Maybe a friend?

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Fiona Kovac

Or something?

I haven't put much thought into Fiona yet, but I do know she requires a bit of activity before the dust begins to collect. She is married, with one child. She likes to read; has an open mind; possibly enjoys walking; and works hard.

I don't know if something between Aurors could happen? A day at work or something? :erm:

I'm looking for ideas mostly. Thanks to anyone who replies.
I can do something, like I have Seamus Finnigan and he's divorced and he's about 40ish( I think, I forgot LOL ) but we could be like 2 friends that need to catch up because we haven't see eachother in a while?
We could give it a go. :)

Six years is too much for them to have been friends at school. So possibly something work related?
Sure, that sounds good :) , or they could've met from his ex wife who was about Fionas age, and we can just like pretend we know what happened in eachothers lives. LOL.
We could say they know about certain parts, as they may pass each other at work; or have ate lunch a few times. :erm:

Do you have a way they could meet this time around?
Maybe Seamus could recognize Fiona somewhere, like maybe in a coffee shop and then they can just say hi and get along with the convo? :)
My head is not with things at the moment, so that seems good. I'm on rather sporadically, so it won't be a fast role-play. :p

Who shall be in the coffee shop first? Or, who posts first? :lol:
Julie could have told him that, I'm guessing after?
Sorry about the double post :)
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