My last dance, all good

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Jaden West

Apothecary's Owner ☠️ Potion 1-4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Jaden all week thought about attending the yule ball, she thought about just never really made a clear decision if she should go or not. It would be her last one ever, it will be her last chance to see Hogwarts on Christmas and all her fellow school mates having a laugh together. It's your last days here, make the best of it. She made a decision if she was going to attend this crap of a festival, she should go there with style. She asked her aunt Eliza to send over some slack and a black blazer she could wear to the yule ball. While all the girls dressed in their little dresses, Jaden will attend looking like one of the boys. She cut her auburn color hair, styled it pretty neat, and fixed her eyes a little with black liner.

She looked fit like a guy. Underneath her blazer she wore a fitting shirt with black stripes. She slip into some black converse, low tops with little white laces tied to them. Scented to her skins, was some french cologne from Paris, France. It read Bosc, something fresh and it smell good too. "Now off to this sh!t dance" she left her dorm, walking out of the common room making her way towards the great hall.

The atmosphere felt like the Holidays. Jaden look around the massive hall, it was nice. She forget what it felt like to attend the yule ball, whens the last time I came here?! She hadn't notice every detail in her life matters. And making memories was like a huge part of growing up. She been too isolated the past years, great amount of her time at Hogwarts been nothing but her dorm room. Now she felt a ping of regret, if only time could be changed and events could be better for me. She would make it better, though to late she moved around the great hall. It's okay, I'm here now, make it a better night. She stuff both her hands into her pockets of her blazer, she peered around the hall fishing in the crowded area to someone to talk too. Anyone would do now!
OOCOut of Character:
sorry i cant help but join, i enjoy RPing them. for people who hate each other they do tend to bump into each other a lot :p

Briar headed down to the great hall. she hadn't particularly wanted to go to the ball, but the food was too bigger draw for her to resist. with the moon fading to almost new and her energy levels rising to well above normal even for her she would much rather have been on her broom flying high speed, practicing new techniques, and in general burning off as much energy as she could.
either way she headed to the hall dressed in an odd outfit, she had never had much a sense of fashion, tonight she wore a black long sleeved T-shirt, and added a sleeveless jacket over the top. on her bottom she was actually wearing a skirt (who knows how that had ended in her trunk, probably be accident) on top of trousers and boots. the reason for this outfit was obvious if you knew one thing about her. she was a werewolf, but she hadn't told anyone at the school other than the few professors, and staff who had to know in order to make the correct precautions for her. however that morning she had received a package that contained a book that hinted that someone knew. the long sleeves and pants were to hid the scars on her arms and legs. they weren't that clear an only visible if they were known to be there, the healers had done a good job on them but she didn't want anyone to see and today they may as well have still been open wounds for that was how they felt.
she entered the great hall and hardly noticed the decorations as she made her way to the food table. there was like always a huge crowd around it. after a moment she was able to reach the food its self. she reached and picked up some and placed it on her plate. not really caring what it was, all of the food in the castle was good even if it wasn't always to her slightly more rustic tastes. turning back around to head out of the crowd and find somewhere slightly quieter to eat she saw a familiar face. someone who she didn't get long with. feeling her energy surge she headed over. "Hey Jaden, look who has come dressed as a boy this time" she said with a mishevious smile, deciding to start her greeting politely and to begin the conversation on a good note, even if that was the only polite words that were spoken. the last time they had met was the halloween feast where her costume had been as a boy, she had spent the conversation pretending to actually be a boy which at the time had been very humorous at least for her but seeing as she had somehow managed to win one of the awards (and jaden the main one) she was sure that she would have worked out that it was her.
Jaden had wonder towards the refreshment table. She had already two cups of fruit punch, it was the fizz kind. You know the one that pop and fizzle when you poured yourself a cup. She gulp both glass down, burping right out loud in front of a growing crowd. "Sorry, it's the damn Fizz" she'd awkwardly apologize walking away from that total embarrassing scene. And it was the first time she'd apologize to anyone, what the hell was going on? Feels like bad drug trip, she wipe her mouth from the red content from a napkin she stole away from some girls table. She repeatedly dab away at her skin, turning bout to toss she heard someone speak to her commenting likely at what she was wearing.

