Closed Morning Sunrises and Roses

Norton Gillespie

astronomer | astronomy y5-7 (temp)
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (pansexual)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 13" Rigid Redwood Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
2/2032 (25)
Moving in with April after the new year had been the right choice. He’d already moved out of his dad’s place and had been focusing his attention between the work he was doing for uni and the work in the shop. It meant that he didn’t have a lot of spare time to see April - not as much as he would like - and that he’d managed to begin saving well. It had helped that April too, setting herself up and progressing in her life had been busy, but they’d given it some thought and now they had a place. So even if they were ships in the night, he knew he was always coming home to them. It was a rare day that they both had off, and while they were still half living out of boxes, he knew this would be the day that they would finish it all up and they’d be all settled in this new place. But, what he also knew was that today at Hogwarts was the Rose Giving day, or perhaps just after. Even though they were no longer at school and therefore could no longer take part, Norton had gotten up before April and had quickly gone to the local florist and gotten a small half dozen red roses. He’d attached a note, which just said, ’all my love to you’ with no signature and he placed it where she tended to sit at their breakfast table. He took the time after setting them up to begin making breakfast.
April still missed Hogwarts some days, but she really enjoyed her life after graduation too. Dancing had been April's real passion, and while she had considered trying out for professional Quidditch, but she was glad she had pursued dancing instead. Dating an astronomer was a little difficult, as Norton was often up at night while April was usually active during the day. She hoped that moving in together would mean they would see each other more, though she also knew that they should get used to their opposing schedules. April woke up on a rare free day, happy with the knowledge that Norton was free too. Hopping out of bed, April headed to get some breakfast. It smelled like Norton had already gotten started. April's heart lept at the sight of the roses, and she smiled as she read the note. Heading over to the kitchen, she wrapped her arms around Norton from behind and pressed her face into his shoulder. "Thank you." She murmured. "And good morning."
Norton heard movement from the other room but focused on what he was doing, knowing it would be better to focus on it and make sure that he got it right than got distracted by a little noise. He smiled to himself hearing her head into the kitchen and seeing the roses. He knew they were no longer at school and didn’t need to do that, but continuing the tradition with roses out of it to her was only logical, it would be good. It was just another way for him to show her he cared, that he loved her and to ensure that she did feel loved. Norton’s smile softened to the level of fondness that he always had with April, he leaned his head back a little to almost try to be even closer to her, though it likely would be hard to be any closer. He nodded a little, ”Good Morning,” he said back, just happy to stand happily with her arms around him on this morning. She was such a beautiful person, and he thought the roses were only right. Only right to remind her of how much she was loved. ”How did you sleep?” he asked her softly. He was keeping a little eye on the food to ensure nothing burned.
April pressed a small kiss to Norton's temple, though it was at a slightly awkward angle. Then she slowly unwound her arms from around him and moved next to him instead, moving her arm to be around his waist casually. "I slept very well... and woke up better." She grinned. "Someone left me roses." She said, joking a little. "They were lovely." She kissed his cheek softly. "What's for breakfast? You really are spoiling me this morning!" April turned on the radio with a flick of her wand, moving a little to the music even as she stayed close to Norton. She preferred having music around at all times, and hoped Norton didn't mind it in the early mornings. "I should spoil you next." She told him, though she wasn't entirely sure how. "What would you like?" The fastest way to find out was to just ask.
Norton leaned into the kiss as she pressed one to his temple. He’d take any small bits of affection that she was willing to give him. Anything really. He smiled and nodded as she told him about how she’d slept feeling a little bad when she moved away from the hug, he only wanted her close. But he was reassured when she took the space next to him. Getting the roses for her had been such an easy decision and he knew that time like this, taking the time to remind her of how much she meant to him. He knew that moving in together had bbeen good, but they were learning to live with each other, learning how to be around each other and learning how to be themselves in this space with each other, and he knew that their timings didn’t always line up, but on days like this when they did, he wanted to do nothing more than to spoil his favourite person in the world a little. He bobbed lightly to the music, though it was something that sometimes woke him up, he never minded and always fell back asleep. ”I’m making pancakes!” he told her, ”I tried to make the first few heart shaped, but it didn’t go well,” he motioned to the first attempts and laughed lightly, ”Why don’t you get some bacon and fry that up, and we can have pancakes and bacon?”
