My Saving Grace

Izaak Finch

Well-Known Member
A tiresome sigh breezed low on Izaak’s lips as he trudged home along the pavement from the one thing that was ever constant in his life. Work. Even Leah, his ever sturdy rock, had began to whirl around him in circles as of late. Dinner one night, a movie the next. Perhaps he should be grateful for all the time he was spending with his nephew and the distractions the spark of the little blonde boy presented him with. But Izaak was practically teeming with hidden jealousy. Was this how his sister had felt when he was out with Alexis every other night? This awful, depressive hole inside of him? Izaak, despite his (few) good graces, was a selfish creature though and he did not believe to be true that anybody could feel worse than he right now. Were it not for the many shifts his job was loading him with as the summer season gave its final kick, and the sweet love and energy he channelled into his last standing passion in the world, then the azure-eyed lifeguard was more than positive that the fire inside of him would have long burnt out.

Izaak could pin it down to nothing other than Alexis’ “incident” that had ruined him. For a wonderful, delirious moment he had had his happiness in order; with an engagement ring in his pocket he had set his sights on dropping to one knee and making her, the shining light in his life, Alexis Marie Richarde his forever and an eternity. But trying to remember what had happened after he had found her lifeless body limp against the road was a struggle. It were almost as if his mind knew how much a knife to the gut the memories would be, so it had thrown them to the dogs. But there was one lasting and excruciating image; her boyfriend, her intelligent, prosperous boyfriend. Even the words she had spoken in her sleep barely registered in his mind anymore over the shock of that single revelation. Somehow Izaak had ended up home, probably losing the ring somewhere over the Indian Ocean and stumbled inside only to hear her voice speak his name over his answering machine. In an instant the message had been deleted, it had never occurred to Izaak that it could possibly be anything else other than to say that she was over him. Or something of the like. Through Leah he had kept tabs on her condition but that was as far as he ever went, leaving his once so reachable aspirations to the depths of his dreams.

The time would come when he’d have to move on from her, have to bundle up the shattered remains of his broken heart and try to piece them back together. But Izaak’s imagination did not function to absurdities of that level. So for now he’d just have to find solace in his routine. Surprisingly as he rounded on the driveway, Izaak had not been thinking of the red-headed girl at all but as his azure eyes lifted to his door step that so immediately changed. His heart skipped a lonesome beat inside of his weary chest. His eyes blinked once, twice, three times; refusing to believe that this was no more than a hallucination. He had gone insane, he had finally flipped his lid, surely. But no, there was no denying that head of honeyed red hair, especially not as the dying sun slicked it with a luminosity so perfect that Izaak could not break his stare. His voice was but a breath, questioning, hopeful, tender as he whispered her name. “Alexis?”
“Alexis?” The sound of the voice which her name come from brought shivers up her spine, it was so distant to her and all too glorious. Lacking the energy to move, much less speak, Alexis looked at him as she waited for her love to approach and ask him what deafened all other thoughts.

Since the night in the Green Hills Tavern when the pair turned their friendship into more, all thoughts somehow centered on Izaak in Alexis' mind: when she was with him she was deliriously joyful (excluding the later moments in their relationship) and when apart, Alexis yearned for him to be at her side. Now was no different except this time she had a fear of certain rejection because of who she had become. How could a person feel no fear or insecurities at this point in their life? Alexis Richarde was a Werewolf and was aware of the dangers but she wanted to be Izaak’s wife.

Perhaps this could be seen as a drastic change and some might say it was because her life “flashed before her eyes” when she was close to death, but this was untrue. There was no big flash or realization of love, it had always been there and it had always been known. Alexis loved Izaak with every fibre of her cursed body and holding onto the small, encased ring brought her to believe he did too. Finding the engagement ring only ten minutes ago had been, possibly, the biggest shock of her young life. While Izaak and Alexis had thought about marriage and had even told one another that one day they wanted each other’s children when they were older but all this blissfully naïve speak of the future had come to a halt. Neither thought they were ever going to be back together, or at least Alexis had not, how could she have?

Alexis had found a strange comfort in solitary as of late, doing nothing but sleep and eat for the last few weeks, except when Andromeda told her that she had to go to the Ministry of Magic to register herself as a Werewolf and made her schedule awry. She had showered her gaunt, ghostly pale skin and her defiant red hair and changed before searching for her hospital forms in her room only to realize that they would be with her torn, bloody clothes and the wand she hated for being of no use to her when it had mattered but opening it she saw something that had surprised her completely; something that was now in her hand.

Standing on the porch of the house she had once called home, brought tears to spill. For so long Alexis had kept it all in and standing there, looking at Izaak it all just came out. Every morose feeling Alexis had about breaking up and now about the “incident” came out in the form of salty tears as they rushed down her flushed cheeks like a waterfall. Bringing up both hands to cover her face and foggy glasses, Alexis took no notice that Izaak could see the boxed ring held in her weak grip.

OOC: my muse came and went in a matter of five minutes bleh.
Immobilised by her very presence by his door, Izaak found himself incapable of doing much else but staring at Alexis with full and wonderfully blue eyes. What on earth was she here for? She had her prestigious university classes and her perfect university boyfriend. Was he not just a memory now? A high school sweetheart? A place she had used to call home? Not a conscious day had passed when Izaak’s thoughts had not surrounded her, not since his revelation anyway. But Alexis would not have even remembered how he had carried her into St Mungo’s, how he had kissed her forehead and told her that he loved her. His burning love for her would never be realised and that was the way it was to stay. He’d not bother her heart any longer.

There was something stirring in her beautiful hazel irises though as they began to grow glassy through the ex-couple’s gaze. It was a mirrored emotion, something mutual, something Izaak was oddly comforted by. It was moments such as these that made him doubt the prospect of a life without Alexis. There was something so morbid and so wrong about it that he was hard pressed to believe that it was ever true. Can’t you see that we’re meant to be together? He pleaded her through the urgency of his striking azure eyes, hoping for a moment of telepathic connection between so Alexis would finally see how much she truly meant to him. It mattered not that she was a werewolf or that her studies were halfway across the globe. He needed her like he needed air or water or sun, all three even. Oh just to have her. Why weren’t things that simple? An infliction of pain gutted Izaak as his gaze swept in frantic over the tears that were now spilling relentlessly down her flustered yet achingly beautiful face. The surf club duffel bag he had had on his shoulder was dropped forgotten to the ground as Izaak jumped up his steps towards her.

The heavy tears soaked a hole in his heart and in his quest to ease them, Izaak was shocked to find the little blue box between her fingers, the very same one he had thought he had lost on his trip back to Bondi. Taking it subtly from her loose grip, he reached out to touch the face of his love and wipe away the tears she cried with a gentle brush of his thumb. “It’s okay Es, I’m here.” His voice was uncertain, not sure if he alone was the reason for her tears and hoping to dear God that this wasn’t the case. Izaak wanted to make it better, he wanted to return to a time when all he’d have to do was take her into his arms and she’d just light up again. But these were unchartered waters. With his hand now rubbing soothingly up and down her arm, the other clasped tightly around the ring and tossed his mind into indecision. It was not at all the way he had planned his proposal, not with these tears tracing silver trails down Alexis’ face, not in his thongs and his lifeguard uniform. But it all seemed bittersweetly beautiful on the front porch they had used to call theirs with the last dying lights of the sun splashed across the house as if it were a painters canvas. In Izaak’s weary eyes, it was perfect.

