Meeting With Mark.

Tyson Mathews

Well-Known Member
Tyson was sat on the grassy cliffs, hoping that Mark would make the effort to show his face sometime soon. They had arranged to meet, as they hadn't spoken in a while, and Tyson needed advice, on that very important topic of girls...

Tys had always been rubbish with girls, but Mark was an expert, and knew exactly what he was doing. So with Mark being Tyson's best mate, and a girl genius, he needed to ask him, about how he was supposed to ask out a girl.

Tys was just about to leave for the boys dorm, when he saw Mark's face appear in the distance...Tys smiled, 'Typical Mark,' He thought, 'Always Late.'
Mark walked slowly up the hill leading to the cliffs. He knew that he was late but couldnt be bothered to hurry up. As he got to the top he saw Tyson smile at him, He stuck his thumb up at him and returned his smile. "You alright mate, sorry about the lateness but i was held up with my studies." He gave Tyson a man hug befor sitting next to him to hear what he wanted.
Tys laughed. "Held up with your studies...what studies? Girl ones?" Tys then returned the man hug to Mark then smiled at him as he took a seat next to him.

"So Mate...speaking of girls...I don't...well......get'd ya do it Marky?" Tys smiled at Mark then giggled a little.
Mark let oout a huge sigh and then fell on his back and ran his hands through his hair. "You always ask me that and i always give the same answer Tyson." This was becoming a regular occurance for him now. "Just go out ith the girl you like. Be yourself, dont be the boy that they want you to be because it wont be you, just someone you are pretending to be." He sat back up and smiled. "So who is it now then, does Morgan have another sister or something."
Tys smiled then laughed at Mark as he mentioned Morgan. "Umm, Nooo, she's old news dude...there's a new girl I wanna ask out..." Tys flickered his eyebrows in quite a sexy way, then led next to Mark on his tummy, and ruffled his hair up.
Mark laughed at Tysons change in girl. "Mate your change in girls is more frequent than the weather. Stick with one will you, your amking my head hurt." He looked strait ahead and thought of Cece then of his family. He turned his attention back to Tyson. "So what is her name then?"
Tys smiled whilst he was thinking about her..."Mate, I think...well...I hope she's the one...her name's Alex...she's really nice." Tys smiled at Mark then giggled at little.
Mark smiled then chuckled. He thought that Alex was more a boy name than a girls name. " Cool well what is her last name and what school does she go to because you know if she goes to HNZ then you are very rarely gonna see her although i suppose you can write to her." Mark then thought about his little penpal who he had recently met but now she would soon have to go back to school and they would begin to write to each other again.
Tyson's smile turned to a look of thought as he struggled to remember her sirname..."Urm...I think it's Alex Smith? But I'll have to check...and yeah...she does go to Hogwarts..."
Mark froze. Alexia Smith was the girl that his best friend was in love with, his cousin, sister in all intents and purposes. He stood up and squared up at him. "She is taken she has a boyfriend, and Morgan was talking to me about asking you out for her. Mate Alexia is bad news stay away from her ok i think that Morgan is so much better for you." Mark was speaking fast and would not let his best friend date any of his family.
Tyson's smiled faded as Mark started to square him up. He pushed him away. "Mate, calm down will you...How does what Morgan wants change things?...She didn't seem so keen on having a relationship with me a few days ago...she's too afraid of her brother...I'll like who I want to thanks..." Tys turned away from Mark, then began to walk away in anger.
Mark turned around to him as he walked away. " Hey if she wasnt interested and too afraid of her brother then why has she stood up to him and why is he on his way to say that you can go out with her." Mark relaxed abit. Alexia had gone back to skool now so by the time she would comeout tyson would have gone off her.
Tyson stopped in his tracks and turned round as Mark told him that Morgan's brother was on his way. "What? Morgan stood up to him? Since when? Are you sure about that mate?" Tys relaxed, then began to walk back over towards Mark again. Maybe he did still have a thing for Morgan, he was just to obsessed with Alex to think about anything else. Alex would have to go back to school soon anyway, so there'd be no point in asking her out. Since when did I like Hogwarts Students? Tys thought to himself, then smiled and giggled a little as he reached Mark.
Mark eyed him as he walked back to him. " Since she has had enough with his protectiveness and the fact that he now has a boyfriend. Morgan diddnt think fair. And i am sure, she told me herself. But urm i must warn you, he still doesnt like it so dont expect any special treatment ok, he olny likes me becaseu i am friends with his boyfriend." He looked down the hill as he spotted Joshua.
