Mutual Accomplices

Metrophanes Matthias

Well-Known Member
Metrophanes Matthias was boldly trending into the territory that was unfamiliar. In his hand was a box that he made larger on the inside. Inside of the box was a dear friend’s items. Someone that died a long time ago, and Metrophanes had been so busy with his children, that he just did not know how to return his things. Metrophanes was a good friend to Alphonse Snow. He knew him pretty well, how he was a dark wizard, gone mad and struck down by a Death Eater. To get on the bad side of someone that stuck around since the fall of the dark lord was pretty impressive. Metrophanes himself enjoyed the tales, thought of himself as someone who could have eagerly followed after him. However by the time he was of age, Metrophanes heard about the fall. Well, also around that time, he had hated muggle-borns and for a good reason too. They caused the downfall of his family. And he was once known by a different name, but he did not tell anyone of this in case there was that man going to come after him again. Metrophanes could not hide the trait that was altered by the man. The golden eyes, a genetic mutation that is now being transferred to his sons and daughters, very few managed to escape the gene. Hopefully his children would have other children that would not bare the same fate that he managed to suffer through. However he was getting his revenge, one way or another, and he was going to murder them all. Have them all down at his feet, worshipping the pure-bloods like they should be worshiped. They were the top of them all, and Metrophanes would prove it. He had joined the Scitorari, being led by yet another Death Eater. Well, a former Death Eater. Metrophanes was eager to follow that man, and hoped that they would be led to greatness. One day anyway.

Once arriving to the Snow Manor, Metrophanes looked up at the manor with his eyes almost wide as could be. His amber eyes soaked in the Manor and he could just see this dark cloud over it. It was comforting. He smirked a bit, and he knew better than to bring his sons around here. From what he heard, the Snows were rather attractive. He was unaware that his own son was dating one named Astoria. He left his youngest children to the care of Levent and Terence. Terence had a son of his own, and made Metrophanes a proud grandfather despite the fact that the grandson was of unknown blood. Metrophanes only cared if his son was being a good father. He let out a sigh and he walked up to the door and he rang the bell. He was not expected. He did not contact them because truth be told, he did not know who to contact about bringing the things back that Metrophanes had borrowed. He just did not want to leave it at his own when it was rightfully one of the man’s family members things. He did not know who had all of his things. He actually did not know that Alphonse had left behind a widow either. Metrophanes had not spoken to the man in so long, even longer than what he originally thought. Oh well, he could not dwell on that. Metrophanes rang the bell again, and he waited for someone to come to the door.
<COLOR color="#000">Anastasia Snow closed the door to her brother's office and released a sigh. She wasn't sure what possessed her to go into there, but now she was regretting her decision. Alphonse might have been idiot at times, but he was her twin brother. They had been attached at the hip since birth. Alphonse was the hot-headed leader type figure while Ana was the one that actually used her brain and logic. They were opposites for the most part, but that didn't keep them from being twins. Anastasia was so mad at her brother for getting himself killed. Why couldn't he have just let the whole thing with Theodore go? If he had then he still might be alive right now. Anastasia wouldn't need to regret not stepping in and stopping her brother from being an idiot. Back then she thought that staying out of it was the best thing for everyone, but oh how wrong she was. It was one of the first major error's that Anastasia had ever made in her life. Even to this day she would be determined not to make it again. Anastasia glanced once more at the door one more time before she started to walk away. Sooner or later she knew she would need to actually start to clean his room out. There was no need for all of his stuff to be in there, but no one seemed to have the heard to clear it all out. Particularly to Anastasia. "It's been so long since that day, I cam barely remember what his voice sounds like." Anastasia thought to herself tiredly as she made her way down the stairs. A nice walk outside sounded like the best way to clear her mind right now. The more she thought about her brother, the angrier she became at herself and the ones that were responsible for ending his life.