The lids of his eyelids flicked closed momentarily as he drew a deep and nervous breath deep into his lungs. The butterflies in his stomach began to act up as he leant in and graced Alexis’ cheek with a tender kiss, savouring her familiar scent for just a second of a linger before drawing away to gaze down lovingly at her with those big, blue puppy dog eyes of his. “I love you, I never stopped Alexis. And no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t move on. I guess maybe I just didn’t want to.” Stopping for another breath to calm himself, Izaak slid the ring into his pocket before reaching for both of her hands; warm and as soft as ever inside the anxious shakiness of his own. “It’s been hands down the worst year of my life without you. I know your boyfriend’s probably back in Oxford waiting for you to come home. And I know you’re scared of yourself, but I’m not Alexis. I know you, and I love you. If you let me, I’ll be there for you. I want to be there for you. I want to be the one that makes it better, the person you fall back on. I’ll love you forever Es, that’s a promise...” Then he pressed a kiss to one of her hands and let them both fall to her sides as he sunk into a kneel before her. His right knee hit the ground and Izaak’s insides jolted excitedly. This would change everything, for better or for worse it was up to Alexis, but Izaak tried to imagine her acceptance as he brought the box out from his pocket, he’s falter at words any other way. Long fingers slowly lifted the lid to reveal the sparkling ring and a smile wound across his lips as he gazed up at his beautiful and hopefully very-soon-to-be fiancée. “Alexis.. Marie.. Richarde... Will you marry me?”
It was not the first time Alexis had cried and it was not the first time she had cried in front of Izaak but it was the first that his touch or his affection did not instantly make things better. It would never be better. She would have her curse forever, even if she suddenly met excepting people and was able to think of herself as a human again, well she was just a furry wolf and that was all people would see her as from now on, werewolf id. 003467 or whatever her number would be when she actually got to registering. “It’s okay Es, I’m here.” Alexis had to peak through her fingers to see if he was afraid of her or not; she could hear his uncertainty and thought that might be why but he did all that he could to sooth her. The affectionately placed hand on her arm, running up and down it brought shivers along her spine in a similar pattern of Izaak’s motions. She almost crashed into his arms to keep herself close to him and to try to be as calm as possible. She opened her mouth to speak, to tell him all she felt but her breath caught in her throat and she gasped for air. Even with her whole world crashing down from underneath her, Alexis loved Izaak Finch and knew that she always would, there was no way she could ever change this and no way she wanted to.

Alexis watched Izaak move in closer to her as she cried and in that moment of his kiss, she could not help but think that he just might too. She wafted in the wonderful smell of the ocean and the sand in her nostrils as he softly kissed her cheek. The words that followed the kiss were like a dream, as he spoke she had to blink to check if this was not a trick of her mind diluted from Wolfsbane potion but it was real. The warmth of Izaak’s hand made her smile, weakly mind you, but she was still oh-so happy. As his words, the words she had dreamed about came true, the shaky young woman did not dare interrupt Izaak to tell him that Lewis was not her boyfriend; she hadn’t even liked him that way. “I know you, and I love you. If you let me, I’ll be there for you. I want to be there for you. I want to be the one that makes it better, the person you fall back on. I’ll love you forever Es, that’s a promise...” Alexis felt all too amazingly overwhelmed by Izaak’s words and she nearly wrapped her arms around him told him what she felt but he touched his lips to one of her hands and kneeled before her.

This was pure, unbridled perfection in it’s own flawed design. The red headed girl felt tears stream down her cheeks but out of love and as his question she thought she was going to be sick. She nodded her head eagerly and cracked out the word, “Yes.” She slumped down on her knees as well and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “I love you, I’m so sorry for everything she whispered breathlessly into his ear, meaning every word she uttered. Closing her eyes, she rested her tear-stained cheeks against his shoulder, leaving her lips brushing along the skin of her fiancée. It was all so surreal, after telling herself over and over that it would never happen, she was going to marry Izaak Finch and someday she would be Alexis Finch.

Alexis pulled away gently, to look into Izaak's eyes. "You know what I am, right?" she asked slowly, the scar along her jawline so very visible. "I don't want you to think I'm something I'm not," she said, clearly speaking about being human versus being a werewolf. It would possibly be the most painful moment in her life if he were to reject her now, but she would bank it away and never bug him again.
Izaak’s breath hitched in his throat as his azure eyes caught the tears that streamed anew from Alexis’ eyes. He kept still beneath the possibility of rejection, the chance that she might weep it was all too much for her and apparate straight back to Oxford but it tore away at him, stopping his heartbeat with its ridiculous pressure. There he was down on one knee having just proposed to the girl of his dreams and so completely vulnerable as a result. But then, like sun through the storm, she nodded, she accepted and she dropped down to her knees before him. Izaak could feel his hands begin to shake in the aftermath of the proposal, the delayed adrenalin rush shooting through him as he cradled his lover’s back and held her tight against his torso. She had said yes, Alexis Marie Richarde had said that she’d marry him. Still in shock her squeezed her figure in his arms, rolling the word over and over again in his mind just to make sure that it had not been a no. But however surreal, it was a dream come true for the once estranged pair. After all their trials and tribulations; his mistakes, his blunders and his other lovers, they were engaged.

A silly grin loped across his lips, so wide that Izaak thought it may just stick there permanently, as the words “I love you” were breathed into his ear. Having resolved that he’d never hear them again from that sweet, red-headed girl of his, they sounded like heaven rolling off her tongue. But her apology unstuck that wild grin and in its place grew his concern. “No, no, don’t be,” He muttered back against the soft locks of her hair, shaking his head slowly as he did so. “You haven’t done anything wrong.” Alexis was unknowingly guilting him, though Izaak was sure he couldn’t be any more ashamed of his actions over the past year. He was the one who had been foolish enough to have drunken sex with Isabella, impregnating her as a result. He was the one who had been tempted many a time by the sweet forbidden affection of the blonde. It was his fault they had broken up, his voice that had mocked her and spat filthy names her way, he who had left her broken-hearted at the Medley. But Izaak knew for sure that his fidelity would remain intact now because he simply could not imagine having anyone else but Alexis.

The twenty year old keep a hold of Alexis’ waist as she drew away from him, his own apology lingering on the tip of his tongue but he was never spared the chance to voice it. Instead she questioned his knowledge of what she was and Izaak suddenly felt his stomach turn at the memories of the night he had found her; torn, bloodied, feasted on by her attacker. An unpleasant shudder slicked down his spine for he had never known a more heart-wrenching sight. To have to seriously hope that the one you loved most in the world, the one you had seen in a state that was only supposed to happen in horror movies, was sickening. Izaak would never wish it upon anyone, not even the lowest of life. He jerked his head in urgent objection once, twice before his eyes fell softly over the scar that ridged along her jaw. His thumb brushed gently over its length, his lips were not far behind in a kiss of reassurance. “You wanna know exactly what you are? You,” He breathed once he had leant backwards to watch the light glimmer in her hazel eyes, pausing only for a moment to pluck the engagement ring from its encasement. “Are the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with. We’ll cross bridges together when we come to them, okay? But I love all of you Alexis, werewolf or not.” A soft smile played across his lips, just gentle enough to notice and he reached for her left hand to slide the ring onto her dainty ring finger. It fit perfectly and it looked so right wound there around her finger that Izaak began to wonder why he had never come to this conclusion earlier.

The grin returned to his lips as his eyes gazed down at the diamond and with his gaze locked slyly on his fiancée’s Izaak set a low kiss on her fingers. But his affections didn’t stop there; he continued up her arm, kissing the crook of her elbow, her shoulder, collarbone, neck, jawline, until he reached her mouth. It had been a whole year since they had shared a proper kiss and Izaak found himself rather dazed by what he had been missing. It was slow, tender with all the romantics in the world and just enough frenching to be classy. But it was good above all else, it was breathtakingly good. In the dizzying midst of it, Izaak gathered himself to his feet and lifted Alexis up with him, keeping her securely pressed to him as he did so. The light seemed to fade from around them as they found themselves lost in the rediscovery of one another and when Izaak finally broke from her for a lungful of air, he could not help but laugh a little at this. “Welcome home beautiful.” He mumbled smilingly against her lips before pecking them with the utmost affection.
The nineteen-year-old had always thought that she would never be engaged so early, she had the preconceived idea that someone so young would never know what they wanted for the rest of their life but Alexis was certain of this, she had never been so sure of any decision in her life. She and Izaak had made it through a lot to this point and she knew that they would make it until they were old and grey. Reliving Izaak’s words in her mind as she hugged her betrothed, Alexis knew that they were soul mates. Never before had she believed in such a thing, but as her love pulled her tight to him, his arms fitting around her body so perfectly, she knew that they were made for one another, like two puzzle pieces. It struck her as odd that this had never occurred to her before to trust the fates that she would end up with her wonderful Izaak.

