Meeting a Old Friend.

Remus Firn

Well-Known Member
Ebony / Kingwood Wand 14" Essence of Chimaera Scale
Remus had been relieved of his duties as a Professor and he had longed to do one things once it was all done and through. Walking up the path way to the Frost home, Remus came to the door tapping his hand to it gently. It had been so long since Remus had come to visit his old friend Leo, the only real contact he had was relaying messages through Kida. Letting out a brief sigh and adjusting his glasses that he had resting on his nose, Remus waited for Leo to answer the door. Boy would it be a surprise to have some one Like Remus show up at a door step like this one.
Leo was sitting in his Study, on his desk was a bundle of letters from Kida, but at the current time he was reading a good book.
he heard a knock on a door, Leo closed the book and stood up, The cottage was small, but it was still quite large, Leo had been doing some renvations which made it seem bigger then before. Leo came to the front door and opened it, he looked at Remus who stood infront of him, he hadn't seen him in ages "are my eyes playing tricks on me, or is it really Remus Firn" he said fully opening the door.
Remus grinned as the door opened and Leo spoke clearly, "No, No, Old friend it is I, Remus Firn." he grinned revealing a bottle of wine. "Thought i may bring one of these." he grinned to Leo, handing it over to him. Remus smiled for a moment before continuing, "Oh, May i come in?" he questioned with the cock of his left eye brow. It was one of those questions which you often knew the answer to, but you would ask the questions any way. Waiting to see the pretty obvious response by Leo, Remus couldn't help but remember all the good and fun times he and Leo had when they were younger.

He was happy to see his old friend, even if it wasn't so much as visible on the outside, deep down he was happy that some one like Leo was still around to talk to and be talked about. In turn, the real reason Remus never saw muggles as a lesser people was because of Leo, the man that showed Remus that there was no discrimination between wizard and muggle really, it was the person that they were on the inside that counted. A Lesson that Remus continues to take around today was that one.
Leo smirked, as soon as he saw he the wine he smiled "well ofcourse it is Remus Firn, who else knows about my wine" he said as he took the wine, when Remus asked to come in he laughed "you and i both know that its plainly obvious you are more then welcome in here, you did afterall take care of Kida when i couldn't and she stayed with you over the holidays" he said as he shut the door behind Remus and lead him into the lounge room, he looked at the label and put it on the bench "might need to wait a few years for this bottle to reach its prime" he said as she opened a top cabnit pulloing out a few bottles and pushing themback in the rack, he pulled another one out and checked the label before putting it on the bench and pulled out two glasses pouring.
Leo uncorked the wine and filled up the glasses before putting the cork back in and picked up the glasses and handed one to Remus. "So how have you been" he said.
Smiling when he was invited in, Remus followed on after Leo and took a seat on one of the sofa's as he noticed Leo pouring them some wine. "I haven't been half bad." he smiled over to Leo, taking the glass. Shifting in his seat to get a little more comfortable, he turned to look at Leo. "I left Hogwarts, Being a Professor got out of hand for the current time. I may return in later years, but doubtful, Looking into opening a Shop actually." he smiled to Leo. Looking over at Leo as Remus now took a sip from his wine glass he asked, "And how have you been Leo, I haven't heard about much of you for a while." he said with a sad smile.

It was rather bad that the two of them had drifted this far a part when they used to be basically the best of friends. It seemed as if now they were more acquaintances that knew everything about each other then friends. It was probably due to the fact that Remus hadn't seen Leo in quite some time, at least physically. He had pictures and memories but that was about it. Some one that was so close to Remus drifted away so easily. Taking a moment to think, Remus noticed he hadn't told Leo about Pearl.
"I Finally got back into a relationship since Nymph's death." Remus said with a Sad Smile, "Her names Pearl, beautiful women, met her through work. She was the nurse of Hogwarts- One of the Nurses." Remus shouldn't say she was the only one, after all she wasn't exactly. Remus couldn't help but feel he should assured Leo of how Safe his daughter is at Hogwarts so he went for it, "The Staff there are amazing, you don't need worry for Kida, she's well taken care of." he smiled to Leo, taking another sip of his wine.
Leo laughed "can't handle the work" he said "opening a shop, i can't see you as a store owner, you never seemed to follow rules" he said as he sipped his own drink.
"well i have been... well muggle like" he said laughing "i've been quite well actually, Just been writing to letters Kida alot, you don't know how hard it is to have your only child age's away, at a place you can' go, and the only contact you have is via owl.. and that is creepy enough just as it is" he said as he searched through his mail and grabbed out another letter from Kida "see she's always writing to me. do they teach things at that school, she always seems to have spare time"