Anastasia was on the last step when she heard the familiar ringing of the bell. Anastasia narrowed her eyes at the door and paused. Who in the world was that? These days the Snows had very few visitors. Mostly because a lot of the Snows had branched out and gone to live on their own. Ana figured that soon the entire Manor would be something but empty. Perhaps one day she too would decide to live away from here. Anastasia looked around and saw that no one was seemingly around to answer the door, so she would be stuck doing it. "It better not be someone trying to tell something." The brunette thought to herself as she approached the large door. With one swift movement she pulled it open and revealed a man with golden eyes standing on the other side. Instead of being polite and courteous like most people would be when they greet their guests, instead Anastasia narrowed her blue eyes and leaned against the door. "Who are you and what do you want?" Anastasia hated having visitors over. Particularly ones she didn't know. Anastasia thought she might know who he is, because he seemed familiar somehow, but maybe not. It was mostly his golden colored eyes that struck her as familiar. But hopefully he wasn't here to stay. Ana wanted to go for a walk and get out of here, not deal with some stranger and his problems and needs.​
As soon as someone answered the door, Metrophanes' amber eyes washed over this gorgeous creature. Blue eyes, definitely exotic looking. Damn, he had heard that the Snows were a hot bunch, but this was beyond real. Metrophanes wondered who she was, and then when she spoke, it just made him even happier to hear her tone. She was feisty too. Oh that was definitely hot. He shrugged and he thought about not even answering her. Why should he? Perhaps she was one of the servants of the family, and if so, then she was definitely not worth his time. However he felt that she was not. She had to be a Snow. In fact, she kind of looked familiar. He finally stated, his Russian accent faded quite a bit, "Metrophanes Matthias, a friend of Alphonse's." That was all he said as of the moment, before he thought about doing something that could get him in trouble. However he was with the Scitorari, he could not give a rat's ass about who attacked him or what. He would gladly drop the box, pull out his wand and strike a few down with his magic. He was not afraid of anything, not after everything he had been through with James, and then his wife. His boys were all either out of control, or good kids. He knew them all individually, and figured that he would be one of those dads that could not pay attention to one without another getting jealous, so he tried to spend as much time with several at a time, evenly. But of course, he heard the complaints of favoritism and whatever thrown in his direction which seriously got on his nerves. His kids could think of whatever they wanted, but he did not have any favorites. He loved them all, even if some of them drove him insane.

Deciding that he wouldn't just tell her what he was doing here, he stated as he let himself into the Snow Manor, "Excuse me, I have a delivery of Alphonse's things to whomever he left his things to when he died." Metrophanes knew that he might be getting hit or something, but he was going to play along. Fire with fire, was that not the saying? He figured that if he walked around enough, then he would end up getting some help on where to put these things. Metrophanes hoped that no one brought up the whole Matthias and Hensel likeness. Technically, he was a Hensel, but he didn't want the world to know about it. The less that people knew about his past the better he felt. He hated it when people knew about his past. Metrophanes talked around the front area and he spoke mainly to himself, "Don't mind me, I am just wondering around, trying to find Alphonse's office or whatever." That was also his way of asking her to show him where to go before he seriously got lost in this place. It was so bloody huge. Definitely bigger than any house he remembered living in at one point. He looked back to the feisty woman, and he knew that he definitely would not mind messing around with her in the future. Right now he was on business, and didn't need to, but it was still a very comforting thought. He shoved it for the time being though.
Ana's eyes narrowed when the man introduced himself as a friend of Alphonse's. His name was Metrophanes but Anastasia had never heard of him before. If he was truly one of her brother's friends, he must not have come around that often since Anastasia had no idea who he was. "My brother's dead so-" The brunette started, with hopes that he would get the hint and leave before she got really irritated. But as usual, Alphonse's friends were just like he was and ignored every single thing she said. Anastasia stared at the man in shock and horror when he brushed passed her and entered the home. Who the hell just walked right into another person's house? Did this guy have absolutely no manners? Anastasia managed to pick up that the man was here to deliver some of Alphonse's things to the person he left his things to when he died. In his Will, Alphonse left various things to various people. So Anastasia would like to know what in the world he had in the first place. Second, he could have just give in to Ana and went on his merry little way, not practically break into the Manor. "He left his things to a lot of people but you might as well give them to me-hey! Are you even listening to me?" Anastasia was beyond irritated now. This guy wasn't listening to her at all, and she was pretty much the one who owned this place! I'm going to have to beat some sense into this guy aren't I?" If he wasn't going to listen to her any other way, maybe some brute force would get the message through his thick skull. Anastasia didn't take crap from anyone. Not even her brother when he was alive, and she wasn't going to take crap from this guy either.

