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Orwell Brocken

Eco-Anarchist & Activist
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Destroying Capitalism
Knotted 14" Sturdy Pear Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
12/2024 (37)
With the game over, Orwell was left conflicted happy for the victory that Ravenclaw had enjoyed but feeling bad for Slytherin who had worked equally as hard, but he knew that he had one person to see and give a little support to, which was why he was lingering outside the changing rooms, much like he did when waiting for Archie, just this time he was waiting for Kayleigh. The plain brown hair of the teen made him blend in with the others in the crowd, he'd planned to gave it multi-coloured for the upcoming event with the Wild Patch but was for now just sticking with the plain hair, giving a number of people a double take when seeing him, since for Orwell this was the first time anyone at Hogwarts had seen his far more natural hair colour. It did feel out of place on him, but soon enough it would be fine and back to it's colourful self.

The teen had been sure during the game that he'd seen Kayleigh with slightly more colourful hair and was curious about it, almost eager to see if his eyes had been deceiving him. The teen had the little slytherin on his cheek with green paint and a small smile lingering on his face, he was finding that he definitely liked Kayleigh, perhaps it was because he more emotionally vulnerable of late that made him like it, but really he thought she was neat, she wasn't afraid to ask questions and she didn't reject him because of his less than normal background, teaching her to skim stones and just talking with her had been pleasurable. The only person who made conversation that easy without even needing to think was Archie and anyone who made him feel a fraction for what he felt for Archie was definitely someone worth of his time. Orwell was left just waiting, staring forward towards where she would be with a small smile on his face.
Kayleigh huffed as she shoved her dirty Quidditch clothes into her bag. They were so close to winning the championship and for some reason, every single one of them bombed during the game. None of them were any good. The mood in the changing room was subdued and tense, and Kayleigh hoped no one would talk to her, lest they wanted a run down on what they did wrong and how much they sucked. The slytherin had taken the fastest shower she'd ever taken, wanting to hide away from everyone. The changing rooms smelt of dirt and sweat and the faster she got out there, the better. Kayleigh hoped that the Slytherin room had at least some sort of pity party so she could grab something to eat. She currently had a dull, dirt like taste in her mouth and she'd rather some comfort food than having to get rid of it with toothpaste.
The water on her skin had gotten rid of her chapped lips, the wind always having that affect on them. Now that she was smelling and feeling slightly better, Kayleigh took her hair down and ruffled it. She still couldn't believe she had dyed it pink! Kayleigh had yet to see Orwell, she felt nervous about his reaction, but she certainly didn't go through all that trouble for nothing, and she knew she had to try and find him, now that there wouldn't be as many Quidditch practices.
The pink-haired girl picked up her bag and swung it over her shoulder before exiting the room, not glancing at anyone. As she left, she could hear the distant chatter of the students heading back towards the castle, and even though she wanted to get away quickly, she was glad that she wouldn't be within the masses. Her eyes glanced over a boy standing near by and she did a double take realizing she recognized the face. It was Orwell! He looked so different with his normal hair, and now Kayleigh had pink hair! She smiled as she started to walk over towards him. The anger and frustration she was feeling made itself distant, the boy bringing a sort of peace into her mind. She was happy to see him. Kayleigh wasn't sure who he was waiting for, though she did hope it was for her. "Hey," She started softly, her eyes flicking from the slytherin mark on his cheek to the brown hair. Kayleigh didn't know which question to tackle first! "Your hair is brown?" She settled on that question as the talks of quidditch was bound to come up in the conversation sooner or later.
It was as if the pink hair draw his attention directly to her, and he flashed a friendly smile at her, knowing that nothing he could say could make up for what had happened to her and her team, the game had been brutul and he hoped that much like how last time after the last game they had spent time together making him feel better he thought he might be able to make her feel better, even if he still wasn't very good at it and the last time he'd managed to get him in Archie in a degree of trouble. The teen just gave her a warm smile and returned the warm, "Hey," before looking to her pink hair and smiling at it fondly, thinking that it suited her, he wondered if it was muggle or magical and just had to marvel at the fact she'd even done it. At the motion on his own hair, he took a stand of his hair in his fingers and pulled it slightly before laughing, "And yours is pink," there was a small smile on his face as he motioned to her hair, "I like it, it suits you," he told her.