April knew that she would have to make some sort of gesture in return, and she felt a little bad about not thinking of getting him roses too. Truthfully, away from Hogwarts it was easy to lose track of time, which was a little sad. She had always looked forward to all the Hogwarts events, and now they were slipping by without even a thought. April grinned when Norton said he was making pancakes, letting out a little cheer. "My favorite." She told him, giving him a hip bump. "They won't be heart shaped where they're going anyway." She said with a laugh, then nodded. "I can do the bacon, but that's not a special gesture. I'll surprise you later, when I think of one." She said honestly, grabbing a pan to fry the bacon in. She pondered if she could make the bacon heart shaped, but then realized it would be a lot of trouble and probably not look right anyway. She got started, humming along to the music.
Norton knew she’d want to do something in return for him, but he didn’t need her to, her being there was all he wanted and to be able to woo her with just a few roses and some breakfast was so simple and easy for him. He smiled, he’d of course known it was her favourite and he would never say no to them. The astronomer-in-training laughed lightly as she began making them bacon, ”Oh honey you don’t have to,” he leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to her cheek, ”I was just in the romantic mood,” he finished the pancake he had made and put it on to the plates with the rest before starting another, he’d only need to do a few more and they’d be good. He watched for a moment as April hummed along to the music and just found himself bobbing and dancing along with her and the music. He certainly comparatively to her he was definitely absolutely no good at dancing. ”Are we going to finish unboxing today?” he asked as a lull in the music appeared.
April smiled at Norton's words, she didn't think she would get tired of hearing him call her honey. It was still sometimes hard for her to believe that they were really living together. "I can't let you outdo me, in the romance department." She said, teasing him lightly. She fried the bacon and flipped it over, glancing tat the pancakes Norton was making. Her stomach started growling, it smelled really good. But at his next words, April sighed deeply and gave him a slight pout. "Do we have to? Where's your romantic mood?" She asked, sliding some bacon onto a plate. But then she sighed again. "I guess you're right, we really should... but I was hoping we could do fun stuff today." She said, though April knew she should listen to Norton in things like this. Out of the two of them, he was definitely more responsible.
Norton smiled happily as she said he couldn’t out do her, of course knowing it was just light teasing but enjoying it nonetheless. He heard her stomach growl and laughed a little, ”This’ll all be done in just a moment,” he could agree and knew his stomach had been growling loudly too, it just looked so amazing, it smelled so good and he was just so raring to be able to sit down and have breakfast with her that day. He nodded a little knowing that unpacking boxes wasn’t particularly fun and romantic but it would worth it in the end and they did need to do it eventually, ”well, we could make it fun,” he countered as he finished up making the pancakes, ”We could do it in a way where if we finish a box we have to do something, or maybe do it all while dancing, if you stop dancing you have to do something, or maybe a competition,” there wasn’t really that much left to do but he thought it would be a good way for them to do something with the boxes, so that it was a little more interesting. Even if at the end of the day they just needed to unpack.
April grinned when Norton said the food would be done soon. She was done with the bacon, so rinsed out the pan. She raised her eyebrows when Norton said he could make it fun, but then grinned as she heard his suggestions. "That does sound like fun." She said, but then gently touched his cheek. "We could also kiss, in between boxes." She said with a grin. "That would be fun too." She was glad Norton had thought of a few fun things to do, and wasn't frustrated with her for wanting to do something more fun than just unpack. She knew she could be a bit childish sometimes, and feared that Norton would be frustrated by it eventually. But not so far, which was nice. "I actually had a question." She said as it popped into her head. "For... after we unpack."
Norton smiled at her, ”Yes, that would be fun,” he agreed, kissing between boxes seemed like it could be a lot of fun for him to do. He liked being able to mix things with her, they had always struck a balance between fun and between needing to be new adults. He knew that out of the two of them, despite studying the stars he tried to keep them grounded, but it didn’t mean he didn’t want fun, that he could engage with fun. The former hufflepuff plated the pancakes and brought them to the table, taking the seat for him, he looked at her when she had a question, ”For after?” the boy said, ”But that’s so long away!” he said in a light and joking tone. He did want to know now of course but if she wasn’t willing to tell he would just have to wait, ”I’m going work so quickly, you won’t even see me, I’ll be a blur of movement,” he put food on his plate and passed it to her, ”Bon appetit,” he said in an excited tone ready to absolutely just dig into the food they had made.
