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Professor Mallory Grayveson

Soft- Shy- Searching- Charms 1-4
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
8 inch sturdy Ivy wand with Fairy wing core
2/24/2031 (31)
Mallory felt like she had a tough batch of students this year. She had noticed how Delilah had been working on her pronunciations but not her actual spellwork. Mallory had been a bit concerned, having noticed Delilah's hesitance before. So, she summoned the girl to her office. Mallory had taken the time to get some treats out, leaving her sweets on the edge of the desk and open for the girl if she wanted any. Mallory was making tea, knowing it might help calm the girl down in case Mallory's summons put her on edge.
Delilah felt her knees wobble a little as she stood in front of Professor Corrin's office door. She wasn't sure why she had been called in to have a meeting with the professor. Maybe she noticed she had been participating the way she was supposed to be during lessons, or maybe she was in trouble for the huge fireball? It had been a total accident and no one even got hurt. There was a reason she had gone so far away from the rest of the class. But she figured there was only one way to find out. With a deep breath she knocked on the professor's door a couple of times before opening it just enough so she could stick her head in. "You wanted to see me?" Delilah asked in a light tone, that did it's best to hide her nerves. She stood awkwardly in the doorway, unsure what to do now and waited for the Professor to give her any kind of instruction.
Mallory looked up when she heard the knock, smiling and moving over to her desk. "Yes, Miss Thorne please come in," Mallory smiled softly as she sat down, motioning to the chair across from her. "I've made some tea, would you like a cup?" She asked, tucking her hair behind her ear before proceeding to start preparing her own tea.
Delilah smiled in return and sat down in one of the chairs across from the professor. She hesitated when asked if she wanted some tea. And went back and forth in her mind about if it was more rude to refuse or accept. Eventually she took a deep breath and nodded. She was getting to much in her head and she hadn't even learned what this was all about. "Yes please." she sad brightly. At least it would giver her something to do with her hands. "So what did you want to see me about?" she asked hesitantly, wanting to get the worst over with.
Mallory nodded and fixed the girl a cup of tea, setting it in front of her before speaking. "I wanted to speak to you about your wand, Miss Thorne," Mallory folded her hands in front of her and smiled gently. "I've noticed in lessons your wand often has... outbursts of power, that your spells are sometimes much stronger than you mean for them to be." Mallory explained, picking up her own tea.
Delilah eagerly went for the tea when Professor Corrin's set it in front of her. She lifted up the slightly steaming up to her lips and blew on it gently. She took a dainty sip as the professor began to explain what all of this was for. Delilah had to fight the urge to spit out her tea in surprised but managed to maintain some level of composure as she swallowed finally. "Oh." she choked out a moment later. "Um...yeah." she said lamely. She had a feeling this was what the meeting would be about and had been running through different excuses her entire walk here but in the moment she was tired of hiding it and being embarrassed. Someone had finally noticed enough to talk to her about it. Maybe there was something she could actually do about instead of thinking she was simply broken or cursed. "It's been happening for a while." she admitted finally.
Mallory listened to Delilah, nodding along slowly. She thought over the words a moment before finally beginning to speak. "You know, Miss Thorne, this happens quite often with more powerful wands. If you'd like, we can add in a few private lessons next semester? It won't have to be charms in particular, just some extra training to help you gain control of your wand?" Mallory offered, thinking she might try to ask Misha about it before bringing Delilah in for extra lessons.
Delilah wasn't sure how to feel as Professor Corrin's offered her the option to have extra lessons next year. Or rather she knew how she should feel but the twisting feeling in her chest wasn't it. She should be grateful that a professor was willing to offer up her time to help her get over this weird block she was having. So why did she feel like crying? Delilah tried her best to smile. "I think that would be great." she said softly, trying to hide any kind of waver in her voice. Suddenly the weight of what was happening hit her and it all made sense. She shouldn't need help. She should be able to do everything her friends could. She was just as smart, just as hard working so why was she the one with a cursed wand? She tried her best to keep a calm front as she thought about how she would have to lie about all of this to her father. "Was that all?" she asked quickly, and her distress peaked through ever so slightly. She looked down and frowned when she realized she had hardly touched her tea.
Mallorys smile faded a little as she saw the girls reaction. She leaned forward, folding her hands on her desk. "Almost. Miss Thorne, can you tell me what your wand is?" Mallory asked gently, trying to catch Delilah's eye. "Perhaps if I can understand what you're working with, I can help," she pulled over a little notebook, pencil poised to take notes.
Delilah's head was in a completely different place and when Professor Corrin's asked her a question she blinked a few times before she processed what was happening. "Oh right." she mumbled. "It's a hazel wand with an essence of belladonna core." she answered. She had done some research of her own when her problems started but had only come up with something about how hazel wands are sensitive to emotion but Delilah could not for the life of her figure out which of her emotions might have been wreaking havoc on her spells.
Mallory took note of the wand, considering it a moment. "You may go if you'd like, Miss Thorne. I'll do a bit of looking into the matter and we can start your lessons with the next year, if that's alright? Professor Haden will be your charms teacher, but you can still come to me if you'd like the extra tutoring." She looked up again, smiling warmly at the girl.
Delilah took another tentative sip of her tea since she didn't want to seem like she was wasting it but she was just too nervous to have much more of it. But she looked up with Professor Corrins with relief when she said that was all they needed to go over today. "That sounds good. And I can try and practice over the break as well." she added quickly, wanting to make sure she seemed eager to improve. "Thank you." she added sheepishly as she put down the partially filled tea cup and collected her things to leave.

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