Most Likely to be Snowed In

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Bethany Young


Heyy Everybody!!
Most of you will know me, Some may not. So, let me introduce myself, Hi, I'm Emily, Better known as Emzies and I am from Bonnie Scotland. I make banners, from time to time. I like RPing, and have been for 3 years now, on and off. And through this time, I've had many character changes, and such. But, if you've been following British weather reports, we are currently going through the "big freeze". Which is code for 1 inch of snow, and the complete dis-integration of everything in the city. We it comes to snow, we could prepare all year round and we'd still end up with people on the main motorway for up to 24 hours. In minus temperatures. So, anyway, getting to my point, There is more snow forecast, and while I could be studying, I'd much rather spend some time on here. It'll depend on how much snow falls on if I get a few more snow days, but, Still, I finish on the 23rd of this month (which sucks) and I'd like to have RPing to do, so my holiday will not be filled with those little moments that make you realise how bored you really are. With HNZ, I shall never be bored.

I now realise I have rambled on for a while, so I shall hastily move along to present with my 6 current characters.</SIZE>

Stefan Archer, 1st Year, Slytherin
Stefan is a nice boy, who takes a little while to get used to new
people. He's caring, and generous, but he is closed off. Stefan sees
no colour, apart from black, white and grey. He can make friends
but nows that they suspect that he is hiding something pretty
major. This is not helped by the fact that he is. Stefan is from
an abusive household.
Now, Stefan doesn't need a final, and he doesn't need any crushes.
Like they could crush on Stefan but it would be one sided.
The boy needs Friends. People to just help him out,
be nice to him, someone who maybe knows what he's going
And maybe one, or two enemies, not much more, the boy is
only just building up some proper confidence, it would be shattered
by bullies and enemies. But, One or two might be a good idea.
[Brandon, if you are reading this I'll get a topic started
for Stefan and James either tomorrow or the next day, it is
at the top of my to do list.
<SIZE size="50">

Oscar Fossil, 2nd Year Ravenclaw
Oscar is that guy who gets along with almost anyone, he's very confident
and he's pretty open. He used to be quite closed off, and didn't really talk
to anyone, but after a recent break from Hogwarts to sort out family issues
Oscar has become a lot more confident in himself. He's always smiling, and
is happiest with friends. He has chosen to not ponder on the past, and
hates history. He has a small attention span, unless you interest enough
to pay attention for a long amount of time.
Oscar also needs Friends. He has a few friends, and will become very
busy with a plot, but, that does not mean he can't have a few friends. A couple
more guy friends, people he can just hang with talk about girls and such.
Oscar maybe need someone Who would challenge him. Either a guy or
girl, who would just hate the way he is and want to fight, Oscar would fight
back and they'd just do that every time they met eyes. Maybe a detention
is possible there. Of course if it was a girl, Oscar would not hurt them in any
He is not in need of crushes/girlfriends/finals.

Josefiina Helkovaara, 11, Unsorted
Josefiina is a Finnish girl who has just moved to New Zealand, and will be going
to HNZ for school. She appears to be a very warm and nice girl, but really, she
can be quite cold, and enjoys time herself. A lot of time. She doesn't like being
open and free about her emotions, so she would never cry at a book, or film. She
can be a little sarcastic, although this is more to herself, but as she grows she'll
become more sarcastic. And won't be as bothered with making and keeping friends.
Josefiina is really in need of everything. She needs friends, the people who'll stick
by her, and accept her for exactly who she is, and praise change rather than hate
it. Enemies, one or two people that would hate her, because she can be sarcastic.
Josefiina is young, she doesn't quite understand love, and thinks that it is pretty
stupid. But, I think a first crush would be a good thing. It would not be anything
serious, but just a I like you, and you like me. But I don't want to act upon it type

Malachy Scythe, 17, 6th year Beauxbatons
Now, this guy is a little under developed. But, he's an irish guy, who is currently at
Beauxbatons, he comes from a large family, and is the first Wizard of his family, and
he therefore thinks that he is better than the rest of his family. He doesn't really care
if they think he's acting up, because in the end, he's a wizard and they are not. Malachy
looks up to his elder brother, when it comes to girls. Malachy is quite flirtacious, but
when in a relationship is quite the hopeless romantic. He's head strong and loves sports.
He's a fair singer and dancer, but doesn't often show this. As I've already said he's in
current development.
So, he needs friends. Lots of friends, he's sociable. He'd have a number of friends.
It would be a fair mix of Male and Female. But, either is fine.
A few crushes might be nice. But apart from that he's pretty much got everything

