Mumblings and Whispers

Aya Matrim

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly Wand 11 Essence of Phoenix Feather
The pencil flicked across the paper at a rapid speed, sometimes so quickly that it was nearly unseen. Words appearing, crossed out, scribbled both in long hand and short hand, small sketches on the borders, but nothing ever being erased. Occasionally Aya would glance up at the lake, before looking back down at the paper and furiously writing again, of the residents beneath the lake, what could be living there instead, and every other thing that instantly came to her mind. She hadn't done this exercise in a few months, not having any good place of inspiration, but was glad she waited until Hogwarts to attempt it again. While she'd been settling into the castle well, she still enjoyed what the outdoors had to offer.

"Akira, no, Niklas," she mumbled to herself, now onto the character section. "Creative, strong, no, mathematical, both?" Aya paid no attention to the odd looks she received, used to them at this point and tuning them out, though some gazed at her with curiosity. Most people simply ignored her, and while sometimes she wished someone would ask what was going on, it was for the better they didn't. It would be impossible to explain, much less get back into her creative flow afterwards. "Fire and ice? Cliché. Mortar, shimmer..."
It was the first few days of being at Hogwarts and for avie this was proving to be endlessly exciting. He never had so many opportunities to just do stuff. It also helped that classes hadn't quite started, so he also didn't have that issue, where people were telling him where to go and such. He was just good at dealing with it. Everyday as it turned out was a new opportunity to do something. It was as if, the young slytherin that he would never actually run out of things that he could do. There was so much, and his mind was buzzing from all the excitement it was causing him. He was also fairly happy with the hat's choice of Slytherin, while the people didn't seem overly nice, he was sort of used to that, so it hardly bothered him. He enjoyed it, it was going to be just like with his cousins. It was going to be amazing, and Avie was more than happy. It was however an odd thing every morning, where the boy had to decide what he was going to do with his day. On that very section, he had decided to check out the lake. He hadn't gone outside too much, and since it was a relatively nice day, the boy figured that owuld be a good place to be. So, that had been exactly where he had gone. He had chosen to wear his shorts, hand me downs from his cousin, and an old New Zealand rugby team t-shirt. He didn't actually have any swimming gear, so that was the best he could get. He didn't have anything to help him see underwater, which considering the fact that the boy wore glasses anyway was not going to help much. None of this stopped him though. He was in the water, diving down and swimming around. Every so often scraping against rocks that hadn't appeared to be as close as they were in his line of vision. It was fun, he had gathered a few rocks which he was storing in the pockets of his shorts. His glasses were in the other pocket, Avie didn't think that they'd get too badly damaged, though he had seemingly forgotten that his shorts were not actually waterproof.

It was as he resurfaced, and stopped to get his breathe that he noticed a girl sitting by the lake front. He could sort of see that she was writing. He was more curious now, so, he dove into the water, and resurfaced slightly closer, staying mostly still in the water, from closer, he could make out the fact that she was talking, he stood up to full height, and took his glasses out from his pocket, shaking them slightly to get excess water away from them that he realised that the girl was mumbling. He didn't think she was talking to him, but he wasn't entirely sure. He wasn't ever sure how to address it. Should he call her to tell her that she was alone, or head over. "Hey!" He called to the girl, though he meant it in a non-threatening manner, he wasn't sure if it had come out as such. He cursed himself slighty, and moved slightly closer to where the girl was sitting, ignoring the fact he was completely dripping wet, that he had a number of cuts and bruises, and that he was barefoot, because he hadn't wanted to destroy his shoes. "You know you're talking to yourself? Like not even in your head, you are actually talking" He just wanted to be sure that the girl knew that she wasn't actually using an inner voice, that he and other around her could hear what she was saying. He hadn't made out most of what she had been saying, but he had water in his ears. Taking a few more careful steps towards her, he began to get curious, the girl, he remembered her from the sorting, so they were in the same year, but not the same house. However she appeared to be writing. They didn't have any work so far, that couldn't be school work. "What are you doing anyway?" He asked, not really caring if the girl didn't want to talk to him, or that he might be intruding upon her. He was curious, if she told him to back off and go away, he probably would. The lake was endlessly interesting. He'd continue the fun he'd been having. But, he was curious.
Aya jumped slightly, head shooting up to see where the voice was coming from. It took her a moment to realize it was coming from the lake itself, and for a brief moment she thought that it could potentially be something of the lake, before quickly tossing it aside. The merpeople would never rise from their home, and certainly didn't speak English. A boy, swimming in the lake, was the one calling out to her, and as he got closer she covered her mouth to hide the slight smile that had appeared on her face. He looked just a tiny bit ridiculous, in shorts and a rugby t-shirt, soaking wet from his glasses down to his feet. She nodded a little. "I'm aware," she said quickly, finally able to hide the smile, at least if she wasn't looking directly at him. "You know swimming in clothing that isn't a swimsuit isn't the smartest plan, right?" she added on in a joking tone, poking fun at his appearance.

