Closed Messy

Professor Lyra Potter

Mother of 4 💜
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Chimera Scale Fragment Core
Sunlight crashed through Lyra Potter's window most unpleasantly, waking her up much earlier than she would have liked. With a sigh, the blonde sat up in the bed, taking precaution not to disturb the sleeping man beside her. He really does sleep like the dead, she thought with a smirk on her face before slipping out from under the warm sheets to the cold air in the apartment. It was easy to tell that winter was rapidly approaching in New Zealand. Lyra picked up his shirt from the night before, slipping it over her head. It fit her slender frame like a dress. The blonde yawned as she headed to the kitchen where she went straight for the coffee maker. The blonde didn't feel like her morning had truly begun until she had at least two cups of black coffee. She punched the buttons, waiting impatiently for it to brew.

It was hard to imagine how she got to the place that she was in today. If you had asked her a year ago, she would have laughed at the very idea of dating Ezra Cade, but now, he was spending at least half the week with her, even traveling with her when she played in matches away from home. Part of her thought that was really just to piss off James, who she still wasn't speaking to, but another part of her had begun to question if Ezra had actual feelings for her. If that was the case, then she really should break it off before things got messy. Lyra was startled out of her thoughts as the timer on the coffee pot went off, signaling that it had reached the end of the cycle. She poured herself a cup, letting it cool as she made her way over to her sofa. She picked up the Daily Prophet to read the rest of the election coverage while sipping on her morning coffee.
Over the past week or so Ezra had reached an unexpected conclusion. He hated sleeping alone, or perhaps more specifically he hated sleeping without Lyra Potter. Ezra was still spending most nights the apartment above Borgin and Burke's. It was small which would have bothered him before but sharing a small space with Lyra had made it feel, cosy, intimate. Things Ezra would never have imagined enjoying, but there were a lot of things he couldn't imagine before Lyra that now seemed possible. It was a little unsettling. They were supposed to be casual and seeing other people, but the truth was Ezra hadn't been with anyone since they spent their first three days together. Not even Honoria, and he had seen the older woman since. There seemed little point to seeing anyone when all he could think about was Lyra.

The sun had barely risen as Ezra apparated onto the streets of Obsidian harbour. After spending the evening entertaining members of the foundation board back at the mansion Ezra was glad to be back on New Zealand shores but it wasn't his shop or apartment he wanted to head to. Rather than turn down Bleak street Ezra instead continued up the cobbled street of the harbour towards Olivanders wand shop. Not an easy place to sneak into normally but lucky for him Lyra seemed to like the idea of him coming over whenever he pleased. He followed her instructions on how to get through the security spells and made his way up to the door to the apartment. It was unlocked which wasn't surprising given the amount of security before it. Ezra opened the door to one of his favourite sight. Lyra Potter in nothing but an oversized shirt. Only it wasn't his shirt. He looked toward the bed and saw a man, face down and sleeping. The sight of it shouldn't have surprised him but it didn't mean it didn't hurt. "Oh," He said looking between the man and Lyra. "And who's this?"
Lyra’s eyebrows shot up as her front door opened and Ezra Cade entered. The blonde was not in the practice of locking her door since she had the most advanced security spells, thanks to her uncle, but she had taught Ezra how to get passed them a few months back. However, Lyra didn’t have plans with Ezra today, and she wasn’t expecting to see him. She watched, taking a sip of her coffee, as Ezra crossed the room to her bedroom, glancing in, before returning to where she was. “I didn’t think we had plans today.” the blonde said, calmly, matching his tone. It wasn’t as if they were exclusive, or had ever had any conversations about it. Naturally, she assumed he saw other women on the days he wasn’t with her. “Does it matter?” Lyra asked, looking up at him with her green eyes.

