Maybe I'll Be

OOC First Name


Where did all the school year go to. First Greyson was dreading coming to Hogwarts New Zealand. God he couldn't even talk his father into letting him go somewhere more exciting like England or the United States. But now as the classes(what classes Greyson barely paid attention nonetheless attended classes) were coming to an end and the weeks were closing in until summer ran free, this Slytherin boy had not reached any of his own goals previously set. He hadn't made a small knit group of friends in which he called himself the leader. Actually this blue eyed boy hadn't made any friends at all. Something had to be wrong with that. At his old school he was Mr. popular. Mr. in charge. Mr. feared. Mr. Loved. Mr. Right. Now what was he. Just another eleven year old boy dressed in a green uniform. Something had to be done about this, but certainly Greyson was in the middle wondering where to go. Up and he would conquer. Down and he would fail. Up however would require a slight change in attitude. He couldn't be such a, well what was the right word for what he was. Honestly, Greyson wasn't sure what he was. He was another face in the crowd yet he was that face that mocked all the other faces. He didn't belong in a crowd. He belonged on top. he belonged in a leader ship position. He belonged to be of higher power. At least up until this point as the young boy in a blue shirt thought was where he belonged.

Laying down on the grass, his blondish brown hair meshing with the bright green glass. His blue eyes gleaming in the sunlight brought out more in colour but his matching blue shirt. How he loved being in muggle clothes. How horrible was that? Well better than being in a dumb uniform all the time. At least his high priced clothing and decent fashion sense put him out of the crowd ever so slightly. That wouldn't be enough though. Greyson had to come up with a better plan. A bigger plan. Something that would have everyone in the school from first years to seventh years from professors to the groundskeeper all knowing his name. The only difficult part was coming up with said plan.

Deep down this blonde haired boy knew what he must do. He would have to make friends. Find his way into a group of people either much like himself or nothing like him at all. The first option would lead to the whole group becoming head of the school. The second however would make Greyson an easy shot to prey on the less fortunate. Either way would work. Right now he just knew that to accomplish such a thing, he needed to meet people. How would this happen. Certainly not in classes. Classes were a bore. Nothing important ever learned. Why did he even bother waking up for them when he sat in the back twirling his wand in between his fingers or doodling on a piece of paper. "Such a waste of time" He muttered to himself as he gently sat up running his fingers through his hair messing it up a bit more.

Extending his legs and propping himself up with his forearms, Greyson let out a breath. Maybe getting to where he assumed he would just be placed in the social ladder of Hogwarts New Zealand would be more different than he had first planned. Now it was indeed time for action.


Lyrics By Rocket To The Moon. Graphics By Me
Hyacin was out for today to enjoy the atmosphere her feet led her to Lawn where her mood was fit. She stood straight and inhaled. She could spell the autumn breeze ... she missed her mom. It seems a long time when she entered Hogwarts. She thought that studying in Hogwarts would be the best for her. It is really great but her mom was the problem. Hyacin's mom was against her education as a witch 'cause her mom wanted to turn and forget after the accident that happened to her father a long time ago. She really don't understand why does her father's death became the hindrance of her mother's relation to the wizarding world. At the start of the term Hyacin decided to forget about the outside world to move on and have a life but still she missed her mother and after the school year they will see each other again.

As she is walking she saw someone who is lying on the grass and decided to give him privacy though the curiosity and the eagerness to gain friend overflowed her. oh well, she thought. She walked toward the boy and sat not far from him. "Hmm.. Hi! I just want to break you privacy and enter you silent world,I'm Hyacin by the way" she said and gestured her hands waiting for him to shake hands with her.
Greyson was in his own little world as he heard a voice of a girl about his age directed towards him. His blue eyes shifted over in her direction quickly taking in her appearance and analyzing her voice. Almost too peppy yet shy possibly He thought remember his thoughts moments before about making a friend or two. He had to make friends. Hogwarts New Zealand as a loner was certainly not how he was going to spend the next seven years at this school. Was it seven years? This slytherin boy wasn't sure how many more years. Actually he didn't really care at this moment.

Placing a smile on his face, the young boy shook the brunette's hand. "Nice to meet you Hyacin" He said letting go of her hand moments after. "I'm Greyson if you wanted to know" He continued on trying to make a conversation begin, a friendly conversation. This young boy had never had to actually be friendly and boy did it require a lot of effort on his part. Was it this hard for everyone.