Anastasia stepped forward and grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt, tugging him back so he was facing her. "Who the hell walks right into someone's home without their permission? Give me one good reason why I should curse you silly right now? Try to avoid using the phrase; "I'm your brother's friend" too because Alphonse is dead and he no longer calls the shots around here!" Anastasia had her wand out, though she had no intention of really using it. There was no way she going to accidentally cause damage to some artifact sitting around the house because of this guy. After a moment Anastasia released the man's collar and her eyes returned to their normal round shape instead of being narrowed and harsh looking. "You said you had some things of my brother's to return? Why on earth would you return them now? Especially since you already knew he was dead?" Anastasia questioned suspiciously. Why would someone bring back belongings to someone who no longer needed them? The family didn't really need them either. Anastasia had no use for the items unless they were books. The rest of Alphonse's things were only kept in his office because no one had the heart to start packing his things away and moving them out. Anastasia particularly. Alphonse was her twin, they had been each other's partner in crime since the day they were born. Anastasia held her hands out, informing the man to give her the stuff so he could hurry up and leave. Anastasia didn't want this guy in her house any longer than he needed to be, he was a little weird.
Metrophanes looked over at the woman, whom was familiar but he did not know who she was. It was driving him nuts, and then he heard her say that Alphonse was dead, and he knew that. He did read the news every now and then, and he read that his good friend was dead. It was devastating. "I know he is dead. I do read the Daily Prophet every now and then, and saw that he was struck down by a Death Eater. Couldn't believe that they were still around when I read that." Metrophanes did not care if she knew it or not, or if she was even listening. He was merely thinking out loud. He waited inside, as his amber eyes swept throughout the Manor, wondering what he should be doing right now. He needed to return these things before his children broke them. That was not something he wanted, and he wanted to give them to the widow. Margaux was it? No, he remarried, but he did not know the name of the unlucky bride. The man had like one hundred children so the new wife would have to deal with that, and maybe have several more to him. Metrophanes was not really listening to the woman right now, deeming her as someone in the manor to not listen to, since she was not the best woman to talk to. She was hot but that was about it. Everything else was a little stranger. He tuned her out for the time being. That was sometimes what a man needed to do to a woman. The last thing he wanted right now was to have anything to do with a woman. The last woman he was with really screwed him over, and the one after that.