"Yeah but you're outfit didn't come with a you know what. Do you want to see mines" she wink at the girl, stupidity should be stamp across her forehead. Jaden intention wasn't to look to manly, her intention with this outfit was to feel comfortable and not look like a freaking drag queen. "Where's your little boyfriend, the one that follows you around school. Did he get tired of you're hideous looking face..." half joking, half serious she crossed her arms together to see what she'd say about that. Girls were such guh,what's the right turn for a baby? She hadn't an idea, but she'd be certain Briar wasn't 'like that'.
Briar heard what Jaden said but wasn't sure what she was talking about. she frowned and shook her head, whatever it was she didn't really want to see it. she had just taken a bite of a mince pie when Jaden asked a question she snorted, sending a shower of pastry flakes onto her plate. "Boyfriend! you mean Minoas? no way! he's my little brother. though I haven't a clue where he is. probably out on the quidditch pitch practicing. he is coming on quite well as a chaser." she said, he wasn't a blood brother, she had no blood relatives, but he had become a brother to her last year. she added the last part as a little taunt as she knew that Jaden was no longer able to play on the house team due to her formation of rogue bludgers and using them to attack her, a comeback that was a little below the belt she knew, but not the obvious come back that she would be expecting. Briar did feel a little bad for causing that the ban, but at the time it was the right thing to do, otherwise her sister would probably have hurt someone, and she would rather the snake get in trouble than her sister. "so how have you been?" she asked, rather enjoying taunting her with polite conversation. mixed with taunts and goads.
"Well of course he is, then you would have been known as a 'peadophile' Jaden made offensive gestures with her hand and her tongue. She was being down right disgusting and din't give two bullocks who she was offending here. "I'm alright, getting ready to ditch this place pretty soon, and you? Brian the c*nt, that was a good costume by the way. To bad it didn't win original" she flex the collar of her blazer, the award have been pretty bad arse. She was simply proud of it, only cause she didn't have nothing else going for her. School was a waste, she had no girlfriend, her sister was a sl*t and the award pretty much was the highlight of her seven years here.

"Would you like a drink?" she offered. She went back to the table and made two cups for the both of them, giving Briar one and Jaden downing the pop in one gulp. "I swear this place is pointless, I wish I was done with school..." she loaded up on another drink again and some treats. Vacation needed to come soon enough.
Briar hadn't a clue what a peadophile was, but she could tell from the way Jaden had said it it was a bad thing. and she didn't get what the gesture meant either, but once again she could tell that it wasnt a nice one. hpwever her face must have shown her lack of knowlage as Jaden soon changed the topic "you only have one semester left now dont you" she said sje knew Faden was the yer above her, and she was in her sixth year. "I still have a year and a half to go, so i am focusing on getting through wih good enough grades to do what i want" she said she wanted two jobs when she left school the first, and her dream was professional quidditch, her second and to most people more reasonable job was at the ministry of magic for werewolf support services, this was the job she needed her grades for. when she got onto talking about halloween she laughed. "yeah, it was a brain wave about a month before when i was in brightstone, it didn't take much, the key part was a slab of fudge, the rest was borrowed from the laundry, yours was very impressive though, what with the skin and everything" she said fumbling with the bottom of her sleeves suddenly self-conscious about the scars on her arms that she knew no one would be able to see due to the fabric.
she was impressed by how well the conversation was going between the two of them, she had expected an argument, but she actually found the conversation more enjoyable. "year a drink will be great"[/b[ she said following Jaden to the refreshment table, thankfully by this time the crowd had moved on as many people were starting to take to the dance floor. but there was no way she was heading there. she took a couple of mouthfuls of the punch in the cup she was given, it was sickly sweet and bubbling but on the whole fairly nice though she wasn't sure how the slytherin could drink it that fast. "at least everything is provided, like food, and all of the cleaning is done for you" she said, the first thing was certainly in reference to her past she still sometimes collected fruit from the forest, but six years in the castle and she had got used to the meals made by the elves.
Clinton outfit for the evening was provided by the woman who cared for him now. Eliza Parris had persuaded Clinton to attend a school dance and if he had went she would get him anything for Christmas that year. She was taking him very likely which was strange for him to take in on the count he had accidentally killed his mum last year, the tragic events still linger his mind always when he was alone. Every week he was ask to see the Healer to make sure Clinton was getting along well. What made this a little easy on him was knowing his mum had always been destructive towards him, her death had been a sign of relief. To bad he can't say the same thing for his old neighbor, his life was a complete mess to begin with.

