Mark needs someone on his mind

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Mark Stone

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
Birch Wand 14 1/4"
Mark has just had a crush on a girl and has recently got over it. I now need him to get a crush on another girl. He is very chaming, although he has a sensitive and playful side. He is used to winning girls over easily so maybe someone who is slightly hard to get would be good to work him.
I can offer you up Jaden. Though I highly doubt you may not like her after the start of next year.
Sure. I don't mind only problem you will have to wait till Brightstone weekend. And as long as it doesn't progress to anything else besides a crush. You may only be a crush, possibly her stalker. But that's all xD
Well just to summon it up for you. Jaden confused about her sexual orientation. She still to young to determine that, but it may explain why she loaths Lily a lot :r
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