Closed Moves and Marriage?

Corey Edogawa-Mckenna

tengu seeker • finally have his name • dummy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Swishy Cherry Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Corey breathed a sigh of relief as he put the final touches on the dining table. It was one of those rare days when practice finished early and he was back before Roxas was off work. That meant he would have the chance to cook dinner for his wonderful boyfriend, which was rare, and he was looking forward to the surprise that would surely be on Roxas' face. After all, he painstakingly labored in the last couple of hours to ensure that dinner would be good. And now he was done! Now he just had to add the warming charms so the food doesn't get cold. The quidditch player took a deep breath, did the spell, and beamed when the spell held. At least Charms were now seeming to get through his thick head after years of his boyfriend helping him with them. There was now a 60% chance with the warming charms. Corey made one last check on the food just to be sure that everything was ready. He really tried not to go overboard with the cooking: rice (unknowingly slightly undercooked), sliced cucumbers (in varying thickness), pan-seared salmon (perhaps charred would be more appropriate), and an egg roll (somehow perfectly cooked). Plates and utensils were set, and Roxas would be home any minute. In the meantime, he would have to clean the kitchen and the pots and pans he used. His partner didn't really need to see the soot on the wall after the first attempt at the salmon.
When Roxas had purchased a place to live in Japan, it had been with the condition that he get to actually spend time with Corey. He wasn't going to move away from his crazy family just to spend no time with anyone, after all, he had spoken the language only very minimally at the time, but in order to really get to see him, since he was a Quidditch player with the Tengu, it had to be down to Roxas to really make that sacrifice. Not that he really considered it to be a sacrifice. His family was sort of spread all over the place, so he didn't think it should really surprise anyone that he was as far removed from then as he could be. Even Wynter and Oliver, the oldest of his siblings sort of had their own things going on. Wynter's wedding had been a bit of a whirlwind and then almost exactly nine months later she'd had a baby in tow. Oliver was still searching for whatever treasure he thought was worth it and Rai and Riku? He wasn't sure. His brothers were... well, his brothers were his brothers. And honestly that was bad enough. Sometimes he wondered what they were doing. They exchanged letters sometimes, but mostly he was focused on his job, as a duellist, he had to always be on the ready. It's a professional sport after all, maybe not as exciting as Quidditch, but it's a great thing to watch all the same. At least he thought so. It took about as much training as anything else did at least.

What he hadn't specifically bargained for, was Corey's... inspirations. He had these little moments where he seemed to forget he didn't actually know how to cook and there was little the former Hufflepuff could do about it either. Short of... moving out. And he wasn't willing to do that. He wanted Corey to move in. Some people would think he was mad, and maybe he was, but he loved Corey. He wanted them to be in the same place always. He kept a smile on his face as he approached their kitchen, which wasn't very big, because neither was their home. It was big enough for them. Though they'd had to go buy a new dresser to fit all their stuff once Corey got a drawer, but it was only going to be so much worse now that he wanted his boyfriend to actually live with him. Subtly, trying not to draw attention, Roxas lifted his hand to the top of one of the cupboards he kept his potions on and downed the closest one. This should help stomach whatever it was that Corey had set his mind towards cooking today.

"Hi Baby, thanks for the food... it's looks... so good." It didn't, and it smelled weird, but he appreciated the effort and that was the thing that was important. Corey went out of his way to care about Roxas and that was one of the things he loved about the man. It seemed to be a family trait to be fair, but it was most apparent, in his opinion, in his boyfriend. "Is that... what is that?" He asked with a slightly concerned smile.

@Corey Edogawa
Corey was humming as he scrubbed the kitchen wall trying to get out the soot. While most wizards would probably say that he should have just used magic to clean it, he would readily admit that he has more chance of destroying the wall than cleaning it if he dared use his wand. Charms just weren't his thing. He has gotten good at cleaning by hand over the years. His humming still needs some work however. Which was probably how he didn't notice Roxas getting home. He was a bit surprised that he hid the brush he was cleaning with behind him on instinct. He knew he wasn't in trouble. Probably. The mark wasn't permanent! And well, Roxas seemed like he was not that unhappy with him. "Surpriiiise?" he chuckled nervously. Putting the brush in the sink for now and washing his hands, he approached the younger man and kissed him on the cheek. "I wanted to cook you dinner so you can relax tonight," he admitted. Corey was planning on cleaning the rest of the house too but the kitchen took up most of his time.