Orwell just ran a hand through his hair, "I needed to blend in to break into Gryffindor common room," he told with a small shrug he didn't feel the need to hide why his hair was currently such a colour, "What do you think of it?" he asked her ducking his head slightly so that she could see it better. Orwell didn't much like the plain brown hair, he liked being colour and standing out, he liked expressing himself with his hair and he like choosing a variety of different colours to be, it was just more interest to him than being this natural brown. He didn't care what others did, as long as they liked their own hair, but he just liked when his hair was a bright colour, "What colour do you think I should go next?" he asked her motioning to his hair, though he had an important-ish question to ask her, he was building up to it, keeping the conversation light as he attempted to keep her mind off the game, he felt that this would be the best thing to do. Brock could see that she needed cheering up, and he didn't know how best to do this, before then realising there was something he could tell her, something he told very very few people so openly and easily like he was about to, "Do you know what my full name is?"
Kayleigh found herself grinning at Orwell's compliment of her hair. She breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the relief flow through her body, unaware that she was so concerned about what Orwell thought about her. Kayleigh was generally a girl that didn't care what others thought. She did things for herself and hardly ever had a thought about what another might think. But everyday she found herself more anxious about what Orwell would think. It didn't stop her from being herself; she still had her questions and her own thoughts, but it was weird for her to have someone else on her mind, wondering what his opinion would be. "Thank-you." Kayleigh smiled, "I was hoping you would." She said, tugging at her own pink hair. She didn't want to come straight out and tell him that she did it for him, but wouldn't deny it if he asked. The Slytherin girl was immediately starting to feel better, though she was still frustrated about the game, she didn't want to push Orwell away, or walk away now that she finally got to talk to him. Kayleigh wondered if he would be happy that she didn't hit anyone with a bludger.
Kayleigh was taken aback when Orwell explained his hair colour, why he changed it. "I'm sorry - to what?" She asked, wondering if she had had a stroke and completely misunderstood what he had said. She'd never heard of anyone doing anything like that before. Kayleigh wondered if it was even possible. And she wondered why on earth he would do it. The newly-pink haired girl looked at Orwell as he ducked his head, looking at his new colour. She felt honored that he wanted her opinion. Kayleigh hitched her bag up higher on her shoulder, before answering, "It's interesting." She replied, remembering what she had first said about his pink hair. "I like it." Kayleigh said with a smile. To be fair, once Kayleigh started liking him more, she pretty much thought he could wear anything or dye his hair any colour and she would like it. In her eyes, he could do no wrong. She thought a little bit about what colour he should go next when he asked, thinking about what colours he had already been. "Hmm, have you ever tried blonde?" She asked, a small laugh emitting from her mouth. Kayleigh wasn't sure she'd dye her hair again, once the pink began to fade she was sure she'd go back to blonde again. Unless Orwell expressively wanted her to go another colour she wouldn't, but even then, it would take a lot of convincing. Kayleigh generally stuck by her word and what she believed in, and she'd dyed her hair because she wanted to, it was her decision to impress Orwell, but the boy was quite convincing and Kayleigh was sure she'd do almost anything for him.
Kayleigh bit her lip, thinking about what his full name was. "It's not Orwell Brok-Brocken?" She asked, curious, hoping she'd correctly remembered his surname.
Orwell smiled at her, at her admission and wondered for a brief moment if she'd done it in part to impress him, or to make him like her, but he would never say anything about it, given that he did like her, and it wasn't because of her changed hair colour, though he did definitely did like the way her hair was looking, it just suited her so well and he always loved colourful hair. The story behind his hair, the brunette colour he currently wore he knew surprised most people, after all how could anyone understand it? It sounded like a crazed thing, a snap deciision that he'd made which broke school rules just because he could, but Orwell knew explaining it might be pointless. The teen smiled at her, "I needed to blend in, it worked for the most part," he chuckled lightly, they hadn't ever thought they'd get away with it, but he couldn't imagine how funny and amazing it would've been if they had. The boy couldn't imagine anything better really. Orwell just had normal hair because of it, and perhaps it was time to leave it as so for a while, though whenever he looked in the mirror he couldn't help but be surprised by the reflection that greeted him.

