Mummy and Me

Kiara Tine

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Kingwood 15 1/2 with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
Kiara was now a mother of three, something she had never quite expected when she'd graduated from Hgwarts. Still, she didn't hate it, which was another surprise for her, given who she had as parental role models. Akira was a great help though, Jacob less so, but he was a ghost so she really didn't expect much from him at all. Kiara was stuck on her own with all three kids today, but Apollo and Athena were older than Ares and so she didn't have to watch them as closely. She was heading to a Mummy and Me meeting with the kids whilst Justin was training, she didn't like him taking the kids with him, there was always the danger that they would get into some sort of trouble. She trusted Justin of course, but it was the ability for them to both train and look after the kids that she didn't trust, she had a hard enough time watching them at the shop after all. Fortunately they were lovely when they were with her, it was when they were with other people that they were horrible, but she was fine with that, they didn't play up on her watch, she just put it down to people being horrible carers.

Finally making her way into the group area, Athena and Apollo ran off to join their little friends, whilst Ares stayed quiet beside her. He was just over a year old now. Though Athena and Apollo were able to speak by his age, Ares was still a very quiet boy, though it didn't worry Kiara at all, she expected that he would speak in his own good time. He was a very excellent colouring champion. "Athena, Apollo, if you bite anyone today, I'll bite you right back." She warned as they headed toward one apparently bitable boy. They pouted, but turned away from him. She nodded in satisfaction before looking down at her youngest. "What do you want to do today, Bud?" He shrugged though, and Kiara focused her attention on trying to find something they could do together.
Athena had been circling the block for a while now, her son strapped to her chest as she worked up the courage to actually enter the class. The mother’s confidence in her abilities still hadn’t grown much, and she feared having to watch other mothers managing well with their children. Although it wasn’t as much of a struggle as it had been now that Axel was sleeping through half of the night, Athena still hadn’t quite gotten used to parenting. That every single responsibility for this child fell on her and Drakon was a pressure she had never thought she’d experience. When a tiny finger poked at her cheek, Athena glanced down, a smile at her face as she spoke to her son. “It’s time to go in, right?” she sighed, a frown forming on her face. “Make sure you stay close, ok?” she added, a small smirk on her face at her silly joke. With one hand holding onto the back of the baby carrier, Athena entered the room, eyes widening as the volume hit her. It was loud in here, toddlers running around as mothers sat here and there with their younger babies. Pulling her disheveled ponytail a bit tighter, the new mother looked around the room, hoping for a bit of direction.

When none came right away, Athena found a free space and settled herself in on the floor, quickly removing her son and placing him in her lap. Toys scattered the floor in front of her, and Athena summoned some blocks to her wandlessly. Axel cooed as she placed one in his hands before she looked up to see the woman across from her. Her jaw dropped. Sitting across from her playing with a little boy was her old friend, Kiara. They’d run into each other now and again over the past few years, but it had been minimal interactions at best, and a soft smile crossed the woman’s face as she realized that Kiara and Justin had another baby. That was two for them now, she thought to herself. Picking up the closest rubber block, Athena noted that it was quite appropriate, a green one with the Slytherin crest on it. “Watch this, Ax-man” she cooed to her son before rearing her arm back and tossing it at her old friend’s head. She kept her hand up, waving her fingers hello, knowing that Kiara would look up eventually. Axel simply kept on chewing on his block, a grey one with a Hippogriff on one side.
Kiara sat in the nearest free space as she pulled Ares down with her and proceeded to draw with him. He was very good at it if she did say so herself. He was much more like how she imagined she had been as a child, he definitely had her creative streak, which made her deliriously happy. Athena especially and Apollo had more of their father in them, to the point she wasn't even sure they were hers. Were she not there for the birth she might've thought that she wasn't their mother at all, though Athena definitely had her attitude, Apollo was slightly more... Subtle. A trait that Kiara lacked. Ares was far calmer than his siblings and more willing to sit and colour with his mother than the other two. It was this activity that she was enjoying she was suddenly hit with something soft. She looked at Ares to see that he was in his own little world colouring a tree... Probably and so she looked up and caught sight of the offending object and then of the offending person. Her eyes nearly bulged out of her skull.