Avarice Vanity, 16, 6th year Beauxbatons, Half-Veela
Avarice Vanity is a scottish girl who lives in Nice France. She's quietly nice, and
friendly. She has good manners and is very polite. She has a soft touch and the
pose of a dancer. Avarice is studious, and wants to break free of the shadow her
sisters have cast over her. She isn't sure what she wants to do with her life, but
thinks that becoming a healer would be good fun. Ava is half-veela but doesn't know
it. She isn't interested in finding a boyfriend just yet, mainly as no one has taken
the girls eye. Avarice is a free spirit type person, she does what she wants, but always
has a reason for doing it. Avarice likes taking pictures with disposible camera's and
she loves all things muggle. Overall Avarice is just a nice person with a bubbly personality
who is most comfortable around the people she has known longest.
Avarice needs Friends She currently doesn't have many, real friends. She needs
people who'll help her out, who she can help out and just have fun with. She's loyal
and she'll stick by them, so they wouldn't have to worry about her turning on them.
Avarice would like a Crush A guy to come into her life, and just take her fancy.
It would be good if he already had a girlfriend, because that would put Avarice into a right
little state.

And finally

Bethany Young, 14, Going into 4th year
My newest character, So I have the least amount on her. I was just going to see how a post
takes me, but I need to be sure someone will hopefully take part for it to work. Anyway
Bethany is a 14 year old girl, who believe that luck hates her. She's a half blood witch
who is clumsy and drops things a lot. She is quite accident prone and gets quite easily
stressed. She has been living in Greenland, and recently came to New Zealand with her elder
brother and dad. She's home schooled, but wants to attend HNZ. She hates moving around
and has therefore never made many friends. Bethany is quite quiet, and has low self esteem,
she thinks very little of herself. She's quite absent-minded and will every so often hit out with
something that will make you wonder if she hit her head as a young child.
Bethany needs Friends people that maybe will be in her year. People who are older/younger
anyone, who could be this girls friend. She would love to make some friends.
No enemies, unless you can provide me with an extremely awesome idea. And
Perhaps a crush? Bethany isn't too bothered about relationships, and doesn't really
believe in committing to one person. Even at a young age. Though this will change
and she'll want to just have one guy in her life.

And that is me done! Thank you all very much for reading through this.
And I'll give you all cookies, if you post.
Aimee here can RP with Josefiina. She speaks French and English (having lived in different countries). She is confident and kind (if the person deserves it). She has a quick temper. She cracks jokes when she's happy, and isn't afraid to dance around and be crazy. She is loyal once she gets to know someone really well. As I just created her a little while ago, there isn't much detail yet. But that's the basics.

And I'm just posting because I want cookies. :p
Since I'm making him more into an anti-social dude with many bad habits, I can see him being jealous of Oscar and the attention he gets from Andie. (Btw just saying she cute :r ) I haven't figure that part of himself yet, where he likes girls but doesn't want to admit to his feelings in anyways. So he goes about his business, reading and writing but for some reason when he sees them two, he gets jealous?! Or just hate the fact Oscar lot better looking and seems to go through easily than Tyler. Enemies till the end?! Tell me what you think :)
Well I have:
Gryffindor First year
Grace Raven & Stefan Archer
Grace could be a friend, though a very confusing friendship it would be. Grace is from a privileged background and was raised to hate muggles and muggleborns and such. But instead of hating them Grace has a small fear of them and grows nervous around them. Grace is polite and lady-like and wether she likes it or not is very nurturing, she is giving and will randomly give out very expensive items because she is completely rich and does not know why she should hold onto items that she does not like. Grace can also play the violin very well, this makes her not want to do things with her hands in fears of breaking them and not being able to play.
Grace could be a friend, though with her conflicting nature she would be slightly cautious around Stefan, and if he suddenly moved she would probably jump. So I think it would be interesting because instead of Stefan being the scared one Grace would be.