The breeze blew softly as Greyson's mind wrapped around the thoughts of a friendly cohversation. "So what brings you out on this lovely autumn day?" The Slytherin boy asked thinking that this question might be just spark the conversation that was needed. Step one: meet someone. Complete.
Hyacin was relieved that the boy named Greyson shook her hands.She thought that he may just ignore her because he was totally unfamiliar.Hyacin noticed that the boy's eyes are blue and stare at it for a sec. She also wanted to be blue-eyed. Greyson asked Hyacin something, "Huh? aa! yes. uhm, the climate is great and it's my ideal day. How about you? Do you like the weather too?" she asked stammering a little. Hyacin looked around while the air tangled her hair. She combed it using her hair."Are you a slytherin? uhm, 'cause you look like one. Are you alone or your waiting for someone? I could leave if you did. " Hyacin said earnestly. She put a smile and said, " I'm sorry for all the questions I'm really naughty aren't I?" while shaking her head.
Greyson waited for the girl with that strange name to speak. For a brief second he worried about already messing up the conversation before mentally yelling at himself for worrying. Why on earth would he worry about such a stupid thing nonetheless anything at all. No he needed to attempt to be nice and if it didn't work move on. It wouldn't be him who failed but the person who couldn't hold a conversation with him.

Finally the girl spoke. She spoke of climate. Oh god she is talking about the weather Greyson thought holding back the strong urge to roll his eyes. Instead he smiled at the young girl. "I just needed some time out of that castle" He said glancing back at the castle for a slight moment before bringing his eyes back to the girl remembering that eye contact was rather important when it cameto holding a decent conversation.

Ignoring the topic of weather, Greyson moved oto the questions that seemed to just fail out Hyacin's mouth. The question or more comment about Slytherin caught him by surprise. No one had come right out and noted his slytherin behavior. Afterall this conversation held not an ounce of his Slytherin behavior. Not letting it show that he was surprised or caught off gaurd, Greyson choose his words wisely. "Yes I do happen to be in Slytherin. What house do you find yourself in?" He questioned not really caring. Houses never mattered for him. Never will and never would. "And yes I am alone. Well not now" He said smiling once more. "But the company is nice" He finished up. Looking away, Greyson focused on a few students running about in the fields of green. Moments passed, before he refocused on the young girl wanting to comment about her last comment but deciding it wasn't quite best to say what was on his mind. Instead he decided to take another path. "The questions are fine Hyacin" He paused just slightly. "How else will you get to know someone if not to ask questions"
Hyacin looked away she didn't want to see those eyes again but smiled a little to show that she appreciated him being a gentleman,if that's the correct word. She looked at the ground and answered his question," I'm a hufflepuff." She shifted her position a more comfortable one since her back hurts a little. She sighed,the wind was making her hair untidy but she pay no mind. She let the wind to tangle her locks. Silenced passed and her hair was like a forest now, Urrgghh, she thought as she combed it with her hand. "that's why I hate my curls," she said almost to herself. She looked at Greyson and apologized or her behavior, "oh! I'm sorry. It's rude to hate my hair,isn't it?" she managed a laugh and went back to untangled her hair. Bad thing she forgot to bring her comb.

She let her hair down since the wind doesn't help her at all and tried to continue a conversation to Greyson 'cause the silence was a little awkward."So, uhm .. do you have a sister or a brother here?" she asked doesn't really know fshe is talking sense she just wanted to break the silence and to know a little bi about her knew friend, if that's the term.
Greyson was a very observate person. How else would he get to where he wanted to be in life. Not paying attention lead the downfall of many. Greyson was determined not to be one of these. So when Hyacin looked away, Greyson couldn't help but notice. However being only eleven years old, he hadn't the slightly clue why she looked away. Once more it lead him to believe the conversation was failing. Why was it so hard to make such a simple conversation. Keep trying. Friends. you need friends remember The common sense voice spoke instead the mind of the blue eyed Slytherin boy.

Letting out an almost unaudible sigh, Greyson let the silence fill the gap. He thought about the fact that this young girl was in Hufflepuff. Would that be a problem. Not at all. Actually Greyson never paid any mind to houses. It was dumb in his mind. Only he could be the jugde of someone. Not a dumb hat that seemed to have all the attention. Attention that Greyson secretly and actually at times not so secretly craved.

The girl named Hyacin spoke of her hair. Right away Greyson knew how to handle this situation. His father had taught him a thing or two. "It isn't rude. We all dislike something about ourselves" He said with a soft smile. "Like take my nose for example. Goodness it should take up its own state" He said with a laughing tone, actually letting a chuckle out towards the end. Obviously there was nothing wrong with Greyson's nose. The boy was cute. At least that was what all the girls in his old school called him, that along with a few other terms. Though rules of the game went you have to have something to dislike about yourself to make someone else feel better about their own flaws. "Anyway. There is nothing wrong with your hair." He finished with yet another one of his classic smiles. He was being nice. Nice lead to friends. He had this at least he hoped so.

