Morning Sunrise

Orwell Brocken

Eco-Anarchist & Activist
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody (Destroying Capitalism)
Sexual Orientation
Destroying Capitalism
Knotted 14" Sturdy Pear Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
12/2024 (37)
Orwell could barely believe all that he was doing, as the leader of the wild patch his start of term was always very busy, ensuring that the garden he cared for was all good and ready for the year, that not too much damage in his absence had been created but on top of that, he was splitting his time between his best friend and his girlfriend, both of whom he tried to spend equal amounts of time with but rarely managed to actually achieve this, instead he'd found he always spent more time with Archie, which he did feel a little bad for but then again, he like Kayleigh a lot, and spending time with her was lovely, but he loved his best friend so much more, his entire world was in that boy, and he would always pick Archie over Kayleigh. However today, was his second day back and the anarchist was not spending his time with either Kayleigh or Archie, but rather in his gardens, he'd woken up bright and early, far before the sun would come up, and had enjoyed a cup of fresh green tea, in amongst the plants he'd been growing over the last few years, watching the sun slowly rise on the cool morning. He always took his shoes and socks off the moment he arrived at the area, leaving them at the shed for the wild patch before just sitting amongst the wild patch flowers, on one of the few patches of grass that the wild patch had. The mornings Orwell spent in the gardens were in his mind some of the best, the tea warming his body, hearing the birds singing, and watching the colours of the sky change, he couldn't visit the forest really, not without getting into trouble, but the next best thing he had were the gardens, and the peace and tranquility of that always brought him joy.

The sun had fully risen by the time he'd finished his tea, and while he knew he should be beginning on helping the plants the teen found that he was just enjoying sitting, the winter months were more difficult to grow things, but he was always thankful for the break which allowed the soil time to replenish and grow better, he would be cleaning it out of weeds which were damaging to the plants they tried to grow. But the king of flowers didn't want to get started just yet, and a bird fluttered down in front of him, and he just watched it, from his small distance away with a smile on his face, Hogwarts was annoying, it was wrong in so many ways, but he loved it. And Orwell was always glad for the gardens a little piece of the school where he was trying his best to improve things, the fresh produce, the upkeep of the flowers, the events, it was his one way of giving back to the school that though others might try to disagree just meant so much to him.
Pia was ecstatic to begin her second year of schooling at Hogwarts New Zealand for many reasons but the most prominent reason was the presence of her younger brother, Flavio. He was now finally in school, sorted into Ravenclaw along with her no less, and since watching the sorting ceremony Pia had been unable to wipe the wide smile from her face. She could finally show someone in her family the wonders of the school that accepted her after the drama she was forced to endure during her time at Castelobruxo. The beautiful appearance of the castle and grounds as well as the beautiful minds of the people who learned inside of it. This of course, involved Pia giving her first year brother a tour of the castle, beginning with her least favourite places and the necessary locations such as the great hall and ending with her favourite place in the entire school; The Wild Patch. Not only because of the beautiful scenery and the well tended to garden but because she considered the boy who looked after the wild patch to be one of her good friends.

It was early in the morning. Pia had her slender hand intertwined with Flavio's as she lead him towards the wild patch, talking to him softly in their mother tongue as she took her time to stop and mention things about the castle whenever a thought crossed her mind. Flavio seemed to be receptive to everything Pia was saying so she squeezed his hand slightly as they arrived to the Hogwarts Garden and then to the Wild Patch. The rising sun filling the sky with colours was an immaculate backdrop to the fairy tale like garden. Pia commented on this to her younger brother, mentioning Orwell as they walked through the small garden though the pair stopped walking when Pia saw none other than Orwell himself. "Orwell!" Pia exclaimed as she approached the other Ravenclaw, her tone chipper and her smile still proudly showing on her face. "It's great to see you here. This is my brother, Flavio. I'm showing him all around school." Pia introduced her younger brother, shooting glances between them both. Showing Flavio around the school was a treat for Pia in itself but introducing Flavio to one of her friends was the cherry on top of the cake. "He's heard a lot of things about you and the Wild Patch."
Orwell loved being outside, he loved just watching the world around him in the silence of the morning in his gardens, it was always that time of day that reminded how good the world was, he fought relentlessly every day for a better world, for equality to all people, to live without fear because of who they were, that he could join hands with any person and never have to worry. Orwell fought to bring down the higher powers who created and propegated inequality between different sections of society, whether that be with blood, money or status, but at the end of all that, when he could just sit and stare at the rising sun on this cool winter morning, watching the sunrise and the little bird at his feet that ate the seeds on the ground, looking for worms in the grass, he had to fight for things, to make things better but he would never stop, and as long as there were moments when he could enjoy how amazing the world was, like this right here and that every so often he could make even the smallest of difference, the king of flowers would always be happy, he'd wear the crown upon his head and just feel pride.

