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Cecily Rambolt

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Tulip Wood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Cecily sat down on the pouf on the floor. She'd found a bunch of them on her skiing weekend. The muggles called them bean bag chairs. It was hardly a chair but they were very fun to use.

She was opening her book to see what would happen to Martin Miggs in his latest adventure when she thought she heard someone come through the door.
Zoe walked into the meeting room, and saw the professor sitting on a funny looking chair. "Good afternoon professor!" She said happily, as she walked towards an empty 'chair', and looked at it puzzlingly.
Hilary smiled as she walked into the Wild Patch club. She saw that only the professor and Zoe had arrived and were sitting on what she recognised as muggle bean bags. "Hi guys." she said as she pulled one over to the other two and plopped down into it.
"Hello!" Cecily was smiling at them happily. "They're called 'bean bag chairs'. Aren't they weird?" She settled into hers more comfortably. "They're really fun to sit on though,"she said in puzzlement.

"Well, normally we'd wait for everybody else to get here, but until then I'd like to talk to both of you. I'm so happy you've taken over responsibility of the club,"she said, looking back and forth between Zoe and Hilary. "It'll still be about Herbology and the extra things I can't fit into my classes, but I'd like to hear your ideas on what you'd like to see done. What would you both like to do, as the new leaders?"
Hilary thought about it she had had an idea of a group/school activity. "Okay, well I have a rather large idea. We should have something like a plant-a-thon, where we plant flowers and flowering plants. Then we could add some benches and maybe even a pathway. In the end it could be a flower garden, or a quiet courtyard where people can go to quietly read, think or write. For that we may need to ask the headmistress but I thought I'd pass the idea through here first." Hilary took a breath, not having realised it would take her that many words to share her idea. She just looked back at forth between Zoe and Professor Rambolt attempting to read their expressions.
Zoe listened to Hilary's idea, and smiled, "That is a really good idea! I'm all for it!" She exclaimed.

"I was thinking that we plant some fruits in that garden, if we do make one, then we can cook them, or make food with them and have a party of some sort with the food we make?" She asked, realising it goes a little off the topic of Herbology.
Hilary just waited to see what the professor would think of the two ideas.
Naomi walked into the Wild Patch Club meeting room. She figured that there would be some kind of officer meeting going on before the official meeting but she decided to come alittle earlier anyways. She entered the room quietly and sat on the nearest bean bag.

Once there was a pause of silence Naomi decided to speak up. That does sound like a really good idea. And maybe we could get each house to sponsor a section of the garden and they customize it. Like the Gryffindors can have a some danillions or something like that." Naomi hoped that her suggestion didn't mess up the follow of ideas that were already going on.
Cecily listened thoughtfully and was about to say something when Naomi walked in. "Hello Naomi! I'm glad you could come,"she said, smiling at her.

"I think your ideas are wonderful! Very innovative! I've often wanted a garden to sit in and read my, um, books,"she slid the adventures of Martin Miggs behind her beanbag chair with chagrin.

"And fruit and vegetables! I don't have nearly enough in my stores anymore. I keep running out of time and having a courtyard with benches and flowers and produce!" Cecily clasped her hands together in excitement.

"I think that getting the houses together would be a wonderful way to spark kenship amongst them."

She snapped her fingers and a piece of long parchment appeared with a quill. She started mumbling and nodding. "Of course, of course,"she said, smiling.

"I've recorded that in our notes for this meeting. We'll talk more on it at the end of the meeting. Now, Hilary and Zoe, I'd like to address you two real quick. Is there anything besides Herbology that you'd like to do in this club? It can be related or unrelated. I'd like to know what you two think should be the clubs focus. Like field trips, exploring different and exotic plants, projects?"
Zoe had remembered some things when she had gone into the forbidden forest. "There are some really interesting plants that are in the forbidden forest, maybe we could go and see some of them?" She said, realising it was probably not going to happen.

"Maybe we could also learn about which plants are a key ingredient for which types of potions, and learn how to make them, as long as they aren't advanced." She said, then tried to get a little more comfortable in the bean bag chair.
Cecily smiled and gestured at the quill, which scratched eagerly across the parchment. "I definitely think going into the Forbidden forest is a grand idea. There are many plants I'd love to introduce you to there. We might have to have an escort, but I'll run that past Alicia."

"Oh yes! The wheelbarrow race will definitely be on again this year,"she grinned. "It was a success last year and I think we could do a grand thing this year with new leadership,"she winked at them.

"Okay...,"she paused, looking over the list. "Naomi, do you have any thoughts you'd like to add for the club to do?"
"Nope I have nothing to add." Naomi said with a smile. "I am just excited to start the new year."
Zoe nodded, "I agree." She said, then looked around, a little dissapointed in the show of people. "How many more people still have yet to show?" She asked, curiously.
Naomi thought for a moment. "Is Lily Potter still active in the club? Other than that I only think we are missing the new members."
"Yes, it's not quite the turnout I thought it would be either,"Cecily murmured, disappointed.

"Well, how about we adjourn our meeting, unless anyone else has anything to add, of course. Then I thought maybe we should throw a welcome party for our new members. We could have it in the Room of Requirement...or somewhere else, if any of you know of a more eventful place?"
"Nope, I think the Room of Requirement would be a great idea! We can ask for a decorated room, for a welcoming party, and get it!" She exclaimed, beginning to get a little ahead of herself.
Cecily clasped her hands together, getting rather excited about it herself. "Wonderful! So Zoe and Hilary, as your first act as leaders, I'd love for you two to do the honors of setting up the party in the Room of Requirement. I'll send out the invitations by owl asap."

(Once you two have the topic posted at the Room of Requirement, I'll PM all members with the link and invite them there. It can be any theme you two would like. <:p )
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