Meet the family.

Mark Stone

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
Birch Wand 14 1/4"
As quickly as the tugging sensation had begun it had ended just as quick. Marks feet soon touched solid ground agaibn and Mark had to keep his eyes closed a few moments to get his balence back and to let the sick feeling go away. When he opened his eyes to check that he had landed at the right place he saw the familiar room which was the fron room. It was empty though, then again the family, or at least Riley, Logan and Lowan were probably sat around the table eating lunch. It gave him a bit of time to think about what to say although he knew Riley wouldn't care either way.

He let her go before his body could react to her close proximity. "Ok well this is me. Just a heads up, my cousin is a werewolf and a little touchy about it so be careful not to say anything along those lines." He warned her in advance. Although Riley was getting over his touchyness it was still a sensitive topic and mark guessed it always would be for her. "Ok well follow me." He said taking another deep breath and walking in to the dining room to face the family with this new girl by his side
Amy held her breath as they apparated. Out of habit, more than out of fear. Smiling as she landed, she looked up at Mark and was slightly upset that he let her go straight away. Not wanting to give anything away, she quickly stepped back and looked around at the house. "Wow. Its amazing." She breathed gently. Nodding at the information that he gave her, she tried to remember the main points. Don't mention werewolves. She told herself as she walked. It wasn't a usual subject for her to bring up. She had met one once before - in man form. He seemed no different to her, but her dad had taken her away telling her that they were dangerous. Wondering what Riley, Mark's cousin would be like, she followed Mark slowly and fell into step with him. Realising that their hands were very close, she reached out and brushed her delicate fingers against his. It wasn't a proper 'holding hands' position, but this probably had something to do with the fact that she wasn't sure if he felt the same way as her. It wasn't normal for Amy to make the 'first move' but today hadn't felt normal. It had felt like a perfect dream, and Amelia was worried that she would soon wake up and find it had been a dream.
Mark smiled widely as she said that it was amazing. It was nothing amazing but with Riley's income it was better than what a lot of people had. It was better then what he had had when he had lived with his dad, he had not got much money so now it felt like royalty. As he walked his hand began to tingle to her touch. He wasn't sure if he should hold it but he thought that she could be nervous and he knew some girls like to hold another hand for support so he linked his with her, not intending it as a romantic thing just to help her. He walked in to the dining room and saw Riley and Logan sat eating Pizza, the two dogs laying asleep in their beds. "Hey guys. I have someone i want you to meet." He said casually as he looked at Amy. He could guess what Riley would end up bringing up, he had not yet informed him about the end in his and Alana's relationship but then again Riley couldn't really give him loyalty lessons given his track record with cheating. However he seemed to be doing a lot better since Lowan had been born. He gave Amelia's hand a little squeeze to show that he was here beside her so she didn't need to feel too nervous about being in someone else's house
Amelia relaxed once her hand was joint into Mark's. She followed him curiously into the house and looked around her in wonder. She saw 2 dogs sitting in their baskets, sleeping. She was glad about this, because Amy had never really been an animal person, but didn't mind dogs so much. Seeing 2 good looking men sitting on a sofa eating pizza she smiled at them, noticing straight away that they were half-veela. But, it had no effect on her like Mark did. It was almost as if they were just normal and didn't mean anything at all to her. Her heart gave a jolt and missed a beat as she realised this fact. Normally, she found veela's interesting, but today they had no effect. Wondering whether they would notice that she was too, a half-veela, she decided to speak for the first time since they had apparated. "Hi." She said with her bell like voice. She smiled shyly at them. To be perfectly honest, Amy had never been shy, not ever really, but she found that acting shy was the best thing to do infront of new people. It was more polite than her striding in there and acting like she owned the place. But, today, Amy found that she actually felt quite shy. Maybe it was just being in the presence of more half-veela's, she didn't know. However, she had a feeling that it was to do with her longing to impress Mark's family so she felt that she belonged. She squeezed his hand back lightly but found his presence relaxing, and calming, like a rock in the storm.
Logan was sat happily at the dinner table next to Riley. Adele was out with her friends and was not expected home tonight, Lowan was asleep in his crib upstairs and mark was out. Logan didn't know where he was but he didn't really want to know all the movements of his big brother. He was happy to be able to be alone with Riley, it had been quite run to lay the least and now at dinner time they were chilling out together with a bit of Pizza to eat. He couldn't wait until school started up again, he would get to see Georgie on a more regular basis when they were at school together, he was really liking her now and every time he saw her it brought a smile to his face. He felt like she was a good reason to get out of the habit of studying strait after lessons and go out with her and spend his evening with her.