All of a sudden, Metrophanes felt a hand on his collar on his shirt, and tugged him back so that he was facing the woman. He almost dropped the things in his arms out of surprise, and then he looked at the woman dead in her eyes as she was going on. The thing was, he was not really caring about what she was saying, but apparently she was Alphonse's sister, and not just any sister. She had those looks... She had to be Anastasia Snow, the twin sister of Alphonse. And she had her wand out. Metrophanes finally said, "Keep up the rough handling and this can go in a whole new direction, Anastasia." He assumed that this was her. Just the attitude and the appearance. She then questioned him after she released his collar. He looked down toward the box, and shrugged. He did not need them, and he felt guilty when he had them and never returned them. This should clear his conscience up a bit. "I didn't know if they were going to be willed off or not. The family should have them over a friend. I just got the time out of my busy schedule to get this done. I don't have any other reason to be here other than to deliver some things I borrowed and never returned." Metrophanes was hinting that this would make him feel better, plus there was not really much room in his new place to put them. Whatever she did with them, he did not care. They were not his things, they did not matter much to him at all.
This guy was really annoying. He didn't seem to understand that Anastasia was trying to hurry and get him out of her house, even though she thought she was making it pretty obvious. "Are you sure you were friends with Alphonse? I don't ever remember seeing you, and I'm usually pretty good at remembering his friends." Anastasia had never seen this guy before, so she was beginning to wonder if he was even friends with her brother in the first place, or if he was here to spy on them. Or even steal some of their valuables. If that was the case, Ana would be sure to curse him into the next millennium for trying to fool her. Her brother didn't have all that many friends to begin with either, so it wasn't like he had so many that she likely wouldn't remember them. So either this man and Alphonse weren't together when Anastasia was around, or this guy was faking it to get some type of reward for himself. Surely, he realized how cruel that might have sounded. They had already lost their relative, so why would someone go ahead and try to take this person's things? "The Daily Prophet doesn't do a very good idea at telling the whole story either, so I'm surprised you believed a word it said, besides Alphonse being dead." Anastasia confessed as she continued to stare at Metrophanes. That could have been how he figured out about Alphonse and whatnot if he was faking. Ana didn't see a reason why someone would fake this sort of thing, but she was on her guard in case he was. Especially since he was kind of weird. Then again, Anastasia couldn't remember many of Alphonse's friends being all that normal anyways, except for Amauri who stopped being his friend years ago.

"Ugh, no thanks." Anastasia denied his advances on her. It was likely that Anastasia wasn't his type anyways. She didn't have a type herself, but if she did, she was sure that he wasn't her type either. He seemed like he had a soft spot for the ladies. " did you know my name is Anastasia?" Perhaps he was Alphonse's friend after all. He seemed to know who she was before she even had the chance to tell him. But how did he know her name? Did Alphonse mention her to him, or did he actually come around the Manor and she just failed to notice him? Anastasia put her wand away and crossed her arms over her chest. So he really just wanted to come and return a few things to the family? Anastasia wasn't sure if she wanted to call him generous or weird for deciding to return it now. "You should just keep it. Most of his things were left to me and to be honest, I'm having a hard time coping with his death. The more things I have of his the harder it is for me to deal with it." Anastasia confessed as she glanced down at the floor carpeted. In all honesty, she missed her brother more than she could probably ever explain. Surely Metrophanes could see that on her face too. So maybe he would keep the things without a fight because Anastasia didn't want to look at more things of her brothers. They only wound up serving as a bad memory and a reminder of his untimely death.
Metrophanes looked over at the woman named Anastasia as she asked if he was sure that he was really friends with Alphonse. Of course he knew that he was friends with him. Why else would he have known where the Snow Manor was? "Yes I am sure. I knew where he used to live after all. I was a childhood friend. We went our separate ways when we had women." What a woman he had, and she was such a b*tch. Nothing short but a b*tch. She believed that everyone was equal and it was just awful. He wondered why she was asking such a thing. He knew better than to come in here alone if he was any sort of threat. Metrophanes was arrogant, but he was not stupid. He would definitely not want to face against the Snow family. They were like an army. There was nothing he could do to face them, and he had never thought about it much. He just wanted to get rid of these things since they had some painful memories with them. Metrophanes shrugged his broad shoulders before he stated, "I saw the name of the Death Eater and believed it. I would not mind hearing the whole story from someone who was actually there. Then again I might want to remember him as he was years and years ago." He did not know that much, and he wondered if there was more to it than he was seeing. Metrophanes looked down at the carpet for a moment before he sighed. Then again as he remembered a long time ago, Alphonse had a best friend named Chevalier, but he had no idea what that man was doing, and Metrophanes did not really care either. He and Amauri did not see eye to eye. He had no idea Amauri was an Auror either.

