Miss me?

Seamus Reid

Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 10 1/2" Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
7/2043 (18)
Seamus hadn't written much in the latter half of the previous year, or much at all in the previous year, but he knew it was mostly because he'd been busy, and a little preoccupied, but he had decided to start writing again, to check in, see how she was an continue the friendship that they had had.


So, it's been a while. Sorry. things were busy.

I hope you are doing well. How is the other Hogwarts? How've you been?

I'm in my final year now. Which feels a little surreal, but also I'm looking forward to no longer having to deal with classes and school.

Hopefully I hear from you soon.

Dusk had to be honest, she was kind of bummed to not hear from her pen pal yet. They'd met in person after all, she sort of thought they were friends at this point. Her bummed behavior didn't last long when she received another letter. A rare sight to behold, she smiled a little as she read it. At the risk of looking desperate for friends she replied within the following twenty four hours.

Hey stranger,

I totally get being busy. Last year with all the exams? I was whooped.

Things have been good on my end, just trying to decide what I'm going to do for the rest of my life, and a back up plan just in case.

I unfortunately have just one more year after this, then I'm done. But if you want we can stay penpals for it. Then I'll learn to apparate and we can be in person friends lol.

Seamus had almost expected her to not write back, that he had sort of neglected it, and she would have found other penpals, other friends, other people to spend the time with. But he was quite pleased when he did get one back. Seamus took the time to reply to her, since it wasn't like he had any exams to worry about.

Hey Dusk,

Yeah, something like that for me too. This year's exams for me thankfully aren't until the end of the year, and it's all of them - though really for me, it's like three or four at best.

What are your options? Mine right now are quidditch and quidditch. It's really all I'd want to do. There's not much else which interests me.

I learnt and passed apparition, if you want to proper in person friends, I can, between semesters visit. Until you learn it too. If you'd want to still met up and stuff.

I'm happy to keep writing to you till we're able to be proper friends.

Okay..I have to go..

Dusk had sort of forgotten about the letter she'd wrote, being quite busy since she'd taken on so many classes that year. She'd taken quite a few for the first semester, trying to get good grades and make something of herself. When the letter came though it was a welcome break.


if those are the two options I'd go with Quidditch for sure. If you become a pro I'll have to buy tickets and come watch you play.

I'd be down for you to visit. As soon as I learn apparation I plan on doing some traveling honestly. Something about seeing the world seems so enticing. You know? Like petting a lion or something.

Sorry about the stain on the paper, I was eating breakfast while writing this. Dropped a bit of jam. Regardless i can't wait to hear about your games this year, maybe if you guys play our team on my turf I can come be cheeky and root for you anyways.

Seamus was kept busy with practicing, wanting to improve his chances of making a good team. He knew he needed to work hard for it. But the letter came and it was a welcome break. He took it and began writing back, when he finished, he went to send it off and then head back to the pitch.


If I go pro, I won't make you buy tickets, come on, I'll get you in for free. Gotta be the perk of all the training and work that goes into it. Free tickets for others.

Travelling seems fun, I don't know if I'd pet a lion but seeing places, yeah. Any places you want to see first?

Its okay, I don't mind it. Things are messy. Maybe so. It would be fun to visit you on your home turf. We won the first game against Gryffindor, so that was good. On the way to winning the whole cup.

Okay, I need to get to practice.


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