She glanced up at him again as he took a few more steps forward, looking as if he was approaching a snake of some sort. She quickly wrote the image down before turning more of her attention to him. There was something familiar about him, and it took her a moment before she remembered he'd gone right after her in the sorting ceremony. His name eluded her though, something with an A though."I'm writing," she answered easily. "Well, brainstorming really." If someone asked she didn't mind telling them what she was doing, it was just unusual when someone did, and part of Aya enjoyed it when someone else took an interest in her work.
Avie had never really given much of a thought about what people thought of how he looked. His clothes were mostly hand me downs, his family was not necessarily poor, his mother just didn't take him out shopping often enough for his growing body, so he borrowed from his cousins. Never actually giving anything back to them, because he rarely saw the point in doing such a thing, they didn't miss the clothes, but this then lead to the boy never caring what he actually looked like. So, he didn't think about it when he'd spoken to the girl. He didn't mind it, he hadn't brought any swimming gear, and he wasn't going to let that get in the way of him enjoying the lake. He looked down at his clothes and shrugging, "Guess not" He agreed with a bright and friendly tone, chuckling to himself as he wiped his arm against his glasses, as it turns out the short were not waterproof and his glasses were very wet. He knew it wouldn't be good for them, but the boy didn't care. "Left my trunks at home, didn't think I'd need them" He shrugged again, running a hand through his relatively short hair, and attempting to get rid of the excess water. He didn't mind, he'd been having fun. He wanted to get closer, he was still about knee deep in the water, but since he hadn't wanted to destroy his shoes, he was barefoot and he didn't want to slip and fall on the smaller rocks that would hurt slightly more. He didn't want to fall and not be able to continue doing what he had been doing, no matter how pointless it would seem to most. He would just be glad to have a small collect of rocks and stuff he liked in the dorm. The others might not get it, but he didn't care.

He looked up when the girl spoke again, she was writing, that much was clear, although it was clear that she didn't mean the conventional writing for the sake of writing words, she was writing, or planning a story. Avie continued out the water, till he came to they shore, looked at her, letting himself drip on the ground. Avie was smiling at her, "What are you brainstorming for?" He didn't know if she'd like the questions, but he would ask them anyway. He wanted to know why she was writing and not just doing stuff. Surely you experience more if you just did things. If she came to swim with him, she'd be able to write about that rather than anything else. He wondered what she could possibly find to write about if she wasn't doing something. Avie had a pretty good imagination, but he also liked doing stuff. He liked running around and being able to play with things, do stuff. "I'm Avie, 1st year Slytherin" He said with a bright smile, clearly proud of both his name and his house. He remembered Jai saying that Slytherin was that house that he wasn't supposed to go to, but, Avie didn't care, he liked it so far, and he really hoped that this would mean that Jai would stay his friend. He had watched him get sorted into Gryffindor, which Avie had been happy for. "Why not, do something, instead of writing about something?" He asked, unable to really stop himself. "You can have more fun"
Aya let a smile escape, the boy's happy tone a bit infectious. "Contacts would probably be better for swimming too. I think. Not quite sure on that," she mused out loud, zoning out for a second over the process of swimming with eye disabilities before returning back to reality. "You didn't know there was a lake here?" she asked curiously, tilting her head slightly to the side. She'd always heard of the lake, but didn't really have an interest in swimming in it, knowing some of the creatures that probably would love the chance to grab at a stray foot. Her own bravery which had somehow managed to get her into her house really only manifested when she was in front of others, and they were just as scared as her.