Corey believed that Roxas was an actual, literal, angel and he really couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend. He knew he wasn't the smartest or the most skilled at anything really, but Roxas hadn't deemed him a hopeless case yet and he really was trying. He was a little guilty though that he might be stressing him out since he'd seen the evidence of the difficulty of dinner. And so, he slung his arm across the younger man's shoulders and tried to steer him towards the dining table where the food was laid out. "I left one of the salmons on the pan too long while I was slicing the cucumber," he explained a little guiltily. "I'll clean it after we eat, I promise!"

@Roxas Mckenna
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"Oh, Salmon... sure." God that was going to smell, he was going to have to go around with his wand once Corey was asleep, because he didn't think he could trust Corey to really get what needed to be done. Merlin he loved him, but sometimes he thought there were a couple of things he probably shouldn't let him do. Roxas blamed Corey's parents mostly. They coddled him way too much, they still do, every time they see him. He tries not to look at the blackened evidence of dinner and turns his eyes instead to the nicely done up table. Corey was good at that, actually, really good - though sometimes Roxas really had to wonder how he could be such a good seeker, and yet his hand eye coordination off the pitch was so poor. "I'll help you clean, don't worry." He would have to if he didn't want to smell salmon tomorrow morning. Maybe he could remind Corey of some of the less powerful cleaning spells, like scourgify? Although, thinking about it, maybe he doesn't want him to know what spell.

He allowed himself to be sat at the table, and rolled his eyes. "Come sit too, I want to talk to you," about a lot, honestly, but mostly one thing in particular. It was important to make sure that Corey was paying attention though, because his mind tended to wander, hence the brand new charcoal colouring on their backsplash. "You can clean after that if you want. Come sit, please."

@Corey Edogawa
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Corey bit his lower lip nervously at Roxas' reaction. He knew he should have just gone with the chicken! But the chicken was such a disaster last time even after following Tou-chan's recipe, and that was just two weeks ago! He didn't think that Roxas would be keen on slicing spiced black chicken that was still literally bloody on the inside today. And the salmon was on sale too! Maybe next time he'll just stick to cooking bacon. That turned out well last month. He was brought out of his thoughts when his lovely boyfriend assured him that he would be helping clean too. And well, that would not do! "Noooo, I'll clean up later and I'll even use the bleach and fresheners to erase all the evidence. You don't have to clean!" he insisted, maybe slightly pouting. Roxas was busy enough and he was probably tired so he shouldn't have to clean! He just needed to eat! And relax!

While Roxas had let himself be led away from the mess that was the kitchen, it didn't really seem like Corey was in the safe zone just yet. In fact, it made him a little nervous. That really sounded like something his Kaa-chan would say to Tou-chan. Or even when he or his siblings did something. Maybe he really should have ordered take-out instead of making an attempt at the salmon. But oh well, he will face it like a man and just really hope that his boyfriend would not be breaking up with him over burnt salmon of all things. The seeker took his seat apprehensively. "Okaaaaay," he said slowly before taking a deep breath. "Did I miss anything again? I swear I took out the trash last night and I took and put away the laundry before I left this morning," was said in one breath.
Roxas laughed lightly, "don't be silly Cor, this has nothing to do with you not taking out the trash or whatever, you're not a maid you know," it was true that Corey seemed most comfortable doing chores, maybe because his father often took on that role between him and his mother from what Roxas could see. Since his mother only recently retired from Professional Quidditch and all, she hadn't spent much time at home, when she was home (in the times Roxas had visited them between school terms) she hadn't done much house work at all. It's not like that was a problem, and honestly with most of the hours either of them kept it was a miracle they got anything done at all. It was why he'd moved to Japan, because he wanted to be able to see Corey more, that one year they'd spent apart when they'd first finished school had been... something.