He heard a strange noise come from the living room and looked to Riley to see if he had noticed. It sounded familiar and before he could say anything he heard his big brother's voice talking. A huge smile crossing his face as he turned his head and saw mark. The girl next to him however was not one that he recognized. He wondered if she was Mark's next girl friend, he was holding her hand and he had never been one to wait long after leaving the next girl although who could blame him after everything Alana had put him through in the past. "Hello." He greeted the girl as she said hi to him and Riley.

OOCOut of Character:
Il just reply with Riley then Mark and its your turn again :D
It had been quite a long week for Riley Smith. Monday had been a full moon which was never a present exeperiance, Tuesday had been the day after pain day. The next few days he had been working either in the shop or with the Quidditch team. They had had a major game the other day and he had played in that, his team had won which was a good thing. Today he had looked after Logan and Lowan while Adele and Mark were out. He didn't mind looking after the boys but it was tiring after such a hectic week. At least he was getting his exercise with such a busy life, and with his toned body he needed to stay in shape other wise all his muscle would turn to fat which would not be attractive at all. He had taken Lowan, Logan and the two dogs to the lake today for an hour, Lowan had fed the ducks while Logan had played fetch with his dogs. He had been grateful for the relaxation time that it had provided as some of his neighbors had been there too and they had got in to a bit of a conversation. He had spoken about his muggle job which had flown strait over Riley's head, something about fixing muggle devices when they were broken. Riley had just said that he owned a shop a while away that sold some school supplies. He never said much about his other two jobs to muggles as they all had something to do with being a wizard.

Taking a bite of some pizza Riley heard Marks voice in the room. He had not heard him come through the door so assumed he had apperated in. Because of the muggles that all lived here one could not just apperate outside of the front door out of risk of being exposed to the non magical folk. He then heard a very unfamiliar female voice greeting them. He looked over in their direction and saw a girl. Pretty, half Veela most likely. He saw mark standing hand in hand with her so assumed she was his new mrs although last he had check he was still dating someone. He placed his Pizza on the plate and stood up. "Well hello there. Im Riley, Mark older cousin. You are?" He asked holding out his hand to greet her. "Your not marks new girl friend are you? I thought he already had one but i loose track of such things so don't take my word for it." He said with a smile, showing off his perfect white teeth. At least he was steeping up his game and dating another Veela now, maybe he could drop the chat up line involving Veela's. He had been using it for too long when he was single although he was not single for long because of the trait he had. "If i had known that you were coming i would have made more food." He said before glancing at Mark and back to the new girl he had with her.
Mark stayed quiet as Amy greeted his family. Logan being the first to notice her by his side, although this did not surprise mark, he said hello back to her. Logan had always been friendly to everyone whether he knew them or not. It was when Riley noticed her was when Mark eyed him carefully. He knew he wouldn't mind but mark had not grown out of the habit which he had grown up with when he had lived with his dad. "This is Amy. I met her today in Obsidian. We got talking and when we noticed the time it was too late for her to get a hotel and because she lives in France it is quite a long way for me to apperate seeing as i haven't been doing it for very long. I said she could stay here the night." Mark explained thinking that if he had a good reason it could help. Again it was not needed as he knew Riley wouldn't care. When he mentioned his last girl friend Mark frowned. "Im not with her any more. She lost contact, again She ignored my letters and im not going through a repeat of what had happened before so i left her." He said with a shrug. He had only got out of his depression about a year ago and was not going to go through it again just because she was ignoring him again
Amelia smiled at the boy who addressed her first. "Bonjour." She repeated, only realising after that she had slipped back into french again. It normally happened when she was nervous or thrown into a situation where she wasn't quite sure what to do. Shaking her head slightly, she smiled at the boy, hoping that they wouldn't end up speaking in French - it wouldn't help her English at all. Turning to another good-looking guy, she smiled at him. He must be Riley. The professor, quiditch player and shopkeeper. Oh and werewolf. She thought to herself, trying to work out if this was all the information that she had had so far. A shocked look crossed her face as Riley mentioned girlfriend. Smiling shyly, she wondered whether Mark saw her as his new girlfriend. She listened to his talk and realised that he had avoided the question nicely. Slightly happy that he hadn't decided to just make them go out on the spot, she wondered how he would ask her. Listening about his old girlfriend, she felt a twinge of annoyance but realised that she hadn't told him anything about her previous relationships. Also, because he was a half-veela she had decided that he would have probably gone out with just as many girls as she had guys. They had touched the subject briefly as he asked her if she was in a relationship, but that was all they had discussed. Reminding herself that they weren't going out yet, she just stood there feeling slightly awkward. But no matter where she looked, she couldn't stop the thoughts flying around her head. If we go out, will we just break up as quickly as he did with that other girl? She kept asking herself, but trying to not let herself wound up about it.
Logan noticed the change of language as she greeted him in French. He may have been smart at subjects and such but languages were not his strong suit, he wanted to learn a few more but once he had left school. He wanted to concentrate on his school work before he took up any extra leisure subject's that interested him. Especially since his grades had gone down last year, he could not afford to slip up. Also his new goal was to train to become an animagus which meant getting constant O's in his favourite lesson, Transfiguration. He didn't mind putting in extra time to do extra lessons but that was not until he started his fifth year and seeing as his fourth had not yet started he had over a year to wait until he needed to start worrying about those. With a deep breath Logan sighed and finished off the slice of Pizza in his hand, trying not to feel awkward about eating with a stranger in the room. If Mark was with her than she had to be a nice girl and he should not feel awkward about her presence here. He couldn't wait to question Mark about her and to see if he liked her. She was really pretty but that just came with the Veela trait. Georgie was beautiful considering she was not veela. But he never dated a girl for looks he liked personality over looks any day. Georgie was just perfect in every way for him though so he could smile and truthfully say that she was amazing.