Orwell consider the blonde suggestion, "I've been white before but never blonde," he admitted, he had always considered blonde to be pretty normal as a colour and not a very interesting one at that which was why he hadn't ever gone that colour, much like how he didn't go ginger or any other normal colour, although he had considered black hair, because it seemed far more interesting as a colour, but he shrugged, "I'll add blonde to the short list," he told her honestly, since he really would consider it as a colour, he knew he'd never really pick it, but he was honestly going to consider it. The teen really just wanted her to feel better which was why he had even brought up what colour he should be next, but more importantly when he'd brought up his name, and at her suggestion he laughed shaking his head lightly, "Not quite," he took a deep breath, "My full name is Orwell Kitchen Brocken, my middle name is Kitchen," Orwell stopped speaking after that, fully expecting the laughter that was bound to follow after his admission, after all, Kitchen was hardly a normal name and he knew that to most it was a pretty funny name, the few who knew it, which at this point was mostly just Archie, and Archie thought it was a pretty funny name. Orwell just kept his gaze on her, the smile clear on his face.
The Slytherin's eyes widened when he admitted that his brown hair had blended him in with the Gryffindors. She couldn't believe that Orwell had actually broken into the Gryffindor House! Kayleigh needed to know how he did it, why he did it; whether it was just to prove it could be done, or because he wanted to see what their House looked like, or something else. Kayleigh's mind was running, and she wanted to know what he meant, did he get caught? Was he in trouble? Though a smile grew on her face, entirely impressed, she shook her head, still in disbelief. "I can't believe you actually broke in! How? Why?" Kayleigh asked, excited to hear his story. It was bound to be a great one. The pink-haired girl hadn't heard of any stories of anyone ever breaking in - minus Harry Potter and his friends, but they were a different story. To have someone she actually knew doing the -badass- stuff, was exhilarating!
Kayleigh nodded her head as Orwell said he'd consider blonde. She thought it'd definitely suit him, though she didn't remember him with white hair. Kayleigh smiled at him, wondering if he really was going to consider blonde, while it was her favorite color for hair, he definitely seemed like a more out there - bright hair - kinda guy. "What other colors have made the short list?" She asked curiously. "Rainbow?" Kayleigh laughed. The Slytherin listened to Orwell as he told her his full name. She didn't want to laugh, she really didn't, but she couldn't help the giggle that came from her mouth. Kayleigh immediately put her hands over her mouth, her eyes apologetic, but it was like she couldn't help it, as another small giggled seeped through. At least Orwell was smiling, so it was a good sign, she'd hate to upset him - it wasn't his fault he had such an obscure middle name. "I'm sorry," Kayleigh chuckled through her fingers. Kitchen was the weirdest name to give someone. "Why - why Kitchen?" She asked, trying to control herself. All she had was Victoria and - "If it makes you feel better, one of my middle names is Bambi." She laughed; especially since Bambi was a boy's name for a muggle deer. Kayleigh didn't know if Orwell didn't like his middle name, but she wanted him to know he wasn't the only one who's parents weren't thinking.
Orwell was not surprised by her reaction, after all to break into another houses dorm was quite something, it was something not done or at least if others had done it they hadn't gotten caught like he had. The teen couldn't help but feel a slight rush of pride over the fact that he'd managed to do it, especially given her excited reaction, but he knew that he still couldn't give her the real story of how he'd gotten in there was no telling if the headmistress was actually done with what he had done and had no further intentions of looking into it. Brock was happy to keep her in the dark, just on the finer points of what had happened, "Archie's going through some stuff, and he wasn't leaving the dorm, so I stole some Gryffindor robes that had been left in the wild patch, changed my hair colour and waited until someone went in before following them," Orwell explained with a vague look of pride on his face over what he had done, of course he was pushing the boundaries in a school that he loved, but he didn't regret it, "Got caught, lost some house points, a few detentions," he added with a tone that indicated he didn't much care about those things.

To the King of the flowers it didn't much matter what trouble he got into though he always felt bad for points loss on the rest of the house but he really didn't care enough about that to ever do anything different. And as the conversation moved on to his hair, Orwell couldn't help the laugh at the fact she laughed at the Rainbow but that really was the colour he'd go next, for the LGBT+ Pride event which was a repeat of the one last year and definitely required him to have multi-coloured hair, "Well, Rainbow is technically next, but I think after I might go purple, like a lilac colour, that's at the top of my list," he replied honestly, he would probably eventually get round to blonde but perhaps it would just be more of a white colour than blonde. Brock knew as soon as he uttered his name that she started laughing and he made a light motion with his hand to indicate that she could just laugh, "It's my mum's family name, my grandfather's name is **** Kitchen" he explained with a bit of laughter and then when she continued, he had to think for a moment, "Like the deer?" he asked having never seen it, but read about it, "Terrible middle names," he told her with a laughing sigh before running a hand a little nervously through the brown hair and then easily meeting her gaze, "So, Bambi, you want to go on a date with a Kitchen sometime soon?"