Gryffindor Second year
Tamalia Kaster & Oscar Fossil
Tamalia could be a rival or something. Tamalia is a proud and family orientated girl. She loves her family even though most of them consist of squibs, Tamalia is also competitive and loves a challenge though does not like losing she will accept it and make herself better. Tamalia is somewhat independent and closed off. But when with friends she can be loud and exciting and talkative, she plays piano and is energetic.
Tamalia could be a rival, she could challenge him to anything and everything, or she could be a friend. Tamalia will be going through a rough patch soon so she will need some friends and stuff to help her

Beauxbatons Sixth year.
Tess Kaster & Malachy Scythe
Tess is a perfectionist and a relatively unused character. She is kind and talkative and enjoys have flocks of friends. Tess is a real girl sometimes and does not like having to fight, she likes using magic and is a proud girl. Tess is rude and arrogant when cornered and can put up a fight if someone starts on her, she is loyal to friends and is cunning and mischievous. Sometimes if she really wants something she will use to girl charm to get it and is not afraid to tell it like it is. She loves her family and spends alot of time with them and friends having a good time. Tess can be a real romantic but can be demanding when around her brother. Tess can also be a total boy when she wants to be, she will put her hair up and mess around with the boys and get her hands dirty, doing all this with her perfectionist charm.
Tess could be a friend or maybe a crush, she is 16 after all its bound to happen someday.
Tess Kaster & Avarice Vanity.
Tess could be a real friend, she will not always agree with Ava but she will not betray her, besides Tess is going to go through a rough patch and will need a close friend that will help her through it.
And if you are interested I do have a talkative seventh year Durmstrang guy. Jack Kaster (Big brother to Tess and Tamalia) Avarice could have a crush on him? He wouldn’t like her back though, he would find her adorable but that would be as far as it would go. If you are interested than I will tell you more about him

14 year old Member person.
Speed Spencer Sage Stark & Bethany Young.
Speed is feminine and girlie and is very kind. Speed can be overly kind and is a total klutz, he has been brought to tears by 12 years olds and his emotional strength is very weak. Speed is very understanding and loves to joke with people and talk about his twin sister. He is creative and loves talking about everything and is skilled with painting nails and stuff. Speed hates his grandfather but still keeps in touch with him. He is nurturing and can feel guilty easily and is a sucker for tears.
Speed could be a close friend, he would not be able to like her though as he does not know whether he is straight or gay so treats everyone as a close friend.

I am pretty sure that is all I have for you ^_^

I like that, I think it would be a good idea, since Aimee is also not
Kiwi. And I think she could click really well with her. She seems like
the kind of girl Josefiina would be friends with.
So Awesome. *hands cookie*
Would you like to start something or Shall I?

I think that would be very enjoyable. Oscar would find it completely
odd, since he wouldn't actually see what the problems really is. He
would see the fact that this guy seems to hate him for no reason.
So, yeah, I think it could be a lot of fun.
*hands cookie*
Would you like to start something or Shall I?

I think that could play very interestingly with Stefan. He's still not of full
confidence, and he'd get worried and worked up about the fact that she
is scared of him. So it would most likely end up being Stefan incredibly
nervous and her scared. So, yeah I like that.
*hands cookie*
Would you like to start something? Or Would you like me to?

I see them being more friends that anything else. Maybe a hard to start
type friendship. But a friendship all the same. I think we'd have to try
RPing before we decide.
*hands second Cookie*
Would you like to start something? Or would you like me to?

It would probably lead to nothing, but I think it would be useful for
Malachy to have girls that like him. And the fact she can be boyish
would appeal to him. Malachy isn't fussed about girls as long as they
are cute. So, he'd be happy to be her friend and more.
*hands cookie*
Would you like to start something? Or would you like me to?

They would make good friends. I think that the flexibility that
Tess seems to have would make Avarice a lot more welcoming
and less trying to figure out what she's about. So, yeah. I don't
think we need the brother.
*hands cookie*
Would you like to start something or Shall I?

She'd be quite nervous around him at first, not really knowing
how to act since he's femine and girly. She's been brought up
in the sense of boys should be boys and girls should be girls,
but she'd be open minded, just nervous. So yeah, I'm liking it
and she really needs a friend.
*hands cookie*
Would you like to start something or Shall I?
If you want I could go with Josefiina.Ryan is an open sort of person who excepts people for who they are.He has grown up with two sarcastic sisters which has lead him to be sarcastic at times.He is nice and is quite funny. he could be a friend or crush...
What do you think?
Bethany Young said:

I like that, I think it would be a good idea, since Aimee is also not
Kiwi. And I think she could click really well with her. She seems like
the kind of girl Josefiina would be friends with.
So Awesome. *hands cookie*
Would you like to start something or Shall I?