On his way to the dance, Clint fixed his shirt a few times before he was okay with it. By the time he reached this place it was packed. The young Slytherin avoided the crowd and went straight to the junk provided for this evening. He was bound to talk to someone, though he had a messed up past did not stop him from being normal everyday. In fact he was a bit cocky. Grabbing some junk he stayed content with cake and some sugar wands. He became easily distracted by two bodies nearby, "Are you Eliza Parris's niece?" he went around the table to where Jaden stood. "Mate you're friend here freaky looking, hey weird girl what's you're name?!"
Briar saw a boy come over to where they were, he seemed to recognise Jaden and know her aunt. (if he was correct) he seemed very self confident, calling her freaky looking when she was obviously a lot older than him, a sixth year and prefect to boot, where he was certainly no older than second year, probably first. however she realised that he had referred to her ad Jadens friend, she wasn't sure how the seventh year would take this, but she didn't mind, the previous year she had hated the girl, but she had grown on her. and had actually quite enjoyed the conversation s was having with her this evening. "this freaky thing here is called Briar. and you name is?" she said in a l=slightly joking tone. he was right when he said she was weird, he just didn't know to what extent it was true, nothing about her past was normal, and that had rubbed off on her current way of doing things. she wondered who this firsty was, he was almost certainly a snake, she knew for a fact that he wasn't from hr house, and he was obviously not a puff, and was a little too confident for a raven.
Jaden was getting use to bumping into Briar when she spent most of times trying to avoid her. it feels like the harder she tried to avoid the girl the more she would walk into her. And it doesn't help the case that she's bonding with her enemy. "Yeah I suppose you're right but I'll get a job after school and provide for myself" she snag a few chips from a bowl nearby and pop them inside her mouth. Munching on a few build up the salt buds inside her mouth, she went in for another to drink but was interrupted by the first year she met in the beginning of the year.

"Yeah how do you know my aunt?!" she stood straight from pouring herself a cup. He insulted Briar, Jaden chuckle a little. "I mean didn't your mom taught you to respect those older then you?" she said crossing her arms right underneath her flat chest.
"Oh yeah what kind name is Briar? Is she the weird one that dress like a boy on Halloween?!" he smirk pointing at Briar. "You really did look like a wanka mate, not trying to be rude here but what were you thinking dressing like a c*nt?" Clint jab his fingers right at Briar's arm. "Is just not right, there's somethings you just don't do" he shook his head in disapproval and turn his attention back to Jaden.

"Yeah I know you're aunt, she's my guardian now, well she adopted me a couple months back" he shrug, he was being discreet about information. "Nah my mum a slag, she never taught me anything and apparently that's a good thing since I'm no longer in her care. Well what are you staring at cousin, welcome old Clint into you're family" he stretched out his arms hug Jaden rather quickly. All of this should be bullsh!t but he wouldn't just say if it wasn't the truth, just like he wouldn't say that to Briar; in which he did insult her and gave two effs if he was offending her in anyway.
briar listened to the boy. she was starting to dislike him more and more. "Briar is a flipping awesome name, and i am sorry i didn't quite catch yours, i bet it is something really odd" she said trying to work him out. "I don't care what you thought of my costume. it worked well on the night" she said, she honestly didn't care about what a first year snake had thought of her costume, she already had two ideas for next years, one she had been saving for years until she was . restraining herself from doing anything rash when he poked her hard in the arm. her plan had been to go into the feast and eat then head out to the quidditch pitch which would be empty and burn off some of her new moon energy, that was one of the reasons for her less than normal outfit. however it seemed like she was going to spend the evening being entertainment for the snakes. she rolled her eyes to herself and went to get some more food. their talk on family didn't interest her at all as family wasn't a big part of her life. she wasn't sure if she would go back or head outside. she wasn't really enjoying where the conversation was going, but on the other hand she didn't want to look like a cowered, once again it would look like she was running away once things got out beyond her control.
Jaden watched as Briar stalk away from being insulted. "You're a prick Clint can't believe you say that to her" she snuff him in the head with a quick bonk of her fist.

"Ow!, Wait it's not like you like the girl. She the reason why you off the team mate, didn't you tell me that last time?" Clint complain in annoyance to being hit on.

"But still....just don't pull that crap around me you hear. Now let's go on move it cause I need to contact my aunt to hear your full story. Till then I'm keeping an eye out on you. Leave Briar alone, friend or not I'm not feeling to get in trouble again" she pulled the young Slytherin with her and left the great hall for the rest of the evening.
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