He reached out and pulled Corey's hand towards him, entwining their fingers. "I just want to have a serious conversation, but it's not a bad thing - or I hope it's not." He was going about this all wrong, but it was hard to get his thoughts in order when it came to Corey. He was just so... Corey. It was hard to explain. They'd been friends for ages in school and then someone had to tell them that maybe they were more than friends, and then of course they'd sort of figured out how that worked for them, and then they'd spent that year apart and then Roxas had taken his savings from his mother and moved his whole life to Japan - just to be closer to Corey (though he could have done without his family) so he didn't want to be without him, ever. "I wanted to ask you if you wanted to move in with me, I want us to live together."

@Corey Edogawa
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Corey snorted at the reminder that he was not a maid. He knew that. It's just that he always knew that when he got someone, he wanted something like what his parents had. His Kaa-chan never needed to worry about the house because Tou-chan would take care of it. And Tou-chan always knew that Kaa-chan would help him whenever he needed it. He wanted that too and so he had been trying to learn from his Tou-chan all that he needed, but his parents had deemed him unsuitable with the household charms after breaking two antique vases, a broken oven, and a complete remodel of one of the bathrooms. He liked to think he was doing better now than when Roxas first came to Japan. He nearly blasted the toilet when he attempted to clean the bathroom. Now he does all the chores by hand and disasters are averted (except for cooking). Tou-chan's trying to help with that though, so Corey goes over to his parents' house every week for cooking lessons. Corey likes to think he's improving in taking care of the house for Roxas. Which of course, he was hoping it translated to him taking good care of Roxas.

Corey smiled as he held his partner's hand, their fingers intertwined. He loved Roxas and being with him. Which is probably why the serious conversation is quite scary. The last time they had a very serious conversation, they had spent the year apart with Corey being in Japan preparing to be a professional seeker and Roxas being countries and oceans away. And so now, he was stuck thinking of all the things that could be happening seriously in their life that one can only hope was not a bad thing. Corey's thoughts were on hyperdrive which is probably why his brain short-circuited when Roxas asked him to move in. "Move... in?" Corey repeated rather dumbly. Were they not living together yet? All his shoes were here and like 90% of his clothes. His quidditch stuff was even crammed in the corner. His toothbrush and toiletries were here and he even had his own dresser in the bedroom since they couldn't fit everything in Roxas'. "Are we not," he choked on the words, "living together yet?" Maybe Roxas thinks they weren't living together enough? Oh Merlin, his Tou-chan was right!

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"Are we not living together yet?"

Roxas leaned back a little, surprised at the words. "I... no?" Were they? He didn't think they were, after all, Corey still lived with his parents... didn't he? He still spent quite a bit of time over there and they had those families dinners that he was occasionally invited to - something about Taylor needed "mamatime" with her kids or whatever. Sure, there was a lot of his stuff here and he had his own closet space because they needed to find more space to put all of his things because he did spend quite a lot of time here after all, but he'd never asked him to move in. He had a key, sure, but... of course he did, he was his boyfriend after all and he liked to know that Corey could come into the house whenever he wanted to. They'd had to buy a better bed because they'd broke the last one but... okay - maybe they were living together. "Oh... oh I guess we are living together?" It really hadn't occurred to him until right at this moment though. He spent a lot of time at work and he just assumed that Corey wasn't here when he wasn't, unless he was specifically expecting him. He supposed this did explain a lot of why Corey was here so often though.

Roxas couldn't help but chuckle. It was so like Corey to overthink things, but that was part of what Roxas loved about him. He gave Corey's hand a reassuring squeeze and shook his head slightly. "We are living together already, in a way," he admitted with a smile. "But I want it to be official, you know? Not just you having most of your stuff here, but both of us making a real, shared home together. I want to wake up every morning knowing that this is our place, not just mine where you stay most of the time." He reached up with his free hand and gently cupped Corey's cheek, looking into his eyes. "I love you, Corey. I love how you always try so hard, how you care so much about making things nice for us. I don't need everything to be perfect; I just need you. The rest we can figure out together."

