My singer

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Ashutosh Makwa

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Elm Wand 7 1/4" With Essence of Hippocampus Heartstring
Please before you even apply you must read this link=

Its my biography, it make sense though once you read and understand what I'm looking for. I need someone to be Ash is soulmate, and not just any soulmate. If you read my biography you will know what I'm looking for. I need the girl to have a native American name, and have the face claim of Rhianna, its what I'm looking, and I hope you get where I'm going with this. She needs to have a full native American name, so back than native American didn't have surnames instead they had clan names. Ash is last name is actually the clan name of some random tribe, but Ash is really Cherokee. That's another thing I want the girl to me Mohawk, yes that is a tribe originally from NY and Canada some parts up north, but you will really be living in Hawaii, just like Ash. These two aren't suppose to have been together, some of their history is based on old cultures concept and how they did things back than. Another thing, the girls has to attend HNZ I'm trying my hardest to get accepted and the house Ash will try to get into would be Ravenclaw I want the girl to at least get into Slythrin if you read her tribe history you would know why.

Their love is complicated but there meant to be together::

Its a typical Romeo and Juliet story, both their tribes don't approve of them together. They would have to face many obstacles together, they have been together since 11 but at 13 they were ban from seeing each other till, Hogwarts was their key to link the love back together. Not just family problems they would have to deal with typical teenage stuff, like someone can be their enemies, envious and rumours can almost cause them to break apart but Ash knows their love is strong and one day he would have to prove it. If you do apply can you post me the name you will be using and a bit of rp! Remember your face claim will be Rhianna! And that's how I will make my decision!
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