Meeting the Family

Jacqueline Styx

Transfig Professor // Scitorari Leader
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Jacqueline smoothed her dress nervously. She rarely felt pressured about anything but this was a big event. She was introducing the most important man in her life to her children. Her only wish was that they would behave. Raziel was a nice, good man. She had begun lately to dream of marrying him one day. It was important he liked her children. Jac knew her little Katheryn would be a sweetheart, but the older two she wasnt so sure about.

Cameron and Kiera were the difficult ones. Jac thought that Cam would get on with Raz because Raziel was physically fit and enjoyed many of the same things as Cameron. It was his mother that Cameron had the problem with. Kiera was stubborn. Clearly the middle child was a daddy's girl and Jacqueline had no allusions that Kiera would be pleased to find her mother dating Raziel. Jacqueline sighed. She hoped Raziel would show up before her children did. She always felt calmer around him. He was quickly becoming the sun in her sky.
Raziel had arrived at the house on time and had no time finding the beautiful home of Jacs. Raziel was so glad that he was finally going to meet Jac's family, it was the only thing left that was holding him back from moving to the next level of commitment with Jacqueline. Raziel and Jac had been dating for a while now and they had come along way but Raziel never got to meet Jac's kids until today.

Raziel walked upto the door and knocked on the door.
Jacqueline heard a knock at the door. She walked in a cool collected way to the door. She hoped it was Raziel. She sighed happily as she opened the door to his face. She felt her body relax at the sight of him. Everything would be okay, she just knew it.
"Hi." she said grinning at him as she leaned in for a hug. "Come on in." she told him, leading the way to the next room, which was a sitting room. "The children should be here any minute. I hope they behave themselves." she said nervously.
Katheryn made her way up to the front gate with Kiera and Cameron behind her. Both her brother and her sister had only visited her mother once. Neither one of them could find the house on their own so they followed Kat. She had lived with her mother for a year when she dropped out of Hogwarts. Katheryn loved her mother dearly and was pleased she had asked them all to visit her over the holidays.

Katheryn went over to the stone wall by the gate. She pressed her palm to the right stone and the gate creaked open. Kat turned to smile at her sister and brother. She knew neither one was thrilled to be here. Katheryn skipped happily up to the main door. "Come on you two! Momma has a surprise!" she said excitely.
Kiera looked up at her mother's house. It apparently was an old family possession that Jacqueline had accquired from the Burkes. Kiera did not want to be her. She still had the memory of the first time she had been here in her mind. It had not been pleasant at all. Kiera couldnt imagine what Jacqueline had to tell all three of them. Kiera turned to her older brother Cameron. She took his hand for comfort and strength. Katheryn opened the gate and practically ran forward. Kiera rolled her eyes at her sister's words. Kiera sighed and followed Kat.
Cameron scowled at Katheryn's enthusium about whatever their mother had to tell them. Personally, he had no respect for Jacqueline. She had abandoned their family after all. Cameron felt Kiera take his hand and he looked down at her. He gave her an encouraging smile as he put his arm around her and hugged her. "It will be alright. I'm here. Promise." he assured her as they walked to the front door. To Katheryn he said, "Go on then Kitty. Knock."
Raziel walked into the manner and placed a kiss on jac's for head as he grabbed her hand to stand beside her, Raziel could sense Jac's nervousness as she spoke about her childern behaving. Raziel closed his eyes to try and see how the meeting would go but as he did he notice the childern walking up the drive already. He opened his eyes and decided that he had to go with it today and he would be fine. He whispered into Jac;s ear "The childern are hear love they are coming up the drive now." Raziel stood with confidence and awaited the childern
Jacqueline smiled up at Raziel, feeling more relieved at his words. She squeezed his hand before going to open the door for her children. She took a deep breath and threw open the door. "Katheryn, Kiera, Cameron." she said giving them each a hug. She smiled at them as she motioned them into the room. She thought she might as well get the introduction over now. "Children." she said as she walked back to Raziel. "This is Raziel Black. He is my boyfriend." she informed them all. "Raziel," she said to the handsome man beside her. "This is Katheryn, Kiera and Cameron." she said motioning to each one of them. Jac held her breath as she waited to see how the meeting would go.
Katheryn hugged her mother back tightly. Then she noticed the man standing behind her mom. She was intrigued by the man. She couldnt imagine who that was. Until her mother announced his name was Raziel and he was her boyfriend. Katheryn's head spun. She was happy if her mother was happy. Katheryn grinned at the two of them. Kat walked right up to them. "Hi. Its nice to meet you. I am Kat." she told him smiling. Then she moved to stand by Jacqueline. She was sure an explosion was about to erupt from Kiera.
Kiera did not hug her mother back. She was not on friendly terms with the woman and it only made it worse that she was taking Kiera's time away from her father. Kiera had just stepped in the door when she saw a man standing alittle ways back. Kiera turned to look at her mother as she introduced the man. Raziel? That was an unusal name but she was sure she had heard it before. Where had she heard it? Kiera's thoughts were interrupted as Jacqueline announced he was her boyfriend. When had this happened? Kiera gripped Cam's hand harder. She glared back and forth between the man and her mother. "Are you a Death Eater too?" she asked sharply. This Raziel had a right to know if he didnt already.
Cameron could sense Kiera getting upset. He gripped her shoulders to keep her from doing anything rash. Cameron shrugged at this Raziel. "Nice to meet you man. I am Cam." he said in a nonchalant manner. He wondered who this man was to his mother and just how serious it was. Why did she think it would work between them when it had ended in disaster for his parents. "So Raziel. What do you do for a living?" he asked curiously as he continued to hold Kiera.
Raziel stood and watched the three childer each in turn to see who they would react to there mother's announcement. The first to react was the youngest katheryn. Overall she seemed rather kind and very polite she seemed to be the closet to Jac then the other two. Next was Kiera she seemed to want to have nothing to do with her mother and when she spoke she was rather harsh and hurtful if Raziel had not known Jac was a Death Eater he did now. The last was Cameron seemed the most reseved but so was Raziel so he knew that Cameron was the one who spoke reason in the family.