And as her apology came out, so did Izaak’s words. She loved him but could he not just let her apologize for something she knew she did wrong in their relationship? It had had to be said, if she hadn’t spoken the apology she would have always thought about it. The thought of Zaire would plague her and how god damn distraught she knew Izaak would have been when he read the letter, then there was poor Cassie, she knew that she had to apologize for that. If not to Izaak, then to Isabella (no matter how the words would stick in her throat when she would attempt it). To move on from her wrong-doings, Alexis Marie had to apologize to him.
Then came Alexis’ insecurities.

She was a Werewolf, a creature she had once thought were worst then any one that could have been constructed by any wizard or witch. Alexis was dangerous and she knew that but Izaak had to as well, if he did not she knew he could regret it. The last thing Alexis would ever want for Izaak is to be unhappy and even more to be unhappy with her. What Lewis had told her, not wishing to waist his life with a Werewolf made her blisteringly aware that Izaak might not want to either and before they moved too far again he needed to know for certain. Seeing him shudder, etched a torn expression on her face and her heart nearly stopped from the anxiety of it all. But of course Izaak knew how to answer her nervous heart, he had always known how to and she smiled dreamily. She barely took the time to notice that her left hand was in the warmth of his hands before she felt the engagement ring slid onto her finger. As it took its rightful place on her finger, she tore her gaze from her love and down to her hand. The ring was beautiful and this was the first time that she had actually taken the time to notice this, all she had known was that it was an engagement ring when she had found it and that she wanted to be engaged to Izaak. She smiled, it looked the ring was molded from her finger and squeezing her hand softly around Izaak’s she looked back up at him in affectionate silence in her aura.

As Izaak furthered her own small affection with a kiss to her hand, her smile brightened as did the smile in her hazel orbs. She had not exactly expected much after that but as his soft kisses continued, shivers and Goosebumps found their way along her body. Each kiss was soft and perfectly placed and the kiss on her lips did not differ one iota. As an automatic reaction, her arms wound around him. She had not used her lips in this way for a long time and it all felt so distant yet at the same time it was perfection and nothing less. Chills ran down her spine as her ringed hand combed through her love’s hair, against the grain, as they kissed oh-so lovingly and gradually becoming deeper. She took in his smell, taste and every feel of Izaak she could as they allowed the moment to take them away from the world outside of each other and as she did this she was barely able to comprehend that he was picking her up with him until her feet were planted lightly on the steps of their home.

It was long and, at the same time, all too short as their lips parted. Izaak’s husky words brought a heavy sigh from Alexis; such words had never been spoken more perfectly. They had always been cliché and corny; Izaak’s words seemed to return some of that in her as she thought that she was home in more then the physical way. Anywhere with her fiancée was where she was home, without him it had been hell and now that she was with him, things seemed to be looking up as was her expression. Brushing her lips along Izaak’s she softly sighed. “Mmm,” she said, “thanks fiancée Grinning she pecked Izaak’s lips giddily as her hands slid down to his shoulders as she leant back just enough so she could see his face. To think that she was engaged to the azure-eyed man before her, well it was shocking and she did not think she would get over that she was engaged until she was married and the shock would shift to that.
It were as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, or the light at the end of the tunnel was suddenly so close that he could grasp it with his own two hands. They were them again, Izaak and Alexis, and who would have thought engaged to be married. Marriage was something he had seldom thought about, only to cringe at were he to lock himself into such a commitment before he was even twenty-one. But things had changed, drastically. Something had happened along the way through the year that had passed without her to make Izaak realise that Alexis was all he had ever really needed. And she fuelled him so with such courage to the point where even if she were to fall pregnant sooner rather than later he would only be but a little anxious. And for Izaak Finch, that was most definitely saying something.

A low chuckle rode up his throat as she took light of their marital status and thanked him for his welcome. “You're welcome, Alexis.” The young man laughed as she rocked back on her heels to catch his eyes. For a moment between them the world seemed to stand still, the wonderful, indicative shades of green in her mixed irises were all he could focus on. There was not a smile short of Izaak Finch’s stunning blue eyes whilst he gazed down at his lover, there was no emotion that couldn’t be conveyed within their outstanding hues and right now they spoke all that he needn’t say. His unconditional love, his reeling excitement, the eagerness to kick start their relationship again and the contented state of mind he had settled cosily into with but an agreement to a question. Though they couldn’t simply stand there on the porch forever. With a squeeze of her hand, Izaak broke from their intimacy to jog down the steps to fetch his bag and then came racing back up again to reach for Alexis’ waist. With the maddest of grins he pulled her into him so that her back was lined perfectly against his chest and practically blindly unlocked his their front door as he whispered sweet nothings into his love’s ear.

The house had barely changed in her absence. Sure it was a little messier, his many belongings were strewn lazily over the breakfast bar and coffee table. The photos of them together had been stashed away in drawers save for one that Izaak had recently pulled out in the bedroom. And Kobe, that slobbering blur of black and white was evidently still a resident (a bigger one at that too) as he came galloping into greet the promised couple, crashing into their knees before he could possibly stop himself. A laugh rose in Izaak as he dumped his bag down on the bench and allowed the overgrown puppy his greeting before stepping in to snatch up more than his fair share of Alexis Richarde. Having not had her affection for an entire year Izaak could not seem to get enough as he held her close, twisted his tongue against hers tastefully and smoothed his large palms up and down her spine. It was all rather surreal in fact, but Izaak did not mind in the slightest. He finally had his Alexis back. A thought stole over him, one rather uncertain in nature, that caused the azure-eyed man to pause their kisses. Furrowed lines stretched across his forehead as he frowned, slightly perplexed and sensitive for one, to the fact that all that he gave out might not be all that he got back and secondly that she might not be as entirely happy as he was. Did her other ties still hang in her eyes? “What about Lewis and... And Zaire?” It was an unpleasant thing to ask as he darted his blue eyes away from her and on to the diamond ring on her finger, Alexis would probably be equally dirty on having to answer it but it was something that Izaak needed to know.
Returning the squeeze to her love’s hand, Alexis let him free and watched as he jogged over to his bag and as he turned to her again she smiled affectionately at him. She tucked a loose strand of drying hair behind her ear before looking down at her engagement ring with all the excitement and love in the world, not noticing just how close Izaak had come to her until his arms were around her waist and she was hugged into him. Her eyes slowly closed and she sighed, she loved him so much and as he spoke softly into her ear she began to feel like this was all so perfect. Nothing could have ever made her happier; they were together again and would be married, just like they had always wanted.

Alexis looked around their house as it was opened and she smiled and then their Border Collie, Kobe, came running forward. “Kobes!” she said, bending over to give the larger pup a pet behind the ears. Standing up she smiled brightly, the overwhelmingly large grin meeting her already happy coloured irises. “Mmm,” she murmured softly as Izaak kissed her once more, returning every wonderful feeling as her hands automatically found their place at the nape of her lover’s neck. She could not help herself as she smiled into the touch of their lips, playing her tongue with his, with only the passion of estranged lovers. She took a slow step backwards, guiding Izaak back with her. As she began to slide her hands to his color, Izaak pulled from her and she looked curiously at him. At his question, she stared at him, all too confused. What about Lewis and Zaire? Looking up at Izaak, she had the clear expression of confusion. Furrowed brows and a perplexed smile, “Wha- Oh Finally understanding what he had meant she cringed, feeling exceptionally nasty at even being asked the question. “I dated Lewis out of… pity I suppose, we broke up shortly after we returned home and I have not thought about Zaire in…” she trailed off slowly, trying to think of exactly when she had realized her true feelings had always and would always lie with the man before her. “A very long time,” she said, shrugging slowly, not exactly able to remember the day.