"Are you sure? You look like someone could clean out those cobwebs." Metrophanes was messing with her now, and he was smirking a lot too. That smirk had reached his golden eyes too that seemed to flare up when he showed the least bit of emotion. "You look just like him, and I knew that he had a twin named Anastasia. You look like you were around that age." Metrophanes knew that this had to be that sister. Those eyes were just like his. And he had heard a lot from Alphonse about his Ravenclaw twin sister back in the old days, and Metrophanes wondered if she was feisty back then as she was now. She was really attractive, he was not about to say that to her face. She seemed like she was one of those that would be hard to get. She might be a catch worth catching. She said that he should keep the things. He nodded a bit and he set the box on the ground before waving his wand over them, shrinking it and putting the objects into his pocket. "I know what you mean. I lost all of my sisters a long time ago and still find it hard to deal with to this day." Metrophanes wondered if he should leave now since he was not going to be returning anything from Alphonse. "My sisters were murdered by some mudblood that was jealous of our pure-blood. We had to change out surnames to escape from him." He felt safer here since this was the Snow family, they could be trusted.
Anastasia still didn't believe that this guy was Alphonse's childhood friend. Her memory was usually very good with stuff like this, and right now she remembered nothing having to do with this man. She thought for sure she would remember his peculiar looking eyes at least. "How come I don't remember you then? If you were good friends with Alphonse then surely you must have been around the house a couple of times." Even that or he went to school with them. Did he even remember seeing her around back then if he was indeed telling the truth? If he did then he might know better than to keep messing around with her, Anastasia's temper was a bit better than her brother's, but when she wanted to be, she could be quite mean. "Basically, my brother thought he was more powerful than he was. I think he forget how fragile life was, and he let it get out of hand. He was careless and that was why he died." Anastasia didn't think the man wanted to hear every detail, but he also claimed that he wanted to remember Alphonse as the man he was years ago. Sadly, he did indeed change for the worst. There was no way of ignoring that if one really paid attention to the facts.

"I swear to god I'll kill you." Anastasia pulled her wand back out and pointed it at Metro. "Are you always this much of a pig?" Anastasia lowered her wand and rolled her eyes. There was no way she was going to talk about sexually related things with a man who claimed to be her brother's childhood friend. Especially not one who was this weird. If Amauri was less of a do-gooder, flirting with him might not have been something Anastasia would oppose. "You mean the Hensel Massacre? I'm sure there's very few that haven't heard of it. One man nearly took out his entire family, and then lived to tell the tale for some years." Even Anastasia knew about that. Mostly because it turned out to be a pretty bad event. A lot of people died, and all by the hands of one man and a few others, or so she had heard. What was even more depressing to her was that it was his own family. Grandparents, children, cousins, even relatives so distant people would barely know they were related. He spared no expense at getting rid of whomever he could.
Metrophanes looked over at Anastasia and he raised an eyebrow. She really did not remember him? Well, to be fair, it was not like he went over to the house. Amauri was the one that went over to the house, not him. He and Amauri did not agree on things. That was why but he was not about to share that. "I haven't. After all, I never lived close to France." Metrophanes managed to avoid that. He lived on his own during that time, and he did not want to reveal much of his past. After all, she was not the one that he would see himself getting close to, and he would have to give her some credit though. She was rather amusing. Metrophanes loved it when people were feisty. Metrophanes wondered what else this woman had to offer for him. The way Alphonse died, he kind of figured that it would have been the way he went, either that or the Veela woman would have gotten to him. "I figured he would have continued to think like that. I feel bad for his wife or women he left behind, whatever way he floated." Still, there could have been a way to fix him or steer him into the right direction.