The boy looked up at the voice that exclaimed in front of him, and he looked up a little startled but smiled upon realising who it was, "Hey Pia," he spoke softly before realising that Pia was not alone, he saw the little boy stood with Pia and had to assume that was her brother, and she confirmed it as much, "Hey Flavio, I'm Orwell," he placed a few seeds in his hand holding it out to the little bird he had been lightly stroking with his fingers, ensure first the empty cup was to the side of him and out the way. He let the little bird climb in his hand so that it could eat the seeds, "Oh has he now? I hope only the good things," Orwell replied, before lightly stroking the bird in his hand, "Do you like school so far Flavio?" he glanced up from the bird at the boy, Flavio, "Would you like to the hold the bird?" he asked holding it up slightly so that if Flavio hadn't already seen it in Orwell's hands he would now be able to. Orwell didn't know how interested this boy would be in the birds or the wildlife around the wild patch, but he figured if the boy was anything like Pia he might just really enjoy it and he wanted to make a good impression upon his friends younger sibling.
Flavio knew of Orwell, but he had of course never been introduced to him before so he kept a cautious distance, standing slightly behind his sister and nodding as she introduced them. He seemed to be nice enough, both in the stories Pia told him and in person but that did not mean he was eager to meet the older boy. He felt more comfortable being close to his older sister with his hand intertwined with hers. It made him feel safe and like he had a sense of home with him in such a new environment and he was content to stay that way. He watched with cautious eyes, not saying a word to Orwell but opening his mouth slightly to gasp in reaction to the boy holding a bird and his interactions with the bird. Never in Flavio's life had he seen such a tiny, defenseless bird as that one fly so close to a person, let alone allow them to stroke them or even jump into their hand so he was for all intensive purposes, shocked.

He then stepped from Pia and towards the older boy, suddenly forgetting how shy he felt in the midst of his his fixation on the bird. Ducks weren't even as affectionate and calm around humans as that bird seemed to be and Flavio wondered if Orwell was some sort of bird whisperer, or if the birds in New Zealand were just more tame than the birds he knew back in Chile. He figured it must have been a mix of both when Orwell looked to Flavio and asked if he wanted to hold the tiny, adorable bird. Flavio nodded vigorously and held his hands out towards Orwell as a smile moved onto his face. Being able to hold a bird and feel it's warm, soft feathers in his hands was all too much excitement for him to handle and so when the bird was finally given to him and he felt it move in his palms he felt tears well in his eyes. He wanted to squeal in all his excitement and exclaim to Pia how amazing it was to hold a bird but he didn't want to scare it away so he kept his words hushed. "Pia, it's so small and warm and soft. It can be my tiny bird friend." He said as he moved his hands closer to his face to watch the bird closely. As he watched the creature he said thank you repeatedly to Orwell in Spanish because he was so overwhelmed by the tiny feathered creature that his ability to speak English had completely escaped him.
Orwell wasn't always sure how to interact with new people, but it seemed that this young boy, the young brother of Pia liked the bird within his hands, Orwell had learned in his community how to get to know the birds and other creatures, it always seemed the magic made them more inclined to spend any time with him, or not be as afraid and the teen had found the same at school, with the seeds and the fact he didn't ever chase them away, instead put food out, took care of them when he could that they appeared comfortable with him and he was able to get a bird to sit comfortably in his hand and it appeared as though this greatly pleased the young boy, who then approached him upon being asked if he wanted to hold the little creature. Orwell gave the little bird a small stroke with his fingers, he took a small amount of seeds from beside him, and let them drop in Flavio's open hand, and with a little bit of easy guiding the bird jumped from Orwell's hand into the small boy's hand, and Orwell couldn't help but smile at the boy, seeing the way his face perked up and seemed to radiate with joy over the little bird made Orwell feel just so good.

The king of the flowers was also more than certain that as he watched the young boy with the little bird that he wasn't going to hurt the little vulnerable creature, even by accident, the boy just seemed so happy with it and it made Orwell wish he had more to let the boy hold but all he had was the little bird, the spanish definitely threw Orwell off, he looked at the boy as he spoke and then seemed to repeat words directed at Orwell over and over, it didn't take a native spanish speaker to figure out that he was likely saying thank you and so Orwell waved his hand at the boy, "It's fine, no need to say thank you," he replied with soft smile, looking between the boy and the little bird in his hands, it really was to Orwell, the way the boy was with the little creature, he knew it was fine, it was the absolute right decision that he had made, "The birds often visit the gardens, in the spring you can often find some of the nests, if you are kind to them, you'll probably meet a load more birds," orwell hoped that the boy would like that, and Orwell looked up at Pia and gave a small smile.
The tiny bird's feathers felt so soft, warm and fragile in Flavio's hands and it's tiny, clawed feet contrasted that. The experience of holding a bird in his own hands, watching it eat comfortably and not fly away was too pure yet completely surreal to the Chilean boy. It caused Flavio's eyes to water more as he held the tiny creature. He sniffled as he watched the bird move around, picking at the seed with its beak and moving its head in sudden angles. It was yet to chirp or make a noise and Flavio was glad because if the bird did anything more than move around and eat his tears would have overflowed. He would have cried his eyes out on the spot and though he was sure Pia wouldn't mind at all, it might not have been the best impression to make on her friend.

