Mistakes & Parties

Sexual Orientation
It was often that Terence Matthias was invited to parties. Tonight was no exception. He left his son, Valery, with Arman Matthias. Arman, despite being a drunk former Death Eater, was a good caretaker for kids somehow. It might have been his long term girlfriend, a Lefevre from what he knew. That was all that Terence knew about the woman. However, right now, his main objective was to be here for the women that demanded that he come along. He didn't really know why he was one that needed to be there. There were many other dancers that would be happy to go to a party. Terence got a good look in the mirror, and with his amber eyes shining like a cat's, his hair neat and a leather jacket over his shoulders, damn he looked good. Terence put on a hat and he tipped it toward the mirror, before he apparated out of his room and to the address on the card. As soon as he arrived to the house, he had a good look at it. It was large, and fancy. What sort of party needed a dancer? They could afford anything they wanted. Maybe he should have raised his fee a little bit...

Taking a deep breath, Terence marched up to the door and knocked a couple of times. He was soon greeted by what seemed to be a butler, before led into a large room with many women. Terence's eyes opened and his immediate thought was, 'There's one for each of my brothers!' However, some of his brothers were taken already. Troxa was happily married, Tristane was seeing a lovely blind woman. He did not know about the others though. Terence opened his arms and greeted, "Hello, ladies! I assume that someone here is getting married!" That was obvious since someone was wearing a little crown that said that they were getting married. One of the women turned on the music, and he heard a shout, "Come on, hunk, start dancing! Show us a good time!" Terence chuckled, as his amber eyes washed over the women. He had to remember, do not be like the one party that resulted in his son. That woman, the Grimrar woman named Ruby, was indeed a spitfire. She was a good night of fun though. His hand was soon filled with a glass of firewhiskey, which he sipped vigorously. He held his hand open toward a particularly beautiful redheaded woman, offering a dance without words.
Nusa didn't know what she was getting herself in for with attending the bridal shower for one of her oldest and best friends. Of course she wouldn't say no when she was asked to be the maid of honour and with that she knew she had a lot of work ahead of her, including to plan the bridal shower. If it were up to Nusa it would be a day for the girls to go to a fancy spa and enjoy of relaxation and pampering as the wedding wasn't too far away. Of course Nusa wasn't the only girl in the bridal party and she had to plan the party with a few other girls who, of course, all had different ideas to Nusa. The young red head had expected this as a few of the girls in the party were already married and their bridal parties all followed the same sort of pattern. This was why Nusa was apprehensive of the party, she knew how they all played through, and she wasn't really the type of girl to party, drink lots of alcohol and...well other things that bridal parties entailed. For being the age she was Nusa was still a rather naive girl who was easily persuaded into doing things that she knew was against her best judgement all for the sake of making someone else happy. Nusa had spent most of the day getting the house ready for her friends party, the least she could do was offer up her house for the party as it meant that she could at least control that much. Everything was finally perfect so it was time got into her party dress before the rest of the group showed up. The bride to be thought they were making final stop to pick up Nusa before going to the actual Bridal party so she was excited to see her friends reaction.

Once the rest of the group showed up it wasn't long before they started to play the obligatory bridal shower games and a fair amount of the alcohol was consumed. The night continued at a good speed and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. While in the kitchen fixing up some small food platters Nusa missed someone coming to the door and entering the houses. Mildly surprised when she entered the main room again to see a man in their midst she stayed back as she knew all too well what he was here for. Sipping on her drink she watched as the rest of the girls seemed to throw away their inhibitions for some guy that probably didn't have any interest them and only cared about getting paid at the end of the night. She was surprised when he appeared in front of her, clearly wanting him to dance with her. She politely dismissed his offer but after eager jeers from her friends she soon found herself on the floor dancing with a strange man. She danced as best she could but this really wasn't her pace and it was clear from the uncomfortable look on her face that it wasn't
Entertaining women was something that Terence was basically trained to do. He loved the attention, but sometimes the women went overboard and started clawing his back after his shirt floats off. Terence was a little more than free of the alcohol's influence, since he was a heavy drinker from time to time. After parties, one develops a rather unique tolerance for it. Terence just felt a little looser, which was why he was actually less focused on the other women, but more focused on the one he was wanting to dance with. Her friends only cheered her on to his outstretched hand, and with a few moments, he was dancing with the beautiful redhead his amber eyes were locked on. He had an affinity for being attracted to redheads, but every single logical voice that was screaming inside his brain was only deafened by the music. Could he really get tangled up in this, again? Terence downed the rest of the firewhiskey, and set the glass down once he realized that this woman was uncomfortable. Terence stopped dancing for a moment, and set a gentle hand upon her shoulder, "Hold my dance for me for one second." He winked at her before he dismissed himself to another room, where he retrieved his cellphone.