While Alexis did not want to have to ask this, she asked, “Isabella?” She chewed down on her bottom lip with anxiety, all too fearful at the thought of Izaak being in love with her. The veela girl would always be her true fear and now that she was a Werewolf, her insecurity with the gorgeous veela was only heightened.
The facade of puzzlement that whirled over Alexis' features caused the azure-eyed lifeguard to cringe inwardly. Not particularly in the mood for awkwardly elaborating on the question, Izaak began to feel himself swallowed up by his bout of insecurties, yearning for what they had reached only a mere few moments ago, that blissful state in their kisses when they forgot about all else but each other. He had asked plainly, hadn't he? Did he really need to specifically ask if her desires for the Argentinian from their schooling days still trounced all else? Could he physically set himself up for such possible humiliation? A bittersweet swell of relief rushed through Izaak as she finally came to understand what he had meant. And like he had predicted, by the cringe that took her to the hilt, she answered displeased by the mere nature of it. But Alexis, however caught off guard she had been, pleased him to extremties with her words and Izaak had to struggle desperately to keep safe his giddy smile. To think that she loved him more than a boyfriend of such high academic calibre or a man she had once sworn her true love by was dizzying. Even so, after all the cruel things he had said and the many times he had unintentionally strapped her into a wild, up and down rollercoaster of his ways, she loved him still, she loved him in the wondrously capitivating way that he loved her. But his euphoria was not to last as she surprised him with the re-specified question in return.

"Isabella?" Even the mention of her name wrought Izaak with a myriad of confused emotions. Anger was predominant and yearning, well that was zilch. If he had Alexis then that was all the love he could possibly ever desire now. There was no veela or woman that had once borne his late daughter that could everc change that anymore. Izaak shook his head first and then with eyes fixed distractedly on their entwined hands, mumbled a cut recount of how their relationship had fallen, never to spark again on either of their accounts. "Someone sent her this ridiculous letter, claiming I was fooling around with girls behind her back. She believed it, I don't blame her really but she went AWOL. I was filthy at first but then I kind of realised that I couldn't even be bothered to set things straight..." A sigh tore rugged from his lips as he remembered how he had lost himself that night in an unfamiliar bar with a sexy stranger in a cowboy hat. For the last time, he promised himself as he lifted his gaze to stare straight into the depths of his lover's eyes. Taking his hand, he fitted it against her cheek and ran his thumb across the silken feel of her skin. "... I just wanted you. And I'm so sorry for everything that happened. And all those things I said, I never ever meant them Alexis." Bending down to press his cheek against hers, the twenty year old snorted in spite of himself and his love. They had just gotten engaged and now they we're dwelling on the most morose of things.

Drawing in a quick breath of her, Izaak soon drew back with a limp and crooked smile half-hearted on his lips. "But hey, can we just put all that behind us now? 'Cause I don't know about you Es, but I'd sure like to spend some quality time with the person I just got myself engaged to." He passed her a both dazzling and sly wink of his glimmering azure eyes as he reached for her hips and drew them close into his own. "Whaddya say?"
Alexis listened to Izaak’s words in uncomfortable silence. She wanted to turn away and fiddle with the things on the kitchen counter top to distract herself, to keep her eyes away from his should he suddenly tell her he loved Isabella. Although part of her was sure he would not speak such words, he had asked her to marry him after all? How could he do that when he loved her? But her insides felt of putty, like they were going to leak out from inside of her and she was sure that if he told her, they would. She felt ill; it was a strangely similar feeling to hearing the news of her late sister and her mind spun as he sighed. She was sure that he was about to say “but” or “however” or whatever other variation of those words there were to tell her that despite their lost relationship, should he have had the chance he would return to her. As the wondrously blue gaze shifted up, hers did as well and she sighed with all the exhaustion in the world and as his hand cupped her cheek, Alexis smiled slowly.

At his request, Alexis grinned nervously. The thought of reintroducing herself to her love completely made her cheeks rise in heat. “Whaddya say?” Taking her glasses off and resting them lazily on the counter, she returned her attention to a very blurry Izaak. Suddenly hungry for his lips, she let her hands find his body and she met his lips with hers, kissing her fiancé. Her lust felt like a primal need and unknown hormones came from her cursed skin that somehow made her seem all the more attractive, much like a veela with her charm. She parted her lips from his and said heatedly with excited breaths, pecking at his lips between each set of words, “I love you, I missed you and I cannot wait to be your wife.” Everything that was in their past, was just that. Their past. She and Izaak had their whole lives to worry about silly things like that but now she wanted him and only him. Alexis did not want him to think of Zaire or Lewis while they celebrated their recent engagement and she did not want to have to worry sick over Isabella Ormonde and how he felt about her.
Izaak watched in all the jittery excitement of a child on Christmas morning as Alexis set her glasses down on the kitchen bench, a motion as simple as that suddenly making him crave her entirely. But he needn't even make his intentions that much clearer as within moments her lips were caught hungrily onto his own. Her hands came to brace themselves against his torso and Izaak's heart responded in quick and jagged beats beneath her very touch. It were as if all his pent up love for her that had not been conveyed in this manner for over a year was suddenly spilling out in drownable measures. Her tongue was sweet against his own, her body enticingly warm beneath his hands and her desire far more possessive than he had ever remembered it being before. She broke their kiss and he grasped for air in breathless gasps, drawing it all in with the widest of grins. Once more his eyelids flicked close as Alexis spoke excitedly to him, mixing her words with tiny sips at his lips in between. A hum of agreement rose in his throat and he could not help but to open his eyes to sweep his gaze over his lover. She seemed to pratically radiate with lustful hunger, the rosy hue of her cheeks and the glimmer in her happily toned eyes made it obvious and yet she was nothing short of adorable in that moment and it made Izaak fall all the more in love with her.

The young man dove back into her lips with a hint of a smile on his expression and tried to get the words "I love you" out in the midst of their heated affections but it was nearing impossible; just a mumble and a moan. But he was sure Alexis would decipher it, they seemed to just get each other like that. Soon his hands had found her in curiosity again, sliding slowly up her thighs, then her backside to curl fittingly at her waist. At first he tried to make blind steps backwards down the hall but instead ended up continuously backing himself up against the wall. And with Alexis without the assistance of her lenses, the engaged couple were a lost cause. So with a smile and a harmonious laugh, perhaps even a hint of impatience too, Izaak parted from their kiss to lead her slowly towards the bedroom, squeezing her hand tight in anxious excitement as he did so.
Shivers crawled up Alexis’ spine as Izaak slid his hands around her body while they kissed, following his steps as they kissed passionately. As her love walked into walls, she parted their kiss, adoration in her face and on her lips. She laughed gently with him and waited for him to lead her, simply unable to see anything more then a blur of the colours. As their hands held, she let him lead her around the house and giggled excitedly at the thought of being at home and spending time with Izaak Finch. As they came into the bedroom, Alexis could see a faint outline of the bed and she let her hands roam around his body while she heatedly brought him to their bed. Their bed! The thought was exciting and it brought awe to her in a way only their reunion could.Bringing her lips to the corner of his, she pecked them softly, before slowly kissing down his neck only breaking to free herself from her cotton chamber and returning her lips to his.

Alexis curled into the arms of Izaak Finch as he slept in the night, just taking the time to admire what she had missed. With a soft yawn and a loving smile, the lids to her hazel orbs fluttered shut before setting on her finger, laden with two rings of astounding importance to her, were distantly seen. The first was her promise ring and the other, one more promise ring but for a promise of different proportions both from the same person that she loved with all of her heart. Exhausted from the day but excited at the same time, Alexis curled her ringed hand with Izaak’s hand before closing her eyes and speaking softly to the person beside her, almost certain he was unable to hear her; Alexis whispered knowingly, “Always.” With the truth of her heart which would always belong to Izaak, Alexis drifted to sleep slowly.

bleh bleh black sheep have you any muse? well gimme some! (teehee.)

