Moving in

Cameron Kingsley

Former Minister for Magic
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Cameron apparated to where his mother had given him instructions. He knew it was a big step that his mother and Raziel were moving in together. Cameron looked at the new house. It was rather large and he had to admit it was a very nice house. Cameron walked to the front door. He was surprised it was open. He looked around...he did not see Jacqueline or Raziel.
Makato was playing a song on the piano when he heard the sound of someone apparating outside. Makato did not halt his song to see who it was because only family knew the location of the home and Raziel and Jac had been in out all day rushing to get this out that and moving in there own things. Makato did however turned to look who was there for pure amusement and saw a familiar face in the door way. It was Jac's oldest son Cameron Makato took a deep breath and then shout toward the door.

"Come on in they have both left to run a few errands!" Makato said turning back to his piano and his song.
Cameron heard the piano being played and then a guy call out to him. Cameron walked on into the house, shutting the door behind him. He followed the sound of the piano. Cameron nodded to the boy, briefly recalling his face. Cameron had only seen him once before but never had an actual conversation. He waited for Makato to stop playing his song. Cameron couldn't imagine what errands the two of them had to do. He couldn't imagine his mother doing errands.

"Nice." He said motioning to the piano. "How long have you been playing?" Cam asked. He looked around the room. It was spectacular. "What errands did they have to do?" Cam asked, wondering if the other boy even knew himself.
Makato was deep in his music when Cam interrupted him again, this time with a few questions. Makato was going to have to get use to other people again, while hewas in london with his Uncle Corvin he was left to himself for the most part since his Uncle and his Uncles' boyfriend where always gone. Makato took a deep breath and turned to cam as his finger moved gracefully across the piano.

" I have been playing since I was six years old and I have been listening to the music since I was born, as for my uncle and your mom, they had to get some things from there apartments to bring back. They told me to tell you to make yourself at home you may choose any room in the house except for mine and theirs of course. " Makato said with a slight smile which played across his face for a second and then was gone behind a blank look. "Oh, by the way I am Makato Black, it is a pleasure to meet you in person Cameron I have heard about you on the wind." Makato add curtly.
Cameron listened to what Makato said. It was pretty obvious the boy just wanted to play his music. Cameron nodded his head as he got the instructions to pick a room. It shouldn't be hard in this spacious house. "Nice to meet you Makato." he said, not feeling the need to introduce himself since the boy seemed to know him already. "Thank you for telling me what my mom said. I will go on upstairs and sort that out then." he said with a crooked smile. With that, Cameron headed upstairs to pick out a room.

Once Cam had his room situated, he went back downstairs. He was starving so he made his way to the kitchen. He wondered where Makato was but shrugged. The boy would find him if he wanted to talk. Cameron started rummaging through the cabinets looking for food.
Makato had been in his room, after he gave up on his music he had alot to still unpack but with a little help from the house elf he was done in no time, however the work had left him hungry and thristy so he decided to head down to the kitchen to find something. As he made his way into the kitchen he saw the butt of Cameron sticking out of the fridge as the top part seemed to be buried in the back of the fridge.

Makato silently moved over to the cabinet behind the boy and open the door and pulled out a pack of oreos and a jar of peanut butter.

"If you are looking for something sweet there is ice cream in the freezer and junk food in the cabinet." Makato spoke up.

(The kitchen)
Cameron banged his head on the shelf as he heard a voice behind him. "Oy Don't sneak up on people." he said as he turned to face Makato. Cameron turned back to the freezer pulling out some Chocolate ice cream. He thought the boy must have been here a while if he knew where everything was. But then again, maybe Cam had just been late.
"Where is the silverware?" he asked with a smile.
Makato nearly fell out of the his chair when Cameron hit his head but quickly recovered enought to anwer his comment, " I do not sneak you are just not paying attention well enough as for the spoons there in the top drawer on the right."
Cam grimaced at Makato. He supposed he could have been paying better attention. Cameron reached for the drawer the other boy said contained the spoons. He got one out and began to eat the ice cream. "So, what do you think about this whole living together deal?" he asked. Cameron was indifferent on the subject but neither one of his sisters were. One was estatic while the other one was livid. Anyone that knew the two of them could guess which reaction belonged to whom.
Makato leaned back in his chair and thought about the question at hand. "I guess if it makes them happy I must be happy for them." Makato answered wisely knowing that he did not want to upset anyone in the house this early in the move. "What is your thought on it all?" makato asked cam in return.
Cameron nodded his head as Makato gave a safe answer. "I think Raziel seems like a nice enough guy. I just don't know about my mother. They seem happy at least." Cam said with a shrug. "Its a bit ironic isn't it. The Auror with the ex death eater?" he mused.
Makato was no fan of Jac's less than honorable past as a death eater, he felt that once a death eater always a death eater. Makato decided that he should not voice this to Cameron since Cam seem rather nice, Makato did not want to anger the guy with his rather toothy comments about his mother. "Well at least they are happy! Your mom seem like she trueky want to be normal again." Makato with a slight smile. " So what do you do for fun?" Makato said try to change the suject.
Cameron smiled slightly. "I hope she wants to be normal. For the sake of everyone, let's hope she has changed. At least they are both happy right now." he said. Cameron smiled as Makato asked him what he liked to do for fun. "I like to play Quidditch, work out, run, go to the movies, go get a drink, you know just the normal stuff." Cam said with a shrug. Nothing he did was super special. "What about you?" he asked the other boy.
"I play piano, run, play quidditch, and practice dueling." Makato said as he return back to his oreos. "What position do you play?" Makato smiled.
Cameron grinned as they began to talk about Quidditch. "Either Chaser or Beater. What about you?" he asked, interested.
"I prefer beater or seeker!" Makato smiled "Did you play at for your school?".

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