His brown eye slowly looked up as Riley stood up to greet the girl. He didn't know why but he half expected him to shout at Mark although Logan had never heard Riley shout before. He was sure Adele had because all couples had fights with each other but he knew that they were careful not to do them around him or the other members of the family. That was one thing that he admired about the two. He wondered if this girl, Amy as Mark had said her name was, was nervous. He looked down as Mark began to talk about Alana. He really did not like that girl, it was not right for a girl to treat their partner in such a way. And for her to do it a second time begging him for his forgiveness and promising not to do it again. It took some guts to do it. He hoped his girl friend would never do that to him.
Lifting his hand up to his head Riley ran it through his thick black hair, making sure it was sticking up just right. He could be quite fussy about his hair but then again he had grown quite fussy about the way he looked and even with him being part veela he did not find himself good looking recently, he was not as bad as he was before his talk with his wife but it would take time for him to fully get back to normal but with the responsibilities that he now had, what with his family and his jobs and not to mention his condition things were stressful and hard work. Still he loved all of his jobs and loved being about to provide for his family and still have money to afford holidays for them all. It was truly a satisfying feeling which he got from it all. Lowering his hand once again he noted her language but was not surprised by it, this was a girl that Mark had brought home and just like him, he had taste and a good one at that. Even Riley liked a French girl but his Casanova days were far behind him and he was now a one woman man all the way. And he felt a lot more happy with himself than he had back then, it was strange.