The rest of the evening passed by in much of a blissful whirlwind for the twenty year old as he and Alexis spent it in celebration of their engagement. The world and its tedious hours seemed to pass by unnoticed as Izaak made sweet love to his Alexis Marie like he'd never be granted the chance to again. He calmed her often with words of love amongst others whispered intimately into her ear and never forgot to charm her with kisses grazed against her porcelain skin, letting her know in every which way possible that she was the absolute apple of his eye. Izaak Finch did not know whether it was because distance really did make the heart grow fonder, or the excitement of their engagement or simply just knowing that he was with the love of his life but he could honestly say that it was the best he'd ever had. Not even the dizzying lights of Paris and Veela in love could ace it, it didn't even come close. Then finally when it seemed they could exert no more physical energy, the young couple sunk into each other's embrace and talked and laughed and smiled into the night until that too became exhausting and Izaak felt his eyelids begin to grow heavy. He drifted into a slumber not long after for the best sleep he'd had in months, just for the comfort of having Alexis in his arms.

The morning sun had long ago risen, its hue melting slowly from a fiery tangerine into a harsh glow against the white linen the reunited couple dozed beneath, unalerted to the blue skies of the late summer's day outside. Izaak's long limbs were spread-eagled out across the mattress, greedily taking up far more space than merely his side of the bed, save for one arm that held his fiancee to his side. She was so close infact that her familiar sweetness of her scent had intoxicated his dreams until they consisted of nothing but her. However, they were soon to be rudely disturbed by a click of claws against the hardwood floors and the eagerly panting body of Kobe as he leapt up onto Izaak's figure, dancing his paws excitedly across the young man's body in a plead for long overdue attention. Stirring from his sleep in irritation, Izaak groaned loudly but found himself still too tired to rid the bed of the dog, even as his paws began to pad uncomfortably on his stomach. "Mmm, Ale'is..." He moaned, his voice so drowsy that he managed to swallow the 'x' in his lover's name. Izaak Jay Finch was usually a morning person, but not today. He'd much rather just be left to his dreams, unable to comprehend that reality was now so much better. "... Ged'im orff meee."
With the first signs of morning, Alexis’ first instinct was to cover her head with the soft sheet resting over top of her body but in somehow both awake and asleep, she felt Izaak’s body wrapped around hers and she decided to cover herself in with her favorite of the two. So burrowing closer she returned to her sleep completely and her dreams of herself and her fiancé. The words breathed upon her skin made it impossible for her not to, and then there was the fact that for the first time in a year they shared their bed. It all brought her to the amazing dream of herself and Izaak, sharing moments of sweet affection. Her dreams were more flashes of the past and the future she was sure would lack all bleakness and would have nothing but their strange joy… well with one another. Outside forces would be dealt with accordingly but Alexis was sure that with Izaak Jay beside her at the end and the beginning of the day it would all be fine. But her sleepy joy was broken and irritated by a sound and she groaned. Alexis was not a morning person and would never be one and to be woken up from such sweet dreams was particularly annoying but as her eyes fluttered softly open she realized that it was Izaak.

Butterflies erupted in her stomach, only now realizing that she was with Izaak and that he was lying right beside her. It all seemed so surreal to her and it was so new that the shock simply had not worn off; it never would. “Kooobe,” she groaned slowly, trying to get their puppy off of Izaak so she could return to her dream land but the puppy barked excitedly, waging his tail as he stayed atop of his master. “He won’t” she told her love needlessly before closing her eyes to try to go back to sleep despite Kobe’s neediness. Alexis gently met her lips to Izaak’s jaw line as she hummed with exhaustion heavy-set in her voice as well as a myriad of emotions, all synonymous with joy, “G’d mornin’ sweetie.”

Opening her eyes once more, finally deciding that she was awake, Alexis rested her head on the shared pillow. Her red strands softly tickled her cheek and formed messy girls as they lay under her head like a honey-suckled crown. Blinking a few times, she could feel her heart beat accelerate to dangerous heights but it felt so right because it was from her love of her Blue Eyes.
Within his embrace Izaak felt Alexis stir and soon her slurred moans had joined his own as she whined at the eager dog. But Kobe persisted in pressing his paws into his master's now very pained stomach muscles, probably wondering why the sun was so high in the sky and yet he had not even had a morning greeting, let alone a bowl of gravy-doused breakfast. That was bad enough for Izaak but as the dog issued a few loud barks which might as well have been right against his ear, he knew that there was no way in the world that he be falling back to sleep now. Instead he let his fuzzy attention focus onto his fiancee with a defeated groan and allowed his head to lull exhaustedly close by to hers. Even through his sleep there was no mistaking that supple kiss to his jawline, nor the sweet voice that greeted him. A hum of contentment vibrated through Izaak, past the lazy smile Alexis alone had moulded onto his lips and he rolled onto his side, bringing Kobe to a squirming but ever so happy position between the sleepy couple. "I shoulda shut the damn door Kobes." He mumbled to the ecstatic pup that now had the pleasure of being petted begrudgingly by Izaak's free hand. His other which had been wound about Alexis the entire time soothed constant circles up and down her spine whilst he ducked his head to brush his grinning lips against her throat. "Hi you," There was a distinctive slyness in Izaak's voice as he turned his undivided attention to his lover, but it also became ridden with euphoria at the simple pleasure of having her back by his side every morning.
Lifting his head back up to the pillow the two had shared, Izaak finally got to opening his eyes, blinking them several times against the harsh lighting before revealing such a joyously bright shade of blue. A moment more and they met with the exhausted yet effortlessly beautiful young woman by his side, the woman he was in due time going to marry, going to make a Finch and going to love for the rest of his days. Oh, the certainties! And with another smile Izaak kissed her once more but this time sweetly on her button nose. "Mmm, I could get used to this." Even at this hour Izaak managed to crack onto his playful nature as he joked about something he had not had in over a year. But inside he was feeling like butter with the onset of all that had occured in the past twenty-four hours, it was all so surreal and wonderful. This was just the cherry on top as he gazed affectionately down at both his wife-to-be and the panting puppy in his arms, the very foundations of a family of his own.
For Leah Samantha Finch life had never been quite so sweet. A coy side of her would very much like to deny that it all had to do with a tall, handsome, once-upon-a-time stranger. The feminist in her would have straight up said that it was the good business that had flowed in at the turn of the month in preparation for Valentine's Day that had her mood lifted so indescribably high, or that her baby was doing so well at his second year of school already with an academic incentive higher than she and Izaak combined had ever possessed. Even the great summer season that Bondi had just seen could have been reason enough. But while these things were all good and wonderful, Leah knew the truth; Fletcher was reason for just about her every happiness right now. She was finally in love and standing right on top of the world.

But despite all these joyous feelings and sensations there was one thing, one person really, that had her anxieties running high. Her best friend. To have to deal with trials and tribulations of the heart at nineteen was bad enough; a house you could no longer call home, your boyfriend's baby which incidently happened not to be yours, then having to hear him call you every name beneath the sun. It was awful, just awful. But then on top that, surviving a werewolf attack and having the unbearable weight of each and every full moon on your shoulders? It was unthinkable. And Leah had thought she had had it tough at nineteen. Nothing she had went through, not even the load she had copped from her stone hearted parents could ever compare to what Alexis was experiencing right now. Though what hurt the fair woman most was the fact that she was so damn over the moon about life and she couldn't even share an inch of it with her best friend. What kind of cruel, sick bastards had placed such limitations on the act of sharing? She'd have it amended in a heartbeat if she could.

"Jay sweetie, come on, Mummy has things to do." She sighed to the six year old as he clambered up onto the bricks of someone's fence and began to walk it like a pirate's plank. He pouted a little but jumped the three feet to the ground before racing to catch up to his mother. An appreciative smile was offered to Jay (though she was sure it went by unnoticed) as Leah curled a hand into his hair, suprised in the moment by how much he had truly grown out of his curls. One more haircut and they'd be gone. If today were any other day she would have allowed Jay the liberty of dawdling his tiny little heart out but she had to drop him off at her brother's first, then tidy up a few matters at work before she planned to surprise Alexis with a tub of ice cream and a few DVD's for a pick-me-up of sorts and well, there were really only so many hours in the day. "Maybe if you're good Izaak could take you and Kobe down to get some ice cream later, hmm?" At this the little boy practically lit up, not only in anticipation of the cold treat but getting to enjoy it with his uncle too. Jay had had many a sitter at times when she was unable to take him places in tow with her, one of the many woes of being a single mother, but none of them had ever quite topped Izaak. And thank god he had the day off today.

