Me wants Fam-Fam =D

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Madlyn Ateara

Part Giantess (7'6) 🦉 CoMC 3-4 🦁 Mother of 2
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Chayton's ❤
So I decided to advertise to be Madlyn Magera family, its a small family and I ♥ ^^ except my oldest sistah xD. Anyways here what I have available to be made, remember your dealing with a half-giant daughter! It will be fun and minor to play? O.O LOL


Jackson Margera
-42 Years old
-Retired Auruor
-Paralyze after a fatal accident, but miraculously getting better
Muggel World: Former Biologist, Hydrographer

Iris Margera
-Mother 41 Years old -Ex Professor in Orion Academy
Muggel World: Former Environmentalists and Researcher (That's why Madlyn don't mind science)


Mandela Margera
-Oldest sister, 18 Year old
-Uni student
-Living in NYC


Jackie Margera
-Youngest sister, 6 Year old
-Little witch
-Living at home

I think her mom taken I'm not sure yet but anyways post if you like to play someone! Its mostly all girls and her father ^^ one of her best friend part giant that role up to but I'm just more interested in those people up there first!
Aww Melly sure you can! I think she sweet to!
Her PB is Mackenzie Aladjem
=D thanks doll!
I'd love to take Mandela! If she is still available ^_^
Oh look at my little Jackie =O such a darling *pinches cheeks* ^^ hee hee

Sure Brit =O I was gonna change her first name to Mandy or something else but you can make my stuck up sister ^^ her pb is Christina Milian I believe thanks again the both of you ^^;
I think Mandela suits her :) maybe Mandy as a nickname? Sounds great! I'll make her soon ^_^
Thanks Mandela it is =)

Posted her here when you make her name that way it won't get confusing to me Brit ^^;
Thanks a bunches!!!

I just need one more to play the papa Jackson Margera!!!

His playby is Gil Birmingham! If anyone interested in the role post here. I'm not picky but a simple role player =D even first time playing a man is welcome LOL xD. Okay! Thanks a bunches
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