Roxas let out a small, relieved laugh, feeling the weight of his nerves lifting. "So, what do you say? Let's make this place truly ours. Move in with me, officially. We'll deal with the burnt salmon and undercooked rice, and everything else, together. Just like we always do." He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to Corey's lips, hoping to convey just how much this meant to him. "Let's build our life together, for real." Maybe this would also mean he would stop randomly popping over to his parents for cooking lessons, or whatever it was. Roxas wanted to share that with him. He wanted to share everything with him.

@Corey Edogawa
Corey was having a crisis. Either his boyfriend did not know that they were living together yet or Corey did not know that they were not yet living together. Either way, there was definitely something that had gotten lost along the lines of when Roxas moved to Japan and Corey's slow move to Roxas' place. Even his parents don't think that he lives with them anymore! He's only there once a week for the cooking lessons! And because Kaa-chan thinks he doesn't visit enough! Visit! Well, it looks like even Roxas' has gotten confused as to whether they were already living together or not. He breathed a sigh of relief though when they at least concluded that they were living together already. Corey wouldn't know what to do if he messed up their arrangement which was not an official arrangement. Only an in-a-way arrangement.

Corey supposed that what Roxas was saying made sense. Official. It was a little overwhelming to be sure but his love for Roxas was even more so and there was nothing else he was more sure of than that. He wanted what Roxas was telling him. He turned his cheek towards his boyfriend's hand, pressing a kiss on it as he listened and thought of everything that was being laid out in front of him. A home together. A life together. Merlin, he didn't think he wanted anything more than that. And he could barely believe that Roxas wanted that with him. He choked back a laugh at the mention of the disaster that was their dinner. Sweet, smart, awesome Roxas wanted human mess Corey who burned salmon and didn't even notice that the rice was undercooked. He could feel tears burning in his eyes as he kissed his boyfriend back, emotions overwhelming him. "I love you."

It was with these emotions overwhelming him that Corey reached into his pocket with his free hand and pulled out a ring. Corey randomly told his Tou-chan one day that he was going to be with Roxas for as long as Roxas would have him and next thing he knew, he was shopping for a ring. Tou-chan had told him to keep it with him all the time because he wouldn't know when he would need it. Thank Merlin for that. Official. That's what Roxas wanted right? A life with him? Officially. Corey's palms were sweating as he showed Roxas the ring. "I have never wanted anything more in my life than to be with you. I love you so much and I want to build a life with you officially. I want to move in with you officially. I want everything that you would want to have with me," he choked out. He didn't think he could be any more nervous than this. "I hope to have a home with you. Every day with you. Every morning and every night with you. Not the middle of the day though cause I know you love your work, but every moment you will let me have with you, I want." He thought he probably should be kneeling on one knee, but he didn't think his legs could hold him up right now. He didn't think he could move right now really. His nerves were already fried hoping that Roxas would want everything with him. Would want this with him. "Will you marry me?"


@Roxas Mckenna
Roxas's breath caught in his throat as he stared at the ring in Corey's hand. He felt his heart swell with emotions, almost too many to name: joy, love, surprise, and a deep, overwhelming sense of gratitude. Corey, his Corey, had been carrying this ring around, ready to propose. It was almost too much to process, but he knew, without a shadow of a doubt, what his answer would be... if he'd asked him two or even three years from now. Roxas's heart was pounding in his chest, and for a moment, he was at a loss for words. He had just asked Corey to move in officially, and now Corey was proposing marriage. It was overwhelming, and while Roxas loved Corey deeply, this was all happening so fast.

"Corey..." he began, his voice trembling. He took a deep breath, trying to collect his thoughts. "This is... a lot. I love you, and I want to be with you, but we're so young. This is a huge step, and it's all happening so quickly. I just... I need a moment to think." Tears brimmed in his eyes as he looked at the man he loved more than anything. Corey had always been a bit of a mess, but he was Roxas's mess. And right now, as he was there with his heart on his sleeve, he had never been more perfect. He squeezed Corey's hand tightly, trying to ground himself in the reality of the moment. "I can't believe you... I mean, I can believe it, but... Merlin, you really surprised me."

