
"It's alright I suppose. It gets annoying though. As soon as we get settled in one place, we move to the next. I must have more friends than most people 'cause I keep in contact with my friends from other countries." He shrugged again.
"I've kinda got used to it though. Dad pays us back by buying us all a load of rubbish which we know we're never going to use so it's all fine." Alvin got loads from his parents. His gramp was some famous actor or something like that so they got money like it fell off trees.
"Umm..." Al had to think for a minute. "Forty three...I think..." He laughed. "Somewhere in that area. I know she's three years older than my dad."
"My big sis, Vicki. She's twenty-four. She's the mature one of our family. Mum's not around much because of work so Vicki kinda takes mum's place." Al liked Vicki but thought she was way too mature.
"Not the best idea at the moment." Al thought about the state the house was in. "I promise you can at some point but it's the wrong time at the moment. As we've only just moved in there's boxes everywhere. I can't actually move around the house."
"Oh, what a coincidence." He smiled. "My big bro is gay as well. I usually take the mik out of him but I'm fine with it really. It's just leverage."
Daisy walked around the harbour looking for her brother. She eventually found him talking to a girl, a girl that seemed to be flirting. He was flirting back. This was confusing for Daisy, Alvin never flirted with girls, he was normally quiet, like herself.

daisy walked up to the and poked him in the side. "Umm, Who's this Alvy?" She was prepared to speak in a different language if she didn't trust her, just because she wasn't born when they travelled doesn't mean she hadn't been taught the language.
Alvin looked down at his little sister. "This is Morgan. Morgan this is my little sister, Daisy." He looked at Morgan when he spoke and then looked back at Daisy. "Daiz, what are you doing here??"
Josh was walking aimlessly around. He was off school and had know one to spend it with. He sighed as his hands were in his pockets. He kicked the stones as he walked to keep his mind slightly occupied. When he looked up again he stopped as he saw Morgan with a boy and a younger girl. He frowned slightly as he walked over and put his arm around her should. " Hey my little sugar plumb how are you." He laughed slightly as he spoke. He loved to embarrass her

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