Asben bit her apple, "I dont know about native american names, so i cant compare." she said. she new how the names were chosen in her herd it was what was dominant around at the time, of birth, Rowan had been found under a rowan tree, she had been born next to an aspen tree. "you generally don't get much choice in the matter, it picks you" she said not quite sure if he would understand, but if she said mush more she may as well start a herd of her own, a human herd.
when he asked about where the death was she pointed over her shoulder to where her arrow had ht the tree. "just there, the rabbit i was hunting, but it managed to escape, so its won its self another day, maybe a wolf will get it tonight, maybe it will learn and live until it dies of a disease" she said, sure life was important, but she still needed to eat.
"did i say they were my sisters? I don't think i did. but you are right, they were, over here i have two sisters and a brother, you are the brother, Rowan is one sister, and her sister is mine too think about it." she said wondering it he would get it, as briar was her sister, all of her family also belonged to aspen. so the girl the same hight as her who she called sister was her sister. back home i have a lot of sisters and brothers, family works different there but it's hard to explain. "I dont know what happened, I wasn't there, it was in herd territory so i couldn't even have a look after, but the end result was not pretty." she said not liking to think about it. his next question shocked her. she looked around the forest to make sure that there was nothing in ear shot. she looked around to make sure that there was no one near by, and arrows were not going to come flying at them, as although she wasn't allowed n the herds land, they could go wherever they wanted. when she was sure that they were alone she knelt down. so she was a more similar height to her. "that is not something to say in the forest when to dont know who is around, and don't say you have that silly spell as like you said we don't show up. now listen close as i will only say this once. I could never betray my kind for calling them that, but i believe that they caused the death and it was unprovoked. but like i said i wasn't there" she said in a quiet rushed voice