"I want to be with you, Corey. I want to live with you, to wake up next to you, to share our lives together. But marriage... that's a big commitment. And I need to be sure that we're ready for that. I need to be sure that I'm ready for that."
Were either of them ready for something like that? Would they ever be? Corey came from a loving family, sure, and Roxas could hardly say that his wasn't... loving, but not in the same way. He always felt so analysed by his parents like he could never do anything without his parents trying to determine which of his childhood traumas it was associated with. Usually them, honestly. "Did you... plan this?" Had he been waiting all this time?

@Corey Edogawa
Corey was dying. That was probably the only explanation for how fast his heart was beating. Maybe he was having a heart attack. His throat was all clogged up, his head felt light, and his heart was beating way too fast. But he also knew that it was not a heart attack. This was caused by the agonizing wait for an answer from his partner. And well, he was getting an answer and it was really scary. Really scary because Roxas thought it was a lot. And it was paralyzing to think that maybe Roxas is finally finding him to be a lot. Because Corey knew that he definitely was a lot. And he really probably should stop focusing on the "a lot" part because at least Roxas was not saying no right of the bat. Sure he wasn't saying yes either but Corey thought that if Roxas wanted some time to think, he would get all the time he wanted because he was most important. Honestly, Roxas wasn't the only one surprised. Corey was surprised too. It's not like he had an elaborate proposal plan, he hadn't gotten around to that. But, it just felt right to him right now.

While Corey was scared out of his wits right now, he had forgotten that maybe, this would be scary for Roxas to. And Corey didn't want that for him. He didn't want Roxas to be scared. He pressed a kiss to the hand in his, hoping that it would bring some comfort. That the small gesture would tell Roxas that he could take all the time he needed to think, to be sure, to be ready. That Corey was sure and ready and he would wait for however long Roxas needed to be the same. "Baby we both know I do not have the power to plan anything," he chuckled, trying to lighten the mood, hoping that it would help ease his partner. "But I knew. I've known for a while that I want to be with you, to be anything and everything for you, for as long as you would have me. And I told my parents that, and next thing I know, I had a ring in my pocket just waiting for when I would ask you," he said smiling even with the tears in his eyes because Merlin he loved this man so much.

@Roxas Mckenna
Corey's parents were a mystery that Roxas did not think he would ever be able to solve. Far as he could tell, far as he'd heard - they'd gotten together in school, so they were sweethearts, which was a term he still wasn't sure he completely understood. He'd found some of those old nasty articles that they used to have at the school, though he couldn't remember exactly what they had said back when he was in third year. Apparently they'd been quite fiery back then, his parents, his Aunts and Uncles. Really his family was almost bigger than Roxas', if he counted everyone on the tree. As it was he was pretty sure half of the Edogawa family were single handedly just taking over the entire magical population of Japan. Most of them were Quidditch players and those who weren't... they worked with his Uncle Liam and his Aunt Ai. He'd been joking when he'd asked if Corey's mother planned on birthing a Quidditch team, but it seemed for the most part she'd basically done that.

He smiled warmly when Corey kissed his hand. "Look, it's not a no, honestly, if you asked me a couple of years ago I definitely would have said no, but..." he didn't know how much he believed in the power of young love. His parents hadn't gotten married until later in their lives and his biological father was a shadow of his former self after he'd lost the love of his life - then they'd lost Ellie and... well, no one in the family ever really talked about it. Sometimes he thought it hit the Hayes side of the family more than it hit his, and he'd never even met his Aunt Abby before she'd died. Sometimes he really wondered if it was all worth it. Then his mind would turn to Corey, and he would be happy again, because Corey was one of the most important people in his life and he never failed to make Roxas happy - maybe that was the point of happiness? Taking it where you could get it and never letting it go?