He noticed that Amy had not said anything and mark had done all the talking and the stepping over his actual question had not gone unnoticed. He did know that Mark and Alana had gone through trouble before and the fact that they had again was not a shock to him but he was glad that the boy was moving on quickly and not dwelling on her. He just hoped that this girl would not be a total loss like the other, he did not want to see Mark getting hurt again. "Wow Amy you sound just like my cousin Mark. Your certainly good at impressions." He joked as he looked at Mark playfully. "Come on we are all sat down you two may as well join." He said heading back to the table, pulling out two seat for then to sit down on. He took his place next to Logan again and took some Pizza. "If you two are hungry I can whip something up quick." He offered the pair.
Mark watched Riley sort his hair out and Logan stay quiet. He always had been slightly shy with new people. The smell of Riley's cooking reached his nose and made him stomach rumble. He always had been a great cook. He grumbled at his cousin's remark about impressions, he had not expected her too say much seeing as she had only been here a few moments and was surrounded by people she did not know. He looked at his little brother as he watched curiously. Mark was surprised that he did not have a book near him, Riley was probably teaching him DADA theory knowing the two. Walking over to the table Mark took a seat as instructed and nodded his head. "If you could that would be great. I haven't actually eaten since this morning so im starved." He told Riley, waited for Amy to sit down next to him.
(OOC: By the way, when i write in Italics, its thoughts not speech. Sorry if there was a confusion. :p )

Amy smiled at the first boy. He seemed quiet to her and she wondered if he was normally like this or whether it was just being in front of new people. She watched as the older guy ruffled his hair, wondering if he too was nervous. It felt strange to Amy when people were nervous around her. Normally they avoided her or babbled in front of her, struck by her 'veelaness'. Guessing that they felt neither, she smiled again at them. A beautiful smell of food reached her and she closed her eyes, breathing it in. Her father had always been a great chef, before he had decided to open a muggle hotel. Opening her eyes quickly, she noticed that Mark had let go of her hand and had moved to sit on a chair at a table. Nodding politely, she glided round to join him and occupied the vacant chair. "Zat would be lovely please." She said warmly, her french accent falling heavily into her talk again, a sign that she was nervous. Hoping that it would go as quickly as it had arrived, she placed her small handbag on the floor. It contained all her belongings that she had brought with her. Her head teacher had put the charm on it for her before they left for the holidays, knowing that she would be travelling. At the airport, the stewards had given her quite a bit of stress over it all, so she had had to go and buy another suitcase and placed some heavy things in them to make them happy that she had a main bag.
Logan slowly chewed the contents in his mouth as everyone came and sat down by the table. It was just like a family diner, except not everyone here was family. Mark said he had only just met her today and seeing as he had only been out for like three hours so he could not have known her for long and he had already brought her home. He did not wait long at all did he. She seemed nice but she had no said much so he could not say much about her yet until she did actually open up a bit. He picked up the cup in front of him once he had finished what had been in his mouth. He took a gulp and swallowed and placed the cup back down. He stayed quiet, unsure of what to say. Riley would go to make food and then it would just be him ark and this girl alone. He just hoped hat Mark could get her talking before it got a little awkward and uncomfortable
OOCOut of Character:
Dont worry i already figured that one
