. He could see well into the dark, and he would not care otherwise. He needed to see her face in the shadows, even though he could not match out emotions very well. He would be able to see more later, but right now he was just going by the intensity of the kiss that she returned to him. He adored every second, and could taste blood which just got him going even more. He loved the taste of blood so who could really blame him. The kiss was everything that Hades needed as of the moment, just adding onto the high that he was receiving otherwise from being a father once more and this time, having a woman that he could very well relate to even though she did not seem to want to be with him. That was the downside, but why did it not affect Hades? After all the women that he had managed to dish out, there was nothing more than the feeling of lust, and false feelings of belonging. Feelings that were never going to be relived again because he was gone from their lives and they were absent of him.

The others could never satisfy Hades like Etoile Lefevre could. She could make every cell in his body scream from pleasure, she could make his mind whirl because he had no idea what else to think about except her. She was everything, and he wanted her to know that but he did not know how to make it so. Hades felt Etoile break from the kiss, her forehead touching his own, and she did not understand what he wanted from her. He had told her countless times, and did not know how else to put it. She would never believe him and what he said what he wanted. She would never see it as something incredible. Hades stared into her eyes for a moment, and being able to see the smallest glimpses of light sparkling in those eyes, he could not tell her just yet. Instead, his hand stroked her hair and his other hand cradled her neck as she drank the remaining blood seeping from his neck. The blood was enough to intoxicate her, and the feeling of her lips against his neck, her tongue on his skin was enough to entice him for further activity. Hades wanted to spill everything, but he could not, he had to remain as secret as possible because the more she knew about him, the more that she could use against him. Hades could never allow that. Perhaps it was the emptiness that he had most of his childhood wanted someone to love and cherish him, as he had gone without parents, without siblings for so long. But the ones that did love him, he did not care or love them back in return. The ones that he manage to grow feelings about, they were family and now, he had someone outside of the family. He would do anything to keep her, anything to keep her around. Hades would not let her go until he figured out what he needed to do in order to have Etoile Lefevre. That was his goal, to keep her around forever and to get her to be with him out of her own free will. Somehow making it official, though it seemed so long from now because of the feelings that she had for him, he could almost see it for them. He wanted it, and would do anything to get it. Hades whispered, "You know what I want." He kissed her neck tenderly, bringing her closer to him, to feel his body close to her own but being amazingly gentle with her, as if she were made of glass, a fine china that he never wanted to break. She was carrying his children and that was all he could ever ask of her for the time being. Hades allowed one hand to caress her side before settling on her stomach, and it may seem like he wanted her for the children, but there was so much more than that. Everything in this body must be taken care of, and he wanted her to be in complete bliss. "This is my favorite dress on you. I try to give you other things you desire, even an heir, however I will just have to try even more, only then will I have want I want." Hades then moved his mouth from her neck and went to capture her lips again in a heated kiss as he started to move the dress up a little more, showing more than what would be appropriate if they were out in public. Hades just thought that they would be so much happier together if she would uncover what it was in her past or present that made her the way she was right now. He had to know, and one way or another, he would find out. Hades broke the kiss to allow his lungs starved for oxygen refill before he whispered out, "I just want you, because you have had the greatest effect on me." Her having his children caused him to feel things that he had never thought that he had filled before. Normally he did not care how he knocked up the woman, but this one he did. Perhaps it was because her life was at stake. And Hades would do everything in his power to keep her alive. Everything. He thought this as he kissed her tenderly once more.

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