Open Mission for food

Elio Zephyr

It's all just creative chaos 📷 Photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
In an Open Relationship
Sexual Orientation
Panromantic Homosexual
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Whippy Elm Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
1/2035 (24)
Elio wasn't exactly sure how he was meant to get through the next two years, which was especially the case if he wasn't able to convince Rowan to ever leave the dorms. He'd been writing to Ava by way of a distraction, but it still left a large portion of the day unoccupied by anything but the thoughts swirling around in the sixth years head. He felt off, and really, they all did. Anyone that was close to the Baros' knew what was going on, and it had certainly hit Elio hard too. Not only had he lost one of his best friends, but the only was now completely secluded.
The Gryffindor made his way out of the dorms and towards the Great Hall in the hopes he could get some food left over from dinner, and that all the good stuff hadn't gone. Between his allergies and Rowan's veganism, finding food wasn't exactly easy but he always seemed to manage. He hated leaving Rowan up in his room, feeling as though it was impossible to focus on anything asides from her. It had been his main goal for months now to make sure that she was okay, and that she was his number one priority, that he didn't even realise he was completely overlooking himself. He hadn't even touched his camera in weeks. He walked across towards the Gryffindor table, keeping his head down as he was on his mission. He wished so much that he could talk to his friends, tell them more about what was going on and even have things the way they had been, although right now Elio wasn't sure if or when he would feel normal like that again. He took a seat at the Gryffindor table, grateful that there weren't too many people left in the hall, and grabbed a couple of plates.
Marco was happy to be back, he couldn’t say his break was as stressful as other people’s, probably, but it was nice to be back at school where he had more freedom. His parents wanted the best for him, he knew that, but sometimes it got a bit too much and he understood why Eva wanted out. At least Marco still had school for another two years so he didn’t have to worry too much about what his parents wanted for him and his future yet. The prefect didn’t even want to think about it, and if they brought it up sooner rather than later he knew he was going to have to talk to them about it. Which made him realise he needed to have a plan before he told his parents, and that led to him sitting in the great hall after dinner with a piece of parchment and a quill and Marco jotting down some possible ideas of careers he could get into. Marco sighed, leaning back sightly on the bench. At least he was taking the most useful classes. He decided that it was enough brainstorming for the day. As he stood up, piece of paper in hand, he noticed a familiar face that had just sat down. Marco went over to Elio, and gave him a smile as he sat down next to him. "Hey," he greeted, not sure how he should be acting now after the Gryffindor had told him about Elsie. It really sucked. The last interaction Marco could remember having with the Ravenclaw was the duel last year. With a pang he realised he would never see her again around, and he couldn’t begin to imagine how Elio and Rowan felt. Or Zennon. That was why the older boy had been acting so strange during the prefects meeting.
Elio could practically feel the eyes of the other people in the hall as he grabbed some food to take back with him. Things that wouldn't be too bad if they were left for a few hours, or things that wouldn't go cold. He spotted someone coming over to him before he knew who it was, although when he did hear the voice he was a bit surprised to see Marco. The pair were patrol partners now, so he knew they'd have been seeing one another more often around the school regardless, although he hadn't known whether the Hufflepuff actually wanted to be friends again after what Elio had done to him last year. Elio was happy to, last year seemed a million miles away, although he didn't want to make him uncomfortable. "Hey," he replied back, finishing loading some crackers on to his plate, avoiding the cheese and trying to search for an alternative. Everywhere Elio went, he felt like Elsie's death was lingering over him, and now was no different. "You okay?" he asked the Hufflepuff, just waiting for him to bring up their friend.
All the tension from last year between him and Elio seemed to have completely dissipated, or nearly all of it, though that was far from Marco’s mind after he had learned the news of Elsie. He just wanted to be there for his friends and he was unsure as to what he could do to make them feel better. But his thoughts about that kept going in circles - he’d think of wanting to cheer them up somehow, and then realised there probably was no way he could. At least not for now. The wound seemed too fresh to start healing. It was only the first few days back, after all. Marco watched as his friend ate, waiting for him to say something else, but all he asked was if he was okay. The prefect raised an eyebrow, thinking it was odd that Elio was asking if Marco was okay when he was aware of how much pain the Gryffindor was probably going through. "I guess so," he shrugged, though it wasn’t a ‘I don’t care’ shrug, but an ‘I don’t know’ one. "I don’t know," he then added as an afterthought. "I barely knew her...but I‘m still shocked, sad, you know? It’s tragic." Marco never would have thought that someone his own age would have died in a muggle vehicle accident. The whole thing seemed ironic. "I really want to be there for you guys, I just don’t know what to do," he admitted.

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