“What are you doing here, Ez? I thought you were still in the States.” Lyra said, standing up and making her way over to the pot of coffee. She poured herself another cup before taking an empty cup out of the cabinet and pouring him a glass. Lyra handed it to him, acting as if nothing was different between them. She could read his mood and the tone in his voice. Lyra knew him well enough to see the hurt behind the questions, and it surprised her.
Ezra didn't know why he was feeling what he was. He wa under no allusions about what he and Lyra were, he expected her to be sleeping with other people , it shouldn't bother him, but it did. A lot. "We don't," Ezra said as he returned from peering into her room. The site of the man in her bed brought a range of emotions to the surface, none of which he wanted to show, none of which he had any right to feel. "It does to me," He said calmly. It was none of his business truly but he wanted to know, he wanted to know the guy was good enough, not that anyone was, himself included.

Silently, Ezra took the coffee cup and sipped the scolding beverage. The searing pain in his mouth was a welcome relief to everything else he was feeling. "I wanted to see you," he answered simply. "I spent all of yesterday in boring meetings with people who make watching paint dry look like a fun friday night," Ezra chuckled. Watching paint dry was an expression he'd recently picked up from his mother. "I wanted to see you but I guess I wasn't the only one, maybe next time i should just make an appointment,"
Lyra watched Ezra, trying to keep her emotions in check. It was a little uncomfortable to have Ezra in the room with Lanithro still in her bed. At least he was asleep and not privy to their conversation. She knew how much he disliked drama. The blonde shrugged her shoulders, not seeing how knowing the name would make a difference to him. “It’s Lanithro Styx.” she said, knowing he might very well recognize the name as the person who was her first boyfriend. Ezra knew a lot about her at this point, and Lanithro was one of her best friends on top of the fact that she was also sleeping with him. She was sure he had come up in a conversation or two.

While Ezra’s answer to her question was sweet and should make her feel happy, it only reaffirmed her earlier worries that he was developing real feelings for her. Something they had both agreed wouldn’t happen. Lyra cared about Ezra, and she enjoyed his company more than most, but it didn’t change the fact that she was resolved to stay out of any type of commitment. In fact, his words stung her in a way she had not thought was possible. She looked at him sharply. “Don’t start acting so high and mighty. I’m sure you are still seeing other women. You probably had one in your bed last night. The difference is only that you showed up, unannounced, and Lanithro just happened to still be here. We had an agreement.” Lyra said, her tone growing angrier.
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Ezra knew the name, for a few reasons and it made him flinch in disgust. He looked over at the bedroom door, he was trying his best not to picture the two together but his mind was in overdrive. He needed to leave, he had no business being there. Without realising it Ezra had built up their relationship into something it wasn't in his own head. He'd never done that before and it was a mistake he never wanted to make again. He'd learn the hard way not to catch feelings. When Lyra began to berate him for being hurt and angry over something he was likely doing too he knew he had to correct her. Something about that moment felt final, like whatever they had would soon be over and he'd never see her again. If that was the truth she needed to know.

"You're wrong, There was no one last night. There hasn't been anyone since ypu," Ezra hated every word that came out of his mouth. It didn't sound like him. "You're right who you sleep with when I'm not around is none of my business but I can't help it if I care! I know what our arrangement was, or is I don't know but it seems I've broke it," Ezra was treading a line he wasn't sure he would he able to come back from. "This wasn't the plan ok, I didn't plan to fall in love you with you," That had been the last thing he should have said. Ezra put down his cup and began walking to the door. "I shouldn't be here,"
Shock and confusion washed over Lyra Potter as Ezra began to tell her that there was no one else. That there hadn't been anyone else since he had begun seeing Lyra, but it didn't make any sense. From everything she knew about him, from his words or other people's words, it seemed impossible. Ezra Cade only had hookups or girlfriends that were meaningless to him. She knew that from James. It was part of the reason she had approached him that night in the bar when he had first bought her a drink. She had told him she wasn't looking for a relationship, and he had made a joke about it being better to keep your options open.