Slightly annoyed that Athena had thrown something at her - really, the nerve! - Kiara righted herself and leaned forward for the soft toy intending to throw it back in her direction, purposely aiming away from the baby she had in her hands... Wait, Athena has a baby! She was too shocked to actually throw the thing now and instead passed it down to Ares and raised an eyebrow at Athena's child before lifting her toddler into her arms and scooting across other mothers to get to Athena. They weren't happy with her at all and many made protest, but Kiara ignored them, glared at a couple and kept right on scooting. She reached Athena quickly and smiled. "You have absolutely no idea how shocked I am." She told her former friend. They seemed to keep running into each other under the weirdest of circumstances. "Don't get me wrong, I'm glad, but... Wow, I'm so surprised!"
Athena smirked as she watched the expressions on Kiara's face change from annoyance to shock. It was all rather amusing, even more so when she scooted over and disrupted the other mothers who protested loudly. The woman almost spoke up to tell them to shut up, but it was her first time here and she didn't want to go making enemies on the first day. It was bound to happen eventually, so really there was no need to rush things along though she feared it had happened anyway as dirty looks were fired in her and Kiara's direction. Athena chuckled at her friend's shock. "Surprise!" she stated softly, still rather surprised herself at the fact that she was at one of these things. Six months in, she'd mostly gotten over the shock that she was actually a mother.

"You and Justin can't keep your hands off each other, huh?" she smirked, reaching out to nudge her friend's arm. The last time she'd seen Kiara, there'd just been little Athena, at least that was all she could remember. She could've been wrong. Her memory had never been great, and her lack of interest in most children didn't help. Still, she was happy to see that Kiara appeared so well. Two children in. Athena took a breath, hopeful that she could look as composed as Kiara appeared one day. "This is Ax-man" she used her son's tiny hand to wave at her old roommate. "Axel" she corrected, using his actual name lest her friend think she'd really gone off the deep end and given her children one of those names that the celebrities seemed to think we're splendid for their children. Axel was more interested in the toddler as he continued to gnaw on the block. It wasn't often that he saw anyone close to his size.
Drakon Katsaros had the most excellent surprise today. While Athena was on a playdate with one of her best friends, Drakon was going to propose to her. They have a son together, have been together for a long time. He loved her, she loved him. He was just now getting on her dad’s favor. He even got the blessing. If Athena said yes, he would go through the test. Then, he would lose his last name. He would be adopted into the family as one of their own. Drakon would love that, but he wanted to have Athena all to himself. Luckily he knew where she was at right now. Otherwise, this would not work. He picked out the biggest diamond he could find so that he could really impress her. He thought about sending an owl, but knowing Athena, she would send it back. After all, he knew what she would want. Drakon waited a bit, before he decided to head on his way, wearing the best clothing that he could wear. This was going to fun. He wanted to give Athena some time with Kiara anyway. Soon enough, he arrived to the same place. Kiara had two children now? Wow, she was fertile. He approached them before he gave a very bright smile, “Hey girls, mind if I hang around for a couple of seconds?”
Athena was beyond surprised to see Drakon, but definitely not unhappy. Neither was Axel who immediately began to coo and babble, detailing the events of his day to the man, no doubt. Athena smiled widely, her silver eyes returning to Kiara as she made some introductions, not having recalled if she'd ever properly introduced the two to each other. "Drakon...this is Kiara, my best friend from school. And Kiara, this is my... son's father" she smirked. "What are you doing here?" Athena asked, curious since Drakon hadn't been home when she'd left. She'd expected him to be gone for most of the day.

OOCOut of Character:
Hope it's ok that I posted first. :p

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