Sitting up fully, Greyson turned to face the girl just a tad bit more. The conversation hopefully was starting up. He mentally wanted to cross his fingers but knew doing so would be not only lame but unproductive. "I am an only child actually. Just me and my dad. Not the biggest family but it works" Greyson said not going into too much detail. If Hyacin wanted to know she would ask, if not, not telling his life story would be completely fine with this young boy. "Do you have siblings then? or even other relatives that attend this school?"
Hyacin nodded to show that she was listening. Hyacin is a good listener that is her best attitude that made her friends comfortable to say something or to open up. "I am an only child actually. Just me and my dad. Not the biggest family but it works" Hyacin suddenly felt sad. She then remembered her mom. What she'll tell Greyson? I'm the only child,too. but it isn't working, she sighed heavily. After his father's death, Hyacin can't feel her mom's presence she was always excluded to her mom's world. Hyacin shook off the thought on her head before she couldn't handle it. She listened as Greyson speak but was lost in thought that she hadn't realized that he said something.
"huh?! oh! yeah, I have but we often see each other. She's my cousin Schuyler Campbell, do you know her?" Hyacin don't supposed that Greyson knew Schuyler because she doesn't leave her dorm if necessary. Hyacin don't want to ask the question on her mind but the curiosity always make her so annoying, "Hope you don't mind, uhm, where's your mom ?"Hyacin wanted to know more about this boy with a pair of eyes she really loves but Hyacin also know that she must respect whatever the boy would say.
Greyson wondered what was so bad about being an only child. Hyacin didn't seem to like it. As she had stated herself it wasn't working. Would it be best to pry? The slytherin boy always wanted to know, not for the sake of caring so much as for the sake of taming his curiousity. "Why isn't it working if you don't mind me asking?" Greyson asked softly not wanting to push the topic too far, but knowing tone of voice was everything. Soft voices represented comfort. Something that this young blue eyed boy imagined would do well in such a situation as this.

As Hyacin seemed to tune into her own world, Greyson couldn't help but get a little bit angry. Keeping it under the covers and not showing it an ounce, he passed it off. If she didnt' want to listen to him whatever. He didn't care. Yet some voice deep down barely audible at all claimed that this was incorrect. That this shaggy haired boy did mind ever so slightly. Mentally shaking that thought he smiled as the young girl mentioned her cousin. "No sorry can't say I have met or even heard of her" Greyson said not knowing many people, but not really wanting to admit it. Maybe he would have to start going to classes. Start getting to know people that way. The thought almost made the young boy laugh aloud, but luckily he prevented himself.

The question of his mother came up. Share the story but don't be bitter Greyson thought knowing than an ounce of bitterness would ruin things. Would make him seem weak. Make him seem like he cared. Which he didn't. At least this young boy wouldn't let himself care. It was his mother's fault she left him and his dad. Pathetic muggle giving up magic and her only son. Pathetic. Greyson didn't know where she ended up. Didn't know if she married again a muggle or wizard. Didn't know if she had more kids or anything. Greyson tried not to care so much. He tried not to care at all.

Putting a mask on his face, not a smile, not a sad face, nothing. He began to speak. "My Mum left when I was younger. Decided she couldn't handle me and my dad anymore. Her loss" Greyson finished ruffling his hair a tad bit making it even messier. Though his hair was always messy. Messy just as it looked natural and actually decent that way.
Hyacin turned from his rosy cheeks to a pale white when Greyson asked about her mom. Even Hyacin don't know if she hated her mom or just not contented about her mom. Hyacin sigh, it became a habit for her if she's a little stressed or when she felt sad. "I don't even know how to say it in a way that I could explain it to you,"she said then looked at Greyson then continue,"Okay, my mom hates me for being a witch though she's one. She don't want me to be here. She hated herself for being a witch and hated me as well." She looked down. Hyacin played with a grass, she tore it in many little pieces as a short silence accompanied the wind. Hyacin understand that Greyson haven't heard nor knew about her cousin because Schuyler wasn't socializing with any one but her.

Hyacin continued to play with the grass as she was listening to Greyson's little story about her mom. She suddenly felt sorry for him but doesn't really know if she's lucky to have a mom.Hyacin don't know what's better, having a mom who hated and despised you or a mom who left you? "Oh,sorry.," is what Hyacin said. She can't decide how to comfort Greyson. "Do you want to talk about it?" Hyacin asked not wanting to push through but she just wanted to know the feeling of her new friend.

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