My Dirty little Secret

Luis Alvarez

The bass played in the background, while the soprano singers warm up right in front of him. The stage was theatrical, very antique but the outcome came out pure. Who ever stepped across the wooden floor, would've felt the same feeling of anxiety mushed with pride; all could be better if you did everything right. Having slept a great amount the night before, and enduring a big breakfast for the rest of his day, he constantly told himself it was worth it. Every moment he took of preparation escalated to where he was now, and now Luis hid behind a scenery; forest all around him but it was artificial in everyway, if you was near it you could tell but a far it look so real. Perfect for his small,though important role. Possibly the greatest events in his life taking place; who would've guess it? Though it was true.

Luis Alvarez moved towards the front when his name was called. It wasn't the audition, no those days have passed. But a few photographers were already taking pictures and yet it wasn't the big day. He stood wearing just simple clothes; his role Othello's soldier. And he had to deliver the news, he cleared his voice. And sang, a part of him almost died right there another part of him told him to just go on. It wasn't a big part, just a small role, thought it took a lot of courage to sing opera, when he hadn't but little experience of it. He told himself it won't be long, it was just a side job, a side job he may love and fail to admit. Luis fell low, his part had finished and the lead role player took over. He pushed away back into the scenery, blending with the rest of the singers, tenors all rowed together. It wasn't till practice was over did he saw someone familiar within the photographers. A high bright Luis, almost fell stunn to see her here.
Dress in a formal way like she usually does, Saffron always expect that her projects are always within formal styles. Like the one she's doing right now, it was a practice on a musical, other magazine photographers are there as well to catch the leading men and women of the said play. Saffron took pictures of the cast singing and while acting as well, she was fascinated at the people singing because of their high and low song voices which Saffron does have. The girl adjusted the lens of her camera on a particular gentlemen besides the others which seems too familiar to know.

She looked again without her camera on her left eye and wore her glasses, and she's right about her theory, it was the guy who accidentally hit her but on the bright side help her throw a kids party. Saffron stopped taking everyone's action shots and took a seat in the front row, she thought Luis is into baseball and not singing, when Saffron noticed Luis looking at her, she gave a bright smile and nod at him. Saffron might be a fan of theater but she doesn't like this play at all, her favorite was Phantom of the Opera.

Seeing as the practice was finally over, she stood up from her seat and did a one shot photo of Luis, it was actually more of a stolen shot. Saffron packed her things except her camera clinging on her neck, you wouldn't know, she might get an interesting shot while talking to Luis. "I didn't know you sing." She called out once the theater was almost empty, "I'm a fan of musical and you didn't told me you work here." Saffron continued and smiled. Nervousness touched her once she stopped talking, Saffron looked at their surroundings, the theater was absolutely empty. "Do you want to get out of here? Maybe grab something to eat?" She asked.
The flash sort of blinded his eyes a little, Saffron had taken a few shots of him unexpectedly. The camera clicked a few times, than it was over. The blind spots still dance around the man eyes till they went away after a few blinks. Good way of greeting someone, he would have to get used to it if he were going pro, still no word of that happening anytime soon. "its nothing, just a side job that I'm doing while I'm here. Sort for school credits" Luis stretch the truth a tad than he wanted too. Her reaction to him singing, came out normal to his likings. She didn't judge, just commented about what type of singing she like and than asked if he wanted something to eat?

"hold that thought.." he ran towards the back stage where he grabbed his wind breaker and bookbag, he return smiling. "its actually opera, not much of a musical. And how am I suppose to tell you, if I never talk to you after your sister party?" he switched his eyes, almost titling his head to just see her. She hadn't given him a number, nor anything if he could remember. Sometimes Luis tend to have short attention span, it was a miracle he actually recognize this girl. "How's life treating you since I last saw you Rony? I hope well and not getting hit by another car" he slightly chuckle remembering that part in how they met too, he was on a roll tonight. Memories came flashing in mind like running water, he was greatful for that especially with Rony. Her full name was still hard to remember.
She nod, not quite sure about this being his side job, Saffron knows one when she sees one. "Uhhuh, like I'm suppose to believe that. Your so good at this." Saffron told him and rolled her eyes. She flashed another take on him while his still smiling, "None of your photos here are smiling." She walked away giggling, Saffron admit, it was pretty obvious that she likes the guy. Saffron made her way out of the theater before him, it was starting to cold and soon it will be raining snows, her hates season ever.

"Okay, the restaurant isn't that far from here, so, I suggest to just walk there." She turned at Luis, still smiling like a maniac. She stopped but she couldn't handle not make fun of him, "You said your not staying here? Am I right?" Saffron asked.
"What? Its the truth! Well sort of..." he fail again, another flash passed by and he was zoning again. This girl was pretty slick, and obvious. That must go with the whole photographing profession, something he couldn't have picked up when they first met that day. "Forget about me smiling Miss Rony, why didn't you tell you were a reporter missy? Anything else I should be aware about?" he fell right behind her steps, keeping up with her was easy to him. When she reached the cold air, so did Luis. He held the door open, Rony walk he followed the sweet blonde. "Its no problem, I love walking especially with a girl like you, who's been missing since I first met her. What's up with that?" he asked a little amused she was here and seem loads calmer than the first day he met her. "If you mean by leaving New Zealand, no not yet. I will soon eventually, school not required my attendance as of now..." right now I rather study you, he said to himself. Gladly he wasn't the type to speak his mind out, unlike Maddiie his cousin who seem to babble just about anything that comes out of her mouth. He teases his cousin a lot about that, but its funny just to see her reaction. She would always punch his arms, and Luis would pretend that it hurt like always. Sort of a routine between the both of them.

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