Closed Many New Things!

Eugene Nestor

passionate; musician
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Renata <3
Knotted 13" Sturdy Pear Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
09/2041 (19)
Eugene was always finding new places to go, there was always somewhere new for him to explore, he had never been one to really stay still for long, his guitar was the only thing that could keep him stationary for longer periods of time, but there was so much to explore at the school that he was just grabbing his guitar and heading to random places. Today was a little different, he was a boy on a mission, so there was no guitar on him. There was a light drizzle outside, but that wasn’t going to stop him today. In exploring the outside he had come across the quidditch pitch, a few choice books had taught him that quidditch was THE sport and it was played on brooms. Eugene didn’t think he would end up playing it but Eugene wanted to see what this flying was about. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t ever thought about how cool it would be to fly before and now he had the chance to learn. He had located an old school broom and was at the centre of the pitch. He wasn’t however sure how one actually got started. He knew he had flying lessons this semester but he didn’t want to wait for them.
Georgina knew she should be patient and wait to fly after the flying lessons because it seemed it was against the rules for first years. She thought that maybe it was a rule only for the muggleborns on the world who had only ever used a broom to clean which really was a silly thought to the girl. Georgina had been flying for years - first on a child’s broom and then graduating to a more standard broom. Now she was at Hogwarts and all she wanted to do was be in the air again. As it was raining a little today she hoped that there wouldn’t be anyone on the pitch to catch her in the act so the ginger haired girl headed down.

Upon arrival she noticed there was another person there and Georgie hoped she wasn’t caught. She walked passed him, pretending that she owned the place so that he might think she was a second year and not breaking any rules. In her experience if you acted like you belonged no one would question whether or not you did so she grabbed a rusty old broom. It was subpar quality but she wasn’t going to be playing in any league yet with this. After walking out of the storage location she saw the boy still hadn’t kicked off and she eyed him suspiciously. Perhaps neither of them were more than first years yet. She mounted the broom and kicked off until she were hovering just over the ground and flew over to him. “Are you alright?” She asked from above him.
Eugene looked up and spotted a girl hovering just over the ground in front of him. He gave a little nod, ”I’m alright, like physically, but how do you do that?” he asked, motioning from the school broom he had to her broom that was off the ground. ”I know I could wait till flying lessons…...but I just really want to try flying,” he told her. He knew that he would be careful, that he wouldn’t go too high off the ground. He just wanted to try it was impatient to know what flying felt like and if this girl could do it, and he didn’t go much higher off the ground than she did then he could do it too.
Georgina nodded in understanding while she listened to the boy talk. She couldn’t wait for lessons either - she wanted to play quidditch yesterday. But she knew Hogwarts would have a rule about first years so she didn’t bother to try out for the team even if she knew she could fly laps around some of the older students. She had always flown better than the staff her parents had taking care of the houses or taking care of her. “I’ve been flying basically since I could walk,” she told the boy to try to make him feel a bit better. It didn’t occur to her that it could sound like bragging. “Put the broom down on the ground and command it up into your hand,” she told him hoping this was clear enough as a first pointer. If the boy wanted to fly that really was the best starting point according to the adults in her life. They had said a broom is like a wand in that it would only work if it wanted to. Brooms could be ordered but wands couldn’t be - that was the primary difference between their hunks of wood. "Let me know when you've done that," she told him before deciding to warm up with a lap around the pitch. She tilted the head of her broom up so she'd be higher and then began slowly then faster going around the pitch. Her red hair was falling out of it's braid in pieces and whipping her in the face but she was thrilled to be on a broom and doing what she loved. She had fairly decent eye sight so she was able to keep an eye on the boy's success while she flew even if it wasn't a primary concern of hers. She was sympathetic though and wanted someone to fly with even if he wouldn't be able to keep up yet he showed more skill already in taking the initiative to try. Georgie liked that.
Eugene wondered what it would be like to be able to fly since you could walk. He tried to imagine himself at that age in the old flat with his mum flying around, there wouldn’t have been the space, he’d have crashed into and broken everything. It would be cool to be able to fly since you were that young. He nodded at her instructions though he wasn’t sure what she meant by command it up into your hand. He watched as she flew away before he could ask any more questions. He looked at the broom and though about what she said. Command it up into his hand. ”Get up,” he said with all the command he could put into the words. He was sure he saw it move but he wasn’t really sure about it. He continued saying the words get up and every so often it would maybe move and then be still again. He frowned at it, growing a little frustrated and the girl was a bit far away for him to ask. In the end he frustrated said, ”Up!” and on this the broom shot into his hand. Eugene grinned easily having finally managed it. He waved towards the hoping she would see that he had done it.
Georgina had been enjoying zooming around on the old school broom while looking over at the boy when she remembered to until him waving caught her eye. She smiled for him - it was surely satisfying to feel that for the first time. She could scarcely remember trying for the first time herself. She flew in the direction towards him and as she did, she maneuvered herself to have both her legs on one side of the broom until she reached him at which point she jumped onto the ground. “Solid,” she commented. Georgina said, “Mount the broom now and gently kick off the ground like… Oh what’s that muggle thing called? A circle thing?” She could scarcely remember what a bicycle was called or how it actually functioned as she spoke to the boy. It wasn’t as if it mattered anyway.