Did that mean he should marry Corey? It seemed his boyfriend was already decided on the fact that he wanted to marry Roxas, and his sister Wynter had gotten married right out of school. None of his other siblings were married to his knowledge, but... Wynter had known immediately hadn't she? And from what he could tell, she was really happy about it. It wasn't like he had terrible examples of marriage. His parents were really happy and Austiin was.. well he was Austiin so there wasn't much to say about him really. Uncle Cirino was a different story perhaps, but things with that side of the family were always going to be murky anyway, but Uncle Robin and Uncle Alessio were as excitable as Uncle Alessio ever allowed any of them to be. Then there was Uncle Basil... things hadn't gone quite to plan with that one but he'd found a happy ending, hadn't he?

Was he overthinking this? Maybe he should just say yes and they could deal with everything else later? But then... what if they decided that later wasn't quick enough or they both got carried away in the whirlwind of it all. It wasn't hard for him to get carried away when it concerned Corey, he loved him and he wanted to make him happy. Wasn't that how all of this started in the first place? Surely he was just trying to think himself into circles... that wasn't what he wanted to do, though. Then there was Cousin Emily and Nico. They were so happy together they'd moved to the muggle world just to get away from everything else. The magical world, their family, it really was so terribly dramatic. So much happened that no one could ever really get away from. But he didn't want to get away from Corey. He wanted to be with Corey for as long as they could manage it.

Holy Merlin... had he just talked himself into saying yes?!

@Corey Edogawa
Corey could only wait. There really was nothing else for him to do. He had already popped the question and laid his heart and soul out for Roxas to see. Now, all there was is to wait for his boyfriend to give an answer and he would take any answer really because he thinks that anything would be better than this limbo. But he would still wait patiently for Roxas to determine where they would go from here. He was not disappointed when Roxas told him that it was not a no. He was too busy panicking to be disappointed really. He kinda knew what to do with a no - keep the ring, give Roxas some space, and hope against all hope that they were not breaking up. He also knew what to do with a yes - put the ring on Roxas' finger, give him a big kiss, cry, and shower his fiance with love for the rest of his life. What he did not know what to do with, was a maybe. What was the protocol for that? His parents didn't really say. But they probably didn't expect that he would get None of the Above in what was typically yes or no question. Or was it All of the Above. Well, and Corey was still waiting for whatever came after the but and he can see that it was sending his boyfriend's brain into overdrive that Corey decided maybe it would be for the best to give Roxas some time. He smiled as he pressed another kiss into his boyfriend's hand. "Hey, you don't have to give me an answer now. You can take some time to think and give me an answer when you're ready."

@Roxas Mckenna
"but now all I want to do is have you close to me." He finished, finally, frowning. It wasn't that he didn't want to marry Corey, it wasn't even that he was completely unsure. Everything he'd said was true, that they were too young, they had time, there was a lot going on, it was very sudden, but the truth of the matter wa that, more than anything, Roxas was scared that things would change. He hadn't known a lot of marriages to break down, not in his family and not in Corey's either from what he'd seen. Mind you he couldn't say he knew everything that went on in that family either. It was just one of these things he had to figure out. Corey wasn't something he had to figure out. Really, he felt like he always knew what to do when it came to Corey. Maybe it was just because he'd been looking out for Corey since they were in school. Corey had graduated first, after all as Roxas had been a year below and so, really, they'd spent almost two years away from each other for different reasons. He hadn't liked it then, and he didn't think he would like it now either. Would they need time apart for him to really understand what being with Corey would mean? He didn't think so, and if he did he didn't think he would like it very much. He'd moved all the way to Japan to be with Corey, how was getting married any different?

