Meeting 2: Styx irritated

Professor Kalif Styx

transfig 5-7 † patriarch
OOC First Name
After the first headache, Kalif decided to meet with half of his prefects. These three actually did not have anything against them. Instead, he had something else in mind. Holding the door open, the professor spoke in a cool tone, "Daniel Rosemary, Kayleigh Hunter and Saveli Pendleton." Kalif went back to his desk, intending to close the door once all three prefects were in the office. Kalif appeared to be angry still, but was slowly cooling off as he sipped his tall glass of student tears tea.
Saveli was incredibly nervous, her knees nearly knocking together under the thick material of her skirt. The blonde entered, holding her left wrist in her right hand, looking at the floor. What could she had done? Was she going to be told she wasn't graduating. Shed been good - she hadn't even punched Felix. Instead she was beating him in a duel, hopefully. Saveli walked in and waited for the others to follow with her.
When Daniel had been called in to Professor Styx's office, he hadn't expected it. When he heard two other names being called, he relaxed a little at knowing they too were prefects and therefore were probably not even in trouble, but he was still feeling a little anxious about what this meeting could be about. Dan entered the office and followed Saveli and Kayleigh to sit down in front of the Professor. He was curious as to what he had to say, but also very wary.
The blonde had definitely cooled off during the night, and was controlling her tongue a lot better than the night before, but she had still yet to tell Des that there was a stupid curfew; it was his last year, this just wasn't fair! Still, angry butterflies flew around in swarms in her stomach as the three Prefects were called into the office; at least they were going to be grilled altogether for doing a lousy job at 'looking after the students'. Kayleigh just hoped she could still compete in the dueling tournament; it would be a good way for her to get rid of her anger she was currently bottling.
Kalif motioned for the prefects to take a seat in the provided chairs. Instead of sitting behind his desk, Kalif leaned against it and folded his arms across his chest as the door closed. He looked at the three and shrugged slightly, "You all did a poor job keeping some of the students in line. However. This is not what I brought you in here for. Instead, I have an assignment." Kalif figured that the three would have an anchor lifted off of their hearts, knowing that they were not in trouble. "I hold my students to a high standard, which is why you three earned the badge. Now, I am putting that to the test. You three will assist with enforcing my punishment. That means ensuring that everyone is in the Slytherin house by the appointed time, and patrolling the grounds to ensure no one goes to Brightstone until further notice." Kalif tapped his fingers against his arm. "Any questions?"
Dan almost breathed a sigh of relief when they were told they hadn't, in fact, done anything that was worth punishing them over. But he didn't breathe out no matter how relieved he was, instead simply nodded at their Head and listened as he spoke about enforcing the punishment laid out for the younger Slytherins who somehow managed to attract chaos wherever they went. Daniel was familiar with some, as he'd seen them around, but hadn't really witnessed much. Clearly, he had been too oblivious to notice the amount of havoc they caused. It would be a lot more work without a doubt, but as long as those other people he called housemates didn't lose any more house points he was fine with it. "If I may ask, sir, are there any students in particular we must keep an eye on?" He just hoped for the sake of the entire house that those few people had some sense after their meeting with Professor Styx had occurred.
Kalif thought over Rosemary's question, if there were specific ones. Finally, Kalif said, "Asaiah Murphy, Rome Savage, Asmodeus Snow, and the first through third years. I'm sure that they are not aware of how I run the house." Kalif felt that some of the older students would be wiser anyway.
A sense of relief settled in Kayleigh's stomach, that they weren't actually getting into trouble. It was weird that Professor Styx was giving them a task to do, but Kayleigh wasn't about to begin complaining. She listened to Daniel's question, and Styx's response, sure that the said students wouldn't be too happy to know they were being watched. They'd have to do it discreetly. "Professor - um, does this mean we go to Brightstone - to patrol?" Kayleigh asked, ever the hopeful. It was worth a try.
"No," Kalif answered curtly. "Just the path following. If you see a student make it in and you are unable to stop, then tell me. I'll ensure that they are punished severely." Kalif was rather rough on his students this semester, but since they had a good time without him here, causing all sorts of headaches, well, this time, they would be the ones with the headaches.

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