Closed Muddy Splash

Emma van Houten

Excitable | Loud | Older twin | Party Planner
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 14 Inch Swishy Acacia Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
1/2038 (24)
It had been raining for the past two days, which was making Emma feel antsy. She didn't like being inside too long, not even if 'inside' was a huge castle like Hogwarts. She was happiest when she was running around outside, like she used to do on their farm at home. But as Emma looked out of the window hopefully, she noticed the rain was letting up. Excited, Emma left her things in the common room and raced outside, eager to spend some time on the lawn now that the rain was no longer pouring down. She was delighted by the sight of many puddles of mud around the castle, and decided she could have some fun with that. With no regard for her clothes or anything else, she jumped into the nearest puddle with a laugh, the mud splashing up onto her robes.
Arthur had been sitting outside, enjoying the feel of the light drizzle on his skin. He was surprised when a girl from his year, Emma, came hurtling out of the castle. He followed her, curious, and when she started jumping in puddles he knew he had to, too. He ran forward and jumped into a large one next to her, smiling as it splashed mud up her side. "Gotcha." He teased lightly.
Emma yelped in surprise as a sudden splash of mud came from her side. She turned to see a young boy she recognized from her classes. Emma gasped and laughed. "How dare you!" She called, though she was more amused than anything else. She jumped extra hard in his direction, splashing them both. "Got YOU!" She called, laughing. "You're Arthur, right?" She giggled. "More like mud-thur." She added.

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