Dialing another friend of his that was also in the same type of business, Terence finally got him on the phone, "Hey, get over to this house that I'm at. I told you the address. There's too many women here to entertain all at once... There's enough to counter my family. They'll devour you so come on." Within a few seconds, literally, the other dancer arrived. Another man of dreamy stature that had an even more built body than his. Terence went back to the room with the women, and offered them the other dancer. Right now, he wondered what was going on with the redhead. Terence went back to the woman he was dancing with, while the other one got to work. The other guy moved a lot quicker than he could, and already removed his shirt. Terence inquired, "You seemed a little uncomfortable with the dance. Was it the pace, the dancer, or did you want something a little more traditional like the waltz?" Terence looked over his shoulder to see his friend, before he added, "I hope you don't mind. I'm not exactly able to handle this many on my own. Almost feared for my life."
Nusa couldn’t believe she had allowed herself to be talked into actually dancing with this guy. Unfortunately this wasn’t the first time that she had allowed herself to be talked into something she was against her best judgement. She knew she was a bit of an awkward wall flower and when she was younger she desperately wanted to make friends and did things that she later regretted and things that she couldn’t remember but figured she would regret and was almost glad she forgot as her friends regaled her of the night before. Tonight she was trying her best not to succumb to the peer pressure – yes even at her age she still could succumb to peer pressure. So far she was able to hold her alcohol well and not look like she wasn’t keeping up with the rest of the girls, who by this point were well and truly over their limit – it was a good thing none of them had to travel tonight as Nusa had set up the guest rooms – not that any of them would probably even make it that far. Trying to get the image of what her house will look like tomorrow she brought herself back to the present and was a little disappointed that she was still dancing with the man the girls had hired for the bride to be. She was a little surprised when the guy stopped dancing – wasn’t he was the one that wanted to dance with her? Even more confused when he excused himself from the party she turned to the rest of the girls and simply shrugged her shoulders and rolled her eyes at their cries after him, not wanting him to leave.

It wasn’t long until he returned to the room but this time he wasn’t alone. Nusa couldn’t believe he had called in back-up, or was it always planned that there were going to be two dancers – she had no say in this part of the party so she wasn’t sure of the finer details. Watching the new guy get to work, as it was, her eyes soon fell on the mysterious first dancer as he returned to her. Nusa listened to his query; almost sort of touched that he seemed to care why she was uncomfortable. “Oh no, it wasn’t the dancer. I’m meant there’s nothing wrong with you. I mean…” she started to become flustered, realising she may have inserted her foot into her mouth. “What I mean to say is that this isn’t really my thing, I’m a bit more of a stay in the corner and watch everyone else enjoy themselves kind of girl.” she said awkwardly – she really didn’t like to draw any attention to herself. “It’s fine by me, as long as she’s happy.” Nusa added, laughing at his comments about fearing for his life, her friends were becoming quite ravenous
This might not be normal for any show, but for the ones that Terence goes to, he normally always made a few friends in the end. Sometimes some got a bit too friendly, but he was always open to help others, which was a definite contrast compared to how his family normally was. Terence was similar to Tristane. Tristane was an angel. Terence was more or less the angel on someone's shoulder. He always stood his ground though. He could get mean and nasty if he wanted to. Terence was used to receiving a lot of attention, but hearing that it was not the dancer, it made him smile genuinely. Terence breathed a sigh of relief when it really settled in that it was not him. He even chuckled when she seemed to get flustered. She was adorable. Wait, no, he better not think thoughts like that. He could get enamored on the job easily, which was not good for his reputation. "I figured it wouldn't be me. After all, it isn't like I am removing my clothing. Unless you want me to. I wouldn't mind." He winked playfully, before wondering if it would even come to that. He doubted it, since she seemed like one of those really good girls. Girls that he did not spend too much time with. Most of those that asked for this sort of thing were pretty damn naughty.