When Remus mentioned that he had met someone else he smiled "oh thats brilliant" when he mentioned she was a hogwarts nurse and the womans name was pearl he snickered "oh dear, its that one that Kida doesn't like" he said "i must sat though, Kida sounds lie she has changed alot in her letters ever since you started, you better not have gone and changed my little girl Remus, you might havea wand but i can still beat you in a fist fight" he said as he smiled and took a sip of his wine again "Kida is still a troubled child" he added as he walked through a door into the kitchen he called out "do you want anything to eat Remus"
"Ha! The Work wasn't the hard bit, It was the Kids." he smirked almost about to chuckle but held himself back. He would have ended up wearing his wine. "Ah, Get out of here... I'm much more a rule follower then i used to be. The Kids at Hogwarts hated me for following the rules there to the dot." he grinned. Remus smiled when Leo referred to his time as being 'Muggle Like', he often made comments like that, at least Leo hadn't changed too much in the time that Remus had been absent from their friendship. "Ah. Kida's a good girl, she gets as many letters in as possible, But to be honest she does have a lot of spare time aye?" Remus smirked, "Then again, she isn't exactly the most stupid child in the school, She is rather one of the brainiacs, at least in Transfiguration she was." he smiled to Leo.

Remus smirked when Leo noticed who Pearl actually was, "Yeah, The one Kida 'dislikes'" chuckled Remus. "Come on, Would i ever Change Kida." smirked Remus before continuing, "She seems to have changed along the way though, I've been some what her Psychologist through out the time i had been teaching." Chuckled Remus, "I was doing two jobs at once." Remus laughed at the comment that Leo made about him being able to kick Remus' butt in a fist fight and what could he say really, it was in so many ways true. Letting out a sigh when Leo said that Kida was still a troubled Child, Remus only nodded, "If only you knew. Some of the things she dreams Leo... They aren't exactly... Normal so to speak."

Watching as Leo got up and headed into the Kitchen, Remus shook his head and responded, "Nothing for me thanks Leo."
Standing up off his seat, Remus walked over to the window, looking out side. Rain was trickling gently down the windows, quite a nice sight to see. Remus had always liked the rain, He never knew what it was but it refreshed him, even when he wasn't outside in it.
Leo came back out of the Kitchen carrying a plate of various snacks putting them on a table. "admit it, you were dieing inside, you can't follow the rules, it was eating away at you" he said as he took another sip of his wine.
"Kida dislike people who annoy her, once she dislikes them there is no turning back" he chuckeled "but either way, i am happy for you Remus, i could Never remarry, i would or could never remarry, i couldn't do that to Kida, She only is just getting used to her brother" he sighed and took another sip of his wine, "she used to have horrible deams when she was little, i thought they stopped but obvously not" he said.
Remus looked at Leo as he came back out, "No, No, Believe it or not but i love following the Rules now-days. There's a lot we need to get to know about each other now." smiled Remus. Remus paused for a moment before talking, "That's a fact, when she is angry at some one or dislikes them, there is certainly no way of getting redemption." smirked Remus, letting out a sad sigh none the less. Remus smiled when Leo allowed his feelings to show about how he was happy for Remus. It felt good to have some one finally say 'congratulations' rather then some sort of negative comment, or the topic moving into gossip that had been spread around.

