Closed Meeting Another Vero

June Davenport

The best student and prefect, obviously ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
The blonde her second home at Hogwarts was between the books. June liked being there, reading and preparing for classes. She was always one step ahead, just like her father teached her. The letter she recieved from him, made it clear again that she should spend all the free time she had studying. Ofcourse there were some social events, which were also good for her status. But classes were number one priority. The blonde arrived at the library once again after her breakfast. And walked toward the table which she usually claimed. June liked having the best spots everywhere she went. And she was glad to see her table was still free. So the blonde put down her bag and grabbed a few books she needed who were close and some parchment with notes from the lessons. And started with her study for today.
Lorenzo felt the midsemester slump starting to hit as he watched time fade away from him. He knew that it was important to keep his grades up, especially with everyone going on at home. It was one less thing that his mother needed to worry about. After all, if her eldest couldn't be successful, that was more of a failure on her than him, and he hated disappointing her in any way. Grabbing his books and notes from astronomy and herbology, he had headed down to breakfast, grabbing some tea and bread, hoping none of the librarians would see him eating in the library - sustanance was important for long study sessions.

As he made his way into the library, Enzo noticed that most of the spots were already taken, something he found frustrating but also understood that he was not the only student trying to be academically successful. Seeing a table he usually liked to sit at, he noticed a familiar face and realized it was one of Tempest's friends. Or roommates. He wasn't really sure. His sister was quite a mystery to him, especially at school. He couldn't read her as easily anymore, and while she mentioned June, he wouldn't say his sister was the most popular or socialable girl. "Do you mind if I sit here to study? I won't bother you. The light is just nice here from the windows," he added, enjoyed the way the sun hit that table but didn't cause a glare.
As June was opening her book for Transfiguration and writed some parts down on some parchment an shadow or person was standing close to her. And as the person spoke to her and asked if he could sit there, she was firstly glad he asked. It was rude to just sit down, since June was kind of claiming this table with the books around her. But she was never messy, all organized. She had the feeling she had seen the persons face before, but was not sure. At least he was from Slytherin too. So she was not too annoyed by someone interupting her. '' I like this spot too.'' June than stated. And put an a short smile as she put her quill down. '' Go ahead. A fellow Slytherin is always welcome. Most of them at least.'' June said, thinking of some of her yearmates who were Slytherin but annoying. But smiled afterwards.
Enzo was glad the girl allowed him to sit at her table and laid his books down as he got set up. "Thanks," he responded, laughing a bit. He pondered on her comment for a moment, feeling like she had a point. There was this idea that your whole house would be full of people that were similar and become almost like a family. But people were people, and not everybody was going to get along or find each other's company enjoyable. "I'm not sure that we officially met, but I believe your friends with my sister, Tempest? I'm Lorenzo, but most people here call me Enzo," he said, taking a seat.
As she watched the boy put down his books, she put down her own quill for an moment. He seemed to smile at what she was saying, so that was good. June never backed down from communicating to older students. Sometimes she even liked it more, than speaking to people of her own age. As he than introduced himself, June was suprised by the fact she spoke to the brother of Tempest. Now that she took a closer look, he looked familliar. She had seen Tempest with him before and in the common room, but never spoke to him before. June now figured this was a good thing, she had no idea how this boy was but perhaps she could learn more from her friend through someone else. Tempest was also very closed it seemed, not that June blamed her. June herself was very closed off, although she didn't put that in the spotlights. She put on an smile and watched him. '' Oh you are Enzo?!'' She said excited. '' I'm June. Nice to meet you.'' June than said and put out her hand as she had learned when meeting someone. '' What do you prefer Lorenzo, or Enzo?'' June than asked him. She always thought shortening an name was stupid. But it was perhaps more easy. At least she didn't was very irritated now that she paused her study. Since this could be interesting.
Enzo was surprised by the enthusiasm June expressed meeting him, but he took her hand and gave a soft smile and then went back to grab a quill. "Either is fine. I guess, I prefer Enzo. I tend to get called Lorenzo when I do something... well, Enzo is fine," he finished, not wanting to talk about getting scolded by his mother to a girl he just met. He supposed they all got scolded by their parents, but it was awkward to talk about in public. "What are you studying?"
June smiled as Enzo shook her hand. It was an normal greeting, something she learned. And than looked at her book for an second, before looking back. He was being kind of vague about what he actually wanted. But he seemed happier with Enzo. June had heard that before, and she thought it was strange. Why wouldn't you be happy with your full name. But hers was kind of short, so more easy. '' Enzo it is than. '' She than said making it a conclusion and adding a smile. Than looking at her study in front of her and back. '' Astronomy.'' She than added. And than returned the question. '' What were you planning to do?'' June than asked him.

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