Precisely the type of girl that Terence figured, he looked toward the party, and the bride to be looked like she was about to just eat the other dancer alive. Terence shook his head, somewhat glad that he had a break. "I almost know what you mean. I kind of like having someone else do the dirty, and explaining the nail marks to your son is a little more than embarrassing." Oh no, he just revealed some of his personal life. He was a father, and his son was obviously old enough to ask questions. He was sure that Valery knew his profession. Terence was looking into becoming the manager at the place, so he would not have to make house calls. "I'm Terence. My real name. And, what did your parents call you?" He purposely left out his surname, since he knew that some knew about his surname. So, his first name would just have to do. Besides, he was interested in talking and having it easy. Let his friend keep the money and stuff.
Nusa thought this was a bit surreal, that her friends were just a few feet away enjoying the hired entertainment and she was here getting up close and personal in a different way with the other dancer, the one that was originally hired for the party. Not that Nusa minded really, she was actually quite glad to have an excuse to get away for the slightly intoxicated group of girls who reverted back to teenagers when they saw a half-naked attractive man. Not that Nusa did much better, she too reverted back to a teenager, but for her that meant a bumbling fool who couldn’t talk to a guy, regardless of attractiveness she was terrible at speaking to guys when she was younger and only when she got a little older did she become only slightly better at it. Nusa blushed bright red when the dancer with no name propositioned he remove his clothes if she wanted. She quickly covered her face with her hands and shook her head while laughing softly. Taking a deep breath she composed herself again and showed her face, only slightly still red. “You’re perfectly fine with your clothes on!” She felt the words forming in her mouth and she wanted so badly to just suck them back in to stop them from being released but it was too late. A look of mild horror covered her face as she let what was said just sink and let awkwardness fill the air. I should just stop talking! she thought to herself, she was embarrassing herself more than usual right now.

“Do you want to go talk in the other room, away from the..party.” she said, looking back at the group, if possible they seemed to get rowdier. Nusa led the guy through the kitchen into the back conservatory. It was a nice evening so it wasn’t too cold and the glass windows allowed the light of the moon and stars to fill the room. “Help yourself!” she said as she walked away from the drinks tray with her filled glass of wine. Nusa found it interesting that the dancer liked other people doing the dirty work, surely that’s what he was getting paid for and you should like the job you do, or at least that was her opinion. Then when he explained why he liked others doing the dirty work her bright blue eyes widened in surprise. “Wow! You have a son! That’s so cool, I love kids. What age is he?” she hoped she wasn’t prying too much, after all she didn’t even know this guy’s name. “Nusa.” she replied simply to his question. She figured that he left out his surname so she would leave out her own. Her family name was known to pull some weight around certain parts of the Wizarding World and Nus always preferred to know that whatever she did for herself or whoever she became friends with, was done by herself and not her family name.
Upon his offer of removing some of his clothes, Terence could not help but chuckle at her response. She was a shy one. And it was adorable. Could she be one of those that he could really appreciate in life? Perhaps. But this was a gig too, so he needed to attempt to remain professional. "If you say so, but the offer is on the table." Terence was merely joking with her now, but it was still all in good fun. Terence was perhaps reading too much into this though. He wanted to be able to just make friends right now, instead of working. Oh well. Terence would let his friend have all the fun and whatnot. He could handle having a one on one conversation with a girl that was not about to claw his chest up. She asked if he wanted to talk in the other room, and away from the party. There was no answer bigger than yes right now. He nodded though, trying to remain calm and not relieved. He was led through the kitchen and into the back conservatory. The glass windows made everything that much better to look at. He looked outside at the moon in awe, before he turned to look at the red haired woman.

Somehow, in the light, she was much better looking than he imagined. It almost looked like she was glowing. Perhaps the alcohol got to him, but when she said to help himself, he didn't know that she meant the drink trays. He was about to pounce when he looked down to see the glasses full of wine. He took a glass of wine, despite already being tipsy as is. He sipped it before he answered, "Yeah. He is in school right now. He loves music, but his mother isn't from a respectable family so my family doesn't recognize him. Despite being ignored, he is the most loving boy. I try my best to let him know he's adored." Her name was Nusa. That was beautiful. He walked up closer to her, and he smiled down, finally the alcohol taking effect upon him, "Such a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. The stars barely stand a chance against your eyes." Despite the alcohol controlling his actions, he was making the repeated mistakes that made Valery's existence. His common sense was screaming at him to leave, and never come back. But it was not heard.

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