Metrophanes noticed that she had her wand back out and pointed at him as she said that she would kill him. Then asked if he was always such a big. He looked down at his body before he shrugged his shoulders at her. "Definitely not. Just with the feisty ones. It is just to see you all ruffled. It is a nice quality, don't ever lose it." Metrophanes smirked even more before shutting off that wit of his that could cause him to be hit in some way or form. The moment that the Hensel Massacre was mentioned, Metrophanes' expression drained from one that was amused to distant and almost sad. His siblings, save but three, all perished. His parents, uncles, cousins and aunts, all of them were gone. "Yeah, and I heard that he soon met his demise when he tampered with the wrong family. After killing an adopted boy from the Zhefarovich family, I heard. Good riddance." Living with this seriously diminished his life. He had to raise himself since he got away, and was sure that if he didn't, Arman would have left him to hang. After all, Metrophanes did not prove useful to him until years later.
So he's never been to the Snow Manor before. It was often a place that many wanted to visit. Mostly tourists who had never seen a house as big as this, and didn't understand what sort of people lived inside. "It's a pity that the first time you're seeing it has to do with something do depressing. This place used to be very lively and always filled with commotion." Close to all the Snow's lived here. Brothers, sisters, uncles, cousins. The whole bunch once lived under one roof, but after Alphonse was killed the home had gotten quieter and quieter. Alphonse may have been a brute, but no one could deny that he was the life of this family. Anastasia often looked up to her brother, even when she was scolding him for being an idiot. He may not have had the brains that she did, but he did know how to take control. He was a good leader. "To be honest, everyone moved on pretty quickly after he died. I think I'm the only one who still misses him." He was her twin, her other half, how could she just moved on and pretend like he was never there? Anastasia still mourned for Alphonse, and she was sure that she would never be able to get over the fact that he died so young.

"Even if I was attracted to your type, I don't sleep with my brother's friends. So you'd be out of luck anyways." Anastasia explained in an attempt to get him to cease the feather ruffling. Otherwise she might have to pin him down and leave him on the floor to rot. "Or you can keep it up and I can kick your ass. Your choice." Anastasia didn't think there was anything in that sentence that he could find attractive. She was threatening to hurt him, and he didn't look like the type of man that was into pain and weird stuff. Or maybe he was, she had no idea but she didn't want him to think that she wanted him either. If her brother was alive he probably would have tried to set the two of them up. He was always trying to set her up with his friends to try and bring them into the family. It was almost cute! "He had it coming." Anastasia threw in, her blue eyes rolling as soon as the words left her lips. No man should be allowed to murder an entire family and just get away with it. That man had sealed his fate long ago.
Metrophanes found it somewhat hard to believe that this place used to be lively. When Alphonse died, how many others died along with him? There were many questions, but no answers. Metrophanes shrugged and mused, "Well, it doesn't look as depressing as my old folks house is. Run down, boarded up... At least you have family here." He wondered how many Snows lived here. They outnumbered the Hensel by far due to the Hensels being murdered off, family by family. It was awful. How he and a few others managed to escape, it was beyond him. Why Arman did not save his family was also beyond him. Arman could have saved them all but chose those that were closest to him and were of more use. He looked at Anastasia, almost disbelieving that. "I am sure others miss him too. They just might be hiding it. After all, he was a complete joy to be around, wasn't he?" Metrophanes missed his friend so much. But, what was done was done. If only he came back as a ghost, then it would have been better. Metrophanes might have been envious since ghosts can live forever, and never age. That would be incredible.