Remus smiled for a moment before saying anything, after all the positives were then followed by negatives. "Sure you can get married but like you have implied, It'd be hard on Kida." he said with a said Smile on his face. It irritated Remus in some ways that once people were divorced and had children it was hard for them to get married again. For one the child wouldn't be comfortable with it and two the Parent would feel to be a un-fit one. Letting out a brief sigh, Remus took another sip from his wine, moving back to the sofa and taking a seat. He placed his glass to the table and looked around the room. then straight at Leo.
"So you know exactly what I've been up to over these passed couple of years, Whats have you been doing?" Questioned Remus with a curious look portrayed clearly on his face.
"well in that case, you need to drink more" he laughed as he took another sip of wine. "and we learn to not piss her off, she may seem innocent... but she isnt" he laughed and took another sip.
"i would never do anything like that to Kida" he said as he took another sip. he knew that he could never do anything like that to Kida, he would always trust that she would let him know if she wanted a mother, but she has a mother, but he knew that she wouldn't be crawling to her any time soon.
"Well... reading, writing, more reading more writing, nothing intresting really, every now and then i would go to my Sister's house, which i believe you have met... sorry about that by the way... but other then that, more reading more writing, fasinating stuff really" he said.
Remus nodded along with what Leo had to say about Kida. Noticing that Leo had been doing a lot of reading and Writing, Remus smiled "Great stuff, do quite a lot of it myself actually." Looking at some of the letters that were scattered around on a table, Remus smiled, "You know, They should allow Parents at that School at times... Just to have a quick catch up." he smiled to Leo, "You miss that girl more then anything." Turning a little bit in his seat, Remus crossed his right leg over his left knee. Letting out a rather long sigh, Remus looked over to his side at Leo, "How's you're sister?" he asked with a curious smile, before leaning forward and grabbing his glass of wine to take another sip. Once he had done so, he placed it back down to the table gently, leaning back into his seat.

It had been a long day all in all, but none the less it had been a good one. Remus had caught up with a long lost friend, had not a worry in the world, was having a nice drink and had his favorite weather. Could the day get better?
It was just one of those days when Remus' spirits seemed to be high and flying, anything bright and colorful would just make him more happy, anything dark and gloomy did the same, Strange really.
"i agree, they should" he said "but how would i get there, heck i don't know how to get to the wizarding world without Katherine" he said When Remus said that he missed Kida more then Anything he nodded "you try being seperated from your daughter for ages, and not being allowed to see her" he said "you've seen to have gotten attached to Her aswell, i'm going to love see you try and survive not being a professor you won't be able to see her until the holidays or the weekneds off" he said.
When Remus aske dhow Katherine was he laughed "she's fine, she hates you though" he took another sip of his wine and smiled "you are so going to not survive without seeing Kida, you will end up like me... good god, i feel sorry for you" he said as he picked up the wine bottle and poured more into Remus' Glass "you might need this if that is the case"
"True, True." Remus smiled about him not being able to get into the Wizarding world without Katherine. Remus smiled when Leo said he had got some what attached to Kida, he couldn't exactly say he hadn't, he had more then anything really. The hardest part about leaving his job as a professor was the fact of leaving Kida to fend fro herself there are Hogwarts. Remus smirked when Leo said that Katherine 'hated' him, and picked up the wine glass as the next lot of liquid was poured into it, taking a long gulp, Remus swallowed.

Remus had lost his taste for wine Really, something he preferred a hell of a lot more now was his Whiskey and his rum not to mention bourbon. He liked the stronger stuff rather then the weak wine's that they had, despite them being extremely nice and all. It all kind of happened in the later years of the Vigilante hunting really, the stress kicked in and Alcohol often took over. Sighing to himself, Remus took out two vials from his pocket in which one was a dragon scale and in the other was a Hippogriff feather. "Just some little... Collectibles i guess you could call them." Smiled Remus to Leo, "Oh and in case you know that little about the Wizarding world, Ones a dragon scale, and the other a Hippogriff Feather. The Hippogriff is a part Bird part horse kind of creature." smiled Remus to Leo once again. Why was he even bothering to explain?
Leo Chuckled "well i guess Kida has to get used to being by herself for once, her first year it was her cousins, 2nd year it was you, who knows what 3rd year has to hold" he said as he topped up his glass and drunk some more.
When Remus started to explain some of his things he taised and eyebrow and ran his fingers through his hair, similat to the way that Kida did. "Kida is learning about this stuff" he said "remind me to never ak Kida about school" he laughed
Remus let out a chuckle at Kida having to at least learn to work things out on her own at school some time. Looking at Leo's face when Remus was explaining some of the things that he had brought for him, he couldn't help but burst into tears of laughter. Quickly pulling himself back and calming himself down he looked directly at Leo, "God you wouldn't cope in the Wizarding world for a day." he smiled with a cheeky grin. Pushing his hair back, Remus adjusted his glasses to make sure that they were sitting right. "I do hope i get this Shop... Potions place... God i Love potions." he said, almost as if he was drifting into his own little dream time through thoughts.

