Married Pringle?

Felix Styx

d i s t r a c t e d
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Curved 17 Inch Swishy Larch Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
Felix walked into the trophy room. It held some... interesting memories for him. Most of the things that ever happened to him happened in this room. He wasn't sure what it was about this room that always made things happen, but there was just something. Rolling his eyes as he ran his hands over the trophies, he discovered one in the pile that made him pause. It was the trophy that he'd thrown when... well, it had been a very interesting day indeed. Smiling at the thought, Felix sat on the ground with his back to the door, a can of Pringles in his hand. He was bored and he just needed a breather. Seventh year was a pain in the ass. He didn't want to do his NEWTs, not really. He'd just come from studying in the library, he didn't think he could even look at another book again. He was so done.
James had never been happier but despite that, he still had a lot of pressure on him with lessons, Quidditch and prefect duties so the Gryffindor still needed to sneak away from everything to decompress and when he did that he often found himself gravitating to the trophy room. The room had some weird memories for him, the whole thing with Felix being one then there was his run-in with Aion which had been amusing and probably the only time he had been civil to the former Ravenclaw. James found himself in the trophy room once again and true to form he wasn't alone. "Oh, hey," He said spotting Felix.
Felix looked up when he heard a very distinctive voice. He turned to notice James walk into the room and choked out a laugh at the absurdity of their situation. There they were in the trophy room with a can of Pringles... again. He scooted over for the Gryffindor to join him and held out the Pringles with a smirk. "I have no ulterior motives, I swear." He added, just in case James' thoughts flashed to the same place that Felix's had. It was hard to get away from memories, no matter what the entailed. "What brings you here, hiding from Maddie?"
When James clocked the tube of pringles in Felix's hand he smirked as he flashed back to the last time the pair had been in the trophy room together. James was not interested in a repeat, not now he was with Maddie. James gave Felix a questioning look when he stated he had no ulterior motive and laughed as he reached for one. "Was never on the table anyway," James said as he popped with pringle in his mouth. He scoffed at Felix's suggestion he was hiding from Maddie. "You might feel the need to hide from your girlfriend, but as it happens I can't get enough of mine,"

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