Closed More than one goal

June Davenport

The best student and prefect, obviously ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
June had been drawing an map for herself and it was very handy. She found the classrooms she needed to be and still more made sense. After some study sessions in the library she wanted to get some air. But not going all the way to the lake and all, she rather chose to stay close to the castle and just walked on the courtyard. Finding an empty bench to sit on so she could have an good view. The bench was dry and clean it seemed so she went sitting down. And saw students coming by. It would be good to see who walked past, how they walked who they hanged out with and that kind of stuff. But she would not be staring like an creep, so took an book out of her bag. She was already done with homework, but reading was never wrong. But ofcourse that was not the main goal here. So she sometimes looked over to some groups. June hadn't walked into Landon Carter yet, but she was sure an Hufflepuff could give her some info. He was one of the people she had to keep very close, keep your enemies close they said and he was.
Airen was humming happily, hugging her sketchbook to her chest as she skipped out of the castle. She was wanting to go see the gardens, but she was sidetracked when she saw a girl she knew. "June!" She greeted cheerfully, skipping over to sit with her. "Hi! I haven't seen you since the train," She smiled brightly. "How are you?"
As June watched some people passing by and than noticed an classmate walking past her she noticed an hufflepuff she met in the train. The girl came at het so that was positive and June put her book on her lap as she made eyecontact and put on a smile. The girl which she had to dig for her name, but than remembered came sitting next to her directly. It seemed like she left an good impression as the girl was excited to speak to her. '' Hi Airen.'' June greeted her in return. June was trying to remember the names she knew from people she had met. Some left more an impression than others, and this was an another hufflepuff who was exactly what she could need. So June closed her book and nodded in agreement. '' I'm good! What about you?'' June than asked the girl. '' How's Hufflepuff?'' She than asked the girl. But already got sick by the thought of having to be in that house. But ofcourse she didn't let the girl notice.
Airen smiled, settling in next to June. "Oh, I'm doing great!" She told her. "Hufflepuff is wonderful, the dorm room is so comfortable, I love it so much." She giggled. "What about you, how are you? You were sorted into Slytherin, weren't you?" She asked, tucking her hair back.
June still having the fake smile on watched the girl. She was curious though how Hufflepuff would look like, she figured they deserved the most ugly common room. '' Nice. What does it look like? Too bad we can't pay visits at others.'' June said with an grin. She wondered how anyone could be so happy and cheery and all, all day long. She didn't knew Airen that well, but her impression so far was like that. June nodded at her question. Wondering if she even listened, just saying she was doing good. But than smiled at the Slytherin question. '' I am indeed. It's great! Glad to be sorted there.'' June explained, which wasn't an total lie. Although the dungeons still were not the nicest place to be.
Airen giggled softly. "Oh, there are a lot of pillows everywhere, it's super plush and comfortable, lots of chairs and couches and blankets." She sighed happily. "It would be nice to visit other common rooms, I wonder why we can't." She mused. She smiled shyly as June answered the question again, realizing that she had asked the question twice. "That's good! I was listening, I swear," She promised. "I meant, how are you liking Slytherin, it's down in the dungeons isn't it? I heard someone say that like, one of the walls is just glass and you can see into the lake. Is that true? I bet that would be beautiful," She chattered a little, swinging her legs under the bench.
It seemed like nothing special as the Hufflepuff explained their common room. So June nodded and smiled to the girl as she agreed. '' Yeah I don't know. But perhaps people will have sleep overs with eachother and they don't want that?'' June figured there must sure be an reason to it. But what it exactly was, she didn't know. She just needed an password, but it was not that important because getting caught was way worse. As the girl was asking about the Slytherin common room June figured Slytherin was the most impressive house to be in. To her it was not luxuary what she was used to at home, she had to share an dorm with others and that was really what she wasn't used to. '' It's in the dungeons indeed. The common room is nice, our head of house just changed the furniture he said.'' June than explained figuring this was an way to speak about Professor Carter. '' How's your head of house like?'' June than added to it.
Airen considered it. "I'm not sure I understand why we can't, but that sounds like a lot of fun," She mused, pouting a little. But she lit up when June asked her about her head of house. "Oh, I've only met him the one time, but he seemed really nice! We had a house meeting and it was a whoooole camping trip outside." She explained. "What did you guys do?" She asked, smiling at June. "He looks like he has really soft hair." She added as an afterthought, thinking of Professor Carter.
