Closed Meddling with the Future

Tempest Vero

Trying To Be Good But Still Better Than You 💋✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 15 Inch Unyielding Silver lime Wand with Doxy Wing Core
5/2047 (16)
Tempest looked inside the trophy case and stared at the plaque that bore her name from her one successful feat at duelling. She had sucked the past few years, but the Slytherin was determined to kick everyone else down these last two years. She had the guts, she just needed the determination. The Slytherin glanced over and saw the Halloween costume winners, the one time she and June had one, and let out a disgusted sound. Her cat costume was awful, and she can't believe she was seen in public like that. The sixth year really wanted to just steal the plaque so no one would ever know and stared at the case, wondering if she should just break the glass or attempt to unlock it. It couldn't be that easy, could it?
Santiago wanted to get out of the castle. He needed some fresh air and he knew cutting through the trophy room could save him some time. He wasn't sure where his final destination was, the lawn? The lake? Maybe he'd go all the way out to the cliffs. But as desperate as he felt he slowed and eventually stopped when he saw Tempest looking at the trophy case. He didn't know her well but he had seen her hang out with June before. He knew he should probably ignore her but his curiosity got the better of him. He walked up behind her quietly. "Reminiscing on past victories?" he asked smugly when he spotted the dueling plaque with her name on it.
Tempest was a bit startled by Santiago. She recognized him from classes but had never really talked to him much. Of course, why would she need to interact with a Gryffindor much? "Uh, yeah, totally," she said, realizing he was recognizing her dueling plaque. It was from a few years back, and she didn't want to seem like she was hanging onto a victory when she had been defeated so easily the past few years. It felt like she didn't try much, but she was determined to do better this year. "Just getting inspired to come back and kick everyone's butt this year. Is your name anywhere here?" she asked, trying to place herself in front of the awards for costumes in hopes he didn't see or remember why her name was next to June's.
Santiago raised an eyebrow at Tempest's reply. Her words were meant to be casual but he sensed maybe she was trying a little to hard for them to be genuine. But he kept those thoughts to himself and what she said next felt more like he expected. "I don't doubt you'll be a force to be reckoned with." he said with an easy and genuine grin. He had faced off against her during their first year in the tournament and remembered his defeat quite well. "You'll have to get through June first." he said with a dry laugh. "Unless I knock her out first." he added with a smug expression and a casual shrug, thinking again to that first year when he had at least gotten through that first round. But he had to scoff when she asked if his name was anywhere. "No. I'm not the award winning type."
Tempest gave a less than genuine laugh in response to Santiago's comment about June. "As long as someone takes her out," she joked. "I feel like it's gonna be a competitive year," she said. The Slytherin squinted her eyes when Santiago said he wasn't an award winning kind of person. It seemed like an odd thing to say about yourself, as if he didn't believe in himself enough. "What does that even mean?" she asked, curiously. Everyone had the chance to win an award - you just had to be the best.

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