Josh was about to do something that he really diddnt want to do. Morgan had been on a him for weeks and he couldn't take any more of it so he had talked with Mark and had arranged to meet with Tyson soon. He diddn't like the fact that this boy might be his little sisters boyfriend and if he even put a toe out of line then josh would surely put it back or even rip it out for good. As he neared the top of the hill he spotted Mark and then Tyson. He walked up close him and squared up, for show obveously but he did look pretty scary. " So Punk do you still like my baby sister after our little chat or are you happy living?" Josh was beging to enjoy himself.
Tys prepared himself for what was about to happen as he spotted Josh walking up the hill. As Josh reached himseld and Mark, Tys took a step back. "Urm, yeah I do still like your sister actually...but I wouldn't call he a baby...I mean...I don't fall in love with babies..." Tys was keeping his distance from Josh because he hated him, but he wasn't so scared of him any more, he knew what he was like, and hoped that he now knew how to deal with it.
Josh stared at this kid as he madea sarcy comment. He really diddn't like him and wanted to make this a short as possible. " Well Tyson luckeyly for you Morgan does like you, but if you ever hurt her in anyway sthat she doesnt like then you will be going head first into the sea down there. Got it." Josh took his wand out and gave it alittle flickand sparks came out and landed on the floor very near to Tyson and gave a loud bang and threw mud every where. Josh did this a few times and then smiled at mary and walked over to him. " Cya later little dude." He ruffled Marks hari up then began to jog back down the hill.
Tys moved away from the mud being flickered at him. He was glad when Josh dissapeared. "Did you hear that mate...Morgan is free from the chains of her horrible brother over there? She can be with me..." Tys then suddenly realised that he was rubbish with girls..."Ummm, can you...set it always mate...please?" Tys knew that Mark would probably be getting fed up of setting him up with girls by now, but Morgan was special, and Tys was hoping that Mark had realised that.
Mark rolled his eyes at Tyson's reaction. " Mate Josh isnt horrible. He is a pretty cool guy, its just that your going to be going out with his baby sister. I Mean look at how i acted when all you said was that you have a crush on Alexia, she is more or less my baby sister." Mark folded his arms across his chest at the thought of his best friend kissing Alexia. He sighed. "You should no that you dont have to ask me Tyson, i have already done it anyway, she said yes. So there we go you have a girlfriend.... Finaly."
Tys smiled widely then jumped in excitement. "Thanks Mate." Tys said as he gave Mark a massivly long man hug. "So, where is she, I want to see her...I want to see my girlfriend." He couldn't help smiling, then laughing at the thought of him having a girlfriend. "What is wrong with me?" Tys thought. "I'm Tyson Mathews...I don't get...GIRLFriends..."
Morgan skipped up the hill. She was on her way to see Mark and Tyson. It seemed that you couldnt have one without the other. She saw Mark first and her hear began to race. He was so good looking,but he wasnt her boyfriend. She saw Tyson second and began to giggle. He was her boyfriend, and he was who she was going to be with. When she got to the top of the hill she began to speak to them. "Hello boys, how are we today?" She tried to act casual like nothing was happening.
Tys smiled as he saw Morgan happily skip up the hill. He ran down to meet her, then gave her a great big hug, and a small kiss on the lips. "Hello are you this afternoon?" Tys said as he gently took hold of her hand, then walked the remainders of the hill with her.
Morgan was shocked when she got a face ful of Tyson. Mark must have told him already. She walked the hill with Tyson holding her hand. She smiled at Mark as she reached him. "Hi Mark." She gave him alittle wave then wrapped her arms around Tysons waist and hugged him tightly.
Tys smiled and was happy when Morgan gave him a hug back.

"Yeah, Hi Mark." He said sarcastically, as they had been together all day pretty much. Tys then let go of Morgan's hand, and put the same arm around her, so that his hand hung over her far shoulder. "You Okay Today?" He asked Morgan.
Morgan smiled up at Tyson. "Yes im fine thanks. You?" Then she remember something that her brotherhad told her. She looked at Mark. "Oh Mark Josh wants to talk to you about something in private. He told me to tell you after i came." She smiled quickly him then looked over to the sea and smiled

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