June nodded not paying attention too much to this but wanted to hear all about her head of house. But perhaps she should ask an older student, because ofcourse this girl didn't knew him too well. But everything which was information was good. June smiled shortly. She was so glad to not be an part of that. Camping was the worst thing ever, so it was an good fit for the Hufflepuffs and their head of house which probably came up with that. '' For real? Wow nice.'' June than said with an smile, lying. She than put up her shoulders. '' We just had an meeting in the common room. With the new furniture obviously. And Professor Castillo is great. Everyone was kind of tired from the sorting and all.'' June figured that was just good, no stupid childish stuff added to it. Slytherin was an good house and elegant in a way she figured, they didn't need camping. And June was glad. She frowned for an moment as the girl spoke of Landon's hair and than grinned. '' You should touch it.'' She joked. '' Perhaps it's a wig?'' June went on. But it was weird what the girl said.
Airen giggled softly, swinging her legs lightly. She considered June's suggestion. "I do kinda wanna touch it now... but how would I get close enough?" She mused, taking the quest seriously for a moment before just giggling and shrugging it off. "Maybe when I'm older, I doubt I could sneak close enough to see if its real or not." She offered, giving June a smile. "Are you excited for the Yule Ball? I hear its going to be a lot of fun,"
As the girl actually took it seriously June enjoyed this even more. The girl was usefull it seemed for stuff and gullible. That was handy. '' You should touch it. If you want. What can happen?'' June than said like nothing was wrong. It was the most stupid idea ever and she didn't even want to think about touching someones hair but whatever, the girl liked the idea. '' You figure it out.'' June than replied. '' But if you are scared..'' June than said, looking away for an moment. She was wondering how the girl would react to it, if she had an urge to prove herself or didn't cared about that. Either way it would give her information. As the subject went to the Yule Ball the blonde smiled shortly. '' For sure. I already got my dress. You?'' June than asked the girl.
Airen considered the idea, swinging her legs gently. "I could... but daddy says that touching people without their consent is disrespectful," She decided, nodding gently. She lit up as June asked about the Yule Ball. "Oh, my auntie made me a dress!" She told her. "She went to fashion school in Paris, do you want to see it?" She asked, smiling brightly and moving to open her sketchbook.
June kept her face straight but the girl was just hilarious. Although she could understand listening to your father was good. June did as her father told her as well. But the way she said it made her grin for an moment. '' Listening to your father is good.'' June than added. '' Although I'm sure Professor Carter is not an man who gets mad easily. Would you think?'' She than asked her back. Continuing the conversation about the Yule Ball and the girl wanting to show her dress. Well June could not wait. Everyone could follow fashion, but still some things looked very ugly, or weird. But who knows it would impress her. June prefered buying a new one, although someone designing one for her was not bad too. But that one had to do exactly as she wanted it to be. '' Sure let me see.'' June than said and smiled. Well if it was ugly she had to really put on her acting face.
Airen considered it. "Oh, I'm sure he's like, the chillest guy ever," She giggled. "Maybe we should just ask him about his hair," She smiled, determined now. She lit up as June asked to see her dress, opening her sketchbook and scooting a little closer, offering the drawing of it she'd given to Tyra. "Isn't it pretty?" She asked, running her hands over it. "I know it's not super fancy, but I wanted something simpler and easy to move in this year," She explained. "I want to save fancy dresses for when I have a date to look extra pretty for," She giggled.
June smiled to the girl. Well June didn't thought that way, but she had to get to know him. But he better be chill, because she wanted to let him believe that she liked him. June put up her shoulders. '' Go ahead.'' She than said as an response. She noticed the girl was excited when she showed interest. It was so easy to let people believe stuff. And this Hufflepuff girl was really easy. As she took a look it was not suprising to see an dress which didn't suprised her. It was not too ugly but not special too. It seemed to have some flowers or something what seemed like it on it. '' It's cute. That way you can outshine each year right?'' June than replied with an smile, meaning every year could be better. As the girl explained an date June pictured inside her mind an eyeroll. An date was not at all what she would think of. It seemed something normal when you get older, but it was just stupid to think of it. And there really had to be someone who impressed her or was usefull if she would want to go with them. '' You do? Like boys you mean?'' June asked to girl just to make sure. '' Most of them are really childish.'' June said with an straight face, but than smiled to make it seem less unkind and more fun.
Maisie giggled and nodded. "Of course!" She agreed easily. "I'm sure your fashion tastes grow as you do," She mused, tucking her bangs back. She giggled as June asked about boys. "Well, boys or girls," She offered easily. "I think you can find anyone special," She mused. "Who knows?"

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