Jay eagerly bounced up the steps to Izaak's home as they finally reached it, with Leah close on his heels and pushed the unlocked door open without even bothering to knock in channelling his mother's habits. Amused by this, Leah smiled a little to herself before following him inside into an empty living room. Izaak had to be here somewhere, he wouldn't have left the door unlocked if he weren't but when she had checked every room but the bedroom with still no luck at finding him this struck her as odd. It was nearing midday, he couldn't possibly be still asleep, could he? Intrigued now, Leah made her way to the bedroom with her son close by her side and in seeing that the door was already halfway open, pushed it open a fraction more. The sight she was greeted with caused her face to burn up in an instant, half embarrassed and half livid to know that while her poor best friend was down in the dumps her brother was bedding women as if they were nothing more than a selection of candy to devour in handfuls. Where had all his morals and values gone? Jay, spotting Kobe beneath one of Izaak's arms, lurched forward to greet the him but Leah had grabbed him and scooped him up into her arms with a mother's reflexes, fearing he'd be exposed to the presence of a girl other than Alexis or Isabella even in such intimate proximity to Izaak. Perhaps she should have just gotten the girl next door to babysit him instead. "Oh my god, I'm so-" Then Leah caught a glimpse of a shade of hair so familiar that it caused her to bite back one set of words and burst out in another instead. "Oh my god! Alexis?! You sly dogs! Why was I not told of this?! Huh?" There was an incontrollable grin spread right across the blonde's lips now, her excitement far too high to even leave room for the awkwardness of having walked in them cuddled up to one another, obviously just recently woken up. Jay squirmed from his mother's arms and bounded over to the person he had been wondering longingly about ever since last Christmas. "'Lexis!" He exclaimed, still beaming with the intial shine he had taken to the red-haired girl as he clambered onto the little space between her feet and the trembling pup who now looked as if all his Christmases had come at once.
As if it was not bad enough that Alexis had been woken up earlier then she had hoped, the squirming Border Collie pup still seemed to want more attention as he waited for a greeting from her. To sustain the attention starved dog, Alexis chortled and pet Kobe in passing before returning full attention to Izaak through her early morn grogginess although at this time she was not so sure how early it was. The re-familiarized touch of Izaak’s lips brought shivers rattling up and down her spine and shoulders in the best way as he spoke with his lips touching her neck. “Hi you.” Breathing out softly, there was a gentle rumble in low in her throat as the sigh, very easily, turned into a low groan at the taunting nature of her lover. However, the smile was impossible to keep off of her lips that still tingled from the frantic kisses of their evening as she peeled her eyes open to her lover, her fiancé, her husband-to-be, her Izaak Jay Finch. With fluttering eye lashes to adjust her gaze to the bright sun as its rays seeped through the large slits of the blinds of the window in their bedroom that had changed little even in her extended absence.

The green flecks of colour surrounding the light brown shades, outlined with a faint hint of grey showed one clear side of the happiness of the Werewolf as the colours met the ice-chip blue of Izaak before she closed them slowly to receive the kiss on the tip of her nose. At Izaak’s words, Alexis could laugh easily at them rather then be completely embarrassed because she knew, just as he did, that they both were in awe of their reunion and so terribly in love with one another that their hearts were all but putty. Placing a tender hand on his cheek, she smiled up at her fiancé but as she made a move to lean upwards to kiss his warm lips she heard steps come towards them. For a second she thought this was a dream turning strange, that she was still asleep, but after a moment later she realized it was not, that she was actually awake and someone was entering their bedroom. Pushing her eyebrows together, Alexis asked Izaak with their form of telepathy, Who on earth would come unannounced? Only when she heard the voice did she know exactly who it was and she widened her eyes excitedly as her stomach did a few summersaults and as she grinned exceptionally large. Turning her head to the side, Alexis smiled to goofy proportions at Leah’s inquiry, glancing up at Izaak with love in her eyes she went to answer but she heard the voice of a young boy call out to her from the foot of her bed.

Leaning up, she was immediately relieved that in the middle of the night she had gotten a craving for water and had slipped on one of Izaak’s button up shirts and boxers. “Hey baby Finch,” Alexis teased the blonde boy, as she reached forward and picked him up, settling him on her lap. “Miss me?” she asked with a soft smile as she ran her fingers through the golden strands, wondering when he had grown out all of his boyish curls before looking over to Leah with a joyous smile. “Mmm, sorry Leah but… you were kind of the very last person in my mind,” she answered honestly as she looked over to her fiancé warmly.

Deciding that having this conversation when Izaak and herself were not in bed, Alexis suggested to Jay, “How about you, Kobe and Mummy go downstairs, I’ve got a surprise for you but I hid it in a very special place.” Of course she was lying but she would be able to think of something on the spot to give him, although at the moment she was drawing a blank.
The shock was still evident within her wide blue eyes even as she saw the smile, brimming with love and affection, that Alexis passed up to Izaak at the outburst of exclamations. Somewhere inside of her had known it all along; before they had split up, before they had moved in together, even before she and Alexis had quickly made ties as best friends- from the very moment she had seen the then still teenage couple, something had felt so right about the girl with the golden red hair, something so fitting for Izaak at least. And now here they were, after beating the odds, they were right back where they belonged. Together. Being a romantic at heart through and through, it was the kind of story that could make Leah jump for joy. And then, when Izaak got around to proposing, she'd finally have the sister she had always wanted. For keeps this time.

Her best friend seemed just as excited as herself, all huge grins and silly smiles. But Izaak on the other hand groaned her name in drowsy annoyance and buried his head into the pillow, turning it only to keep his softened blue gaze on doting nature of his girlfriend as she scooped Jay into her lap. After rolling her eyes at her brother, Leah could not help but raise a sly eyebrow at her oversized attire though the young boy could not have cared less as he snuggled into the shirt with a joyous, toothy grin. Quickly he nodded, a little huffed by the nickname ("I'm not a baby 'Lexis. Gabriel is a baby") but ecstatic to see her back in Bondi for what he hoped would be a very, very long time. Though like all young children his attention quickly dispersed and he took to softly fisting a hand around Kobe's ear and nagging his uncle for the ice cream he could only remember his mother promising. Correcting her son was the very last thing Leah had on her mind as Alexis told her that she was the very last thing on hers, witnessing her younger brother's still sleepy but contented smile for the second time as Alexis fixed her gentle, multi-hued eyes onto him. How they hadn't already started planning their wedding or something of the like was beyond her. "See? I told you so, I told you so!"

A blush, beet red in colour, stained the young woman's cheeks at her best friend's suggestion to Jay and it re-occurred to her with a glance at Izaak lying flat on his stomach and beginning to drift back to sleep, that it probably wasn't entirely appropriate to continue their reunion here. With one last excited smile towards her friend, Leah made her way downstairs into the living room with Jay and his ever faithful furry pal scampering one step ahead, obviously eager for the present Alexis was probably hastily trying to conjure up.
Izaak loved his sister, Lord knows that he did because she was more than just that, she was a mentor, a role model, a best friend. But when she burst without warning into his bedroom just when all he wanted to do was wake up at the slowest pace possible with his brand new fiancee, one could not blame him for being a little sour. So groaning her name he had rolled onto his stomach, rested his head on his crossed forearms and given Alexis the free reign of speaking, doing nothing but gazing up at her through a new onset of exhaustion. Not even Jay could rouse him as he begged for a trip down down to the ice cream parlour, only getting a mumbled "Mmhm 'Lexis'll take you" from his uncle. A smile up at his lover as he felt her eyes fall upon him was the last he could manage before the voices surrounding him began to blur into a soft hum and his breaths lengthened and deepened in slumber. There was however one thing that came through his lightly dozing mind; Alexis' promise of a present. Yeah right, he smiled to himself, not even feeling the weight of the mattress shift as Jay and Kobe jumped from it.

