Missing Home

Zazuka Getathorn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V [main]
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
Zazuka Bones was in a soft pink frilly shirt and matching shirt. Her feet where clad in sandals even though it was cooler out. The cold didn't seem to bother her much. She had found one of the higher points of Beauxbatons and was now sitting in the window still with a flute in her hands. She only played it when she was sad because the notes that usually came out of where melancholy in nature. She could play cheery tunes when she wanted to but even those sounded like the instrument was crying. Now it was crying of homesickness for Hogwarts. The song that was coming out of her mouth was more like related to a earlier time but she wouldn't talk about that.

"Sleep Eden sleep
My fallen girl
Slumber in peace

Cease the pain
Life's just in vain
For us to gain
Nothing but all the same"

It was something that she remembered being sung to her by a woman that could not help her when she was little. Her mother had lost all hope by the time Zazuka was born but there where still memories of a few good times that made Zazuka miss her some what. These feelings where stirred one by the fact that she was so far from Hogwarts and two because of what she had done with Jon. They had said good bye forever but that didn't take away from the fact that she had betrayed Brian a little bit. Her heart felt like braking and she really couldn't figure out why. It was probably her third eye acting up again, latching on to something that was happening in the school.
Antoine had paid little attention to the goings on of the TriWizard Tournament, yet now as he walked, guitar in his arms as he was making his way towards one tree in the grounds he would always sit under to play music, he froze; Someone was singing.
Antoine listened carefully and followed the sound's direction to a window not far away. He had still been fairly high up in the building and now he saw a girl whom he didn't recognize.

By the time Antoine had reached her, the girl had stopped singing. It had seemed such a sad song.
"Fille, what bothers you?" He asked in partial English, yet his French accent was thick as ever through his words.
He could tell she was not from Beauxbatons and he vaguely recognized her as one of the said possible champions of the 'Hogwarts' school.
"No healing hand
For your disease
Drinking scorn like water
Cascading with my tears

Beneath the candle bed
Two saddened angels-in heaven, in death

Now let us lie
Sad we lived sad we die
Even in your pride
I never blamed you

A mother's love
Is a sacrifice
Together sleeping
Keeping it all

No sympathy
No eternity
One light for each undeserved tear

Beneath the candle bed
Two souls with everything yet to be said"

Zazuka played the last few notes on her flute then looked out on the grounds of Beauxbatons longing to be in the North Tower again looking down at the grounds of Hogwarts. A thickly accented voice came from behind her and she turned. "Oh nothing that I can't get over soon enough." She said her voice waspy even if her french was horrid. She had been lead to believe it so from the giggling girls in class. She was getting better though.

She saw a structure on the grounds that reminded her so much of the time that she had been in France with Brian that she felt like she wanted to cry. She didn't though. Zazuka, no matter how frail she looked was not a weepy sort of girl. She hoped that the feeling would soon fade because she was starting to become a damsale in distress again. She had come here to prove that she wasn't one.
If there was one thing that Antoine knew about girls, it was that they didn't always share their feelings even if they needed to.
"Look.. if there is.." It took him a moment to think of the English for the word, "Anything I can do.. I will help."
He smiled sympathetically. Although, if it was something to do with love then he would be useless- he couldn't even tell the girl he loved how he felt so how on earth could he give advice?
Antoine strummed a few chords on his guitar- sad, mournful chords.
"I am Antoine." He offered his hand to her. "I play.. guitar." He smiled at her.
Zazuka smiled very kindly though it wasn't her sunshine smile. "Trust me dear. Homesickness is something that can concord on one's own." She said in English now seeing as the boy was trying to communicate with her in it. "I see. I sing and play the flute a little bit." She said showing the boy the flute in her hands. "I'm Zazuka by the way." She said realizing that he had just introduced himself. Zazuka was happy to talk to someone. It made the loneliness a bit more bearable.
Antoine smiled, glad they had established a few things. Such as the girl's name being Zazuka, she spoke English, she played the flute and she was homesick. "Glad to make acquaintance." He performed a small half bow before straightening up.
"You are Hogwarts student, non?" he asked rhetorically, looking her up and down. She hadn't been picked as champion but she had got close to it. Antoine hadn't even entered; putting his life at risk for no logical reason didn't seem like the sort of thing he wanted.
"You would have made good champion." He gave her a gentle tap on the shoulder in a comforting manner.
Zazuka placed the tips of her fingers on her lips, laughing softly. "Few would agree with you. I came here with a few people at my school thinking that I would never even make it into consideration let alone into the Tournament. By nature I'm too non confrontational to go out for anything, even Quidditch." She said. Brian was in love with the game and Zazuka could see how it was a good game but she was gentle for the game. She was sure that she could be stared down with ease. "Yes I go to Hogwarts New Zealand. I miss it so much, especially since I left my boyfriend there." She said with a sigh. Brian came to mind and her sadness came back a little.
Ah. Love. Antoine's worst subject was finally the topic of the conversation. So she had a boyfriend back home?
"It must be hard," Antoine said, thinking aloud, "To have leave behind lover for some contest in other country."
His eyes appeared dazed for a moment before snapping back to life and sliding to Zazuka.
"I don't have girlfriend- don't have the guts to ask this girl out." He heaved a great, sorrowful sigh before adding "People who not believe in you are wrong. You seem smart, kind and very brave."
Bravery was forced on her. Zazuka at the moment had her Seer powers somewhat under control but the semester before had been hell and a half for her. To face it now was starting to become her greatest challenge. "Yes it's hard. Especially since we had just come out of a rough patch. I will be seeing him soon though. I arrainged for me to go back for a weekend." She said her smile wide. Zazuka saw that Antoine had spaced out a little bit and she pressed her fingertips against her lips again. "Oh. Well you never really know if she likes you unless you tell her do you?" She said tilting her head a little bit. Zazuka had waited two years to find out weather or not Brian liked her but then again they had, had all the time in the world back then.
Antoine felt as though a bucket of icy water had been dropped over his head. Was it that obvious? Did she know about Antoine's feelings for Sydney? Did she know who Sydney was? Suddenly, Antoine found himself on red alert, panicking.
"I.." Antoine attempted to protest. Surely she didn't know his feelings for Sydney? Maybe it was one of those things girls picked up on..
"I have try telling her," he confessed, "But I can never talk her outside class. She is beauty. Je ne suis rien.." He muttered the last words under his breath and in his mother tongue. "I try but she.. she busy." Antoine hung his head shamefully.
Zazuka shook her head. "Before you start wondering about things I should tell you that I have a gift. At the moment I am being trained to control the powers of a Seer." She said to ease the panic she felt coming from Antonie. It was making her senses go a bit haywire that and she hated to make people uncomfortable. "It's ok Antoine. There are many reasons why you can't find the time to tell her. Fate may have something in store for the both of you that will make capturing her heart all the more worth while." She said very wisely. She was a Ravenclaw by nature and it seemed like that was coming out.
"Hope you are right." Antoine said, a small smile etched across his face. "And I think it is going to happen soon.."
Though she may have had no idea what Antoine meant, he did. He suddenly knew what to do and his heart began to thump eagerly. "Excuse me, please." He said, nodding his head to her before turning his back. "Merci" he called out behind him as he ran for the Great Hall, an idea in his head.
Zazuka watched as Antoine ran off to his destiny and smiled softly then looked back on the grounds. "Hello Darkness, my old friend, I've come to talk with you again. Because a vision softly is creeping. Let it's seeds while I was sleeping. And the vision that was planted in my brain. Still remains before the sound of silence." She sang into the coming wind. With it the hope that her words would reach the one she was thinking of the most.

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