🌹 Rose Giving More Interesting Than The Others

Senna Overby

💫 unofficial quidditch club 💫
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Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Fairy Wing Core
07/2045 (16)
Pink rose for @Gwen Goodwin

After feeling like her voice was getting strained and knowing she still had to use it at the dance tonight Senna had asked around if any one the students she had crossed had seen Gwen somewhere. The girl was a prefect, so surely someone had noticed her heading off into one particular direction or another. Eventually, one of the students she had talked to had pointed her towards the common room and Sen had asked another to head in and see if Gwen was there, waiting not so patiently outside.
Gwen smiled when someone called her out of the common room, sure she would get a rose. She hoped it wasn't a boring yellow one. She stepped out of the common room with a smile. "Anyone looking for Gwen?" She asked as she looked around.
Senna had been waiting out in the hallway, eyeing every student that stepped outside of the common room untill the girl she was looking for asked who had send for her. "Yes, hi!" She raised her hand before walking over. "I've got a delivery for you." Sen beamed, picking out the only pink rose in her bunch. "It's pink." She grinned, wiggling her eyebrows. "I mean you can see that, obviously, but I just wanted to emphasize the fact."

I think you're really pretty and amazing. Maybe we could date for real this time?
- Rene
Gwen smiled at the girl's enthusiasm, glad she was receiving a pink rose. She wished it was delivered at the Slytherin table, though. It would be so much more fun to be watched while receiving it. But she would just have to carry it around for a bit. She read the note and smiled. "Thank you." She told the girl. "Good luck with the rest of your deliveries."

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