It was but moments later that the sudden silence stirred him and he rose back to reality with great wide yawn. His striking blue eyes, although struggled to open, had no trouble seeking Alexis. But as much as he'd truly give to cuddle back up to her and sleep through lunch, Izaak knew he'd have to get up sooner or later or else Leah might get impatient enough to come back in. Sitting up, Izaak stretched up against the head board and gave another loud yawn before begrudgingly slipping from the bed. "You don't have a present, do you?" Izaak smirked over at his love as he slipped on a pair of boxer shorts and collapsed right back onto the bed. With his eyes shut exhaustedly once again, greedy hands reached blindly for Alexis' slight waist and pulled her until she was sitting atop his stomach. "And you better brace yourself," Izaak paused his playful words to sneak a quick, hungry kiss, just until her sweetness was fresh on his tongue before continuing. "Cause Leah is going to absolutely flip when she sees the ring." But this wasn't even something he needed to warn her about, Alexis knew Leah like he did to the point where she became hopelessly predictable. Finally, Izaak lifted his lazy eyelids to catch a sight in his doting blue eyes that was even better than he imagined, one that brought a soft smile to his still kiss-swollen lips. This beautiful young woman above him, the one with the defiant red hair dressed down cutely in a shirt of his, with love heavy in her green flecked irises, she was all his to love and to hold. His smile widened and he lifted her ringed hand to kiss it tenderly. "Just ten more minutes... Pleeease?" Izaak begged her with a certain charm of his in his smile and a glimmer in his ever brightening eyes.
Alexis smiled down at Jay as he hugged her, wrapping her own arms around him, laughing light heartedly at his words, knowing from experience with Mariella that he was probably at the stage when he wanted to be thought of as older and disliked being called a baby. “Okay Jay,” she said softly, narrowing her eyes playfully to Izaak as he said that she would take Jay to the parlour, knowing that before she did much else she would have to get clothes of her own aside from what she had worn the day earlier but she did not mind one bit spending time with Jay, she just wanted to spend the most time with Izaak as possible. At Leah’s “I told you so”s Alexis blushed and laughed softly, her friend had been so right about them and she knew now that if she had listened to her that maybe things would have come together earlier and maybe she would not be a Werewolf. But here she was, with the one person she would love always and loved her the same way she loved him.

As they were left alone together, Alexis groaned inwardly. Why had she promised something? Why had she not just said that she and Izaak needed to change? Now she had to figure out something so early in the day, so putting her glasses on that she had brought up with her when she had gotten her glass of water she sighed softly before looking over to her love. She smiled sheepishly. “No I don’t,” she answered shrugging before playfully continuing, “That means you have to help me think of one.” About to get up to change into the jeans she had worn yesterday, she felt Izaak’s hands wrap around her waist and she smiled dotingly as she sat on top of him, her lips pulling into a sunny smile to her fiancé. Placing her hands on his chest lightly Alexis leant down to meet his lips, sighing with adoration as their lips broke from one another’s. When Izaak continued her words she smirked, raising an eyebrow that said ‘As if I don’t know that already’. She was sure she knew her best friend just as well as Izaak, if not better but either way she was a little excited to have the chance to gush over the engagement with her best friend, although it would probably be a little embarrassing at the same time.

"Just ten more minutes... Pleeease?" Alexis placed a hand on his cheek lovingly and sighed defeatedly before she placed a kiss on his soft, warm lips. "Fine, y'know Izaak you should brace yourself as well," she teased, speaking slowly, kissing his lips once more before stepping over Izaak and setting her feet on the ground. Looking for her jeans that were somewhere on the ground of their bedroom, she remembered that she had to take her potion later, which meant that she had to go to the Leaky Cauldron in London where she had been staying after she had moved out of Lewis' house. "Aha!" she said as she found them and picked them up off the ground. Slipping the jeans on and buttoning them, she reached into her pockets, hoping that maybe she would have something in there Jay would like enough to think that she had planned to give him something.

There was only a twenty pound bill in her pocket, so she shrugged and decided that this would have to do. Of course she did not know the exchange rate but she was sure he would be able to buy something with it. "Bye, my love," she said with adoration as she looked up to him before leaving the bedroom and shutting the door gently behind her.

As she entered the kitchen, Alexis found that she was starving so she reached into the fridge and quickly grabbed some cold cuts. Sure it wasn't a raw steak but it was the second best thing. Walking into the living room she put the package down momentarily she nearly ran towards her best friend and future sister-in-law and embraced her tightly. "Leah! I am so excited to be back here, I've missed you all sooo much," she said, nearly squealing happily as she pulled away. Pushing back a strand of red hair with her ringed hand she forgot that Leah did not know that she and Izaak were engaged to be married and that the ring would be an odd sight for her.
Both mother and son were sitting expectantly on the couches in the living room as she waited for Alexis so that they could greet properly and perhaps be let in on the entire story whilst all Jay was really excited by was what the red-haired young woman had promised him back upstairs. Kobe seemed to be the easiest to please with just a scratch behind the ears, but wasn’t he always? There was a further defined glint in the spectacular blue hues of the young woman’s eyes to be seen at every angle as she glanced about the space the three of them occupied, absentmindedly though because it was not the decor that had gotten them that way. Life now was perfect. Not the kind of perfect that was hanging in the balance, easy to disturb with the smallest of notions but a perfect that could never be spoilt. They were all together again; her, Alexis, Izaak, Jay and now Fletcher, and if they had each other then they’d okay whatever the weather. Especially Alexis. She needed all the support she could reap at a time like this and although Izaak had been unfaithful before Leah was positive he would not make the same mistake twice because losing Alexis again would ruin him completely.

Having been carried away in her thoughts, Leah hadn’t quite noticed her best friend’s presence until the pace of footsteps could be heard picking up speed in her direction. Though she didn’t even have to think twice before throwing her arms out to Alexis and pulling her in close to embrace the happiness they had not been given a chance to share in a very, very long time. “Oh hun, you’re finally back where you belong.” She sighed in the grip of a smile and drew away from her friend simultaneously. “Now tell me everything. I wanna know all abou—" A gasp suddenly rose from the blonde’s chest as she stared at the diamond ring on Alexis’ ring finger. She had to take a breath and a moment to make sure that this was definitely her left hand and not just a particularly extraordinary ring she had been given for her nineteenth. But there were ‘ifs’ or ‘buts’ about it. That right there was an engagement ring on Alexis Richarde’s finger and Leah made a quick reach for her hand before an idea of refusal was even written into the younger girl’s mind. “He.. Izaak proposed?!” Leah couldn’t even wait for any sort of agreement from Alexis before giving a shriek of delight and momentarily hugging her tight once more. Her sister-in-law, her best friend was officially going to become her sister in law! Her jumble of breathless words were elaborated on as Leah pulled away from the embrace, still grasping her ringed hand and throwing glances often down at its “When? Where? Did he get down on one knee? Oh tell me everything Alexis! Everything, everything, everything!” She was beside herself with excitement now, blurting out questions without giving Alexis a breath to answer them. Jay sat patiently on the couch, gazing up at the two women with such frustrated wonder over how a ring, however sparkly it may be, could possibly be cause for this much excitement.

blah for both, imma tired. oh and if you want to in your post, feel free to godmod away izaak coming into the room. he's fairly predictable i'm sure XD

Izaak attempted to keep the speed of their kiss to a bare minimum in hopes that maybe it would lengthen the time he could spend alone with his lover until they were greeted properly by his sister and nephew. But that also meant keeping up the length in his affections and so far, well, that was not succeeding. "Fine, y'know Izaak you should brace yourself as well," A smirk rode playful on his lips but Izaak was quickly tilting his chin up to graze his lips against Alexis’, hoping to entice her into staying put right there in her seat atop his torso. But as it turned out it was she that had tempted him instead, leaving him breathless as she stepped from his body and onto the floor. Just too little, too late, Izaak rolled over and stretched his muscled arms out to Alexis, a delayed reaction to snatching her back up into his arms. But she had begun her search for the jeans they had flung aside in the heated course of last night’s turn of events and the young man knew it was no use. Her name broke as a gentle moan of protest from his lips whilst she shimmied into the retrieved garment. But his fiancée was soon changed and out the bedroom with some form of British currency in her hand, though not forgetting to bid him lovingly farewell.