Can you please start something? I'm meant to be doing homework and other stuff...
For Avarice
I have a 7th year Hufflepuff who i can offer her as a crush. His name is Mark Stone and he too is part veela. He is a nice boy who has been through a lot but is starting to et back on track after a depression. He liked to be around people a lot because that is when he is happiest. Mark is a very caring guy who like making people laugh. He has a girl friend who is a 6th year Beauxbatons, they recently went through a rocky patch but are getting on with their relationship. He is very loyal to her so Avarice could have a crush on him but he wouldn't cheat on Alana with her. They could also be friend once she has gotten over her crush on him too :D
Bethany Young said:
I think that would be very enjoyable. Oscar would find it completely
odd, since he wouldn't actually see what the problems really is. He
would see the fact that this guy seems to hate him for no reason.
So, yeah, I think it could be a lot of fun.
*hands cookie*
Would you like to start something or Shall I?
Ummm thanks
*eat sugar cookie*
If you have a thread were he can just insult him or something already going on let me know? Other than that you can start it please *gives you gingerbread man* this shall do it!
Bethany Young said:
I think that could play very interestingly with Stefan. He's still not of full
confidence, and he'd get worried and worked up about the fact that she
is scared of him. So it would most likely end up being Stefan incredibly
nervous and her scared. So, yeah I like that.
*hands cookie*
Would you like to start something? Or Would you like me to?

I see them being more friends that anything else. Maybe a hard to start
type friendship. But a friendship all the same. I think we'd have to try
RPing before we decide.
*hands second Cookie*
Would you like to start something? Or would you like me to?

It would probably lead to nothing, but I think it would be useful for
Malachy to have girls that like him. And the fact she can be boyish
would appeal to him. Malachy isn't fussed about girls as long as they
are cute. So, he'd be happy to be her friend and more.
*hands cookie*
Would you like to start something? Or would you like me to?

They would make good friends. I think that the flexibility that
Tess seems to have would make Avarice a lot more welcoming
and less trying to figure out what she's about. So, yeah. I don't
think we need the brother.
*hands cookie*
Would you like to start something or Shall I?

She'd be quite nervous around him at first, not really knowing
how to act since he's femine and girly. She's been brought up
in the sense of boys should be boys and girls should be girls,
but she'd be open minded, just nervous. So yeah, I'm liking it
and she really needs a friend.
*hands cookie*
Would you like to start something or Shall I?
*accepts the load of cookies* Thankyou.

Anyway I will start Gracies and Stefans, Tess and Malachy, Tess and Avarice and Speed's and Bethany's while you can start Tama's and Oscar's ^_^

That sounds nice. I think they should become friends Before
anything else happens. So, yeah, I do very much like it.
*hands cookie*
So would you like to start something or shall I?

Okay, I'll start it tomorrow.
And Post it here

I really like that, she'd definitely crush on him. I mean it is
Jensen Ackles as a PB, who could resist. lol. Anyway I think it
would nice for her to crush on someone and then become friends.
I think they could interact quite well, and Ava isn't they type
that would ever come between them.
*hands cookies*
Would you like to start something? Or Shall I?

There is a topic in the Ravenclaw Common Room, that you
could join if you wanted. If you don't want to join that I'll
start one*takes gingerbread man*

Thanks for starting all of those and here is a link to the
Tama& Oscar's one LINK
Thank you *Takes cookie*
Could you start please have to study for Christmas tests (Depressing)
;) ~Grace & Stefan
:p~Tess & Avarice
:D ~Tess & Malachy
:) ~Speed & Bethany
There you go :woot:
I have a few characters to offer
Maria Leingod

Maria is an enigmatic girl. She is also Sophia's twin though the two are polar opposites. Maria is the voice of reason in most situations and tends to be rather blunt. She is also best friends with her twin, despite their completely different demeanors. Maria is described as "just as reckless as Sophia". She is secretive and intelligent. Despite her occasionally antagonistic traits, she can be really friendly is she dares to.

Although Maria has a cold and uncaring exterior, she demonstrates her concern for others in some instances. She is quiet and somewhat intimidating, but she is very protective to Sophia. She faithfully protects Sophia and is always by her side, attending to her wishes and watching out for her; her protective personality extends to those whom she cares for. She demands respect from others, and would respect someone faithfully is that someone respects her back.

Maria is incredibly irritable and slow to wake-up in the morning, which is attributed to her having a low blood pressure. Secretly, Maria is very fond of sweets and her room is full of stuffed animals, though she wouldn't let anyone aside from her sister to know that. She also has a stuffed bunny that she calls chii. Maria is actually fond of cute things despite the fact that she always tries to hide it.