"So, You plan to do anything interesting so you have something to tell me the next time i pop in for a visit?" Asked Remus with a curious yet smug smile, one of those properties Remus had. "I'm sure that the Muggle world couldn't have got that boring since i left Leo!" chuckled Remus briefly, as he stood from the sofa and looked around the house, taking a biscuit off of the snack tray that Leo had brought out earlier. Heading over to the Window, Remus once again looked into the rain. There was a little bit more of it now, actually a hell of a lot more, it was bucketing down. Remus smiled at the thought of having to fly home in it, but then the thought flashed to his head, Why not just apparate?
Leo Laughed at Remus "your hopeless you know that" he said as he finished with a light chuckle "Kida will be my Translator anyway" hesaid with a mischevious smile. When Remus mentinoed the shop he smiled "i'll visit you just to laugh at you" he said as he looked at his wine and took another sip.

"Well next time you visit you should come along to the fajily get together, you havn't been to one and you are techincally family, you can meet Kida's brother Ashton, and ther cousins properly and i promise Kat won't kill you... well i can hope she doesn't i won't make promises" he said as she took another sip of his wine.
Leo looked at Remus when he looked out of the window, Remus had that face on, that face of 'why do it the normal way when i can magically do it' Leo smirked, he had missed that look.
"some days i wish i was a wizard, and then at the same time i remember, I Have BOOKS to read" he said.
"Yeah, Yeah. Kida can translate so much, other wise she will side track onto some sort of school issue and you'll be stuck talking about that instead of the Magical Item for the next two and a half hours." Remus chuckled, he was clearly joking but then again it was in so many ways true. Remus chuckled about the family Get together Idea, "Leo. Do i Really look like I'm going to attend the family get together, I hate the lot of them except you and Kida, you know that." he smiled sadly, "It's annoying for them not to know some of the things I've done behind the scenes to keep the family safe, maybe they'd treat me a little better." he groaned, really it didn't bother him, but then again they were family.

Remus turned and looked at Leo, "Trust me my friend, Being a Wizard can be Sooooo Over rated at times." Remus nodded, as he made his way back over to the sofa and took a seat. "Books are good, thats what often even keeps the older of us Wizard's going through our day. Really our day's aren't much different to yours. Breakfast, work, home, dinner, sleep." he smiled to Leo, "Apart from all the Magic and cool stuff we don't really have much of a different world." chuckled Remus jokingly. Then again Remus knew that Leo was the type of person who wouldn't exactly be suited to the magic world, but hey, he could always visit every now and again.
Leo laughed "More like 7 hours" he took another sip of his wine and put it on the table and leaned forward when Remus said he wouldn't go to a family get together "but Remus" he said putting on a childish pathetic pout "it would mean so much to me..." he paused for a moment and took another sip of his wine "..if you did come" he said.
"They have issues like you" he smiled as he ran his fingers thrugh his hair.

"Well then i hope Kida can manage being in a Sooooo over rated society then" he said "i'm glad she became a witch, her cousins would have taunted her for ever if she wasn't one, and then Loraine has a thing for sniffing out wizards or traces of wizards, like its weird, her first and third husband, Luke, Is a Wizard, so her Brother... i should say half brother Ashton is a Wizard aswell, do they have a thing like a wizard hunter in that world of yours, because i swear she is one" he joked as he ran his finger through his hair again. When Remus said that the worlds are really the same he couldn't help but add on a joke which they had when they were younger "and don't forget the b1tches" he couldn't help but crack up as soon as he finished speaking.
Smiling at the comment that Leo made about the conversation with Kida probably going on for a extra couple of hours then Remus had said, his eyes browsed up and down Leo and then the snacks that were on the table before he decided to lean in and grab a piece of cheese. Placing the cheese into his mouth and savoring the taste, he chewed and followed it with a swallow. He'd longed for the taste of some cheese that tasty, and the only place he could really find it was in the muggle world. Foods like cheese and biscuits always tasted so much better back in the real world, at least the real world for those non-wizard and so forth.