Raziel made the mental notes and once he took everything in he spoke with confidence .

"It is nice to meet you all, I am Raziel Black and I am an active Auror for the Ministry of magic. I know your mother's past and now she has told me she wish to turn over a new leaf and she is helping me keep taps on the Death Eater movement. I assure you that I am no Death Eater and never will I join there ranks.

Kiera and katheryn you both attend hogwarts you may have known my nephew Makato Black, or my brother Sebastien Black or even Corvin Black. All of them have been apart of hogwarts when they were here.

Cameron Durmstrang is a fine school and you are also a fine student, I have seen you performance during the triwizard tournament. What a splendid job you did"

Raziel waited for there response to his comment, he squeezed jac's hand confidently.
Jacqueline looked at Raziel nervously as Kiera had her outburst. Jac knew that the middle child would react in a bad way. She was the closest to her father and the one with the quickest temper. Jacqueline knew Cameron could take care of Kiera. He was close to her and typically could control her temper. "Kiera please behave!" she commanded of her child. Jac was pleased at the way Raziel handled the situation. She relaxed as he spoke. She hoped he did not think badly of her children, even though Kiera clearly did not care what he thought. Jacqueline smiled as he squeezed her hand. She moved slightly closer to him.
Kiera felt Cameron gripping her shoulder. It was obvious he wanted her to be nice. However, Raziel's next comment shocked her. He was an auror? Wasnt that ironic? A Death Eater and an Auror dating..Kiera almost smiled dispite herself. "And you actually believe she wants to change?" Kiera said, her tone clearly disbelief. Well if this man could make her mother really change maybe she could tolerate her when she was forced to be around. Still, Kiera couldnt forget the time Jacqueline had used her legimency on her. Kiera was revolted at the memory. That had been then end of her attempts to get along with Jacqueline.
Cameron was surprised when Raziel told them all he was an auror. How did he ever end up with his mother? "How do you like that job?" he asked. He was still trying to come up with a job for himself. Cameron felt Kiera's shoulders tense and he pulled her closer so that his arm was around her shoulders. Cameron grinned his crooked grin as Raziel complimented him on his preformance at the Triwizard Tournament. "Thanks sir. I just wish I had been allowed to finish the competition. I would have beaten those two girls easily." he said confidently. It was common knowledge that Cam would have won the tournament.
Katheryn stood quietly on the other side of her mother. She was pleased that Raziel was a respectable man. Kat honestly believed her mother was changing and Katheryn loved her dearly. Kat grinned at Raziel. "See Kiera? I told you she was changing and becoming a better person." Kat said in a smug whisper to her sister.
Raziel was glad at how the fast the tense seemed to lift he still felt the tense that was coming off kiera in waves but he knew it was not his business to worry about that now. Raziel commented Keira first because she seemed to be the one who was the least ready for a peaceful afternoon.

" I know for a fact at least currently that your mother has changed, you see I am a Seer and I have a knack for knowing the outcome of things." Raziel said with a smile as he then turned his attention to Cameron.

"I love my job and take pride in it very much, I personally think you would make a fine Auror but that is my opinion and I can not say it counts for much. As for beating the girls , I would not be quick to doubt there skills they I am sure both believe they could beat you as well. Maybe one day you and I could a have a friendly duel of course I would make it fair" Raziel smirked at the young man. ' Oh and speaking of duels you Miss Burke still owe me one" Raziel laughed as he walked around the woman to stand closer to katheryn.

"You young one stop picking on your sister, it is not nice" Raziel teased as he drew his wand and gave a quick flick and summoned a box of chocolates for the kat to have to herself. " I hope you do like chocolate cover cherries they are my favorite." Raziel said as he hand the box to the young girl and ressumed his rightful place next to Jac.
((Okay so this disappeared to students. Lets just say Kiera never got used to the idea. She doesnt understand why Jac would want to be with Raziel instead of her dad. But she agreed to visit again next break. Kat loved Raziel and loves him with her mother. She loved the chocolate Raziel got her. Cam thinks Raziel is an awesome guy and doesnt mind him dating his mother at all. He wants to visit again soon. That all sound good??))
Okay awesome!!

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