Finnian Rosenkranz
Finnian's only existing relative is his grandmother and grandfather, who brings him to the (I haven't really decided on that yet, still searching for a place where he will work) mansion where he becomes a servant. Quiet and withdrawn, he usually distances himself from people and doesn't seem fond of interfering with others' problems when he doesn't need to. He has a kind heart though. He is shy and has a weak personality, and his "friends" often talks him into trouble.

Finnian is very calm when dealing with his problems despite some of them being almost grave. He handles situations calmly and with a smile on his face. Because he is a servant, he tends to be very punctual and doesn't like being late to his appointments. Finnian is a dutiful and dedicated servant. He follows every order even the most ridiculous one. He always tries that the (undecided) house runs smoothly.

Finnian is diligent and is a hard worker. His words are very polite. He loves studying and reading. He often likes being alone too as he can think freely when he is by himself. Sometimes, Finnian has this air about him that distances himself from others.

However, when Finnian's loved ones were in danger, his personality changes completely, he will lose the shyness and slightly takes things a little more seriously than what he would have been. He cares for those that he loves very deeply.

Fayt Aurelious
Fayt comes across as being a mostly emotionless, cold child, focused solely on his interests and his vow to protect his sister. For him, the most important thing in his life is his twin which is the only blood kin that he knows. He is prone to being over protective with her to the point that he always scolds her whenever she hurts herself. He loves his twin more than his self.

Though he is capable of portraying himself as a charming, cheerful, lenient individual, typically when on the presence of his adoptive parents, he is quick to revert to being unsympathetic when he no longer has to hide his true self. Fayt is a person that doesn't like to admit defeat, and it's with this stubborn behavior that he'll push through obstacles with a single-minded resolve to win, to advance, and to do anything and everything perceived as necessary to achieve his goals.

Despite everything, however, under the surface there's still a 10 year old boy. Prone to acting egoistically with a self-centered point of view, he can be quick to irritation when his demands aren't met, and sink into a moody frustration when his plans are compromised.
The past reminders and the numerous things he's suffered through however, are just as difficult to let go of. Fayt has a obvious aversion to unnecessary touch- especially from that of strangers and even his adoptive parents- and his vulnerabilities lurk just underneath the strong-willed and reasonable person he often presents.

In his heart though, he still longs for his real parents and for some friends, but his own bitter words and the harshness of reality keep him from dwelling on it for very long. He is not someone who easily trusts anyone, he is afraid of betrayal but still, deep inside, he wants to meet someone whom he can trust other than his sister.
Vayne Rozeleouxe
Vayne is unassuming, laid back, eternally good natured and always smiling with a philosophical wisdom and maturity which betray his external appearance.

Vayne is also an optimistic type of guy. He always see the best in everything even if the others cannot. Despite of all the things that he's been through, he still stood strong and proud. That is something that he had inherited from his parents.

Vayne likes to do things that he is interested in, and he wants to realize his dreams in a natural way. When there's something that he is unwilling to do, he always refuse with the greatest gentleness and patience. No one knows his true feelings on such occasions, unless he is in rage. As a matter of fact, Vayne is good at settling disputes and creating a harmonious atmosphere around him.

Vayne can also be very determined and stubborn sometimes. Once he decided on something, he'll do his very best to achieve it. Even if he fails so many times, he won't give up. As long as he's not stepping on anyone.

Vayne doesn't mind if he is being hurt by others, but when one harms whoever it is that is important to him, Vayne can be really dangerous. He can be a bit over protective of his loved ones.

Vayne tends to empathize with people. Most people, even complete strangers, express how reassuring and soothing his presence is, often opening up to him completely with their problems.Rarely does he seem displease or stressed out, taking almost everything in stride, his lenient and contemplative nature is the reason why most people even accuses him of being "so slow"

Sarah Richards
So Sarah Richards, as what I know, is some sort of well, antisocial.. she talks back a lot, even from adults, and she tends to be a bully
Benny Lillis
So Benny here is a 2nd year ravenclaw, he had recently been given to me along with Sarah Richards. Now all I know about him is that he's friendly, bubbly and he loves music.
I just wanted to mention that as now Libby co-owns a pub in France, both Avarice (as they've already met) and Mal could meet Libby there? She really wants to get out and meet more people, and it could be a good oppounity for Libby and Avarice to talk again?
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