As Flavio watched the bird he moved his hands closer to his chest, cradling the bird as it leant into him. He stroked the bird gently with his thumb as he whispered to it in Spanish. Saying he wanted it to be his friend and that he thought it was amazing. The bird clearly did not understand what was happening but it did not fly away either and Flavio was furthermore happy to know the bird was not scared of him even as he continued speaking and stroking it affectionately. He only looked up from the bird when Orwell mentioned the birds around the wild patch and the nests in spring. Flavio nodded, not able to pry his eyes away from the bird for long he found his gaze back on the feathered creature still moving in his hands. Hearing that there were more birds like this one and even nests as it was spring was almost exactly what Flavio needed. New Zealand was so different to Chile and Hogwarts was a daunting school to say the least but knowing that there were birds in the gardens and the wild patch during the day that could cheer him up allowed him to feel more comfortable than he wanted to admit so early on in his experience in such a foreign country. He looked up at Orwell with pure appreciation in his eyes, thanking him once again in Spanish and then looked to Pia as he continued to stroke the bird in his hands. "Can I come here everyday?" he asked her to be certain that he could experience the happiness he currently felt everyday instead of on fleeting moments.
Watching her younger brother so enamoured with a bird caused Pia's heart to flip. She knew more than anyone how apprehensive he was to begin school somewhere basically on the other side of the world from his comfort zone, and how much he wanted to be homeschooled so he could be closer to his family. That was of course completely unrealistic as all the siblings were too busy in their daily lives to teach Flavio everything he needed to know about magic to lead the fufilling, sucessful life they wanted him to have. That was why he was in New Zealand, facing his fears and needing to gain confidence enough to speak English rater than Spanish and why Pia needed to be by his side. He was too uncomfortable to say anything when they weren't alone and was yet to speak up until the bird was placed in his hands. The sight of her little brother acting somewhat like himself after being so scared only moments earlier assured Pia that everything would be alright and the rest of the year was only going to get better because Hogwarts had much, much more to offer than friendly birds. Pia could not wait to show her younger brother everything about the castle and even more about the Wild Patch.

The sixth year looked to Orwell and smiled widely, mouthing a 'thank you' to him before she was interrupted again by Flavio. "You can be here everyday, Flavio." She answered. "There's a club here that we can both join, if you want?" She kept her words in Spanish to make sure Flavio was as comfortable as possible. When he nodded and said he wanted to be part of the club for the sake of the birds, Pia turned her attention to Orwell again and smiled, only then returning to English. "Orwell, can Flavio and I join the Wild Patch club?" She asked as she moved her hand to Flavio's hair, tousling it affectionately as she looked to Orwell and waited for his response. She wasn't about to let Flavio join the club alone and joining herself would mean spending more time with her friends so there was no reason for her not to join and remain by her younger brother's side.
It really was moments like this, that made everything that orwell did in his life seem worth it, he knew that a lot of people saw him as that weird boy, the strangely coloured hair one, the one who kicked up a fuss and didn't like seeing creatures be hurt, seeing the look of pure joy and love on the young boy's face, like he'd somehow helped make the kid's day warmed his heart. The gardens were an area of peace from the school, they had so many flowers and creatures and Orwell tried to care for each and every one of them. The fact the birds could be so comfortable in this area because of Orwell doing what he did, all the early mornings, late nights, stresses about what he was going to do, were entirely worth it in his mind when it came to this boy and seeing him, be almost in complete tears over it. The king of flowers had never seen a boy so elated with a little bird, but he felt glad to have helped, to have aided in making this boy feel just so good, though the tears didn't reassure Orwell much, he knew they were happy tears but he still hadn't expected that.

Orwell took that moment to glance up at Pia and saw her mouthing the word thank you to him, which he thought so holy unnecessary, Flavio's thank yous were more than enough and Orwell had barely done anything to this boy, just given him a little bird. The little intereaction between the two spanish speakers flew over Orwell's head and he was content to just watch the boy and the bird in his hands. It then took him by surprise when Pia started speaking in English and Orwell nodded smiling happily, he loved when people wanted to join the wild patch, he loved it. He worked so hard at it and would welcome all of the people who wanted in, to be able to take part in it, "of course!" he told her, looking between her and the Flavio, "And the wild patch area is open at all times, so you can come and go as you please," he told them both, although he didn't really know if he should add the stuff about curfew, but he was sure that both would realise this, and he looked up at Flavio, "Would you like a wild patch flower crown?" the boy asked Flavio, though looking up at the end of his sentence, almost asking in that same moment if Pia also wanted one, Orwell was sure she had one from one of the other events but he couldn't be certain of that.

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