Morning Rush

Jacob Kingsley

HNZ Alum | Gryffindor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 12 Inch Rigid Larch Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
"Hey, hey Tres! Wait up!" Jacob shouted as he jogged around a few students after the girl. He didn't know her but knew who she was because he was friendly with Uno. Jacob hadn't hung out with her in a while. Jacob continued to jog forward, hoping he was yelling after the right girl. "Tres!"
As Tres turned at the sound of her name, she realised the Gryffindor Captain was running towards her. She pushed her hair back quickly behind her ear as she did her best to look carefree in front of someone so important. "Oh, hi, sorry I didn't see you there," she said, despite the fact she'd been walking in the opposite direction, "How can I help you Jacob?" she asked, smiling up to him excitedly.
"It's cool" he said when he caught up. Jacob rummaged through his bucket and pulled out a pink rose and note. He held them both out to the younger girl. "These are for you. Looks like someone has a crush" he grinned.

Tres, you're so cool and funny and clever! I wish I was more like you! And you're soo beautiful! Everyone in the whole school thinks so!

Just kidding haha nobody likes you
Tres watched as Jacob pulled out a pink rose, although she’d already gotten her rose from Daintree and didn’t think anyone else had a crush on her. Maybe it was the Head Boy after all. “Thank you,” she smiled, taking the note and reading it. After a moment a hand flew up to cover her mouth. The rose was a joke, and a horrible one at that. Everyone hated her? She felt her eyes prick with oncoming tears but she couldn’t let Jacob see. She tried to keep it under control, darting away from the Gryffindor and down the corridor as quickly as she could.
Jacob always liked to see people's reactions, especially when they received pink roses. He watched with a look of bemusement that turned to pure shock when the girl darted away. He wasn't friendly enough with her to have noticed any other telltale signs of discomfort. Jacob was torn between chasing after her and not doing so, and then she was out of sight which made the decision for him. He didn't know her well enough to know where to find her. Jacob moved along, a little less enthusiastic about the day.

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