Open Midnight Snacks and Troubles

Molly Burke

irish ☘️ | bubbly 🫧 | 61' grad 🎓
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 14 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Fairy Wing Core
20 (04/2043)
Open after Daphne replies as Gwen Goodwin

It had been roughly about midnight, and Molly had couldn't sleep. She had eaten hours ago, but she was now hungry again, and couldn't eat until there was some food in her stomach. Molly had been twisting and turning in her bed, Mr Snuggles cuddled in her arms. But the twisting and turning of finding a comfortable spot in her bed were hard to find. Molly sighed quietly to herself, contemplating if she should make her way down to the kitchens to find something for her to eat until she eventually decided to get out of bed and made her way down to the kitchens. It had been dark, and Molly had looked around and made sure not to be caught by any of the Prefects or any professors on her way down. Molly had made her way down to the entrance of the kitchens and noticed that the door was open a jar, seeing that there were a couple of house-elves that were working in the kitchens. But the girl stood at the door nervously, thinking if this decision was a good idea or not. She cuddled onto her stuffed bunny nervously as she looked into the kitchen through the slightly opened door.
Gwen had been pretty bored in the Slytherin common room, and had decided to go out on an adventure. She had been curious about the castle at night and why exactly they had a curfew. Was there anything interesting about the castle during the night? Gwen was confident that if she were caught, she could talk her way out of it. She had always been good at that. It wouldn't be difficult to convince a professor that she had gotten scared in the dark dungeons and had gotten lost. Gwen quietly moved through the corridors, keeping an eye out for ghosts. When she spotted Molly near the kitchens, she froze. That was a surprise. Gwen hadn't expected to see any of her classmates out here, especially not a Hufflepuff. Gwen hesitated, then slowly crept closer before tapping her shoulder. "Molly?" She whispered, noticing the stuffed bunny in her arms. Was she scared? Gwen couldn't help smiling a bit. That was so silly. But she wasn't going to tell her that.
Molly jumped from the voice she heard a voice. Not expecting anyone to be out there. She had assumed a professor had called her name, so she turned very slowly, anticipating the worst. But the girl let out a sigh of relief when she had seen a familiar face of a classmate. The Hufflepuff cleared her throat a little before speaking. "Oh, h-hey Gwen. You scared me there" Molly says with a nervous giggle, slowly tightening the grip of her stuffed bunny.

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