"Can't help but try, you know? It would have been fun since Alphonse would be rolling in his grave. But your loss." Metrophanes could not help but laugh upon those words, making some light humor. There was nothing wrong with that, was there? Well, he would not want his ass kicked by Anastasia. She looked like she had some fight in her, so he would rather not. "How about the part where I compliment you in a more gentleman way and you stay away from this perfect ass." He did like it rough, but he would not want the humiliation. Not from getting beat up by a girl, but by anyone, period. The fact that she mentioned that he had it coming, he looked down. He was not so sure about it. But then again, he did. He definitely had karma going after him. He looked at her hand and noticed something familiar. "Huh, I've only seen that ring on a few people. Which subgroup are you in?" He was referring to the Scitorari. His leader was Collineus Cardosi, a former Death Eater and a respectable man. He wondered which group she was in, and who her own leader was. Hopefully, not one of those Elementalists.
Anastasia had never seen the Hensel Manor after it was destroyed by the raids and such, but she had seen it back during it's glory days. Well pictures as at least. It was quite lovely and fairly unique. It had large complexes that resembled little apartments within the home. A lot of people must have lived there at one time. "You remaining Hensel's should try to revive the home. It was once quite a place to live I used to hear. I do have family here, but we're dying off. Everyone wants to move away, and Theodore seems to like it this way. That boy is destroying everything Alphonse worked for." He wanted to break the family rules that used to be in place, and that was probably a good thing. People around here needed more freedom than they currently had. But Anastasia was old fashioned and was trying to hold on to every single thing her brother had set into place. Ana missed him so much, and it felt like every single part of him was slipping away. Even his memory. Anastasia snorted and shook her head, denying the fact that Alphonse was a joy to be around. He as actually a pain in the ass ninety percent of the time.

"You're cute, but I've already tried having flings with my brother's friends, and I've quickly learned that anyone who hangs out with Alphonse must not be right in the head. Sorry." Anastasia quickly turned the man down. He was cute, but he was sort of weird. Plus she had this feeling looming around within her gut that told her not to fall for his charm. Ana was smart enough to listen to her brain when she felt like she needed to. "I'm not-....just shut up." She was done talking about his freaking butt. Anastasia was then startled when Metrophanes brought up the ring on her finger. Sh*t! She had forgotten to hide that! But then he pointed out that he hadn't seen many people with the same ring on and asked which subgroup she was in. Anastasia glanced down at his hand and noticed the same ring gleaming on his finger. So he was one too. "Conquering the Mind. You?" She felt a bit safer now. He wasn't one of those guys that was going to snitch on her for being part of a group that was currently being hunted down.
Anastasia mentioned how the remaining Hensels should try to revive the home, and he wondered if he couldn't do the same thing. It would be nice. He would love to do that. But getting Nicolette, Thomas, Nicolas, Arman, Mikhail and Zannon in the right place would be really hard to handle, if not impossible. Getting them to agree would be even harder. Metrophanes nodded, "I suppose it couldn't hurt to reach out to the remaining members and see who wants to assist. Although, keeping people hear does restrict the influence that your great family could have. Imagine other Snow Manors, all across the world." That sort of talk might help her see things the right way, but since she was Alphonse's twin, that would be really rough to do. He would doubt that it would happen that much anyway. Metrophanes shrugged that meant that he did not mean anything bad by his saying at all. It was something that he liked about his family. They were all spread out, but the thing was, none of them really stayed in contact except Mikhail and Arman. Both of them stayed in constant contact. He didn't know why, but Mikhail was one of those that really helped Arman stay in shape and stay constant.

She tried having flings with Alphonse's friends? Surely he did not have that many. He snorted a bit, and motioned toward her, "As his twin, you probably can't attract those that are right in the head on a normal basis." He had a light tone to his voice, mentioning that he was teasing her, but that smirk on his face remained. He had plenty of flings too, and it was somewhat impressive. One more to add to the belt. Then again, he might have actually called her in the morning. Or not. She might have been nuts. He chuckled when she told him to shut up, but now his interest was more or less on the fact that she was in the Scitorari. It would be strange if she was in the same group, but hopefully she was in one that he could respect. And she was. Conquering the mind. That one as fairly interesting, but because of his past, there was no question why he was in the prejudice group. "I am in the Prejudice group. I am just glad that you are in a respectable group." And with that, he forgot why he was here.
Anastasia did have to agree that expansion was beneficial to some degree, but she also knew that letting certain people run off on their own was a gamble in itself. Like Katarzyna for example, she wouldn't do half the things she did if she felt there was any other way. Despite being the youngest of her siblings, anyone would be stupid to think of her as a follower. Threats were usually the only way to her her to do anything she didn't want to do. "Yes but sometimes letting certain members run wherever they please is asking for trouble. I'm sure you have members in your very own family like that. The one's that have their own agenda and aren't afraid to take the rest of you down to make their point. That's why all Snow's are kept tabs on. Alphonse feared certain members, and he had every reason to." Anastasia knew better than to believe that his family was closely knit together and willing to help one another out. Especially since they were all apart right now. This was usually a good sign that they had a hard time being around one another for too long of a time. Plus she knew for a fact that some of his relatives were just plain nuts.