Kayleigh listened to Orwell's reason for breaking into Gryffindor, a smile growing on her face, finding herself liking him even more. He was so loyal to his friend, and what he did for him was amazing. Kayleigh was finding herself inspired by him, and was sure she would continue to be, the more time she spent with him. "That's really, really kind of you Orwell. Archie must really appreciate you." Kayleigh said softly, though her smile still on her face. She wasn't sure if she'd have done the exact same for Desislav, of course she'd go out of her way to help him, but it would be more along the lines of getting someone to tip him out of bed, or sending howlers until he left. But still, Kayleigh didn't think Des was the type to hide in his dorm, unless he was hiding from a prank gone wrong, or some sort of payback. Kayleigh had never had detention before, but Orwell seemed so blaze' about it, it couldn't actually be that bad.
Kayleigh was slightly taken aback, but tried to not let it show that Orwell was actually going to dye his hair rainbow coloured. She wondered how long it would take for him to do his hair like that, and what it would look like. Kayleigh found herself being excited to see his rainbow hair, curious as to what it would look like, what he would look like. She was glad that Orwell had waved off her laughter as nothing serious, because she didn't want to upset him, but his middle name was just too funny to not laugh at. It was nothing compared to his Grandfather's name, which Kayleigh couldn't help but laugh at, but she kept her hands in front of her mouth. It was very weird, Kayleigh wondered if it had something to do with them living in the community, but she couldn't see why it would, unless they just liked crazy names. She nodded her head when he asked if her middle name was like the deer, surprised that he knew what it was, giggling at his comment about their middle names. Kayleigh kept her eyes on him, her heart hammering as he asked her if she wanted to go on a date. Her pink hair had obviously worked! Kayleigh couldn't believe he was actually asking her out! She tried to keep her cool, but her smile gave away her happiness easily. She loved the way he said 'Bambi'. "As long as it's not a **** Kitchen... I would love that." Kayleigh answered, still smiling, definitely feeling like hugging him, but controlling herself.
Orwell knew it was the right thing to do, he knew he'd done what was right for Archie and he didn't in the slightest regret the decision he'd made with it, the teen smiled easily at her, at the comment, "He'd do the same for me," he replied easily with a shrug before just letting the smile rest on his face. His name along with her, were definitely something not often seen, and he knew his grandfather's name was worth of a laugh in itself, it was something he knew Archie found hilarious, but it was something Orwell was used to and never really questioned, although he knew it was funny and had been certain that it might at the very least be able to help him make her feel less bad about how the game she'd just played had turned out. Orwell wasn't always sure how to make people feel better, he'd come to realise that talking about how capitalism is the root of the problem didn't seem to make people feel any better and there was no way of twisting that to fit in with quidditch, other than just calling it a farce which he assumed she would not much enjoy.

Asking Kayleigh out on a date had to be the most nerve wracking thing he'd ever done, more so than breaking into Gryffindor, or standing up to Styx in his class, this was different, in those things he knew the likely outcome, Brock was doing them for a greater purpose, asking Kayleigh out was putting himself on the line and hoping she liked him like he liked her. However, it seemed that she did, accepting his invitation with a smile and Orwell couldn't help that his own face broke from the nervousness it had been feeling into a wide and excited smile, he had no idea what their first date could be, but he was sure he could come up with something easily, perhaps even just a picnic in the gardens, or inviting her to help him out in the preparations for the end of term. The king of the flowers smiled so easily at her, "Great," he told her nodding his head, since it was in actual fact great, he held out his hand to her, "Any where you need to be?" he asked clearly intending to take her on the date now if she had the time and though he was probably supposed to be studying for his OWLs or ensuring he was with some other ravenclaw to get into the Ravenclaw common room without any trouble, "I have some wild patch things to do, you're welcome to come join me,"