April grinned at her boyfriend when he agreed with her idea. Norton was always down for some fun, and April liked that a lot about him. He also knew when to stop, which was something April wasn't very good at. But she appreciated that he could help her. April took a seat as well, eagerly grabbing a pancake and some bacon. She giggled at his words. "No, I can ask it now. I just meant it's something we can't do until we're done with the boxes." She said, her expression growing more serious."And you have to tell me if you'd rather not. I was just... wondering if we could invite my dads over for dinner sometime, when we're all settled." She said, knowing that this might be a painful subject for Norton, who had lost his mother at a very young age. It was a little unfair, how Norton had one parent and April now had three. Even if her mother was very busy with her work, April stayed in contact with her. April smiled. "I bet I can work faster than you." She added, stabbing into the pancake. She took a big bite and sighed. "Delicious!" She said after swallowing the bite.
Norton was pleased when she said that she would tell him now. The man watched her curiously and then smiled a little, trying to encourage it. He nodded and then let his smile soften a little. He liked that she was being careful with regards to parents. He knew his own family was a little more apart than April’s was, that without his mother in his life, and his father and sister still distant and difficult, time at home hadn’t really helped. He was happier out of the house and live with April, but he didn’t want her to think thats she couldn’t have her parents round to their flat. ”Honey, of course,” he told her with a smile, He stopped his eating and then just reached out and took her hand, ”If you want your dad’s to come round or your mum when she has a moment or your sister, just invite them round,” Norton told her. He would always love for her family to come round, ”I’ll always just ask for a heads up so I don’t walk out naked,” Norton joked with her. He smiled, ”I’ll need to get out the old History of Magic class textbook,” Norton smirked lightly, but he squeezed her hand and then pulled it back so that he could eat, ”Oh you are on,” he wasn’t going to rush his meal however, he’d eat well and then he’d unpack faster than her.
April relaxed a little as Norton confirmed she could invite her dads, as well as her mother or sister. He seemed to really mean it, and that made her happy. "Alright, I'll do that. I'll start with my dads, though." She pulled a face. "I don't trust October not to critique our decorating style." She also feared asking her mother, mostly because she knew she would be sad if she would be too busy to come by anytime soon. She giggled as Norton mentioned walking out naked, imagining the reaction. "Oh man, that would be hilarious." She said, grinning. "Are you afraid he's going to quiz you on History?" She asked him, smiling. "I don't think he will.. but maybe you should read up on it just in case." She teased, taking another bite of her pancake.
Norton smiled he hadn’t known that she had felt a little unsure about it, but was glad that he was able to dispel it. In the same way that he knew she would support him, and occasionally join him as he visited his mother, he would be more than happy to accommodate her family. ”If you bring October I’ll invite Gilly and they can critique together.” he joked with her with a little smile. Things with Gilly were as rocky as ever but he was always trying to bring her more into his life, even if she something very clearly didn’t actually want that. He was pleased that she was smiling and he knew even if her father didn’t bring up history once, he would still ready up, ”Course, I’m just out of school and dating his daughter,” he joked. ”You should quiz me first so I'm super prepped!” he said to her with a wide smile and just a really content expression. He had worked really hard in his last year to pull an O in the man’s class, though he knew he didn’t need the man’s approval, he wanted it. He wanted to never be a force coming between April and her dad. He wanted him to think he was worthy of her or as close to being that as he could. He was happily tucking into his pancakes and looking towards April with the fondest expression on his face. ”What about your other dad? What does he like?” Norton asked, he’d the man, but didn’t know nearly as much about him as he knew about the history of magic professor.
April giggled a little as Norton mentioned Gilly, though she searched his face too for any sign of sadness. She knew he wasn't so closer to his sister. "I wonder if they would get along." She mused for a moment. She laughed as he insisted he would get a quiz on history. "You were a prefect with great grades, you have nothing to worry about." She told him earnestly. "If anything, he should quiz me." She sighed. She really hadn't been that good at History. Norton asked about her other dad, and she thought about her answer for a moment. "He likes theatre, and plays violin." She said, smiling. "He also likes to knit. Which thing are you taking up to impress him?"