Now he wasn't so sure that he shouldn't marry Corey. Maybe it was the solution to all the problems they didn't yet have. Sometimes things worked out, maybe they could do this now and figure out how to navigate the consequences later. When he'd heard the words he'd immediately felt so ecstatic that Corey would want to marry him. Being a triplet he wasn't very used to having something that was uniquely his. He didn't even have his own face, he shared this one with his clones. He didn't have his own name, it was shared amongst members of his family and these days he didn't even have his own life - sometimes he felt like he belonged to a bunch of people who didn't necessarily know how to deal with his challenges or what he might have wanted out of life... not like Corey knew how to deal with it all. That was the thing about Corey, he didn't always get it right, but Roxas would never fault him on the fact that he tried. He didn't care that when dinner was cooked by Corey it tended to mean he had to have potions handy. He didn't care that sometimes he would come home and find the house in a shambles that he then had to help clean up. That was character for him.

No, what he cared about was the fact that Corey was amazing, he was funny, and above all else, he cared about Roxas enough to want him around, more than just having him around and tolerating him he wanted him actively as a part of his life and that meant everything to Roxas, who'd spent so much of his life not mattering to anyone, or at least feeling like that was the truth. He knew better now, sort of, but back then all he'd had was Corey and Corey had never abandoned him.

The surge of emotions had Roxas launching himself across the table and knocking Corey to the floor in a hug. "Yes. Let's do it. I'll be yours and you can be mine, and we can do everything else together." Including anything they would need to do to help either of their parents to understand that they would absolutely not need to be part of the ceremony.

@Corey Edogawa
Corey did not expect Roxas to just jump across the table. But even if he didn't, he braced himself enough to catch the other man though they did succeed in knocking over the chair and falling on the floor, Corey having enough thought to take the short fall keeping Roxas' securely above him. It was a mess, they were a mess. The chairs were knocked down, dinner was either splattered on the table or on the floor, along with broken plates and glass. But Corey focus was solely on his boyfriend. His boyfriend that was saying yes. Corey couldn't take it and he laughed at their silliness as he pulled Roxas away from their chaotic position on the floor just so he can kiss the lights out of him. Because Roxas said yes. To marrying him. To being with him. "I love you," he said reverently when he pulled away from the kiss, his face inches from his fiance. "I love you," he didn't think he could say it enough. "I love you so much Roxas McKenna," he said once more before leaning in for another kiss.

@Roxas Mckenna
Honestly... Roxas still can't say he's entirely sure about this, but people had long engagements all the time, right? They had so much time to think about this, he didn't need to be worried, things weren't going to suddenly change all of a sudden, because that would be silly. They'd just established that they loved each other, they were living together (and had been for longer than Roxas had realised) and now the next step was a wedding, that's what usually happened right? Corey was right, they could do all of this together. Really all the mattered was that they were together. He was going to have to tell his parents about this, and he wasn't sure what they would say... but for the first time, maybe ever, Roxas realised that he just didn't care about what his parents thought. Not about Corey, not about their relationship and not about what he was planning for his future. They were both still young, they had their whole lives ahead of them, and now they would have their entire lives to figure out what they wanted to do, together.

He grinned as Corey moved them away from the mess and laughed. "I love you too, you big dork," and he did, very much. More than he sometimes thought it was possible to love someone. He can't recall when he'd first realised it. They'd sort of just gravitated together and then just sort of stayed together and gradually those evening study sessions had become daily hang outs and then... something more. Now he wouldn't think to ever change anything, but back then he'd had no idea what he was getting himself into. He didn't mind. It came with the territory. "I love you, but you'll have to start referring to me as Roxas Edogawa-Mckenna eventually," he said, pressing another kiss to his fiancee. He had a fiancee. He was getting married!

Oh Merlin, how did this happen!!

@Corey Edogawa
Corey laughed at being called a dork by his fiance. His fiance! He didn't care what Roxas would call him now, he was too happy. He felt so happy like he could burst! Like he'd drunk a whole pack of soda and he was just too giddy and hyper. They were going to get married! He couldn't stop grinning. And they couldn't stop kissing. He couldn't remember ever feeling this happy. He really loved this man so much that at this point, he could forget everything. Maybe he has already forgotten everything. Everything but the man in his arms. "And I can be Corey Edogawa-McKenna," he said simply as he took his fiance's - his fiance! - hand and put the ring on his finger. They were getting married!

- F I N I S H E D -

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