🌹 Rose Giving Margo Mayhem

Soren Gates

Rin- Stylish- Brave
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Poplar Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
4/15/2044 (17)
The next name on his list was also one he recognized from class. Soren smiled and made his way up to the Hufflepuff dorms, humming to himself. It was just his luck that he spotted who he was after long before he even got that far. "Margo!" He called out, hurrying after her. "Margo, wait up!" He called out, hurrying after her.
Margo was simply trying to get to her next lesson in peace. All the commotion of the day was a little much for her and while she did enjoy the holiday in theory she was ready for it to be over now. She stopped dead in her tracks when she heard someone calling her name. She turned and saw a boy she recognized from class. She smiled shyly as she waited for him to catch up to her.
Soren smiled brightly, jogging up to the girl. "Hey! I have a rose for you," he announced, holding out the golden bloom and its note.

Margo took the rose and remembered to smile at the boy to be polite. She opened the note and was unsurprised that there was hardly a note at all. At least Cameron had thought to send her a rose at all. She had almost expected him to skip her entirely. Maybe he wasn't such an idiot after all. "Um, thanks." she said, not wanted to seem ungrateful. Roses seemed like a lot of work after all.
Soren gave the girl another bright smile. "You're welcome!" He held his hand out for her. "I'm Soren. Rin. You having a good day?" He introduced himself. This was a great way to make new friends.

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