Remus groaned and Leo's child-like acts, "Come on Leo, lets be realistic, They wouldn't want me there and in the end neither would you. A Scene would start up and all hell would break loose between the family." Said Remus, his face showing that he was clearly serious about every word that had left his mouth. Remus smiled briefly, "Kida can take care of her-self really, she proved that to me. At least some of the time she can, when she isn't being a complete ****." smirked Remus slightly as he ran his hand through his hair.

Remus looked at Leo for a moment when he picked up on what he had said, something that they often use to say when they were young. Unable to hold himself back, Remus also let out a long and loud chuckle; it was good to be able to talk and joke with some one again, every one that he had met at Hogwarts and around the Wizarding world had often been very serious if not always. Slowly easing out of the Laugh, Remus' eyes broswed the snacks that were on the table, "You shouldn't have brought these out, i wasn't hungry until i saw them right before me." he grinned.
Leo laughed when Remus went back for the snack "cheese tastes better with wine" he added as he took a sip of his wine again. Leo watched Remus groan and he laughed, "well i don't care if they don't want you there, it will be fun" he said again as he leaned forward and grabbed a snack "you made me hungry" he said as he followed the drink down with another lot of wine.

"Nice to know what you think of Kida" he said as he shot a glare to Remus and smiled "she isn't a ****, she is just troubeled like you, your a ****" he said as he took another sip of wine "i have been meaning to have this bottle for a while.

when Remus laughed he couldn't help but laugh along. "good to see your not so stuck up as Kida has said in her letters.
Remus smiled warmly, "Indeed it does taste better with Wine." he spoke in response to the statement that Leo had made just prior. Shrugging when he Leo spoke, Remus let out a sigh, "It's hardly fun when your disliked by basically the whole family." grinned Remus, he didn't really care much for relationships with people in his family really, especially any of them in which jumped to the conclusion of Remus being some what a bad person, hardly the case.

Remus smirked at the defense that Leo shot at him, "Oh Yes, I'm a ****, sure, sure." Smiled Remus before continuing, "Troubled, her, I never!" he said sarcastically; it was one of those things that only Leo would understand, Remus wasn't trying to offend Kida in any way, nor was he trying to offend Leo himself. "Meaning to have the bottle for a while? You cannon through these things like there's no tomorrow." he grinned, his sarcastic voice clearly visible in the way he was speaking.

"Gee, Kida said i was stuck up in my letters aye? You kind of have to be when your dealing with her, there's no negotiating." Smiled Remus as he leaned back in his seat letting out a long and relaxed sigh. Looking over at Leo, he couldn't help but grin, "God you're a old fart." he smirked sarcastically, it was obvious that it was a joke considering that Remus was after all three years older.
Leo smiled "more wine" he said as he took another sip "hey the whole family will get used to you eventually... maybe... if your... tied up to a chair... wait till Kida has kids, you'll be there God Grandfather maybe, Kida's kids would be all from hell, they will tie you to a chair, gagged and covered in pant" he said as he smirked "i can predict it to happen" he said as he snickered again "Kida and her cousins had me in a chair, tied up not gagged, but i was covered in paint from head to toe, they are all evil" he said as he laughed "oh i miss them when they were little" he said as he took another sip of his wine.

"Mister **** from **** town, living in a **** house with a **** dog and a **** bottle of wine" he said as he smiled "****" he added. when Remus said that Kida wasn't troubeled her laughed.
"yeah, this is in my keeping cupboard" he said as he gestured over to the cupboard from where her got the wine out "don't you nowanything, thats my keeping cupboard" he said "downstairs is my regular cellar"

"Ofcourse Kida said you were stuck up in letters, you kept an eye on her like a hawk, she couldn't hang out with friends without you being around" he said as he smiled "but your right, there is no dealing with her unless you order her what to do, and then again you have to make sure that she isn't angry or you will get hit with something" he laughed
when Remus called him an Old Fart he laughed "your older" he said which was true though. he smiled and smirked to himself "pssh old fart, says you"

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