Riley grinned as the pair took a seat at the able and said that they would like food. If there was one thing that Riley liked to do to make himself happy was cook. He had spent so long in his teen year over a cooker that he as now a very excellent chef, well many people he had cooked for in the past say he was very good. One of his many talents. "Ok Il be right back." He said walking off in to the kitchen to make them some food. He would just ue his wand this time as he didn't have time to cook one from scratch. He took out a pizza and with a flick out his wand cooked it. He floated it over to a plate and sliced it in to pieces and walked back in to the dining room. "Here you go kids." He said as he put the plate in front of the two. "Enjoy." He said quickly before taking his seat next to Logan again. "So Amy what year are you in school?" He asked her curiously as he started a conversation with her
Amelia smiled at the boy who seemed quite quiet. Guessing that he was the one that Mark had mentioned she turned to talk to him. "You are doing your OWL's next year?" She asked, her English starting to become slower. She turned as the older of the men walked out to get them some food. Looking ravenously at the food placed in front of her she smiled gratefully and took a slice carefully. Elegantly taking a bite she smiled. "C'est délicieux!" She exclaimed as she continued to eat. She knew that it was just a pizza, but after a day of hardly eating, it could have been anything and tasted good. Finishing her mouthful, she smiled at the older guy. "I am just going into my 6th year. I will be doing my OWL's this year." She added, explaining before they could ask her results like Mark had done. She took another bite of her pizza and turned to him again. "Mark mentioned that you teach DADA at HNZ." She said with a smile. She didn't add that she thought that he did to many things, and that he should give a job to Mark. She realised that this was just her point of view, and if it didn't bother Mark, then it shouldn't bother her.
As Riley brought in some food Mark took a piece, listening to Amy talk to his family. He was relieved that they seemed to be getting on although he had known they would before. There was always the possibility though. A smile crossed his face as he looked around, all the people in this room had some sort of magical ability, all being veelas and one being a werewolf. Even little Logan was part Veela, Adele had no abilities like that although she was one of the most important people in the family to keep it all together. With out her Riley would be depressed again and start sleeping around like he used to, Logan would constantly be avoid from the family because of Rileys ways and he would be getting stressed trying to put the family back and Lowan would grow up thinking it was how a family should be. Luckily Adele wasn't going anywhere away from the family. Mark stayed quiet while his Amy and Riley spoke.
Amy smiled at Mark. He was very quiet and she wanted to know what was going on in his head. She finished her pizza slice off her plate and sat back in the chair, turning to hear Riley talk. She was wondering if the mentioned wife would return, for it would be slightly awkward for her to share a house with 3 men for the night. She made a mental note not to tell her parents what she was doing, so they wouldn't freak out. She trusted Mark and hoped that he wouldn't let her down in the way that she knew other people might. She moved her long dark hair behind her shoulders and smiled at Mark. Wondering where she would sleep, she looked around the house, taking in the furnishings and items for the first time properly. It looked a nice house, one where people could live for a while and settle down in life. Her dark eyes scanned the room and finally found themselves resting upon Mark again. Smiling again, she looked away, not wanting to embarrass someone by smiling too much.
Logan nodded at her question about him having to take his OWLs next year. "Yeah i do. Its going to be hard work thats for sure, im doing all the lessons in the school." He said with a laugh. He guessed that Mark had spoke to her about him, and Riley as she knew about him being a Professor. Logan wondered what else his older brother had told to this new girl about their family. "You do your OWLs in your sixth year? Thats strange." He said scratching his head as he spoke. He had not known any school to do that but those European school were strange like that anyway. He bit his lip and looked up to Riley as the two spoke, he had always been good with people. Logan had spent so much time with his head in a book he did not have the best people skills and just keeping up a normal conversation was difficult at times but he was getting better. Just slowly.