To know someone would do something that great for you must be an amazing feeling. That someone would break all rules, do anything to make sure you were okay. Kayleigh was jealous of their friendship, but she loved it at the same time. She hoped that one day Orwell would feel that way about her as well. But it was still early days, and her stomach was still fluttering as he grinned back at her. Kayleigh glanced at his hand that he held out to her, the smile still on her face as she took his in her hand. His hand felt so much bigger than hers, it was nice, a really wonderful feeling, holding his hand. The Slytherin shook her head when he asked if she had anywhere to be, surprised that the date was going to be here and now, glad that she had taken a shower before coming out; it would be the worst if she was worried about how she smelt the whole time. Kayleigh realized she hadn't even thought about the game since she had started talking to Orwell, amazed that he had such a calming effect on her, that he was able to take her mind off of their loss without even trying; well it didn't seem like he was trying. The pink-haired girl was glad that they were going on their date now, it would not only take her mind off of the bad game, but she would also be able to avoid the Common Room for awhile. He was the perfect excuse, the perfect reason to stay away. Kayleigh smiled as he mentioned his Wild Patch things, and she nodded her head, keen to see what he did, what the Wild Patch Club did. She hadn't yet joined the Club, but she probably was going to the following year, not only to show her support for Orwell, but just to spend more time with him as well. "I'd love to. What do you have to do?" Kayleigh asked, before running her fingers through her hair. She didn't even know what she looked like. At least she didn't smell, but if she knew this was going to happen, she would have at least attempted some sort of make-up or hairstyle. But if Orwell liked her after a Quidditch match, then she supposed she didn't have to worry about what she looked like. "I'm not very good at gardening or anything. You might have to teach me." Kayleigh laughed, remembering how he taught her to skim stones. She hoped that there would be something that he could teach her.
Orwell smiled easily at Kayleigh, looking down at his hand that was in hers and enjoying the feeling of it, it was a little different from when he held Archie's hand, it felt different, and it felt great, it really felt great. He looked up at the girl from their hands and just smile, it was such a lovely feeling and he knew that he was going to enjoy all of the time he spent with her, if how things had been so far were anything to go by then he knew it would be fine for them. He didn't have much to do at the garden just a few bits and pieces to tidy up, and then he was done, although he knew he could always find something to do in the gardens, he just didn't want to bore Kayleigh with it too much, "Not too much," he smiled at her, and nodded, "Just tidying up mostly, there are some flowers which need picked," Orwell said to her with a light and easy smile, he didn't know how many times she had been to the gardens, or even the specific wild patch area, he didn't think he'd ever seen her at the area before.

At her admission he just smiled, "I can definitely show you," he said to her, and then began walking towards where the gardens were, holding her hand in his as he moved forward, "I'll show you how we pick which flowers end up in the flower crowns, and I'll show you the birds," the boy told her excitedly, he didn't know if she would enjoy the gardens, or the flowers or the birds. Orwell admittedly didn't know too much about her, although this occasion would be a good one to get to know her, he had so much to show her about the gardens, the wild patch area, the bit he had essentially made his own, and he was so proud of his area, of his little club, "You should join the wild patch, it's not quite as exciting as quidditch but it has it's moments, we held a protest at the forest," he told her with an excited smile wondering if she had heard about that. Orwell wasn't meant to be showing off, and then again he always thought it was good to tell people such things since they seemed like they were the only ones to get into trouble for what they've done, he squeezed her hand lightly and smiled as he led her away from the pitch and towards the gardens.
With a smile on her face, Kayleigh nodded, not minding what exactly they did do. It was a weird date, not one that the Slytherin expected, but she didn't mind; she was happy to do anything with Orwell, as long as she was with him. Kayleigh didn't often tidy up. Her family owned a House Elf, and there were plenty at the school, so it was just never something she ever had to worry about; it was never something she had to do. She wondered briefly what kind of tidying up they would have to do, but it seemed like it could be a lot more fun, just because of the Ravenclaw boy being there as well. Her heart was still hammering, and Kayleigh hoped her palms didn't get sweaty while holding his hand. She couldn't get the stupid grin off her face.
Following Orwell, Kayleigh was glad he took the lead. She didn't know where the were headed to, though she did figure it was the gardens, especially since they'd be picking flowers. Again, it wasn't something she would do by herself, but she would do anything just to spend more time with the boy who's middle name was Kitchen. Kayleigh giggled when he stated that they had a protest in the forest, vaguely remembering it happening, but she didn't know too much about it. As they continued to walk, and eventually tidy and pick, Kayleigh carried on asking her questions, chatting away to Orwell about the things he did, no shying from her opinion. It was safe to say Kayleigh had a massive crush, and would be on a blissful high for the next few days to come, because she'd gone on a date with Orwell.

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