Just when Lyra thought things couldn't get any weirder, Ezra said something to her that she had never planned on hearing from someone outside her family again. Ezra admitted to being in love with Lyra Potter. How had she missed it? Had there been signs? Or was it all part of a manipulation? It was true that he spent many of his nights with her, even traveling to her Quidditch matches, but Ezra was always so careful to keep it low key, just like they both wanted. The blonde nearly choked on her coffee, but before she could respond, he was turning to leave. Her temper flared up at his retreating figure. "Wait, what? Are you kidding me? Is this just another game to you?" Lyra said, confusion and shock still in her voice. "You do not get to say those things to me and then just run out the door. There is no way you could possibly love me. Don't lie to me just to try and hurt me because you are jealous." she said accusingly, actually feeling a little hurt which was the last emotion she thought she'd feel right now.
Part of him had wanted Lyra to let him go, part of him had wanted her to ask him to stay but he hadn't truly known what to expect. She was made at him. How could she be mad at him? Sure what he had said was unexpected and went completely against their arrangement, but the fact he was trying to leave was his way of saying he wasn't expecting anything from what he said. That clearly wasn't what Lyra was taking from the whole thing. Her reaction to what he said hurt him more than Lanithro being in the next room. After all their time together she actually thought he was capable of hurting her. That he'd tell try to manipulate her in such a way.

"A game? You think this is a game? I'm leaving because I know this isn't what you want, you don't want a relationship and that's fine but I can't do this anymore," Ezra moved away from the door and closer to Lyra. "I meant what I said, I'm not lying to you and I don't want to hurt you, I'm trying to give you want by leaving," Ezra sighed and leaned against the counter. He didn't want to get angry and snap at Lyra but she needed to believe him.
Ezra moved away from the door, turning back to her as he spoke. He was calm, much more calm than Lyra was right now. He was serious, and it took a moment for that to sink in to Lyra’s thick skull. Why was it that these declarations of love always caught her off guard? Felix had also sprung those three little words on her when she least expected it. A stabbing pain passed through her gut as she thought of Felix. She had pushed him away for this very same reason.

Lyra was visibly upset, and there was nothing that could be done about it now. Tears of frustration welled up in her eyes. She believed him. Ezra was in love with her. “Why? Why did you have to ruin everything? You didn’t have to tell me.” Lyra said, frustrated.
Lyra didn't seem to get that he hadn't planned on telling her how he felt. He hadn't wanted to tell her, it came out against his better judgment. Ezra had made Lyra upset and that was the last thing he had wanted. The whole situation was a mess, he'd just wanted to see her as a refreshing change of pace after stuffy business meetings for days. "I'm sorry," He said. It was a word he hardly ever said, it was rare Ezra was sorry for anything he did but Lyra had brought a lot out in him that he didn't know existed and now it seemed that after it all, things would be over between them. He doubted things could remain casual after what he had blurted out and Lyra had been clear she didn't want anything more. Her feelings on the matter clearly hadn't changed. Ezra let out a sigh as he leaned back.

"I really did ruin it didn't I," He added matter of factly. What they had been so good since day one and Ezra had spoiled it all by catching feelings. It was such a James move. "I should have kept my mouth shut I'm sorry, but I should go, I doubt your friend would appreciate the company if he woke up,"
Sleeping like the dead was a Zhefarovich speciality, which Lanithro was no exception. During the commotion in the other room, the young man remained sound aslee, that is until he managed to kick the covers off of his body’s. The former Gryffindor’s golden eyes peeped open as he rose up from the bed. It was not the first time he was in Lyra’s bed and definitely not the first time he rose from sleep after she had. However, something peeked his interest as he heard he frustration in Lyra’s voice and the sound of another male. Naturally, the lad got up, put on his pants while missing his boxers. Who knew where they were at. He walked out of the bedroom and gave a tired wave to the two. He went past them and to the fridge, digging out a soda to wake up to. “Morning,” yawned the Styx as he opened the bottle to take a sip. He walked around until he stood somewhat behind Lyra, just in case anything got out of hand. After all, he was highly protective of her.
Lyra had shared many personal things about herself with Ezra, but she had shared her complicated history with Felix or the fact that he was going to propose to her the night she broke up with him. Ezra apologized and seemed to accept the fact that he had broken things between them. “I’m afraid so. We can’t keep doing this if you love me. I don’t want to hurt you.” Lyra told him, truthfully. It was why she pushed people away before they could get too close. It was clear that he assumed Lyra did not have feelings for him, which was not true, but she didn’t correct him. “I told you the night we first started this that I’m never getting married. I don’t believe in that sort of love anymore.” Lyra said, frankly.

