Closed Mastering The Mind Part One

June Davenport

The best student and prefect, obviously ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
After finishing her OWLS and be named top point earner once more, there was no holiday yet for June. During the break she had something which not everyone would start or succeed in. She knew it was gonna be hard work, but she was confident she would be succesfull. There was nothing she couldn't do she believed. And she was very strong mentally, mostly because she experianced a lot from young age on. And had to endure a lot of emotional pain, but was also taught to be strong and work hard. So far she was closed off about her true feelings and nobody knew of her parents and her childhood on school. June was an closed book in that kind of stuff, not so much with the rest. The person she would meet today, with his abilities would not be fooled so easily by June she was sure. So she was prepared, perhaps even an bit nervous. But thought of the greater goal in this for herself.

It was an shame that Professor Styx would leave Hogwarts. June only had one year of lessons from the man, an previous head of house from Slytherin and although the man had an strange look and kind of scary one. He also interested June. Although she liked Castillo more. Misha had helped her with making an appointment with the man, since she wanted to learn the art of Legilimency and her grades were well enough. So she wanted something more. June hoped the man would want to teach her, she was willing to work very hard for it. So as she came to the place where they would meet she looked around for not Professor Styx, but Mister Styx now? Not sure how to call him. Than she noticed him, not hard to miss. June slowly walked towards him. Knowing very well that he was not Castillo. '' Hello Professo- I mean Mister Styx.'' June said with an short smile. '' I'm June Davenport.'' The blonde spoke. Figuring to just directly point out, in case he didn't got her name right from Misha.'' I'm here to speak to you about learning the art of Legilimency.'' The blonde said and looked at him, keeping her face straight.
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Styx honestly left the school for the second, and last, time. He was done dealing with teenagers and wanted to get back to his family now that he had calmed down about his grandson marrying that little trouble maker Liusaidh. She produced an heir, so that was something useful out of her. Styx had escorted a few of his members to the shops only because his son Loki would end up coming back to Hogwarts New Zealand for some reason. He wouldn't ask questions - he did not care. He made this whole meeting another student coincide with his timing already out and about because he was not going to take time out of his day for a 'maybe' worthy student.

How was it that even when he quit, he still had to be approached for something like this? Aine Thompson was enough of a headache for him, but even he was amused with the mental turmoil that he put her through. That was a perk when teaching Legilimency and Occlumency. He glanced over his shoulder as he heard the girl he might be teaching approach him. She introduced herself and was rather blunt. "Give me three reasons why I should take time out of my life to teach you Legilimency," Styx's onyx eyes stared down at her, his tone of voice cold - more so than it was when he taught.
The blonde was not afraid to show confidence to others, she learned to be confident from her parents. And she really felt like it too. But as she waited for Mister Styx to answer, she wondered if he already read her mind. She had to be so carefull in what she thought. But she also figured it would be so amazing if she would be able to do so herself. He was straight to the point to in his response and June didn't mind that. But if he wanted to know he could just take an look inside her mind right? But June was taking this seriously. She was the perfect student, straight O'S and wanted to work very hard. Why wouldn't he teach her? But the fact that he wasn't an professor anymore and now not teaching inside the castle walls made him perhaps feel like he wanted to use his time usefull. But she felt an bit nervous in a way, because she wanted this and if June wanted something it was not going out of her sight. And she was for sure the best student out there. '' Okay.'' June said. '' I'm an proud Slytherin student, who have an very strong work ethic, so I will take this very seriously and work very hard to be able to learn the art of Legilimency.'' She watched Styx with her green/brownish eyes an serious expression on her face. '' You can see my hard work ethic in my achievements on Hogwarts. I'm a prefect, and multiple top point earner. I'm willing to spend my break on this, instead of holiday. Because I am ambitious to learn and challenge myself, next to the classes on Hogwarts '' The blonde said shortly with an serious face. '' I invite you to look in my mind, to see what I tell is true and decided for yourself. It's not just sales talk.'' June said straightforward.'' There is even more to see, than I don't want people to see or know… but you can.” The blonde said. “ I’m risking that. So I hope you will take an chance on me.” June said. “ It also gives an answer to why Misha adopted me and send me to you today.'' The blonde said, wondering if there would be an tiny part that was curious. Misha knew how well of an student she was, an June asked him for help who were able to teach her this. And Styx was the best, she had heard. So June just hoped he would give her an chance. If not he would spend his retired days otherwise. And she will seek another.
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Styx raised an eyebrow when she started to go on about her accomplishments. His onyx eyes studied her as she boasted about her top points earner and such. She even offered to look into her mind to see for himself. There was a problem with that. Styx did not need to look into her mind to see whether or not she was worth it. To him, his time was much more valuable than someone who tried too hard to achieve meaningless awards. It was all for self glory and was not exactly useful in the outside world. That was why he never cared for house points when he was the Slytherin Head of House. He looked for values, morals, whatever it was to uphold the Slytherin name. This girl was ambitious, but nothing truly spoke out to him to bring himself out of retirement to teach someone again. "Of course Haden would want to send a stray out to me," Styx muttered in Bulgarian. He pressed his gloved fingers to his temple as he had to remember to switch back to English.

"It'll take more than breaks and holidays to master this skill. If you are taking all courses, which I assume you are because of the whole top points achievements, you won't have time to master Legilimency." She would have to really train while no one was at the school to continue with lessons. Aine Thompson was his last pupil, and she had responsibilities, but did not take every course. She had more time to devote herself to Occlumency, and managed to get it. "I'll have my grandson contact you. I taught him and he has mastered the skill. I personally don't see anything in you that is worth my time to bounce between here and Bulgaria." Styx turned his back on the Slytherin prefect and walked away, then apparated out.

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