Meet the starr twins

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Maybelle Grimm

Well-Known Member
Apple Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Belladonna
(Sorry for the typos too lazy to change it since the format of it is PNG)



Annabelle was found by a couple of poor witches who were in the forest to hunt wild animals for their breakfast. She was raised by them and was sent to Durmstrang. She used to love her sister but not anymore especially after what happen on that night. Anna had sacrifice everything she has for her sister but she her heart was broken after knowing that her sister wont fight for her on that night.
Anna is the meaner and the uglier twin (no she's not ugly but she's uglier than her sister). She's not mean but meaner than her sister, she has the heart to insult other people not like Maybelle.



Belle had been blaming her self for the death of her twin sister (no, Anna's not dead). Since then she become a loner, she love being alone in the nature. Belle is quiet a beauty, but a fragile one. She is one of those who is easily scared and one of those who need to be protected really well. She isn't a strong girl, in fact she's as fragile as an antique glass. She has a golden heart and that is one big thing, her inner and outer beauty are both good. Belle doesn't have an enemy but perhaps she has those who hates her. Belle never hate other people, she loves everyone. Every living creature had been precious for her, even the grass on the field. And the nick name Belle was given to her because she's prettier than her sister but not tougher than her.

(Sorry no stickers :p )
Annabelle could be friends with Veronica.
Veronica can be a split personality kind of with her attitude. To some whom she likes she is friendly and mean to the rest. Veronica needs a best friend so how about it? If you agree I could start a topic
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