She moved backwards out of the way to watch him, hoping he wouldn’t kick off too hard and they’d end up having to go to St Mungo’s or something because they were definitely not allowed to fly and she was definitely not supposed to be teaching any one how to but Georgina couldn’t imagine not flying and felt badly for the boy and his lack of experience in the air. Hopefully her generosity wouldn’t get them both into trouble.
Eugene mounted the broom as he could see how she was, and frowned a little at what she said, Circle thing….did she mean a bike? That was the only thing he could imagine kicking off from in the way she was probably meaning it. Eugene watched as flew a little back, she was being helpful and he appreciated it, but he couldn’t help but feel like it would be good if she was more helpful. Just fractionally. Eugene knew he could ask for more details but he didn’t want her to stop helping because he had too many questions. He thought about how you kicked off with a bike and did the same kind of motion there, surprised and giving a little yelp as the broom in an uncoordinated fashion flew directly up. He wasn’t very steady and he clutched the broom tightly even as he at least didn’t move any further up. Perhaps he needed to kick off a little less next time. ”Okay, so now, I just go back to the ground and run away forever?” he joked, he was admittedly a little overwhelmed with it and a little unsure as to if he’d be able to move at all.
Georgina watched the boy as he kicked off shakily but he did it and that was the first step as far as she was concerned. She still laughed at his joke and said, “No, you just have to be more confident. If you fall it’s less than a foot off the ground so you’ll be fine.” She didn’t feel the need to mention that even if he did break a bone somehow it took zero time to fix a broken bone. “Watch.” She mounted her broom again and kicked off without too much or too little force. The grip she had on her broom was comfortable, with just enough tension so she could guide her broom. She was not gripping on for dear life like the boy seemed to be. She didn’t really know how to express to the boy what the differences between their flying was - only that he would pick it up eventually. She flew up and to the left of him - only one hand gripping the broom. She had to get used to one handed flying so she could be on the Gryffindor team next year so she took the opportunity to do so but didn’t want to tell the boy about it. He had to learn out to float before he could fly. “Do you know how to touch down?” She asked him still trying to be as helpful as she could be.
Eugene was gripping his broom tightly as he looked at the girl who began flying, and was seemingly took a hand off the broom. The boy wasn’t sure how to move forward but he very slightly leaned forward and the broom slowly move forward. He felt his grip tighten though it felt like that sound be impossible. He flew slowly, not much of the ground but he was leaning forward. Eugene sat back up fully and the broom drew to a stop. So that was how to control it. He looked back at the girl who flew down to him and he shook his head. He could imagine it took leaning down but he didn’t exactly want to look directly down at the ground or point the broom down, what if he leaned too heavily and ended up going to fast and crashing. He knew magic probably could fix things up easier but he didn’t want to force it. He looked back at the girl hoping she could give advice or wisdom on how best to go about getting back to the ground.

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