Norton shrugged a little at the statement he wasn’t sure they would get along, he knew that Gilly never went out of her way to be friendly to anyone. He hoped that she would be nice to someone who was family to his girlfriend, but he knew that April and Gilly getting a long was a lot of effort from Gilly. He shook his head, ”We’re a team now, he’ll quiz both of us and I’ll jump in with the answer each time.” he joked with her. Though the other father that April had had much more difficult tastes. ”I mean knitting could be the easiest...I think me learning the violin would be bad,” he joked, knowing that someone learning an instrument would just be loud and awful. ”Or I can get those bewitched needles and pretend to know how to you think he’d be fooled by it?” Norton would probably opt to just know a few musicals, have an interest in his violin skills and not have to do too much but it was good to joke around with her.
April grinned as Norton said they were a team now, the easy way he said it making her heart flutter. She took another bite of her food. She giggled at the idea of Norton learning to play violin. "I think my ears would appreciate the knitting more." She teased gently, nudging his foot with her own under the table. She laughed again at his joke about the knitting, taking his hand and squeezing it. Her expression turned a bit more serious, and she looked into his eyes. "Norton, you know... my dads won't need you to impress them, right? I know it's funny to joke about, but it's not necessary." She said softly. "You're great, and they just want me to be happy. And... you make me happy."
Norton smiled at her, ”Okay, but only because I don’t have time learn an instrument,” The teen told her with a little smile. Norton smiled as she took his hand, and he smiled at the statement, he knew it. He appreciated the fact she said it, and he knew he didn’t have to but he wanted to. He thought it was important to do so. ”You make me happy too,” he told her, assured her. ”I want to impress them, I know I don’t have to, but they’re important to you so they’re important to me,” Part of him really just wanted them to like him too. He loved April, and he wanted her family to like him too. He wanted her to know that she and her family were important to him and though he didn’t have to try and impress them, he really did want to. He leaned in and lightly kissed her on the lips, ”They do like me though right?” he asked, knowing that it came out a little insecure, and he was being honest in his question but trying to phrase it like a joke question.
April grinned at Norton and nodded. "If you do learn to knit you can make me something." She told him, lacing their fingers together. "Like a scarf or a hat." She mused. She smiled fondly at Norton as he said she made him happy as well. "You don't have to impress them." She repeated. "Just be yourself, that is impressive enough." She told him earnestly, meeting his gaze. "Of course they like you." She assured him. "I know they do, and why wouldn't they?" She smiled. "You're pretty much the perfect boyfriend, you know that right?"
Norton almost liked the challenge of learning to knit to make her something, it would definitely be a useful talent to have, no more would he have to buy hats, but it did seem even in his mind like an awful lot to do before being able to impress her dad, he knew it wasn’t necessary and it was definitely reassuring to hear her words on it too. He knew there was nothing much about his family that was particularly cool or fun, and he just wanted to be sure her family liked him enough. He did believe her, that they liked him, and though he could think of reasons why not it was reassuring for him that she thought they did. ”Yeah I know,” he joked lightly back at her and held her gaze for a quiet moment. ”You’re perfect too, in every single way,” he knew he didn’t need to match what she’d said. But it was something he very truly felt. ”Who would’ve thought too, you were an awkward 11 year old,” Norton joked easily with a wide smirk not wanting to linger on anything negative and just wanting to regain the lightheartedness they tended to have.
April grinned as Norton joked, glad that they could keep things light and fun and never got too mushy together. His next words were still a little mushy, and made her cheeks heat up. But then he joked at her again, and April took delight in pretending offense. She gasped and pulled her hand back from his grasp, pointing at him. "You were the awkward one!" She insisted. "And not just at eleven. I haven't forgotten your Quidditch mishaps, Norton." She said with a grin.
Norton laughed, ”Okay maybe that’s true,” Norton said in response, he put down his fork and cupped her face in his hands, ”We were both awkward and now, it’s just you,” he joked before leaning in and pressing a quick kiss to her lips while he laughed. He returned to his plate and continued to eat the breakfast he had made, once he was done he would get right to work unpacking the last of their things into their apartment. Once it was all done, it would just feel so good, their whole space for just them, and not just his old dorm bed, or a bedroom at each of their parents. Just a place of their own. "Come on honey, we've got work to do today," he encourage as he put his plate in the sink, lazily casting a spell to clean it and then heading to the first of the last boxes to unpack it.

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