Aya tapped the pencil thoughtfully on her chin, trying to think of the best way to describe it without giving too much away. "A story. Any story really, but a story," she answered after a moment. She set the pencil down, making a reminder to herself to get some more proper quills, and shut the notebook, fairly confident that the boy wasn't going to disappear anytime soon, and she wasn't going to force him too. "Aya, first year Gryffindor," she said with equal pride, then a sly grin. "Now we're magically supposed to hate each other because we're in opposite houses, if you listened to some of the kids here." The blonde had always found the stereotypes ridiculous, and made a point not to live by them. The question he proposed was a good one, she had to admit that, and required a good answer. "I do things," she started off, "But sometimes there's stuff you just can't do, at least not yet. Like we can't fight dragons, or talk to faeries, but we can in writing."
Avie had never liked contacts. He didn't entirely enjoy the idea of sticking his finger in his eyes. But he had them, and he did sometimes wear them. "I think a swimming mask would've been better" He gave a shrug, "Contacts would hurt under water" Of course the boy didn't know if this was really true. He knew that they hurt in a chlorine pool, but this was a lake, perhaps that was different. In any case, the boy was not keen on the idea that contacts would've helped. He hadn't really been able to see under water, but it was just as if he wasn't wearing his glasses on land, he could somewhat manage. "It's alright, all that is a bit frustating is telling how far away or how close things are" He said, with a light tone, pointing at the various cuts that he now had. As if proud of battle scars from this adventure. He was sure that most others wouldn't been so happy, but Avie could tell that none were serious, so he really didn't need to be concerned. It was probably a good thing also, that his clothes were dark in colour. So even if he did end up bleeding on any of them, it wouldn't be noticeable.

Watching the girl, who introduced herself as a Gryffindor, and a first year, was pretty keen on being left alone again. He wasn't sure if at this point he should actually go. But, he was keen on at least trying to get a little more conversation out of her. He shrugged at her statement, "That's silly. You should hate only with good reason" He said, though this was not the first time he had heard of the houses thing. He didn't care for it. The boy thought it was stupid and cut into the fun that he could have, with someone who could be from that opposite house. He had been about to continue when the girl began to justify just sitting doing nothing. he shrugged, the boy loved stories and using his imagination, but since he wasn't so good at reading, or writing, he could never put things down. "Well, we live in a magical world. Dragons, and faeries exist" He said, though he wasn't sure if faeries existed. Instead he just decided to role with this idea forming in his head. That he could maybe pull her away from writing, and imagine all of that stuff as if it was really happening.

"I am Avery, son of the last great dragon warrior. I must perfect my craft" Avie started, moving to stand closer to the lake, he then turned to the girl, and got down on one knee in front of her. "Aya, fair maiden of this Hogwarts realm, I require your assistance to help me defeat the dragon which sleeps within this lake" The boy smirked at her, before bow slightly in his kneal. He realised now was the pivotal point, either this girl would go along with it, or tell him he was being childish, which ever it was Avie would not stop his game.
Aya nodded her headed, conceding that it made sense. "The salt or chlorine or whatever you're swimming in probably doesn't feel too good on the eyes," she rationalized, more to herself, since Avie clearly had the better understanding here. She glanced at all the cuts and bruises he wore with pride, and she couldn't entirely blame him. She'd be proud too if she'd swam in a murky lake with not-the-best vision. "You going to keep them or get them healed up?" she asked, suspecting the answer. None of them really needed healing, but some people preferred to be without any marks on them. No proof that they'd been a kid and fallen a few times.

"I agree. The houses feud is kind of dumb. Though it seems like only a few people really stay within their house." All around the castle she'd noticed Slytherins speaking with Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws and Gryffindor's studying together, and everything in between. Only on occasion did a Slytherin give her a nasty look, and it was easy to ignore them. Aya smiled a bit at his comment. "Exactly, but we're not really old enough to go fight them on our own. And really, I don't wanna get eaten by a magical creature any time soon," she countered.

Aya was surprised when Avie suddenly started speaking gallantly, bending down on one knee in front of her. The smile that formed on her face came unbidden, and she knew that she wouldn't be able to ignore this. Slowly she stood up and placed her hand in front of Avie. "Stand, brave warrior," she said in her most regal tone. "A dragon, you say? That must be dealt with immediately. How do we defeat it, Avery?" She looked out over the lake and glanced at him from her peripheral, wondering what he was planning.

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