Open Morning Antics


Hogwarts New Zealand Poltergeist
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
A flower covered kettle.
The mornings were the best time to cause trouble, in Vex's not-so humble opinion. The Third Floor corridor was often the best one to make something big happen, seeing as it was the busiest floor in the school, but the Second Floor led right to Professor Alicastell's office, so it had it's own benefits. The portraits were fun to have, as well, as some would attempt to scold him whenever he started doing something they thought he shouldn't - such as right now.​
Along all the doors in the corridor, Vex was setting up an elaborate slime bucket prank where, should they be opened, the person using them would hopefully find themselves ambushed by a bucket of slime on their heads. If they managed to escape that, there was also a puddle of slime in front of the door, which Vex hoped would cause them to slip over and get covered in slime anyway. Some of the handles were coated in a nice, thick layer of slime as well, whilst Vex hovered happily across the windows, meticulously painting each one in a different shade of slime.​
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While Nicole was still in a bit of a holiday brain fog in her classes, she was more than happy to be back at school with all her friends. And they had their elective classes this year too, which meant more classes with all her friends at once too. Nicole was making her way upstairs, pushing open one of the doors to get to her favourite staircase on the second floor, the one Ryan had convinced her was secretly a tiny bit faster with its movements to the others when she felt something wet and heavy slap over her head, making her freeze.

With dawning horror, Nicole felt a thick layer of slime slowly drip down the crown of her head, covering her shoulders and robes as a bucket clunked to the ground behind her. Once it touched her face, Nicole had enough, letting out a horrified scream and shooting forward, trying desperately to wipe the offending slime off her. Her foot hit something else slick on the ground and Nicole let out another cry as she slipped, hitting the floor with a wet slap as she landed in even more slime. With a pitiful wail, Nicole tried to get back to her feet, distraught.
As much as Acre wanted to make a good impression on her new dorm and classmates, and figure out exactly what Cami and Elio's deal was, she couldn't let either one consume her. If she got too bogged down she would end up missing out entirely on other things that may have effected her reputation, and if she'd come to Hogwarts to do anything at all, it was to make sure that she had a solid group of friends which meant not hanging out purely with her family. The first year wasn't sure where to start, although after the club fair she had noticed an awfully large number of girls signed up to Heta, and maybe it wasn't a bad place to begin if she wanted to find people that might share her interests. On her way up from the dungeons, she was hunting for people who recognised, although that was easier said than done for a blonde who'd never met them before, when she heard a scream coming from further down the corridor.
Acre sped up her pace, walking down the hall towards the sound of the cries. There really weren't too many people lurking about around here which always caught the first year by surprise. She'd tried to find a good spot to bunk off from her lessons too, although the corridors had like, no hiding spots in them whatsoever so that was just useless. Eventually she came about a girl who was covered in a weird goo, not dissimilar from the goo that had been at the feast. "Oh my god,, that's disgusting." she looked at the girl, horrified. "Did you get into another fight?" Acre asked, staring at the girl on the floor.
Nicole looked up pitifully, mortified that someone else was seeing her in such a mess. "No," She whined, managing to sit up in the slime and trying not to cry as she felt it sinking in more to her robes and hair. "I just walked through that door and it was dumped on me. This is so unfair," She said, fruitlessly trying to wipe it from her face and mostly succeeding in smearing it around. If she had been able to get up and run away, she would have, but even if she had been able to get up easily, she'd have to deal with half the school seeing her in such a mess. Maybe she could get to a bathroom and just hide until everyone was at lunch.

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