Riley nodded as Amy explained she would take her OWls this year. He could remember when he was about to take them, he was so nervous but he had also been excited. It had been a lot easier than he had thought but he was glad to be out of school now, well he couldn't really say he was out of school not seeing as he was a Professor. "Oh yeah i do. For two years now. Its a really good job to get if your looking for a rewarding and fun job." He said to her with a smile as he spoke. He looked at Mark. "Your very quiet Mark. Usually you talk more than any one." He said laughing before continuing, looking back to Amy. "So I guess your staying the night then? Unless you want me to apperate you back to France." He said calmly. He didn't mind having one of Marks friends stay for a bit but he didn't want her to feel like she had to stay here. She didn't have to if she didn't want to.
Amelia smiled at Logan. She knew that some people thought Beauxbatons strange to do their OWLs a year later, but she like all the other students, thought it was a good idea. She thought that the 3 people were a different mix, Logan being quiet, Riley being chatty and easy and Mark being, well, she couldn't describe it but she liked it the most. She smiled at him again and then realised that Riley was talking to her again. Turning her attention back to him, she listened as he spoke. She joined in with the laughted quietly, wondering what had come upon Mark. He had seemed chatty and friendly when they had first met, and she wasn't sure why he wasn't talking much. It disconcerted her slightly, wondering what had happened to the Mark she had met. Putting it down to the awkward questions his family was asking him, she sighed inside and pushed the worry aside. "If zat would be ok, pleaze could i stay 'ere?" She asked, her heavy french accent folding back into her words again. "School is closed and i don't live with my parents." She said quickly, waving an elegant hand slightly to push the comment away, hoping that no more would be asked on the subject.
Mark looked up as Riley spoke to him. He had been busy thinking to notice most of what he had said. He just caught the not talking much part of it. "Im just letting you two talk. I think she should get used to constantly being spoken too in preparation for when Adele gets home." He said jokily to his cousin. He did like Adele, he just knew she could be slightly talkative and sometime immature but then again who couldn't be. He turned to Amy with a smile. "Come on il show you where your sleeping. If you need clothes I can get you some if you like." He said standing up. He didn't want to waste the whole night down here not talking to her, where would the fun be in that. One of he reasons he had offered for her to stay here was so he could spend more time with her, not so Riley could talk to her all night. He pushed his chair in and waited for Amy to stand up too. He wondered whether he should share the gust room with her or if he should let her sleep in the room on her own. He had nothing in mind if they shared a room but he didn't know if she would feel awkward about it or not
Amy smiled at Mark as he spoke. It was one of the first times that he had mentioned her having it been a brief mention before. She stood up and picked up her bag. Shaking it slightly to check that she still had all of her stuff she smiled. "Ive got clothes etc in here, but thank you anyway. The suitcase i had on the plane vanished but it didn't have anything in it that can't be replaced." She said, thinking of the muggle items that she had brought at the airport as part of her muggle disguise. She had found over a few years that people regarded her in a strange way when she turned up with only a bag and herself. Especially with all the security now, she had to be prepared. She followed Mark and as they walked, wondered how the sleeping arrangements would go. She didn't mind in any case, for at least she had a bed for the night with nice people.
Mark nodded at her as she told him that she had everything that she needed in her bag. He was glad of this, it meant less effort which was always a good thing in his eyes. "Good good. Ok well you have a choice here. You can have a guest room to yourself or you can share my room. Logan has a bunk bed for some weird reason. I think its so his dogs can sleep somewhere." He said pursing his lips slightly as he thought. "If you don't want to sleep on a bunk bed i could just share a different room with you if you don't want to be alone." He said not wanting her to feel uncomfortable here. She was the guest and would be treated as so, well in some cases any way. "If your familiar with muggle things then we have a t.v we can watch. There are some pretty cool programs on it." Mark said to her with a grin on his handsome face
Amelia smiled as he took her to the rooms. She held his hand and looked up into his eyes. "I don't mind. As long as you are near." She said, her dark eyes twinkling slightly but framed by her curls of her face. This was something that happened naturally with her hair, and she knew that it could normally get her what she wanted, but she wasn't sure how Mark would react to this. She would really like to share the spare room with him, but didn't want to seem too forward in asking, so she left it open for him to suggest. She turned back to looking at the room and smiled. She could watch muggle tv anywhere, for it was normally muggle hotels that she stayed it. Personally, she would prefer to spend the evening with Mark, but if that meant watching tv, then she didn't mind. Wondering what he would suggest, she shrugged and smiled up into his handsome face, thinking how lucky she was to have a guy like him asking for her company.
Mark noticed her take hold of his hand when she spoke to him. He didn't say anything about it but just held it back. He would not complain about her touch and seeing as she had just said he could sleep in the same room as her meant that he would be close with her tonight, not that he had anything planned. She was after all under aged and Mark was in no rush to do that. Unlike his cousin he was waiting for that special moment. "I guess I'l share a room then." He said hiding the smile off his face but having a mini party in his head about it. "Oh and there is no set bed time and you get up when you want. Its really very laid back here so don't worry about anything okay." he said with a small smile on his face as he reassured her although he was not too sure why he was trying to make her feeling better, they were alone now so she didn't need to feel awkward any more like she most likely had in the main room with two new people, even if only one of them was doing the talking.
Amelia breathed a sigh of relief inwardly as he suggested sharing a room. "That would be great." She said, her dark eyes still twinkling in the darkness. "Wow it is laid back! At my last hotel in Europe, the cleaners came in early. They seemed to come in a few times a day actually, until i complained to the management." She said, her eyebrows furrowing into a frown as she remembered the muggle boys that seemed to try and get any excuse to go to her room to make the bed or refill the drinks table etc... She had found it funny to watch them attempting to flirt with her but at the same time not knowing what to say, but it had got slightly unnerving towards the end of her stay in the hotel. She wondered where the bathroom was, for she believed that she looked a mess, after the day out. Glancing around, she smiled at Mark again. The other room had felt slightly awkward for her, but not she felt comfortable with just Mark again.

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