As the blonde spoke, Lanithro Styx came out of the bedroom in only his pants since Lyra was currently wearing his shirt. She knew what she was saying wouldn’t bother him, and she didn’t care if he heard their conversation since she would tell him about it anyways. Lyra was grateful for him and knew there was no danger of him catching feelings for her. That part had disappeared ages ago. He moved to stand behind her. “Good morning. Sleep well?” Lyra asked, drily. She had often joked with him about his ability to sleep through anything. She smiled at him, briefly, before diverting her eyes back to Ezra.
Ezra was at a loss. Lyra confirmed what he had been thinking and just like that what they had was gone, there was no going back. "I never said I wanted to marry you," He said simply. In truth he didn't know if or how his feelings for Lyra had effected what he wanted. If he could feel what he felt for Lyra, would he feel it for someone else and would he want to marry them? He didn't know and he didn't want to think about it. Ezra didn't know what he wanted to do, but he knew he couldn't stay there. With the emergence of Lyra's bed buddy it only made him feel more unwelcome. Ezra eyed Lanithro as he took a somewhat defensive position behind Lyra. His demeanor changed at the introduction of someone else, more like the Ezra everyone else knew. "I was just leaving," Ezra said firmly heading back towards the door. He looked back at Lyra wondering what he could say but there was nothing. Everything had been said, their positions were clear, the only thing left to do was go. So he did.
Lanithro took a long drink of his soda to wet his dry mouth, before he would go brush his teeth. Doing that in the reverse order would make the soda taste terrible, so he had to do it this way. He grinned a bit when Lyra asked him if he had slept well, "Of course." It was rare now if he didn't have a good night's sleep. Then again, losing his mother did cause him to have some restless nights when it first happened. She was dead, at least, that was what his father said. Whether it was true or not, he wasn't sure, but he would just believe that she was. So, in a way, he knew exactly what Lyra went through when she lost her mother. Only difference is that he still had his dad, and Lyra had a father-like figure. That Carter fellow.

The former Gryffindor looked to the other male. Ezra? He wasn't sure, since he barely cared or listened when Lyra spoke of other men. Why would he? As long as she was playing safe, it wouldn't affect him any. In fact, something like this was what he wanted. Relationships in general were too hard for him. The girls always cheated, or he had the strain of his relationship with Hamish cause so much damage to his mental state, he got drunk over the Christmas holiday and became a father of three, with three different women, all at the same time. Also, Hamish had a thing on the side as well. It never worked well for Lanithro. Ever. "Why? I could cook breakfast or something. Or go out for take out, doesn't matter," his attempt to ease the tension was not working well at all. Especially since his tone wasn't exactly friendly, nor was it hostile.
The conversation was growing more uncomfortable by the minute. Ezra hadn't said he wanted to marry her, but what was the point in loving someone if you didn't want them to be a part of your future? Lyra couldn't stomach the idea of anyone depending on her in a permanent, long-term way. It was what she was trying so desperately to prevent that with Felix, who she was still in love with if she was being totally honest. Lyra's attention snapped back to Lanithro as he invited Ezra to stay for breakfast, or possibly go out to breakfast. The blonde was glad that Lanithro was standing so close to her because it gave her the perfect opportunity to elbow him sharply in the ribs. "Lanithro." she hissed, clearly upset by the suggestion. "I'm sure Ezra has better places to be or something to do." she said, firmly, trying to put the suggestion out of everyone's heads. Not that she thought for a second Ezra would accept. Looking at Ezra Cade's retreating figure, Lyra felt a pang of heartache. She might not love Ezra, but it didn't mean she didn't care for him.

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