Meeting people in the grass.

Carter Taylor

Well-Known Member
Carter was messing around on her own in the long grass of the school lawn. Since she had been placed into Ravenclaw, Carter had decided that she would study more and take school more seriously than she had before, however, she decided that any free time she had before the term started properly would be spent having fun and doing whtever she felt like at the time.

At the moment she was playing army. It was a game she hed played when she was younger, you spread a bit of mud on your cheeks and crawled through the grass pretending you were on a drill. As she went, Carter looked behind her to see the long trail of flattened grass she had left behind, not turning back in time to notice the person in her way. The poor person got headbutted in the shins. "Owie."
It was beautiful winter day. Myra smiled as he grabbed his Ravenclaw sweater. He had planned to finish his book at the outdoors. He had spent far too much time in the library and in the Ravenclaw Common room, and he had decided that he needed some sunlight. He looked up from the trashy romance novel he had in his hands, and smiled at the awesome and picturesque view of the Great Lawn. He had been there perhaps once or twice, but didn't really bother to really check it out. Myra looked at the flowers and the leaves. They all looked so nice.

Myra smiled, before going back to his book. He didn't really enjoy it much, but being the bookworm that he was, Myra was determined to finish it, even if it meant forcing himself to read. He continued to walk, oblivious to his surroundings, as he flipped the page one after another. Turning to chapter eighteen of the book, Myra felt something crash into the lower part of his leg. "Ouch!" he yelled in surprise, as he wondered what in earth had just knocked into him. Perhaps a garden gnome?

He closed his book, and found himself looking down at a girl who had mud on her face. Myra looked at her, his eyebrows raised. "Are you okay?" Mya asked, being the super friendly guy that he was.
Carter looked up as she heard a male voice. She placed her hand over the top of her head where she had hit him. "Um, yeah. Sorry abou that." Carter grinned at him and sat up properly. She wiggled her nose slightly, kind of like a mouse, as the dirt began to stiffen across her face. "Is your leg okay?" She hoped she hadn't hurt him, he seemed nice and she would feel bad if she had.
Myra smiled slowly at the girl. She did seem a little stressed about the whole thing. Or perhaps he scared her. It had always been the case from where he was. Almost all the kids were afraid of him, although he couldn't work out the reason. Myra smiled at the girl yet again before replying, "Oh no, its okay. I guess I didn't see you there. Sorry about that too." He nodded, when she asked whether he was okay. "Just came as a bit of surprise, but I'm perfectly fine." he said to her with an understanding smile.

"I'm Myra Yamashita." he said to her with a friendly grin. "But for some unknown reason, the kids around here call me Myralicious. You can call me that too, I don't mind." he added almost instantly.
Carter smiled at the nickname. "Myralicious.." She tried out the name, it kind of fit the boy. "That's cool. I'm Carter Taylor. I have no cool nickname though so we'll have to stick with Carter." She grinned, removing her hand from her head. "Good book?"
I'm so sorry, was on vacation.

Myra smiled at the girl, nodding as he began to think of his nickname. "I thought it was really funny when the other boys called me that but I soon got used to it. And hey Taylor, love the name!" he said excitedly with a smile. "Yeah, I'll call you Taylor, I'm fine with that." he replied with a re-assuring smile. "Oh yeah it is," he said showing her his novel. "Its really nice. You can read it if you want. I finished it a few days ago. Now just re-reading it." he answered with a smile. "Its really good, higly recommendable." he continued with another smile.
Carter grinned at Myra and moved so she could read the blurb of his book, it sounded cool. "Can I borrow it?" She asked, grinning up at the boy happily. He seemed nice, a good friend maybe. Carter always saw people as potential friends, even the girl that tipped a drink over her head, she just thought that girl was having a bad day.

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