Messing about

James Hill

Well-Known Member
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
James wandered down to the quiditch pitch with a good broom in his hand. His uncle and aunty had brought it fro him as a present to make him feel better. He rolled it around in his hand for a little bit and then climbed aboard for some major practise and messing about. He had invited Aly to come down with him but he didn't know if she would come.

James flew high into the air and then nose dived down to the ground before going around the pitch a couple of times. He did a nice clean stop and then wobbled onto the hard ground. "Right, i had better practise that!" He said to no one in particular and repeated the same thing until he got it right. He kept looking towards the school to see if someone would come down to him and practise with him.
Alyssa gruffly walked onto the quidditch pitch and looked up at the Hufflepuff boy flying around. Alyssa had a serious bone to pick with this boy.

"HEY!" she hsouted hoping itt would get his attention. Alyss held her broom in her other hand at the current moment.
(Could you possibly use a more showing color? I can't read what you say otherwise!!! James xx)

James smiled as Aly walked onto the pitch. He flew down and stopped cooly next to her. "Yeh." He said in response. "What can i do for you? Can you fly?" He asked, "Then lets go!" He shouted before she could respond and with that he flew high in the sky and whistled through his teeth for her.
((Like what color do you have in mind??))

"Um thanks for inviting me and all.....but I have no clue who you are and why I'm here." Alyssa muttered and crossed her arms over her chest while she stared at James. Alyssa knew he was Kate's cousin and that was about it. Other than that nothing.

Then he has this CRAZY idea to bring her outside to g flying with some kid she never met. It was somewhat insulting.

(((Sorry if Alyssa seems very mean. She doesn't know your character yet so that's going to be one of her first responses.))
((Don't worry!! I am use to rude characters. :p A blue or purple would be great! Or a deep pink just not light colors))
James smiled and winked at Aly as he had flown down to earth. "Well, i just wondered if you could fly?" He stated. Secretly he had fallen in love with her and thought that flying would be fun for them both. He held out his hand and said, "Come on! Climb onto your broom and lets go." He said as he retreated his hand and then went for the loop the loop. "What can you do?" He asked as he flew around.
Alyssa continued to frown. The boy still hadn't told her his name which she thought was rude enough. But to wonder if she could fly too? If felt almost as if he was insulting her.

"Of course I can fly. What do I look....retarded?!" Alyssa shrieked. "And you still haven't told me your name!" Alyssa hated to admit that this boy was a somewhat strange one.
((I see what you mean - you aren't that nice at first!! :p ))
James flew back down and replied, "I didn't mean it like that. I know loads of people who can't fly. My name is James, James Hill. It is nice to meet you again." He stated as he stood there waiting for her to do the next move.

((Can you start to like him. I am running out of ideas for what to do!!)
Alyssa sighed and mounted her broom. The least she could do is start to fly with James. She didn't want him to think she was a complete snob or anything. Once Alyssa had mounted her broom she kicked off the ground and floated in the air for a minuet before she gracefully flew up to about the height James was.

" you play Quidditch James?" Alyssa asked in a sly tone..
James grinned at Aly as she climbed on and he flew rather high up so she would have to come up to his level. She asked him about playing quiditch and he honestly replied, "Well, i was the team seeker. But then i had to go home while i was ill and they found another player. But i still love to come out here and mess around. My aunty and uncle brought me this broom yesterday. To make me feel better for what happened." He stated as he rubbed the wood in his hand.
"Eh....I want to try out next year. I want to be Beater. But no one thinks I could handle it." Alyssa muttered slightly agrrivated. Any idiot could hit something with a bat. Just because she was a girl it didn't mean she couldn't hit.

"'s an all right broom." Alyssa added in carefully. She didn't want this boy to get attached or anything. Besides....she liked her broom more. It matched her personality better.
James smiled at Aly, "Kate's parents brought it for me. When i was 4, my mum died, and 4 days ago, my dad died as well. I am now an orphan. They brought it for me to make me feel better. It is a firebolt." James said quietly before flying off.
James shrugged at Aly, "My mum died when i was 4. She had an illness and they only found it when it was too late. The same happened to my dad 4 days ago." James sad sadly.
Changing the subject he asked, "Do you fancy a race?"
Alyssa tried to keep her face without emotion as James explained the death of his parents. She was relieved to here that they hadn't died because of death eaters. Alyssa vaguely wondered if James knew that she had death eaters inside her family.

"Sure I'll race." Alyssa smiled and gripped her broom as she flew over to James. "Where will the finish line be?" She asked.
James grinned at Aly, she was softing up! "Well, i think it should be back here by these goal posts." He said as he pointed up at the ones above him, "And we have to fly around the outside twice!" James replied as he gripped him broom. "Ready, steady, GO!" He shouted as they zoomed off into the distance. James leant lower and more forward on his Firebolt as he got nearer to the start again.
After going around once he sped up some more.

((You can win if you want as long as Aly doesn't write or say anything funny about James! Only nice stuff!!))
Alyssa nodded her head and pulled back on the broom as she sped foward. She quickly gained up speed and soon found herself flying next to James. She smiled and waved and sped foward a little.

Once they had gone around once Alyssa noticed James speed up. Alyssa took immediant notice of this and sped a little herself.

"Come on James!" Alyssa coaxed hoping it would get him to speed up.
James smirked at Aly in a friendly way and sped up much more. The race finished with them both in a draw.

((I have done it like this because then no one can tease or get grumpy with the other!))

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