muggles and breeding

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Victor Barselona

New Member
redwood with unicorn horn, 7 inches
if a muggleborn has a child with a muggle and the child has no magic, are he or she muggle?
if two muggleborns have a child with no magic, what is the child?
muggle + muggle-born= muggle
muggle-born + muggle-born= muggle or..........

Any wizard/witch who has a child with a muggle, or another wizard/witch should have a magical child.
Magic is nearly a guaranteed in wizarding genetics, we only know of wizards/witches having non-magical children in the case of pureblood (or close to it) families which have inbred etc.
This makes me wonder..
What would you class a muggle-born muggle-born as?
someone born to muggle-borns.. Would they be a muggle-born if they had magic and if they didn't would they be a muggle?
If two muggleborn's were to have a child and the child was magical then he would be considered mixed blood because he didn't come from a pureblood or a halfblood but did have magical parents. If the child was born without magic you could label them as a muggle or a squib, most likely a squib since they are muggles born to magical parents.
Brian Getathorn XIX said:
If the child was born without magic you could label them as a muggle or a squib, most likely a squib since they are muggles born to magical parents.
But, as I stated in my post, the child would most definitely* be born with magic due to its hyper-dominance.

*There is a slight possibility for them not to, A fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent. However, in the novels we have very few examples of squibs, and all of them seem to come from families of known magical descent that have likely tried to fiddle with their own genetics for the purposes of blood purity. Which leads me to believe that is pretty much the only case in which something like that occurs.
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