🌹 Rose Giving Maple Walnut

Winnie Calida

Queen Bee
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Curved 17 Inch Unyielding Laurel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
05/2051 (12)
Yellow rose for @Lucy Holland

Winnie knew exactly who this was, for the same reason she knew about the kids of professors. It was useful to be friendly to kids of people of importance or who had been important. She was at the ravenclaw table and spotted the girl, but didn't however immediately approach. "Lucy Holland, I'm looking for Lucy?" she called out.
After being caught with a mouth crammed with toast by her first delivery, Lucy was doing her best to eat a bit more sensibly, just in case. Inhaling delivery fuel only helped as long as you weren't choking to death whenever anyone talked to you. It paid off when Lucy heard her own name and was able to swallow her mouthful of porridge before responding. "ME!" She called out, hand shooting up as she bounced in her seat excitedly. "Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee mememememmee!"
Winnie was a little surprised by the actual reaction, but made sure to look her out as if just spotting her, and then approached. "I have a rose for you," she said, though could assume this girl knew that. she held out the yellow rose and the note with it and smiled. "Here,"

Happy Valentine's! You're a great beater and I'm glad to work with you! - Audrey
"YAAAY!" Lucy beamed, filled to the brim with joy. She loved spreading the love around the school for other people, but receiving roses herself just felt extra-special. She accepted the rose gleefully and looked at the note, heart melting a little. Audrey was the best co-beater she could ever ask for, and she felt a little bad for not including the other girl in her own rose list. It had been hard, paring it down to so few people, and she knew she'd have to do something to make it up to her teammate. "Thank you!" She added as she looked up, remembering her manners with the younger girl.
Winie glanced at the girl and gave a little smile at the reaction, it seemed a lot though genuine. "You're welcome, happy valentine's day Lucy," she said.

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