With the click of the door now echoing through his ears, Izaak managed to sprawl himself back across both sides of mattress. Even now with Alexis only a holler away downstairs, the bed felt oddly empty, like a hunger he could not satisfy. No matter how hard he willed himself to take a power nap while he could, sleep would just not take hold of him again. And then came the squeals of delight, mainly Leah’s of course through the spontaneity of it all, but how they could travel so clearly upstairs and straight through the closed door to the bedroom was quite beyond Izaak. But, alas, he could not help but smile because it was their engagement he could easily guess the two best friends were celebrating, his and Alexis’. Their reunion and their soon-to-be union as man and wife. Unable to ignore the jolts of excitement within his body any longer, Izaak quickly dressed himself down in a pair of worn jeans and a printed t-shirt as he exited the bedroom. His steps were light and hesitant down the stairs, careful not to disrupt his sister and his love as they seem to bubble away excitedly to one another.
Alexis smiled as Leah welcomed her back home. It was true, she was back where she belonged, and she always had. Before she could answer Leah’s question about the night before she heard a gasp and her hand was snatched. She looked down at it and smiled, barely noticing Leah’s reaction, she was tempted to leave Leah and Jay just to go upstairs to hug her fiancé because already missed him despite knowing she could call out for him and he would come down in under five minutes. Distracted by her thoughts she was not able to even thinking of answering Leah’s question when the older girl’s arms were wrapped around her tightly before pulling away. She laughed softly as a bundle of questions came pouring out. “Well… I was going to go to get registered at the ministry of magic for being…” she trailed off and grimaced at the thought of just what she was. “Anyway… I found the ring in the bag with my hospital forms and saw that Izaak’s hand writing was on them so I came to Bondi first thing.” Pausing momentarily, she glanced over at Kobe whose tail beat excitedly against the couch, looking just past the friends, bringing her to turn her gaze to what the pup was looking at. It did not take long at all for her to meet her love’s blue gaze and she smiled at him as he walked forward and hooked his arms around her waist from behind. Placing her hands on his she turned her head to the side and kissed his cheek gently. “Good morning Izaak,” she breathed gently before kissing his cheek quickly and turning her head to Leah. “Next thing I knew, I was bawling my eyes out and Izaak is telling me he loves me while trying to stop my tears then he asked me to marry him.” With a smile brighter then she had ever given to anyone outside of the giddy smile from last night, Alexis flickered her gaze from Leah, to Izaak and then to the wedding ring then back at Izaak. Curling her body closer into Izaak's, Alexis sighed out of comfort in her life. “I'm so glad to be back home,” she said to no one in particular but she was.

It all felt like a dream as the twenty-seven year old stood there with her gaze undecided between fixating on the glint of the diamond on Alexis’ finger or the equally as spectacular glint in her eyes as she slowly began to gather up answers to the questions that had been blurted out. Her baby brother and her best friend were engaged to be married. And despite that he was not even twenty-one yet and Alexis was still technically in her teens, the young couple seemed to have their heads screwed on straight. They were genuine, they weren’t looking for the thrill of a Vegas wedding, they weren’t heading towards the hype of their honeymoon just to be fed up with the whole idea of marriage the instant the plane touched back home. They were obviously in this for keeps and no more naive than a couple tying the knot in their late twenties.

Before she had even reached the proposal, they were joined by a fresher looking Izaak as he wandered into the living room only to attach himself to his fiancée, managing to avoid all but one glimpse of Leah as she eyed him up slyly. A smile and a shake of her head in his direction was all she stooped to before she was awed by the very occurrence of their brief but cutesy greeting as it was something she had thought she’d never get to see again. They really were the most adorable couple Leah had ever seen, especially now all loved up on the back of their engagement and with her and Fletcher having finally found one another her views were no longer tarnished with loneliness. “Next thing I knew, I was bawling my eyes out and Izaak is telling me he loves me while trying to stop my tears then he asked me to marry him.” It was not until her mouth had began to run dry that Leah realised her jaw had come to hang open as the words progressed. “Izaak Jay, where did you learn to be so darn charming? Get over here!" She managed to gush and tease as she beckoned him excitedly over for a hug.
Having been quiet enough so that neither his sister or his fiancée had realised his presence as of yet, Izaak halted his advances for just a moment to take in a sight that he’d surely become all the more accustomed to seeing. Alexis and the Finches on a Sunday morning; it was so comfortable, so easy, just like a Sunday was meant to be. But of course, a hyperactive Border Collie was sure to disturb that peace. And right now even through there was no barking, and no ridiculous rolling around on his back, the continuous thwack of his tail against the end of the couch was disruption enough. Smiling slowly at Kobe for his sheer adoration, Izaak continued towards the pair of friends before softening the expression for Alexis as she meet him with those gleeful eyes of hers. Feeling particularly bashful as he felt his sister’s overjoyed gaze lock onto him, Izaak sidled up behind his love, slinked his arms around her waist and tried his hand at avoiding Leah. Unlike her younger brother, Leah Samantha Finch was not the hugest fan of surprises, at least not when they didn’t involve her. And although Izaak knew this he was sure she would have struggled to keep her excitement at bay if he had let her in on his plans to propose. So he had told no one but his best friend, Casey Carlin, and thankfully too as things had not quite gone according to plan.

A fork of electricity zipped through Izaak’s veins as Alexis turned press her soft, sweet lips to his cheek and uttered a less drowsy ‘good morning’. With a simple hum of contentment and a smile so rich with love, Izaak tangled two loving kisses in her hair; one against her crown, the other just behind her ear, and then lifted his thumb to caress the ring he had placed on her finger only as of last night. The heat began to rise within the young man’s cheeks at both his love’s words and his sister’s classic reaction to them but before it grew to stain his skin with a healthy flush he tucked his face against the vanilla aroma of her vibrant locks, chuckling to himself as he did so. Izaak knew that his proposal had not been the most polished of them all, nor the most perfect. But through his own eyes it had been perfection and for their dramatic reunion it seemed to just fall right into place.

Holding Alexis tenderly to him as Leah complimented his decision in her own special way, Izaak finally perked his head up from the young woman in his arms to grin goofily over at his sister. A laugh came easily, a playful shrug not far behind and he let his hand’s slide from his lover’s waist to throw his sister into a tight embrace. The Finch siblings laughed in sync as they gripped onto one another, each overjoyed that the other had finally found what they had been searching for because each other’s ups and downs were just as influential as their own. Leah grinned a word of congratulations and thanks and squeezed him one last time before letting go to do the very same to Alexis. But Izaak could not help but join in on the fun once more. His arms proved long enough to wind around the both of them and yet he barely noticed as Leah slipped out, leaving Alexis smothered within his bear hug. “I’m so glad you’re back home too.” He smiled in a breath caressed against her ear as they shared a moment, Leah and the rest briefly forgotten about as Izaak hugged his love so close and so tight against his body that an embrace of even fractionally bigger proportions would be sure to crush her. “I love you.” Though in the moment he was about to sneak a brief kiss his stomach rumbled loudly up against Alexis’ and breaking from the intimacy, he laughed out loud. It was his stomach, it was always his stomach. “I think I’m hungry.” Izaak laughed again and began to drag his fiancée by the hand towards the kitchen with him but someone had caught her by the belt loops of her jeans. “Uh-oh, now you’re in for it.” He teased his lover, catching his tongue cheekily between his teeth at the sight of the fair-haired boy with tiny arms drawn across a puffed chest and an eyebrow arched skilfully in expectation. There was no doubt about it; he was Izaak’s nephew through and through.

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