"I was the normal one out of the two. So believe it or not, I do attract those of the normal sort every one and awhile." Anastasia was almost insulted. Was he trying to insinuate that she was weird and couldn't attract normal men? If she didn't know any better, Ana was starting to think this man wanted to be smacked upside the head. "I can see why you're single though. You're extremely rude." Anastasia wanted to throw in that he was creepy too, but that probably would have just made her look immature and could have given him more ground to tease her on. Anastasia looked down at the scitorari ring once more before she shrugged her shoulders. "I mostly joined to make my brother happy, but after he died those people were the only thing familiar to me anymore. Yet barely any of them came to my brother's funeral, so I'm not sure what to think. Maybe if I had more friends there....I'd be more dedicated." Or if she were a lot less miserable, but having more friends sounded like a much easier task since Anastasia was convinced that the only thing that could cure her misery was her brother coming back to life.
Metrophanes had to think over her own saying. She was true that some members of his family had their own agenda, but not many wanted to take down the others. Arman was not one of those, but he did have his own agenda. Mikhail did too, as he was getting into politics. Zannon, on the other hand, was one of those that would take down the entire family if he wanted to, but then again, none would. Metrophanes wondered about his boys, and he was not sure. "I guess you do have a point. Some members of the family do need to have eyes on them. The Matthias family have Zannon to keep an eye on. The others seem to be okay on their own. Arman is pretty good, with his girlfriend helping him out. Mikhail is a bit of a loner, but he associates with Arman more. I don't know much about the Hensel's." Metrophanes only recalled the Matthias, but he did not associate with the Hensel's. Arman did, but Metrophanes did not know them that much. Arman and Metrophanes were not too close. There was still some bad blood between them because he can't forgive Arman for letting his family die.

"I find that hard to believe, Miss Anastasia. But, I mean no harm or offense at all." He gave her a wink before he added, "In case you can't tell, I am joking." Metrophanes had a feeling that he would have to add that in otherwise he would have been smacked right then and there. He sort of wanted to avoid that right now. "No, I'm single because I don't really want a committed relationship. I can get women, trust me. I just keep getting reminded of my ex wife." He rolled his amber eyes at the thought of it. Anastasia joined to make her brother happy, but then she said that none of them came to the funeral. She didn't know what to think, but she thought that maybe if she had more friends, she would be more dedicated. "I know the feeling. But I think there are more of those in the prejudice. Our leader makes sure that we are all pretty much under a good control. What group was your brother in? I don't recall seeing him in mine." Perhaps Anastasia could change subgroups and join his. He thought that his cause was much better than any others.
"Well, as nice as it was reminiscing about my brother and meeting a fellow Scitorari, I need to get going. I have things to do." Although he seemed to be different from what she expected, but Anastasia knew that Metro was a master at getting girls to sleep with him, and although Ana would like to believe that she wasn't that easy, she was still a woman and at times she found herself easier to lead astray then she would have hoped. "See you around, maybe." The Scitorari woman smirked before she waved the book to show that she was going to take it and put it away, even if there was no longer a use for it. Perhaps when she was really missing her brother one day, she'd attempt to read it and see if it brought any sort of feeling to her.


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