Mess a life up?

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Elspeth Brookes

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ceara (Melissa)
Willow wand, 14" with Unicorn hair
I'm really mean to Elspeth.... And I'm doing it again.

Elspeth was happy for her first year at Hogwarts but then her mother died, leaving her an orphan with no known family. Then she went a little crazy. Just as she was getting over that, Lexi bet her up :r . While she was staying at the Halfway House her cat Pebbles, one of the last things her mother gave her, died. She returned to school and received a letter from her long-lost aunt, who she later met in Brightstone.

I'm looking for,
bullies, :mad:
enemies, :glare:
friends, (especially if the friends will be a bad influence) :hug: :woot:
maybe a boyfriend :wub: (long term or short term), but I know guys are in short supply here xD
By mess up, what do you mean? Can you elaborate a little more? I might have someone for you.
I can bring Ai out as an enemy as well. She's a Ravenclaw that would have done better as a Slytherin and hates the world. Elspeth can get on her bad side and Ai can start going after her when ever she can. :D
Just make her feel worthless, or mess with her head, or be a bad influence, making her break rules.

Ana - That's good. Do you want to start a topic or should I?
You should seeing as Ai would have to come across her :D
Avrille is Ai's best friend/cousin and is almost exactly like her and would not have a problem being awful to Elspeth as long as she doesn't know she is an orphan because she knows what that is like, having been one herself.
Ohh lookie lookie Avrille. New blood.
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